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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Melatonin busted 18th HA season Message started by LaurieM on May 23rd, 2011 at 10:33pm |
Title: Melatonin busted 18th HA season Post by LaurieM on May 23rd, 2011 at 10:33pm
A very happy note: For the first time in 18 years, I got through my HA period (April 1 - May 15) with zero HA, using just prophylactic melatonin, 6mg. My O2 tank sat lonely in its corner.
<< happy dance>> My headache period start/stop dates have been very regular the past 5 years or so. Based on info from this board, I'd played with melatonin the previous 2 April/May seasons, figuring that with my seasonally regular short cycles and night-only hits I was a very good candidate. I got the dosing right this year. I still had (have) shadow pain, so I could tell I was in the cycle, but it wasn't bad. I was able to keep my normal schedule at work, which was a first, and did not have any classic migraines, which I tend to get towards the end of my cycle. Starting 10 days before my expected start date, I took 3mg/night for 5 nights, then uped it to 6 mg/night, which seems to be my effective dose. On May 15, I started a 5 day taper-off at 3mg/night. I still have very mild shadow, but I feel great and have been able to get back to my usual activity level this week. I would never have figured this out without the help of folks here on this board. Thank you, thank you, thank you all. Regards, Laurie |
Title: Re: Melatonin busted 18th HA season Post by Mike NZ on May 24th, 2011 at 3:43am
Great news Laurie, may this method continue to work with the same success for many years to come.
Title: Re: Melatonin busted 18th HA season Post by wimsey1 on May 24th, 2011 at 7:47am
I note two things which helped make you successful, and they are worth keeping in front of all of us. First, you were diligent in attacking the beast with an intervention that seemed promising, and you worked it until you discovered its true value for you. Second, you paid attention to your body, neither denying the pain nor giving in to despair. These two together made for you a potent combination which led to success. Well done. May the success last forever! Blessings. lance
Title: Re: Melatonin busted 18th HA season Post by E-Double on May 26th, 2011 at 7:38am
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