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Message started by faith10 on Oct 19th, 2010 at 7:16am

Title: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 19th, 2010 at 7:16am
Hi Guys, lately I just know by the internet, that I am a Cluster Headache Sufferer too although actually I had my first attack more than 20 years ago when I was still in senior high school. A miracle happened to me at that time because I found a treatment that very effective to defeat the attack of CH (break/end the cycle in just one day or even just 3 hours!). Do you know that over these 20 years I never used any medicine at all like: immitrex, oxygen, or even the shrooms/psilosybin and psychedelics/LSD  that have many side effects and cause unpleasant condition as a normal human being. Why do you cure just one organ of your body and let the other organs be the victims? That's why I am here to share something to you and I hope it would be worth and also work for you too :
(Warning, before you do this treatment you should  consult first with your doctors or medical advisors, especially those who have heart abnormality, kidney disorder, colloid cyst of the third ventricle, and other serious illnesses).

The treatment is WALKING treatment. Hahaha, you must be joking, maybe it's what you think. But I am serious. JUST WALK, but how? It must meet several conditions to make it very effective to cure your CH. The conditions are:
- You have to walk in the medium speed of walk, not a slow one, and you should walk like a solidier and maintain the speed from the beginning until the end of the walk. Don't take a rest or stop in the middle of your journey even a while. Just keep walking and keep walking.            
-  You have to walk in the extreme heat of the  sunshine at noon from 12 am until 3 pm. The temperature might be best at 30 degree of Celcius scale. The sky is not cloudy so that the sunshine can freely reach on you.
- You have to got fasting. You must not eat or drink from the beginning until the end of the walk. In the morning before doing the walk, you may eat a little and drink some water until 9 or 10 am and after that don't do that again.
- In the middle of your journey,maybe about after 1.5 hours of walking, the signal of healing will appear, such a slow movement of fluid will go down from your head (forehead) and goes to your nasal cavity and lasted in your mouth cavity. At that time, you still have to walk another 1-1.5 hours again. The fluid will go down slowly as long as you still keep walking.
- If you do this walking treatment in the right way and the right condition, you will only need doing this walking treatment just once, no need to repeat it the next day, because your pain has been cured that day.

That was what I did when the attack came since 20 years ago and the last attack that I got was four years ago. The treatment is never let me down, it's my real experiences. Believe it or not, why don't you try it yourself?

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Bob_Johnson on Oct 19th, 2010 at 7:57am
It's always fun and interesting to see people from around the world struggling with the same conditon and, in this message, finding a form of relief which we have been sharing/encouraging/supporting for some years.

Some 35-years ago, one of the doc who started to treat me for CH suggested brisk walking because there were virtually no decent medical treatments then available.

If you explore the buttons (left) and read messages here, you will find broad interest and support for the use of oxygen with high volume masks. This approach has gained "official" support in the medical literature.

Some of our members use running and other forms of vigorous exercise to this same end.

Links to some of the medical literature on the topic....

The National Headache Foundation:

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The Mayo Clinic:

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Dr. Todd Rozen:
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Dr. Lee Kudrow:

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On 02-15-05, the American Family Physician published the article "Management of Cluster Headache" by Dr. Ellen Beck, Dr William Sieber and Dr. Raul Trejo. In the Acute or Abortive Treatments section, it states that oxygen and sumatriptan are the "treatments of choice for acute cluster headache."

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{Thanks to Gator for these links.]

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 19th, 2010 at 8:50am
Dear Bob,
I know that is true that maybe one medicine could not cure all the people who suffer this CH. But, when I write this message to all of you, I am in 100% believe to this treatment and how it work as I explain it to you above, because I got the amazing result of this medication to cure/end my cycle so perfectly, for more than 22 years,and it never let me down, even just once!

So, everybody, if there is some one who wants to be a volunteer and is willing to try this treatment, I will give full guidance how to do it in the right way.
Thank you Bob for your comment.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 19th, 2010 at 9:17am
"If it works for me, it must work for everybody."

Show me the fault in this logic.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 19th, 2010 at 11:59am
If everybody is afraid to try new remedy/treatment, then How do you know that it is fit to you or not?

