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Message started by foxxfury on Sep 15th, 2011 at 12:56am

Title: Depakote
Post by foxxfury on Sep 15th, 2011 at 12:56am
I've been in cycle for three and a half months now. This is my eleventh year in hell. For the first 6, I was undiagnosed, and suffered with no meds. Since diagnosis, I have been put on prednisone, which worked great, then tapered off while adjusting to verapimil, no effect. Metropolol, which worked one year, but not the next, to depakote, this year, I was getting so many headaches, so intense, after I started the depacote, that two weeks into it, I threw it out. Between that and melatonin, they seem to have taken the problem to a whole new level. After I threw out the depacote, I had five pf days, thought the cycle was over, and now its back. Have any of you had this happen? This year has by far been my worst.

Title: Re: Depakote
Post by buhrly1 on Sep 15th, 2011 at 2:22am
Sorry you are in pain,
I take a combination of Depakote(1000) and Verapamil(240) as a preventative. It does seem to take a while for it to get into the system(weeks). The Predisone taper is nice for this. I am currently trying the D3 regiment with some success in reducing the amount of steroids sooner. Hopefully you already have your O2 and energy drink of choice handy.

Title: Re: Depakote
Post by B.Baer on Sep 15th, 2011 at 6:43am
As you know, CH will respond one cycle to a med. and then not in the next. Perhaps the increase is just the morph of this particular cycle.

I've tried many and various meds over the years with varying degrees of success and failure , the same drug has seldom if ever worked twice.

I had no luck at all with Depakote and more adverse side effects , so I gradually tapered off under medical supervision.

Note: A word of caution: Most of these meds. should be gradual taper, because of possible side effects and should be consulted with a Neurologist prior to stopping.

I too hope you have Oxygen close at hand, it's been my only constant successfull abortive over many years.

All the best ,


Title: Re: Depakote
Post by Bob Johnson on Sep 15th, 2011 at 8:04am
Please tell us where you live. Follow the next line to a message which explains why knowing your location and your medical history will help us to help you.

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You can add your location by editing your profile. CP Member --> profile
BUT, Please!, don't post your messages at this location. They won't get the attention you want: use the appropriate sections which follow.
It would help if you would give us an organized listing of the meds you have used. List: the med, dose, duration of use.

Have you worked with a headache specialist? Who is treating you now?  All these factors are important in having some idea of what be a useful move for you.

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