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Message started by anthony g on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:15am

Title: pred taper /verapamil/blessing and curse :(
Post by anthony g on Jul 31st, 2011 at 10:15am
Im almost at the end of my 10 day pred taper 2 more days of 10 mg then done. The pred taper and verap is a blessing and a CURSE for me at least. The pred makes me whacky crazy anxious outta sorts and the verap makes me tired weak ect so I feel all over the place! I am up to 240 verap to date on it for 10 days. Does it take awhile to get used to the side effects for most? Just a bit confused since I have only done verap once before a year and a half ago and was up to 720 a day but dont remeber the affect when starting and if it calms down?
thanks for any input
Anthony :-/ :-/

Title: Re: pred taper /verapamil/blessing and curse :(
Post by RichardN on Jul 31st, 2011 at 9:37pm
  Hi Anthony

  I had my first PF day in over a year after coming here and finding out about 02 & Verapamil . . . when I got to 240 mg (had three attacks that night, but had the 02 to kill them).  Your dose is the minimum effective dose .  .  . I got as high as 480 mg, then back to 360 maintenance dose.  You, and many others use much higher doses and often in combination with other meds such as Lithium.

  The only side effects I had was some constipation (common with many), but that was easily countered with diet change or stool softeners.  That, and the Verapamil "buzz" about 20-40 min after taking.  Might have had some lethargy, but really don't recall it being a problem . . . I was just so thrilled to finally reduce the frequency/intensity of the attacks to a level I could easily kill with the 02 in most cases.  Have been off the Verap since 5/04 . . . now use water therapy (see "water X 3" . . . link on left) . . . which IS NOT EASY to do.

  Remember that Verapamil is a blood pressure med and you need to have your doc monitor same as you increase the dosage to an effective level . . . could your BP be part of your unwanted reaction to the Verapamil?  DO check with your doc on this . . . you might need to change to a different preventative.

   Be Safe,   PFDANs


Title: Re: pred taper /verapamil/blessing and curse :(
Post by Stymie on Aug 1st, 2011 at 4:27am
I get quite tired from the verapamil (and how ironic that any napping will trigger an attack!). This episode I've tried using coenzyme Q10 daily and it seems to help a bit.  I find that when I exercise frequently and drink lots of water, this helps too.

Title: Re: pred taper /verapamil/blessing and curse :(
Post by Skyhawk5 on Aug 1st, 2011 at 10:00pm
Somethings with Verap, are NO Grapefuit products, and caution with energy drinks.

Prednisone has always left a bad feeling with me for many days after. With strange aches & pains in my knees and ankles. I've been taking Verap for 20 yrs and I guess I got used to whatever side effects.

Title: Re: pred taper /verapamil/blessing and curse :(
Post by wimsey1 on Aug 2nd, 2011 at 8:54am
Yeah, I'm right there with you, Don. I have been taking verapamil for over 30 years, and I can project the day when I'll need to switch off...I'm up to 640mg/day as my effective dose. Side effects aside I'll take them over the hourly attacks I was getting. Blessings. lance

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