I know some vigorous exercises such as walking at night or doing scott jump and even there is somebody who run so bravely to the top of the hill, but I think what they do can not cure or just abort the pain for a moment and then the other days the pain will come back again and let you think that this isn't good enough. But the treatment that I found 22 years ago is very diffrerent because :

1. I just need do it ONCE and then the cycle is broken completely and the pain doesn't come back again tomorrow and the other days, until one or two or even four years like now.
2.  Usually the treatment works just once and then when the next cycle come again it doesn't work anymore. But I find this treatment is always work whenever I need it for many times. 
3. This treatment need a lot of time  (3 hours) to spend and it also need the heat from the sunshine and supported by the high temperature (30 degree of Celcius scale). The condition that I explain could reduce the pain, because it will slowly reduce it (3 hours of walk) so that a trigger might not come. When you use vigorous exercise you use big energy, very fast and last not very long so that it doesn't reach the main problem itself that is, what causes the pain.
I know that some of you are afraid to try because you think it might be a trigger to another attack if they do this treatment. I remembered, one day when I was still in great pain, I did this treatment. At the beginning it was not easy, but then the pain begin subsided slowly while I kept walking in the extreme heat of the sunshine at noon. So, by this experience, I am never be afraid doing this treatment, whether I am already in normal condition or I am still got attacked at that time. Because at the end of the walk I got my cure completely.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 19th, 2010 at 12:27pm
Gives new meaning to Take a hike Hank.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 19th, 2010 at 12:27pm
Rescind your plea for money on your website. Go edit it right now and eliminate the plea for money.

Then, and only then, will you get my attention.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by George on Oct 19th, 2010 at 1:24pm
Seeing as how I live at around 45 degrees north latitude and I won't see 30 C (86 F) for around six months, it'll be awhile.

FWIW, some of the most brutal attacks I've ever had came about after hiking in the hot sun.

I understand you're certain that your technique is a success, but I'm afraid that I'm not convinced. 

No disrespect intended, but "cure" is a pretty strong word.



Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 19th, 2010 at 2:51pm

George wrote on Oct 19th, 2010 at 1:24pm:
Seeing as how I live at around 45 degrees north latitude and I won't see 30 C (86 F) for around six months, it'll be awhile.

FWIW, some of the most brutal attacks I've ever had came about after hiking in the hot sun.

I understand you're certain that your technique is a success, but I'm afraid that I'm not convinced. 

No disrespect intended, but "cure" is a pretty strong word.



George you live in the Banana Belt.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by mikstudie on Oct 19th, 2010 at 4:26pm
I know my walking in the fresh air has stopped many hits, but a CURE??????????? And it has never busted a cluster cycle.. Besides if i walked at attention for three hours I would have many other things to deal with.  ;D

It is great that it works for you and I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. But one thing I do know about CH is everything does not work for everybody, if it did we would not be having this conversation.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 19th, 2010 at 9:36pm
Maybe someone who live near the equator like me would participate, because we are not afraid being exposed to the sunshine for a few hours.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Turts on Oct 20th, 2010 at 4:52am
hi faith10,

Thanks for posting your 'advise'.

However I would appreciate it in future if you kept posting and didnt email me directly.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by seaworthy on Oct 20th, 2010 at 7:43am

You have to walk in the extreme heat of the  sunshine at noon from 12 am until 3 pm.

I'm looking forward to my guaranteed KIP 9.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by wimsey1 on Oct 20th, 2010 at 7:59am

seaworthy wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 7:43am:

You have to walk in the extreme heat of the  sunshine at noon from 12 am until 3 pm.

I'm looking forward to my guaranteed KIP 9.

Yeah, I know vigorous exercise has helped some, as has heat. For me, it's an absolute trigger and an invitation to hell. So was rest for the longest time. I had to alternate rest with moderate activity in a relatively stable temp environment.

Cure? Glad it works for you and others.
Not willing to try something? I don't need to try and breathe underwater to know I'll drown. Experience has taught me to stay away from that.

God bless! lance

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:54am
Good on ya for editing your website and removing the plea for money.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 20th, 2010 at 10:07am
Yeah, I understand about your fear. No one want more pain of course. If you think about walking 3 hours in the extreme heat of the sunshine at noon, it surely sounds so terrible and no doubt will give you a trigger to get highest pain :10 in KIP scale! I understand that because I am the same with you too, I am a CH sufferer too and I know how does it feel being in the terrible pain at 10 in KIP scale.

If I had never experienced the first moment that I tell the whole story in my website : START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE , where at that time I feel hopeless and as if I am going to die and after I am struggling and doing the unbelievable thing : walking for 3 hours at noon, surely I must be standing in your side right now, curse this treatment too. When I did it at that time, I have no way out, I am in a hopeless condition, so that like a mad man I walk and walk, so far and I couldn't count how long I had been walking. What I knew that this was the only way I could do, and after doing that I thought that I would give up. But God make it a miracle to me, after I walked so far, I found that my pain was gone, not only for one day, but until the next cycle came again. And I use this treatment not only just once, but it had been working for 22 years. So, when I write this website, I try to explain it clearly so that all of you can easily follow the instructions.  That's all what I want to tell you.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Lauren17 on Oct 20th, 2010 at 1:03pm
Alright, that's enough, dude. What works for you won't work for everyone. Face it, live it, accept it.

And after facing this beast I can tell you no one here is afraid of a little sunshine, so it isn't that. Hell, everyone would probably rather face a mountain lion barefoot in a parking lot at noon than have a headache.

