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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Message started by wishbone on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:43pm |
Title: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by wishbone on Apr 1st, 2011 at 7:43pm
I was talking to someone about my headaches and they posed the question. I told them all I had heard was that marijuana not only did not help but actually triggered HAs. They said they were talking about like making brownies and eating them so it would be absorbed in the blood stream verses being smoked. I don't do either so I have no idea but thought I would ask. I have never seen on this board. Thanks.
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Brew on Apr 1st, 2011 at 8:13pm
Nope. THC is a known vaso-dilator.
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Skyhawk5 on Apr 10th, 2011 at 9:49pm
Brew is right. Vasodialation is not what we need. I've been there. I do know a CH'r that says he can't get thru a CH cycle without it. Not me..
Good Luck, Don |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by flustercluck on Apr 25th, 2011 at 9:17pm
I know this runs against the tide that's been running on this forum for a long time, but...... Deep in cycle, on daily verapamil and cyproheptadine, tried indocin and acetazolamide and nothing was helping and seemed to make the attacks and rebounds worse, and even to reduce the relief from O2. Had seven CH in seven hours yesterday (mostly knocked down with O2, but back within an hour or so and I was desperate). Sought a little help from my friends and, and.....yes, broke that cycle cold. No CH last night and none today. Toked up again around 4 pm and still CH free at 8. So I'm thinkin'....... I'd rather not smoke, so tomorrow I go in search of hash brownies. BTW, I am going on seventy years old next month; not some pothead kid. This is not a medical mj state but I scored some from a friend who uses it for relief from MS.
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Ricardo on Apr 26th, 2011 at 10:49am Batch wrote on Apr 26th, 2011 at 12:44am:
Wow, Gramps...You sure can be rude and dismissive at times...I have personally gotten rid of quite a few attacks by SMOKING reefer. It's one thing too disagree, but to act like this guy is "using his cluster to get a cheap high" is RIDICULOUS and STUPID and INSULTING. NO ONE--Not even the most addicted reefer madness hippy is going to keep on SMOKING cannabis during the middle of a hit if it just makes it worse. I think we all know from the myriad of things we have tried that DID NOT work that although the placebo is strong, it's no match for a cluster. I don't know how many things I've thought would work, only to find out not even a placebo effect was going to help me. Cannabis helps me a lot, as long as I don't have tolerance to it (can't use it often) and it's a really really high grade sativa strain. anecdotally, I've also known people getting good relief from SMOKING things like DMT, Harmala alkoloids, Bufotenine, 5-MEO-DMT, the list goes on and on. Maybe you should get some facts straight before you go ripping people apart and acting like they're a drug addict. I think you owe some people an apology. |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by vietvet2tours on Apr 26th, 2011 at 10:58am
Don't fuck with Pete.
Potter |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Lettucehead on Apr 26th, 2011 at 11:46am Ricardo wrote on Apr 26th, 2011 at 10:49am: Wow, Gramps...You sure can be rude and dismissive at times... I think you owe some people an apology.[/quote] This from the guy who called health care providers lazy 'friggin schmucks'. Hmmmmmmmm.... |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Ricardo on Apr 26th, 2011 at 11:59am
Yeah...I wrote a little quick with that one...Should have been MY DOCTORS a lazy friggin shmuck! Looking for a new one now....
