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Message started by Nicola on Aug 24th, 2011 at 4:42pm

Title: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Nicola on Aug 24th, 2011 at 4:42pm
Im a month into my cycle and really battling.nothing seems to work and ive become paranoid about sleeping as i get hit by kip 10 attacks everytime.

after 7 years of tring varius drug combinations i have convinced my doctor to perscribe O2,I am so excited!!Gets delivered tomorrow


Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 24th, 2011 at 5:19pm
Oxygen has seemed to work for me everytime, you too I hope.  Get a good non-rebreather mask, like the one this site has available and start breathing quick when hit. 

Relief for this cycle, great!

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Guiseppi on Aug 24th, 2011 at 6:10pm
Hope it proves the miracle abort for you it's been for me. review the oxygen info link to make sure you get the most benefit possible.

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Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by vietvet2tours on Aug 24th, 2011 at 6:28pm
What Joe said.


Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Nicola on Aug 25th, 2011 at 5:21am
oxygen is here and set up .

Is it just a matter of putting the mask on and breathing ?

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 25th, 2011 at 5:36am
If your mask has side valves, tape them shut.  It's a good idea to take any strap off the mask so its not used, this is in case you fall asleep while breathing.  Fit the mask to your face so you inhale only oxygen, remove the mask to exhale and repeat.

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Nicola on Aug 25th, 2011 at 6:08am
thank you .

one more question ,what about smoking - shoud i just give up ?

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 25th, 2011 at 6:36am
If it was that easy.   :)

Don't smoke in the room you keep and breathe the oxygen.

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Nicola on Aug 25th, 2011 at 8:24am
so if i smoke a cigarette and then go breathe oxygen im not going to blow up  :D

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Guiseppi on Aug 25th, 2011 at 9:06am
Oxygen itself is not flammable or explosive, it's an accelerant. Anything that is saturated with oxygen will go up like a roman candle if exposed to an ignition source. DO NOT smoke while using oxygen. After you have aborted an attack with oxygen, go outside for 10 minutes and let your clothing air out before you light up a cigarrette or go around a stove.

These simple precautions will keep you safe and sound. As to the how you use it, as soon as you feel beasty coming on, that tension in the neck, fullness in the ear, start hyper ventilating with the oxygen. Deep inhale, complete exhale. Using this technique I kill the beast in 6-8 minutes. Wishing you luck.


Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Nicola on Aug 25th, 2011 at 3:21pm
it works!!!!!!!
It took 5 minutes to abort ,i cant believe it !!!jumping up and down with happiness ;D

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 25th, 2011 at 3:59pm
Amazing how the pain backs off and vanishes into thin... oxygen.


Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Jeannie on Aug 25th, 2011 at 4:37pm
I'm really happy for you, Nicola.   O2 makes CH a lot less scary.

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Guiseppi on Aug 25th, 2011 at 7:22pm
Damn we LOVE 02 success stories!!!!!!!! [smiley=shore.gif]


Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Nicola on Aug 26th, 2011 at 10:40am
It only took seven years to convince me to try  :D,feel so silly now !!!

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Nicola on Aug 29th, 2011 at 2:29pm
had a complete fail today with the oxygen,mainly i think because i couldnt keep still and couldnt concentrate on breathing .im being hit every two hours, Ifeel so defeated !!!!!! :'(

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Guiseppi on Aug 29th, 2011 at 2:31pm
Try chugging an energy drink while you abort. I use sugar free red bull, seems to speed the abort and pushes the come backer attack a little further down the line. Hang in there, high cycle sucks. :'(


Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Mike NZ on Aug 29th, 2011 at 3:10pm
I know what you meant about not being able to concentrate on breathing. I've had CHs where the pain was so intense that it was hard to even think about breathing at all, never mind trying to hyperventilate to abort the CH.

However with practice, I'm finding this to be less of a problem, however K10s can be a challenge.

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Brew on Aug 29th, 2011 at 3:23pm
Get yourself one of those 50-foot hoses so you can dance around the room if you have to.

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Skyhawk5 on Aug 29th, 2011 at 5:04pm
Don't hesitate getting on the O2. The sooner we start the more likely we will abort quickly. Waiting to see if the attack is going to get worse is not a good idea.


Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Batch on Aug 29th, 2011 at 8:47pm

Nicola wrote on Aug 29th, 2011 at 2:29pm:
had a complete fail today with the oxygen,mainly i think because i couldnt keep still and couldnt concentrate on breathing .im being hit every two hours, Ifeel so defeated !!!!!! :'(

Answer my PM and you'll find out how to avoid problems like this...  If used properly, oxygen therapy gives you a big hammer over the beast and the confidence to use it.

Take care,

V/R, Batch

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Nicola on Aug 30th, 2011 at 10:34am
Hi Batch

I did and you have sent the email to me .Thank you  :)

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Kevin_M on Aug 30th, 2011 at 10:47am

Nicola wrote on Aug 29th, 2011 at 2:29pm:
im being hit every two hours, Ifeel so defeated !!!!!! :'(

Oxygen is the friend that can stop the hellbound train, preventive measures and meds can keep it from ever building steam.  Finding what suits you and works is a worthwhile search.

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by LasVegas on Aug 30th, 2011 at 9:56pm
Hi Nicola,
It worked for you before, it can work again! ;)

Think for a moment about how you used it the 1st time resulting in successful abort VS how you used it the time you were unsuccessful.  What changed? 

i.e. Timing?  Breathing technique?  etc

"Practice makes perfect"

"try, try again"

"You can do it"

Keep us posted on your progress...PF wishes!

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by Nicola on Aug 31st, 2011 at 4:45pm
everyones absolute support is so wonderful here ,thank you !

Its been a week since i started aborting with the oxygen and only twice has it not worked which is brilliant . on both those occasions I definately left it too late and the pain is so bad i just cant focus on breathing and i go back to what I know,pacing and crying.

Something i have noticed is after aborting with the oxygen or towards the end Im exhausted.its not as easy as just breathing it in and out and I get thirsty.Not sure if thats normal.

Definately at the peak of my cycle and days can be hard.going to work feels like a punishment.feel much better checking in here once a day and working hard on curbing those negative thoughts like its so unfair and there is no way I can do this .Its easier said than done though............. ::)

Title: Re: Im getting oxygen !
Post by wimsey1 on Sep 1st, 2011 at 7:58am

Nicola wrote on Aug 31st, 2011 at 4:45pm:
Something i have noticed is after aborting with the oxygen or towards the end Im exhausted.its not as easy as just breathing it in and out and I get thirsty.Not sure if thats normal.

As you've already noticed, O2 works best and fastest when used early on. And yes, that kind of breathing can be quite tiring. I have found the higher the intensity of the hit, the more tired or listless I feel afterward. And cold, too. The thirst is also something I've noticed but it seems to be more lated to the dryness of my throat due to dry O2. Some have hooked up hydrators to their favorite green monster (a big M or J tank) using a plastic water jug. Keep it up, you're doin' great! Blessings. lance

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