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Message started by Callico on Dec 19th, 2011 at 7:46pm

Title: Our Government attacks our religious freedom again
Post by Callico on Dec 19th, 2011 at 7:46pm
Walter Reed Hospital banned the Bible or religious articles from being brought to our troops.  Political Correctness has run amok again.

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Fortunately Steve King heard about it and did something.


Title: Re: Our Government attacks our religious freedom again
Post by Karla on Dec 20th, 2011 at 11:59am
Way to go! So glad congress did something.

Title: Re: Our Government attacks our religious freedom again
Post by Callico on Dec 20th, 2011 at 10:53pm
The problem is there is absolutely no good reason Congress should have had to do something!  Whoever was responsible for this injustice should be court martialed, demoted with prejudice, and cashiered.  Nothing less is satisfactory.

It is an absolute travesty of justice that we must provide special diets, full religious rights and all the trappings of their practice to captured terrorists (which we should), but then we deny our own servicemen and women in our own military hospitals on our own soil the privileges of worship that is guaranteed them by our own Constitution.  We have NO obligation to provide it to an illegitimate enemy, but we do and then deny our own to whom we DO have an obligation to provide for.  Sometimes I wonder which side of the war our government is on.

Stepping off my soapbox for now.  (Probably not for long. LOL)


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