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by flustercluck on Apr 26th, 2011 at 12:45pm
Jeez, Batch. Too bad I didn't have you as my doc. What, do you think that after six years and several neurologists, I don't know the difference between abortive and preventive meds? I've been on just about every preventive except lithium and I rely on oxygen as a primary abortive. Maybe your anti-cannabis bias prevented you from reading the whole post. O2 usually works, and it was working for me as usual, but I was getting repeats every hour or so, as I often do when I am in cycle. But they usually max out at two or three, not the seven or so that I was experiencing Sunday. The cannabis, which I have not regularly used in decades, was not intended as either an abortive nor as a preventative, but solely as a palliative; since I was in such misery I might as well get high (and alcohol, a certain trigger, could only make it worse). Cut to the chase, I smoked AFTER my last headache had abated, and I have not had a CH since, though in cycle I was having three or four a day right up until Sunday. So call it what you want, them's the facts. So you can print this out, roll it into a tube, and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by flustercluck on Apr 26th, 2011 at 12:51pm
Oh, yeah, and someone once said
Again, this is still very anecdotal, and for sure, we're all wired differently, so individual reactions to this regimen may vary. Having said that, ask your PCP or neurologist about giving this regimen a try. So far for me, it appears to be an effective and inexpensive preventative. Oh, yeah, and I'm seriously thinking about trying voodoo (or maybe vitamins) next time the headaches come around. |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Ricardo on Apr 26th, 2011 at 1:01pm Potter wrote on Apr 26th, 2011 at 10:58am:
I'm not "fucking with Pete" I'm pointing out that it's rude and dismissive to start laughing at someone, tell them their intentions are addictive in nature, tell them that they are imagining any help and that it's really just placebo. Every person here should feel comfortable enough to talk about their therapies without fear that they're gonna get cut down and made fun of. |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Jeannie on Apr 26th, 2011 at 1:47pm
I'm thinking you may need to read the Standard of Conduct around here. edited for corrections |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Ricardo on Apr 26th, 2011 at 2:29pm
I think me, Batch, Potter, and flustercluck have all been A-holes today....Let's all just take a deep breath, it's just weed. Maybe the drug warriors are right, maybe ganja brings out the worst of us ;)
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Brew on Apr 26th, 2011 at 2:38pm
That's right - it's just weed.
Most (note, I didn't say ALL) clusterheads find that it aggravates their situation. That's a fact. |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by vietvet2tours on Apr 27th, 2011 at 10:23am Ricardo wrote on Apr 26th, 2011 at 2:29pm:
The azzhole club is full. I'm just blunt. Don't fuck with Pete. Potter |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Lettucehead on Apr 27th, 2011 at 10:51am
Good for you, Ricardo!
I do so admire a man who can backtrack with grace. :) As for the rest, I forebode comment - particularly when it comes to the eloquence of Potter - except to agree with Brew. Everyone is different and although some may have unusual effects with certain treatments that, perhaps, defy scientific explanation, the point remains that lack of pain is GOOD. |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by vietvet2tours on Apr 27th, 2011 at 11:27am Lettucehead wrote on Apr 27th, 2011 at 10:51am:
Succinctness is the word you're looking for. Potter |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by thebbz on Apr 27th, 2011 at 6:16pm Quote:
BWWWWHHHHAAAAAAAA lmol ;D ;D ;D They test for pot because it's illegal. No other reason, it's a banned substance just like steroids. Illegal as well as banned athletically :o just the facts ma'am ;) Hey I suppose smokin a big fattie is out of the question then? ;D 8-) |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Linda_Howell on Apr 27th, 2011 at 7:33pm
[smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif]
Have I told ya lately that I love you John? |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by wishbone on Apr 27th, 2011 at 7:34pm
Geez people I apologize for starting this thread. I have never used or experimented with weed and was merely asking a question as to whether marijuana brownies could help as I was posed this question by my son who was tired of me suffering 10-15 hits a day (most all of which I aborted with O2, but a few so high 9-10 I had to resort to zomig nasal spray) and he did not know either. I surely did not intend to start a war amongst posters.
Wishbone |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by thebbz on Apr 27th, 2011 at 8:05pm
Dont apologize!!!!!!! This is a good question with many different opinions. It may or may not work, try it ,you will see. Chances are it wont. It is a vaso-dilator weather you eat it or smoke it or vaporize it.
