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Message started by Ranger753 on May 3rd, 2012 at 5:39pm

Title: A Painful Hello
Post by Ranger753 on May 3rd, 2012 at 5:39pm
This is my first time and I never knew there were this many people that lived the hell I do. After years of crying like a baby, banging my head against the wall and begging for someone to shoot me to relieve the pain I finally met a woman that cared and a Neurologist that knew what he was doing. It took me eating Motrin like skittles for three days with no relief and finally seizing at work for people to figure out I was serious....LOL. Well I am at my wits end now, I lost that job because of the headaches, they said I was just laying out not wanting to work. I have never wished anything bad on anyone in my life but I really would like that witch to expierence a day in hell, But back on the subject. I have gone down the road with all the treatments I can think of along with my Neuro from oxygen, Topomax, Reglan, DHE, Imitrex, being injected in the Occipital Lobe of my brain which lasted exactly six weeks. Is there anything else I can try???? Please....HELP!!!!

Title: Re: A Painful Hello
Post by vietvet2tours on May 3rd, 2012 at 6:26pm

Ranger753 wrote on May 3rd, 2012 at 5:39pm:
This is my first time and I never knew there were this many people that lived the hell I do. After years of crying like a baby, banging my head against the wall and begging for someone to shoot me to relieve the pain I finally met a woman that cared and a Neurologist that knew what he was doing. It took me eating Motrin like skittles for three days with no relief and finally seizing at work for people to figure out I was serious....LOL. Well I am at my wits end now, I lost that job because of the headaches, they said I was just laying out not wanting to work. I have never wished anything bad on anyone in my life but I really would like that witch to expierence a day in hell, But back on the subject. I have gone down the road with all the treatments I can think of along with my Neuro from oxygen, Topomax, Reglan, DHE, Imitrex, being injected in the Occipital Lobe of my brain which lasted exactly six weeks. Is there anything else I can try???? Please....HELP!!!!

Tell me about these injections in the brain please.


Title: Re: A Painful Hello
Post by Guiseppi on May 3rd, 2012 at 7:54pm
Welcome to the board Ranger. Is that neuro you're working with a headache specialist neuro? We have seen the best results from doing so.  I’ve had CH for 33 years, they haven’t killed me yet! You need an organized approach to managing them so they don’t manage your life. I use a 3 pronged approach, many use a similar approach:

1: A good prevent med. A med I take daily, while on cycle, to reduce the number and intensity of my attacks. I use lithium, it blocks 60-70% of my attacks. Verapamil is the most common first line prevent, You've already tried Topomax, not at all unusual for a med to work for one and not for another. Always keep an open mind and be willing to keep trying until you find the med or combo of meds that works for you. Some have to combine lithium and verapamil together to get relief.

2: A transitional med. Most prevents will take up to 2 weeks to become effective. I go on a prednisone taper, from 80 mg to zero over a two week period to give me a break while my prevent builds up. Prednisone will provide up to 100% relief for many CH’ers but is harsh on the system and should only be used for short periods of time.

3: An abortive therapy, the attack starts, now what? Oxygen should be your first line abortive. Breathing pure 02 will abort an attack for me in less then 10 minutes, that’s completely pain free. Read this link as it must be used correctly or it will not work. Many who said oxygen didn't work for them found by changing HOW they used it made it an effective abortive.

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Imitrex nasal spray and injectables are very effective abortives. I use the injectables, they’re expensive, and I rarely use them, mostly just when I get caught away from the oxygen. I've never injected it in my head...OUCH!!! The pill form generally works too slow to be effective for CH’ers.

Go to the medications section of this board and read the post "123 pain free days and i think I know why." It’s a vitamin/mineral/fish oil supplement, all over the counter stuff, that’s providing a lot of relief for people who have tried it, it’s a long read, worth the time.

For now, get some energy drinks. Rock Star, Monster, any containing the combo of caffeine and taurine, chug it down as fast as you can when you feel an attack starting. Many can abort or at least really reduce an attack using these.

Finally, visit our sister board for “alternative” treatment methods outside of mainstream medicine. As you’ll see from all the success stories on this board, there is something to it.

For CH'ers, knowledge is your best ally, we'll help allw e can.


Title: Re: A Painful Hello
Post by Bob Johnson on May 4th, 2012 at 10:56am
Please tell us where you live. Follow the next line to a message which explains why knowing your location and your medical history will help us to help you.

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Some specific info on dosing of the various meds, how long on each one, etc. would help so that we don't just shotgun suggestions in a random fashion.

Is your doc a headache specialist? At this stage, his seems to have tried much but deep skill is helpful when you hit the wall.


1. Search the OUCH site (button on left) for a list of recommended M.D.s.

2. Yellow Pages phone book: look for "Headache Clinics" in the M.D. section and look under "neurologist" where some docs will list speciality areas of practice.

3.  Call your hospital/medical center. They often have an office to assist in finding a physician. You may have to ask for the social worker/patient advocate.

4. START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE; On-line screen to find a physician.

5. START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE Look for "Physician Finder" search box. They will send a list of M.D.s for your state.I suggest using this source for several reasons: first, we have read several messages from people who, even seeing neurologists, are unhappy with the quality of care and ATTITUDES they have encountered; second, the clinical director of the Jefferson (Philadelphia) Headache Clinic said, in late 1999, that upwards of 40%+ of U.S. doctors have poor training in treating headache and/or hold attitudes about headache ("hysterical female disorder") which block them from sympathetic and effective work with the patient; third, it's necessary to find a doctor who has experience, skill, and a set of attitudes which give hope of success. This is the best method I know of to find such a physician.

6. START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE NEW certification program for "Headache Medicine" by the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties, an independent, non-profit, professional medical organization.
        Since this is a new program, the initial listing is limited and so it should be checked each time you have an interest in locating a headache doctor.

Your age? If 40ish or older, the issue shifts to the potential for a number of disorders which mimic Cluster but which are not headache disorders.

Title: Re: A Painful Hello
Post by japanzaman on May 6th, 2012 at 11:08am
Keep your chin up, Ranger! You've only just scratched the surface of the available treatments for cluster headaches. I'd recommend you read up on this site for more info and make sure the doctor you're seeing is knowledgeable in headaches (not all neuros are). Just a couple things about your treatment.

1. Oxygen is tricky to get right, and takes some trial and error. Don't give up on it just because it didn't work a few times. You might need more flow, or a better mask.

2. Prednisone or a similiar steriod can be useful to halt the attacks for a while and give other treatments time to work. For some like me, it can even break up a cycle.

3. Vitamin D3. I have yet to have a full cluster since starting taking 5000UI a day of Vitamin D3. Look up the topic on the message board for the full details.

4. Verapamil is another popular and effective preventative med that you should look into. Dosage and timing can sometimes be tricky, so don't give up right away!

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