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Message started by Joshua on Apr 21st, 2011 at 10:23am

Title: Could the cycle be over?
Post by Joshua on Apr 21st, 2011 at 10:23am
I've been in a cycle for about 11 months. About 2 weeks ago I started a pred taper.  As usual on the prednisone, the HA's went a way at 60mg but started to return as soon as I hit 40mg.  I continued the taper down, and am done now. About 3 days before I was done though, the headaches stopped, and I am going on my 4th day pain free.

I wonder if this is just prednisone built up or if they are actually gone. 

Title: Re: Could the cycle be over?
Post by Jeannie on Apr 21st, 2011 at 10:30am
It may have broken the cycle or it may have just been time for it to be over for you.  It also may be that they will come back... I hope not.  Only time will tell.....  Enjoy your PF times and my fingers are crossed for you!


Title: Re: Could the cycle be over?
Post by Melissa on Apr 22nd, 2011 at 9:20am
How long do your cycles normally run? 

Congrats on your PF time and enjoy it!


Title: Re: Could the cycle be over?
Post by Joshua on Apr 25th, 2011 at 9:42am
The last 2 cycles lastned NEARLY a year each, this one is coming close that.  After 5 days of no headaches, I got one last night, hoping it was a blip :) 

Title: Re: Could the cycle be over?
Post by Nate_Q on Jul 26th, 2011 at 12:03am
I don't know anything about the medication,but I do know about the headaches going away....somewhat. I started having these headaches when I was about 20.I'm 37 now.Years ago I had a 6 month stretch pain free.More recently : I stopped getting them some time around March or April of last year.I thought I was finally free of them.Until 5 or 6 weeks ago.I got a mild one one day.A week or so later I got another one. Within a few days I was right back to full blown attacks on a daily basis.I don't want to discourage you but as for me,I will never let my guard down again.It was an awesome year though being pain free.

Title: Re: Could the cycle be over?
Post by Guiseppi on Jul 26th, 2011 at 9:00am
Nate, your experience is a somewhat common one. It seems for many of us, as we age, the remissions get longer, and so do the cycles! Your advice is spot on, and something we regularly preach here:

I don't want to discourage you but as for me,I will never let my guard down again.It was an awesome year though being pain free.

Or as I say, enjoy your pain free time, ALWAYS  be ready to do battle. ;)


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