There is more politics in this thread than science. Science dictates that it is more than just weed. Politics and the status quo of the FDA drug schedules is what makes it weed or Magic mushrooms-vs-medicine. It's medicine pure and simple to me. Do I think all others will think that? Not no but Hell no. We all have our opinion and are entitled to have it. Some are based on science, some are not. You cannot argue with results. This is why the feds restrict objective studies regarding schedule one drugs. They like the reefer madness status quo. It enables the drug companies and other lobbies to keep the money flowing on the hill, and we all know that's what makes Washington go round. Sorry got going again :-X the bb ;) |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by wishbone on Apr 27th, 2011 at 8:57pm
Thanks bb, but honestly I don't have easy access to the weed brownies and I have read enough to suspect they won't work (at least percentages dictate that conclusion) so I will pass. As to other alternative treatment which is also illegal I am going to use.
You know your comment regarding drug companies not wanting certain alternative treatment to become legal is really interesting considering that we CHs are really small in number compared to the entire population, so if we all got off of our meds and utilized the alternative treatment (which I know works) the drug companies would not go broke. Hell as far as I am concerned the drug companies could cultivate the treatment and sell it and keep their darn profit. I for one am incensed to think that something that does work for so many is rejected by so many CHs because the consumption of same is illegal. I don't fault those people because all treatment is elective and I respect their position for I am a very law abiding citizen and normally goes out of my way to follow the rules and laws, but this issue is totally ridiculous and I get po'ed just knowing that the alternative treatment is illegal. I just wish that those in power and with ability to legalize this treatment could go just a week with 8-10 hits a day at a 7kip so maybe they would understand that to deny the alternative treatment is same as cruel and unusual punishment. Sorry for getting on my soap, but I could not help it. Wishbone |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by thebbz on Apr 27th, 2011 at 9:11pm
Hey I'm right with you Wishbone. :o Cannabis is a good treatment for many things...not CH. Shrooms are a good treatment for CH, not chronic pain or nausea. You would think with all the science and progressive advancement in medicine, drugs on these schedules would need to be rescheduled once every millenium. They wont even consider that despite the science...something is stinking........ :o
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by thebbz on Apr 28th, 2011 at 11:01pm Quote:
Really??? I see alot of talk about frustration because they wont allow for the study of schedule one drugs for medical purposes. None of those drugs should be legal. It's dope. Alcohol is your gateway drug not cannabis. Peer pressure is your gateway. Dont blame the fire cause the kettle is black. the bb |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by vietvet2tours on Apr 28th, 2011 at 11:24pm Joshl924 wrote on Apr 28th, 2011 at 11:19am:
You really should do some research before ya post bullshit. Potter |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Jeannie on Apr 29th, 2011 at 1:34pm Quote:
I know I'm not all that smart but, what is a meme? |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by wimsey1 on Apr 30th, 2011 at 8:16am
We've had conversations like this in the past, and they inevitably raise the room temp and our responses correspond to that elevation. Some of us are very opposed to any narcotic and some have come out in favor of narcotic use for almost any suffering (I'm thinking of a rather new poster not too long ago) and while we have a forum for conversation, I don't think we change anyone's mind. Bbz makes a good point about alcohol as the number one gateway drug, along with tobacco, but I have to add that recreational use of marijuana almost always accompanies those who use other, more powerful, drugs. Using mj doesn't necessarily lead to crack, but those on crack rarely started with it. That path frequently leads back to both alcohol and THC. Are there medical uses for such drugs? Perhaps, and so it would seem. I also agree the FDA shouldn't restrict tests based on a drug's current narcotic listing. I fully support the non-hallucinogenic testing being done; and I too wish for a better, more permanent release from CHs. Blessings. lance
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by Ricardo on May 2nd, 2011 at 12:40pm Joshl924 wrote on May 1st, 2011 at 4:03pm:
So is ginger, capsaicin, feverfew, magnesium--all are things that have been reported to help some cluster sufferers |
Title: Re: Has anyone tried edible marijuana as an abortive Post by thebbz on May 4th, 2011 at 6:49pm Quote:
I think I like that Buckley guy. |
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