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Message started by GennaG on Sep 3rd, 2011 at 8:11pm

Title: I love red bull
Post by GennaG on Sep 3rd, 2011 at 8:11pm
I finally got out and hit the store today and got some sugar free red bull.  Drank it 30 minutes before 2pm headache and got to skip that one.  I just can't see paying $10 a day to cover every headache.  Believe me I'd pay... I'd just have to stop buying groceries or paying my lightbill.  LOL  So I ordered taurine online from vitacost and I always have coffee.  It's much less expensive than the designer version and I just don't have a designer label budget.  I'll let you know how that works for me.  In the meantime, I love red bull!   :) GG

Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by Brew on Sep 3rd, 2011 at 8:16pm
At Aldi - Red Thunder, a Red Bull knock-off. Usually around a buck a can. Same stuff in it.

Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by LasVegas on Sep 3rd, 2011 at 8:26pm
RedBull worked for me this morning, aborting a Kip2--3 and sticking my face in front of my Vornado fan on full speed.

Target has 4 packs available for $5 bucks

Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by B.Baer on Sep 3rd, 2011 at 8:30pm
Good for you, I've never had much luck with the Red Bull route, seemed to lessen them a bit, but that's it.

Has your Neuro gotten you on High flow Oxygen??? If your able get to a competent Neurologist and ask for it.  Works like a charm for me and many others, it can be applied to insurance , or, if uninsured, it still can be had at a reasonable price , with the proper equipment and distributors... Just a thought.

All the best,


Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by jon019 on Sep 3rd, 2011 at 10:08pm
...for me...I figure I already pay for advertising with my time and aggravation....but I'm cheap...and they can't have my money too....Red Bull can have the first two...not the last. drinks taste awful (except NOS Tropical Punch)...but I don't drink for flavor...I drink for effect.

...the most I ever pay for a 16 oz can is $1.19...lately I've found a discount grocery store with cans of Relentless for $0.33/ea...the joy is in the hunt for the bullet.

...always read the label...1000mg taurine/ least 100 mg caffeine (200+ better for me)...(sugar may help, maybe carbonation too) but the first two and you're golden...



Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by LasVegas on Sep 4th, 2011 at 1:08am
Hi GG,

Not really sure about a Taurine supplement and then drink with coffee, believe this was discussed in the past and the consensus was that the Taurine supplement would not take effect as quickly as something like RedBull or another energy drink with at least 1000 MG of Taurine and at least 85+MG of caffeine, equivalent to a cup of coffee. 

The energy drink is slammed fast at the onset of a HA to hopefully reduce the pain level and many of us are lucky enough to abort the attack. 

Because the Taurine/Caffeine are concentrated within the drink, it digests fastest.  Timing is everything, this is why the supplement is not as commonly used among us. Kinda like the Imitrex pills take too long for most of us to abort an attack.  But if you ordered it, try it.

Check out the thread I started last week on this medications, treatments, therapies board titled "Taurine/Caffeine Energy Drinks" as there is some interesting info about a few specific energy drinks.

O2 is best!

Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by GennaG on Sep 4th, 2011 at 9:32pm
Yeah, I plan on switching to O2 when I see the doc this week, but that's not until thursday and I don't know if I am gonna walk out of his office with it since its my first appt.  I didn't think about digestive time being a factor in buying the supplements.  I chug the energy drinks too because I really dislike the flavor.  But like someone said, its not the taste its the effect.  Obviously, if I can get o2 I will.  In the meantime if the RB keeps the ER away... I'll try it.  Prevention sounds ideal over dealing with it on the fly, but I haven't had much luck with that yet... GG

Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by LasVegas on Sep 4th, 2011 at 9:46pm
Don't ask for the o2, demand it!  Bring with you some printout info from the o2 tab on the left side of your screen.  Any ?'s, ask us!

Beside RedBull/energy drinks; you may want to take a look at the thread under medications, treatments, therapies titled "123 days..." this natural regimen has helped many.

PF wishes to you

Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by CDog on Sep 6th, 2011 at 10:18am
I use bing energy drink. It is bing cherry flavor, much better than red bull, still expensive tho'...

Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by matt25holland on Sep 6th, 2011 at 12:19pm
is there a special caffeine/taurine ratio that would be best, or changes on every brand?

Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by LasVegas on Sep 10th, 2011 at 9:03pm
Had a business appointment yesterday with the Red Bull distributor here in Las Vegas, completely unrelated to my recent use of RedBulls for CH's.

I asked who has the best retail prices and was told Costco or Sams Club, where the average price for 8 ounce cans are $1.41 which if bought in bulk is an excellent price compared to the 7-11 type convenience stores.

Many have complained of the price of RedBull and other brand name energy drinks, but if you compare to the cost of Imitrex it is extremely inexpensive.

RedBull has aborted 7 out of 9 attacks i've experienced in the past few weeks.  Obviously this will not abort for everybody and absolutely must slam it fast, as soon as one feels the claws of the beast.

Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by slacker032 on Sep 10th, 2011 at 11:03pm
Yup...I buy mine by the case from Costco.

Title: Re: I love red bull
Post by webgopher on Oct 8th, 2011 at 11:07pm
Monster Energy Hitman shots were my choice of relief when the eye-twitch started. Monster no longer offers it, but when I talked to customer service, they suggested a new product they were bringing out called Worx Energy - available only at Walgreens so far.
You can still find Hitman on eBay.

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