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Message started by Chris H on Nov 10th, 2010 at 10:55am

Title: Spasms
Post by Chris H on Nov 10th, 2010 at 10:55am
I can't tell whether this is an effect of meds or related to the CH, but for about a year now I have occasional singular spasms of my whole body. It's like someone hit my spine with a jolt of electricity. I don't shake or anything, just have the jolt, spasm, and then it's over. Like getting hit with a cattle prod. That initially happened mostly when sleeping, but I'm starting to get it more during the daytime.

I'd blame it on meds, but I've changed meds so many times during that period it kind of doesn't make sense. Could be verapamil, which I've been on throughout, but I haven't seen anything about verap and that side effect. Doesn't seem like that would be it. Maybe the anti-seizure meds did something.

I've mentioned to neuro, but didn't make a big deal of it. Think I need to pursue a little further.

Anyone else have this kind of thing?


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Callico on Nov 10th, 2010 at 12:43pm
When I was a kid we used to say that was someone stepping on your grave.  It is usually just a quick relaxation of all your muscles at once if I'm understanding what you are talking about.  I've had them off and on for years, even before CH.  Do ask your Dr, but i don't think you have any thing to worry about.

One thing about CH.  It is so intense we start looking so hard for causes/effects that we notice things happening that others don't notice.  At least, that has been my case.


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by bluenz on Nov 10th, 2010 at 1:39pm
Im not sure if this is the same thing but...

I often get Ch ticks before an attack  ( i never use to but have since being chronic )
a bit twitchy, sometimes a/ one big body jolt like a seizure moment sometimes just an arm and neck jolt
moments of vague and just *Not there
some strange sensations on my forehead like running water.
I know the dance is about to start.

do you get these out of cycle also ? 

have yourself a wonderful day


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by George on Nov 10th, 2010 at 1:53pm
No generalized spasm, but I do get a blepherospasm (eye twitch) associated with CH cycles.  Oddly, it shows up on the opposite side--not my CH side.  It happens a lot.  Drives me nuts.

When I was a kid we used to say that was someone stepping on your grave.

Judging by this, it appears that I am destined to be buried in the Tokyo subway.   :-[


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Jeannie on Nov 10th, 2010 at 3:02pm
I get the eye twitch oppiste side of CH pain too.   

I also have that body jolt very often.  It sometimes happens as I'm falling asleep sometimes when I'm still very much awake.
Add that along with RLS and I'm sure I'm just a pleasure to try to sleep next to!   Not sure if it has anything to do with CH or not. 


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Brew on Nov 10th, 2010 at 3:29pm
Having had Milwaukee Admirals season tickets for a few years right behind the goal, we have been subject to a number of very fast slap shots that look as though they're headed right at us but are stopped by the plexiglas. They cause the same type of flinch that you see when a batter fouls off a pitch that goes straight back to the front row behind the plate. Everyone in the general area jerks to get out of the way of the perceived threat.

We affectionately call them "hockey jerks."

Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Chris H on Nov 10th, 2010 at 6:34pm
Ha! OK, we'll call them hockey jerks. Definitely started after getting on meds for CH. Who knows... interesting thing is it kind of feels good, like a good stretch. I do get just the arms or leg sometimes too.

I'm chronic so haven't been out of cycle, so can't really tell if it's CH related or not. But I'll ask my doc what he thinks.


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Headache Boy uk on Nov 10th, 2010 at 6:49pm
Don't know if it's the case for you but I had a really bad time on verapamil (only 40mg per day) made me jump and shake and dizzy , but I also had these jolts , mostly when I was in bed but not exclusively and usually whole body but some times just an arm or leg . It was pretty grim cos I actually kicked my wife a few times (she was not best impressed...understandably ) any how it started to calm down within 3 days of stopping the verap and within two weeks was gone .

Now this was just my experience , but it might be worth reducing your verapamil dose if you can for a few days and see if it makes any difference.

