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Message started by godsjoy777 on Jul 29th, 2011 at 8:41am

Title: Skipped last year....The Beast is back.
Post by godsjoy777 on Jul 29th, 2011 at 8:41am
Today I am exactly 4 weeks in to a "usual" 12-16 week cycle.  I was taking fish oil already but have ramped it to 3000 and about to go up to 4000.  I get a very good form of it at the Dr's office where I work.  I also have increased my vitamin D from 5000IUs to 15000-20000 daily.  I had been only getting hit once per night or so but it ramped up to 5 hits last night....bummer.  I take care of these with my O2....Thank you Batch for the info on the higher regulator etc....My Neuro is a firm believer in Sansert as a prevent and although I haven't used it before I want to avoid an ER trip this time.  Tried Varapamil a long time ago but the fact that I already have low blood pressure it only lowered my BP waaay too low and I had a 9 month cycle...The sadest part here is that Sansert not only is not available in the US anymore, Canada has discontinued it as well....I guess Cluster sufferers are not money for Big Pharma....How I wish I could get through on the O2 alone.....I finally ordered my Sansert and sent the RX to them yesterday....I should be coming from the UK and will probably take 3 more weeks....YIKES!  Any suggestions?????
Love to you all!

Title: Re: Skipped last year....The Beast is back.
Post by Guiseppi on Jul 29th, 2011 at 8:58am
Sorry to hear the beast hasn't forgotten where you live. :'(

For the night time hits, have you tried melatonin yet? Start with 10 mg about 30 minutes before bed time. May have to adjust the dosing up or down, give it a few days to see if it's effective. There are several different "types" of melatonin out there, read the label carefully, this is the formula we've seen the best results from:


Some people take a combo of both the immediate release (to get to sleep right away) and the time-release (to stay asleep).

I drink a sugar free Red Bull as I abort with oxygen. It seems to speed the abort and more importantly acts as a bit of a prevent and pushes back the come backer attack.

The only other suggestion is Lithium as a prevent. Been my prevent of choice forever, still blocks 60-70% of my attacks on cycle. Wishing you a short cycle this go round.


Title: Re: Skipped last year....The Beast is back.
Post by godsjoy777 on Jul 29th, 2011 at 12:42pm
Thanks Joe,
I do take Melatonin.  In cycle I take anywhere from 15 to 21 mgs. per night.  Right now I am at 15mg....My Neuro gave me a 3 samples of TrexaMet that I can take along with O2 and I can get a whole night's sleep, but I am trying to save them for later in cycle.  I won't take them back to back because of possible rebounds.  My Insurance won't cover them either and they run about $27 per pill.
Insurance won't cover my O2 either but I won't give that up.  It is definately worth every penny.  I guess I will go up on my Melatonin for now and see what happens and then wait for the Sansert.  I appreciate any suggestions....I am just glad for the fellowship!


Title: Re: Skipped last year....The Beast is back.
Post by Batch on Jul 29th, 2011 at 2:53pm
Hey Karen,

Don't forget the calcium citrate tablets.  Try washing them down with a big glass of lemonade just before the evening meal.  Calcium citrate and the citric acid from the lemonade combine in the stomach to form a buffer that should elevate your arterial pH to the upper end of the normal range.  This will help stimulate vasoconstriction and that should help make the CH triggering mechanism less effective.

I've also kept a running tally of reports from CH'ers using the ant-inflammatory regimen.  What is becoming clear is the time required to reach a therapeutic response with symptomatic relief after starting this regimen appears to be directly related to 25(OH)D levels, the serum level vitamin D3 metabolite. 

The lower the 25(OH)D level, the longer it takes for a significant reduction in CH frequency/severity and three weeks to a month for this to happen is not uncommon. 

Dr. Peter Lewis, MD, an Integrative physician in Australia treats patients deficient in vitamin D3.  He indicated from his experience, it can take up to three months at a daily dose of 10,000 I.U. vitamin D3 to elevate 25(OH)D levels from 50 nmol/L (deficient) to 150 nmol/L (middle of the normal range).

Hope this helps.  Hang in there and please keep us posted.

Take care,

V/R, Batch

Title: Re: Skipped last year....The Beast is back.
Post by E-Double on Jul 29th, 2011 at 9:28pm
Sorry it's back. It'll pass as you know.
I'm a firm believer in melatonin as well!
I hate trex but had to use it quite a bit during chemo because I couldn't risk any potential bacteria from tubing of O2. This was first time it didn't affect me adversely. Thank g-d !

Hugs to you and may it be quick!


Title: Re: Skipped last year....The Beast is back.
Post by godsjoy777 on Jul 31st, 2011 at 6:54pm
Hi Eric,
Thanks for the well sorry to hear you had to have chemo....I didn't know....I am saving my samples of TrexaMet for when I really need a good night's sleep...

Blessings my friend,

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