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Message started by Kay Jay on Jun 21st, 2011 at 10:56pm

Title: Question
Post by Kay Jay on Jun 21st, 2011 at 10:56pm
Ok so after a having a headache after headache, my head is extremely tender. I mean i cannot touch the right side of my head. Not even with the slightest touch! Cannot do my hair or anything. Does anyone else have this issue? And if so, any ideas on what i can do to minimize the tenderness? Atleast so i can be presentable at work. I've been wearing a crochet like hat which is a big no no.

Title: Re: Question
Post by Kevin_M on Jun 21st, 2011 at 11:02pm
Have any preventive meds or treatments worked for you?

Title: Re: Question
Post by Bob Johnson on Jun 21st, 2011 at 11:18pm
For me, this sensation is a residual of an attack, what is often referred to as a "shadow".

Agree re. preventive issue: are you using? What and at what dosage?

Title: Re: Question
Post by aj on Jun 22nd, 2011 at 2:16am
My right temple is pretty much always sore during a cycle.  And very sensitive for a while after a good hit.

Title: Re: Question
Post by Stymie on Jun 22nd, 2011 at 2:57am
Me too.   Sore and tender - like the battlefield aftermath of a war zone - after a bad hit or set of hits.  I'm guessing its common for most if not all.  For me it feels different than the pre-attack shadows (those are more tightness/tingling).  Like aj I pretty much am tender the whole cycle.  Some things that I find sometimes gets my head/forehead feeling more clear between attacks: swimming, light exercise, eating, applying ice (even though I use heat for attacks), and light self-massage.  But overall I cant say any method really works. Sometimes its just extremely tender and I just live with it, reminding myself that the tender feeling after a really bad hit often means it will be a longer break until my next bad hit.      

Title: Re: Question
Post by wimsey1 on Jun 22nd, 2011 at 8:20am
I'm going to pretty much ditto everything Stymie said. I can't even scratch my head or stand under the shower while a hit is imminent or afterward for that matter. Haven't anything to take away that tenderness, I just do my best to avoid touching that area. Blessings. lance

Title: Re: Question
Post by Kay Jay on Jun 22nd, 2011 at 11:37am
Well my preventative meds r prednisone. I start them today. Not looking forward to it either cause they taste terrible. Igot my oxygen too. They were out of masks so i had to have them ups it to my house. As far as the tenderness goes, i'll just wear the hat. I told my boss to kiss it! Lol he said he was ok with the hat since it is presentable enough. Glad he's working with me because i am not touching that area. I will try the swimming and the light exercise tho. It is hot enough. Thanks for the advice

Title: Re: Question
Post by Guiseppi on Jun 22nd, 2011 at 12:05pm
Prednisone by definition is not a prevent. We call it a transitional med. It will provide up to a 100% break from attacks for many, but should not be taken long term. It's really hard on the body. I do a two week prednisone taper, from 80 mg tapering down to zero, when I start my prevent, lithium. Lithium takes 10-14 days to really start blocking the attacks and prednisone gives me a break while that happens. Verapamil is the usual first try prevent as its been succesful for many.

For a very small percentage of CH'ers, a short prednisone burst will abort a cycle. never worked for me. :(


Title: Re: Question
Post by Pfunk on Jun 22nd, 2011 at 12:33pm
Have to second the idea of finding a good prevent such as lithium and or verapamil or topamax(which is what I take with lithium). Like Joe said, the prednisone has some success at breaking the cycle, though not always permanently so preventatives are the key.
You may also want to read up on the vitamins that some of us are taking as I have had huge success this time around with those. 6 days PF since I started taking them.

Much luv and PF Wishes
Pfunk 8-)

Title: Re: Question
Post by Kay Jay on Jun 22nd, 2011 at 3:37pm
I asked about verpamil and he stated that since the prednisone worked before, he wanted to keep menon that. I'm learning he doesn't really kno much or probably just doesn't care. Either way i'll probably look into the dr at duke university...

Title: Re: Question
Post by Brew on Jun 22nd, 2011 at 4:06pm
Or you might want to look into this:

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Title: Re: Question
Post by Batch on Jun 22nd, 2011 at 4:51pm
Hey Kay Jay,

The face and head tenderness and soreness is par for the course when you're getting slammed with CH 6 to 8 times every 24 hours.

You may even find your face is painful to touch during a CH...  if so, this is called cutaneous allodynia...  another symptom of cluster headaches.

You might want to try the anti-inflammatory regimen.   It's covered in detail in the post titled "123 Days PF And I Think I know Why" on New Forum.  It's located at the following link:

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Take care,

V/R, Batch

Title: Re: Question
Post by Kay Jay on Jun 25th, 2011 at 1:29am
you guys are so informative. i'm so happy i'm not going through this alone. well i'm not happy you have to suffer from this dreadful pain, but you get what i mean. I've been attacked left and right these past 2 days. because i didn't have any fish oil on hand, i decided to take some off brand ibuprofen for the tenderness. i took bout 800mg cause my tolerance level is high anyway. it actually worked for the tenderness. i shall work on getting the vitamins necessary to help with tenderness as soon as my funds improve. doctors visits in the US these days effing suck!!!! the emergency room visits i was making before i got my appt with my neuro busted my pockets. so sad i depleted my little savings so soon. any who, i hope everyone has a wonderful pain free weekend!!! Lots of love  :D

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