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Message started by Groovy Chick on May 9th, 2011 at 9:57am

Title: 10 LPM O2 Generator/Concentrator
Post by Groovy Chick on May 9th, 2011 at 9:57am
Hi there,

I currently use 15 LPM to combat the beast.  Insurance is getting fairly flaky about what they want and don't want to pay for regarding my O2 tanks.  It's to the point that it's not worth fighting about anymore.  The O2 concentrators that I can find only go up to 10 LPM.  Is it possible to use a machine at that level and still take care of the headache?  Will 10 LPM work?  If so, it's worth it to us to simply purchase a machine on our own and forego these ridiculous battles.

FWIW, our insurance company is actually pretty good.  They've agreed to pay $25,000 this year for my psoriasis treatment (Stelara), so I can't complain.  :)

Title: Re: 10 LPM O2 Generator/Concentrator
Post by Groovy Chick on May 9th, 2011 at 10:07am
Just found my answer, I think.  :)

Title: Re: 10 LPM O2 Generator/Concentrator
Post by Mikey on May 9th, 2011 at 12:56pm
first all, a lot us would not benefit from only 10 lpm of o2, but you may, but there is another problem.... Ive been on o2 for many years due to other health issues as well as CCH. if you tend to run an 02 concentrator at wide open for the time it takes to abort an attack of ch, you are running a very close race with the machine shutting down from over heating.

I hope this helped and didn't confuse you any.... some of us may very well benefit from it, but it's just been a bad experiment for me.

Mikey............... :)

Sorry, forgot to tell ya, those machines are really made to run at around 8.5 lpm comfortably with a very very short need for more.

Title: Re: 10 LPM O2 Generator/Concentrator
Post by Brew on May 9th, 2011 at 3:19pm
The other problem with concentrators is that they only produce about 90% pure O2, and that's only after running for 5 min. or so.

I have heard of clusterheads who hooked up two 10 lpm concentrators into one hose....seemed to work okay.

Title: Re: 10 LPM O2 Generator/Concentrator
Post by thebbz on May 10th, 2011 at 1:49pm
I would buy a lease on an industrial K tank, set it in the garage and huff to my hearts content. Let the insurance pay for a couple of E tanks and fillem myself. but that's just cheap ole me.
Quite frankly,concentrators dont work on CH and I wished the insurance and 02 suppliers would quit pushing them on us.
must be feelin ornry
the bb ;)

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