God bless


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Chris H on Nov 10th, 2010 at 7:01pm
That's interesting cause I've been on Verap since it started. Definitely don't want to kick the wife...she'll kick me back. -Chris

Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Brew on Nov 11th, 2010 at 7:21am

interesting thing is it kind of feels good,

I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right. There must be a tiny shot of adrenaline that accompanies it.

Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Chris H on Nov 11th, 2010 at 8:39am
Jeannie, Are you taking verapamil? What you described is just like it, often when I'm just falling asleep. -Chris

Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Nov 11th, 2010 at 6:12pm
It could be this, I've had it along with restless leg syndrome since going chronic.

Sleep myoclonus occurs during the initial phases of sleep, especially at the moment of dropping off to sleep. Some forms appear to be stimulus-sensitive. Some persons with sleep myoclonus are rarely troubled by, or need treatment for, the condition. However, myoclonus may be a symptom in more complex and disturbing sleep disorders, such as restless legs syndrome, and may require treatment by a doctor.

The best way I can describe it is like when you you are really tired but you are trying to stay awake, its that little shock/jolt that bring you back to reality.


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Chris H on Nov 11th, 2010 at 6:19pm
Hey Barry, Could be. Did you ever get treatment for it? Definitely something that happens like just after I dozed off. -Chris

Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Jeannie on Nov 11th, 2010 at 6:25pm
I am taking Verap, Chris.  I've been on it, this time, for a year now.

I often think that the jolt is sort of "seizure like".  It kind of would make a sense as seizures often occur when falling asleep... like CH.  Of course that's just a thought.   I'm no doctor.

Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Headache Boy uk on Nov 11th, 2010 at 6:28pm
I've always been jumpy as I go to sleep if I am really tired or stressed , even before CH started but it's more a suden involuntary movement of an arm or leg , some times just a jolt others a full on swing. When I was on verapamil it was the same thing only 200 times worse and the whole of my body.

I think the twitchy eye thing is a side effect of CH, even though I've been out of cycle for a year...almost I've had constant shadows and the twitchy eye thing comes along with them.

God bless


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Nov 13th, 2010 at 1:30am

Chris H wrote on Nov 11th, 2010 at 6:19pm:
Hey Barry, Could be. Did you ever get treatment for it? Definitely something that happens like just after I dozed off. -Chris

No I never bothered, depression meds where mentioned but I thought what the heck anything less than CH wasn't a quotable quote so to speak.


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by bluenz on Nov 13th, 2010 at 3:07pm
I have a feeling that it is one in the same   

those jolts we sometimes get when drifting from lucid dreaming to r.e.m sleep mode   --- A big jolt and we wake up      ( this is the point people dream they are falling or bolt themselves upright awake   it is the adrenalin boost)  it is a serotonin- sleep issue 
its similar in daytime for us during the day we all
( CH ) have raised serotonin levels  and lots of us seam to get a  moreso twitchy  and vague/ dreamy moments    before a big hit.      

of us who seam to get this effect   seam to be the insomniacs of the crowd .   

not concrete proof   so dont flame me.   its   J.M.O


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by Chris H on Nov 13th, 2010 at 4:52pm
OK, call me nuts if you want. I get those dreamy vague moments. It's like I've drifted into a trance and I can kind of feel something swirling around in my head, like chasing down the source of the clusters but I can't exactly catch it, then bam, hello. Time to dance.

I'm an insomniac most of the time. 2-3 am is not unusual, 5-6 am sometimes. You know you can get a lot of nothing done at those times, and watch some really crappy tv.


Title: Re: Spasms
Post by bluenz on Nov 13th, 2010 at 5:40pm
if your nuts Chris    then so am i        lmao   what you described makes perfect seance to me.    the whole swimming in your head half asleep lucid dreaming type state.

I have been reading up on this a lot as of late thanks to this thread and some sleep doc said- wrote / recommended that when your feeling dreamy to flick your eyes left and right fast as you can a few times and that will usually *Wake you from your slumber state .  hmm interesting- but will give it a try regardless  if i can remember to. 

I dunno if all CH peeps have raised serotonin ? body clock issues?  but the insomnia seams so common with a lot of us.   

have a great day guys and dolls


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