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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications,  Treatments,  Therapies >> Vtamin E shots

Message started by British Isles on Oct 9th, 2011 at 3:14pm

Title: Vtamin E shots
Post by British Isles on Oct 9th, 2011 at 3:14pm
I've had these CH for 15 years and I've tried damn near everything on the market with no relief. O2 has been the closest thing to combat these evil things. I went to an acupuncturist to see if they had any idea on how to help me. They put a few needles in me and that didn't work too well so I went back and they did the same thing but they gave me shots of vitamin E. I ended up getting 4 shots of 1cc of vitamin E, 2 to the nerve above my eye and 2 to the nerve in my temple. You have to find an acupuncturist with an MD title because if they don't have MD title they can't give shots to their patients. I did not have the CH that year so I did it again this year and so far I'm winning the battle!!! I do not get CH all year long, they usually start in late August and last for 3 months and I get 3 a day and each one lasts 3 hours.
I hope this helps others that have these evil things.

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