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Message started by anthony g on Sep 22nd, 2011 at 7:51pm

Title: verapamil side effect?
Post by anthony g on Sep 22nd, 2011 at 7:51pm
Hey all
I am on 360 verap a day. I have reg ekg's and all is fine. I have a strange side effect from the drug i get numbing in my left thigh. It like a tingling  sometimes a bit burning very strange.
just wondered if anyone else has numbing with the med?

Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by Brew on Sep 22nd, 2011 at 10:35pm
All I ever got was constipation and my middle thigh lost its way, if you get my drift...

Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by Pfunk on Sep 22nd, 2011 at 11:04pm
I too thought the constipation wasthe worst of the side effects until I seemed to start getting hit almost immediately afer the medicine started working(thus I had to start taking topamax instead). This sucked as topamax has some unpleasant side effects of its own. But yes there was also some numbness and/or tingling in and around my left thigh area while on verap.

Pfunk 8-)

Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by Aliza on Sep 26th, 2011 at 4:10am
Not everyone who takes the medication will have problems but still many of us get affected by Verapamil.There are certainly many side effects of Verapamil such as Chest pain,an irregular heart rhythm or a slow heart rate,heart attacks or strokes etc..

Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by coach_bill on Sep 26th, 2011 at 7:42pm

Why in the world would i take a blood pressure med (verapamil) or a med for seizures (topamax ) when i dont have either one?? 

Coach bill

Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by jon019 on Sep 26th, 2011 at 8:42pm

Imagine you are NOT a stump that needs blowing UP!

Then imagine you have angina...

Then imagine taking an explosive (nitroglycerine)...ah, relief....

Surely you jest.... ;)

Best, bp problems....960mg/dy verapamil.....

Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by Callico on Sep 26th, 2011 at 11:39pm
I found relief with Kudzu after having issues with Verap.  As with anything else YMMV.


Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by Mike NZ on Sep 27th, 2011 at 3:12am
If standing on my head whilst singing the "Bohemian Rhapsody" backwards worked I'd do it.

It's not too hard in comparison to use verapamil, vitamin D and oxygen in comparison.

Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by Imitrex4Breakfast on Sep 28th, 2011 at 12:59am
I just wanted to add that I also had intolerable side effects from Verapamil at 'only' 480 mg a day. My heart rate slowed to 28 beats per minute and that was when I was up moving around ! An ER doc stopped it immediately and called my neuro at 2 am and said 'No More' or I wouldn't live thru it :(

Also, I'd lick the bugs off my cars front bumper everyday if it would stop and prevent cluster attacks  ;)

Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by coach_bill on Oct 5th, 2011 at 5:13pm
Hey jon,

960mg a day... Wow you might get the cluster award for highest dose of verap a day!!!! 

Hows the headaches jon??  I hope at 960mg your cluster problems are a thing of the past.  Boom!!!

Keep your eye on the Ball..
Coach Bill

Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by jon019 on Oct 5th, 2011 at 9:05pm
Hey bill,

Nah...I've heard of others. Sometimes I even have to go to 1040 mg/dy. Never been a problem except when I ramped up too fast for a business trip.

I get all the ECG's..neuro appts..and do the self monitoring (bp and side effects). Usually titrate from 480-1040 based on cycle...seems I can't go below the 480 without "bust outs"...

Right now at's a seeming like a low cycle of an always cycle

And I am watching the ball :D...of my local Foster High School Bulldogs...not very good...but always entertaining....those kids try SO hard!



Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by DennisM1045 on Oct 6th, 2011 at 1:02pm

Imitrex4Breakfast wrote on Sep 28th, 2011 at 12:59am:
Also, I'd lick the bugs off my cars front bumper everyday if it would stop and prevent cluster attacks  ;)

Man I heard that!


Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by DennisM1045 on Oct 6th, 2011 at 1:03pm

jon019 wrote on Oct 5th, 2011 at 9:05pm:
...seems I can't go below the 480 without "bust outs"...

120mg is the lowest I can get to.  Any lower and BAM!!!


Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by coach_bill on Oct 8th, 2011 at 10:21pm
So you take verap daily?  Even out of cycle? When i was in cycle the doc gave it to me... Told me " would be taken for life" It did nothing for me. 

Chronic Brothers and Sisters out there, I totally get what you have to do to deal with this god awfull syndrome. This was my patterns for the ages of 23 till 39, Every 3 years a major cycle that lasted for about 4 and a half months, then  i took whatever they gave me to make it stop. Preds seemed to be the only thing that stopped them.

Then i found this website at the tail end of a mega cycle, It led me to clusterbusters and i have not taken 1 single pill, Not 1 shot of trex.. nothing since then and it has been almost 4 years now.

Yes i still get solo shots, and some shadows around the time of my past cycles...  Just a couple puffs of 02 and its over. And i do thank God for that.

1st rule in fastpitch... NEVER HIT THE COACH WITH A BALL....    Coach Bill

Title: Re: verapamil side effect?
Post by jon019 on Oct 8th, 2011 at 11:31pm
So you take verap daily?  Even out of cycle? When i was in cycle the doc gave it to me... Told me " would be taken for life" It did nothing for me. 

Yup...been trying to wean off...never works. Have seen reports that that may not be coincidental...dunno.

Chronic Brothers and Sisters out there, I totally get what you have to do to deal with this god awfull syndrome. This was my patterns for the ages of 23 till 39, Every 3 years a major cycle that lasted for about 4 and a half months, then  i took whatever they gave me to make it stop. Preds seemed to be the only thing that stopped them.

Preds worked once...miraculous...but eventually ephemeral...

Then i found this website at the tail end of a mega cycle, It led me to clusterbusters and i have not taken 1 single pill, Not 1 shot of trex.. nothing since then and it has been almost 4 years now.

Will get there someday....

Yes i still get solo shots, and some shadows around the time of my past cycles...  Just a couple puffs of 02 and its over. And i do thank God for that.

1st rule in fastpitch... NEVER HIT THE COACH WITH A BALL....    Coach Bill 

2nd rule: Learned from coaches Peterson, Ford, Vivian, LeBeau, Beasely, McCutchin..."The coach is ALWAYS right...and when he's wrong...he's still right". Dang...I love those guys....

BTW....last night...Foster 49, Evergreen 14...and it wasn't even that close.... 3 punt returns for TD's


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