Cursing your treatment? Nope, no one did that. But here's what people want to see in a post on a treatment suggestion:

Hey guys, it breaks my cycle if I walk vigourously for 3 hours at noon! Give it a shot, hope it helps someone, but I know we're all different!

There you go, I just saved you 3,000 words.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Lauren17 on Oct 20th, 2010 at 1:32pm
thanks dude!

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 20th, 2010 at 1:48pm

Lauren17 wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 1:03pm:
Alright, that's enough, dude. What works for you won't work for everyone. Face it, live it, accept it.

And after facing this beast I can tell you no one here is afraid of a little sunshine, so it isn't that. Hell, everyone would probably rather face a mountain lion barefoot in a parking lot at noon than have a headache.

Cursing your treatment? Nope, no one did that. But here's what people want to see in a post on a treatment suggestion:

Hey guys, it breaks my cycle if I walk vigourously for 3 hours at noon! Give it a shot, hope it helps someone, but I know we're all different!

There you go, I just saved you 3,000 words.

  Perfect.  Fook the Rangers.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 20th, 2010 at 2:56pm

Potter wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 1:48pm:
  Perfect.  Fook the Rangers.


The New York Yankees are the world series champions again in serious trouble and all is right in the world tonite.

Fixed it for ya. ;)

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 20th, 2010 at 3:03pm
And yes, good for you for eliminating your plea for money from your website. Thank you for doing the right thing.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 20th, 2010 at 3:12pm

Brew wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 2:56pm:

Potter wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 1:48pm:
  Perfect.  Fook the Rangers.


The New York Yankees are the world series champions again in serious trouble and all is right in the world tonite.

Fixed it for ya. ;)

   We gottem right where we want em.  In the immortal words of Hideki Matsui,  who's only English was  "Let's go kick their fucking asses"


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:01pm
Ok, I can accept what you say. This is just the last question : Have you or somebody here in this message board ever tried this walking treatment? I would like to hear your testimony doing this treatment. Thank you.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:10pm
  I been humpin my whole life and it never cured shit.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:18pm
I haven't needed to try any treatment since May, as I am in remission.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:20pm
In the way I do, walking in the extreme heat at 12 am - 3 pm at noon? Are you sure, you have done it?

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:28pm

My Experiences wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:20pm:
In the way I do, walking in the extreme heat at 12 am - 3 pm at noon? Are you sure, you have done it?

I think I'm pretty sure I got walkin pretty much licked.  Here's the cure for what ails ya.  Angus burger I raised,  tomato I raised and some lettuce Wally raised.


dinner.jpeg (Attachment deleted)

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:33pm
Then there's the little matter of extremely white boys like me needing to be anywhere but in direct sunlight for three hours at a crack.

I'm sure the basal cell carcinomas would accelerate exponentially.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:47pm
Ok I write it again... "In the way I do, walking in the extreme heat at 12 am until 3 pm at noon. Are you sure, you have done it?" . It is very important that all factors should be involved to achieve the best result for your healing. I will wait for somebody's testimony, tomorrow, next week, or even next year. Thank you

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:59pm

My Experiences wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:47pm:
Ok I write it again... "In the way I do, walking in the extreme heat at 12 am until 3 pm at noon. Are you sure, you have done it?" . It is very important that all factors should be involved to achieve the best result for your healing. I will wait for somebody's testimony, tomorrow, next week, or even next year. Thank you

If I ever get hit again, I'll be sure to try your methodology.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 20th, 2010 at 10:03pm
Thank you guys. I wish you all the best.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 20th, 2010 at 10:05pm
...but my dermatologist will not be pleased.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 20th, 2010 at 11:17pm

My Experiences wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:47pm:
Ok I write it again... "In the way I do, walking in the extreme heat at 12 am until 3 pm at noon. Are you sure, you have done it?" . It is very important that all factors should be involved to achieve the best result for your healing. I will wait for somebody's testimony, tomorrow, next week, or even next year. Thank you

      That time don't exist in my world.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Kilowatt3 on Oct 20th, 2010 at 11:32pm

Potter wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 11:17pm:

My Experiences wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:47pm:
Ok I write it again... "In the way I do, walking in the extreme heat at 12 am until 3 pm at noon. Are you sure, you have done it?" . It is very important that all factors should be involved to achieve the best result for your healing. I will wait for somebody's testimony, tomorrow, next week, or even next year. Thank you

      That time don't exist in my world.


I was just thinking the same thing.  3 p.m. has NEVER happened at noon around here, either.  Besides, if I walked 15 hours straight starting at 12:00 a.m. every day, I'd have to go to bed immediately just to get up and start walking again at midnight!  ;D I'd probably lose my job pretty quick.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by wimsey1 on Oct 21st, 2010 at 7:50am

My Experiences wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:47pm:
Ok I write it again... "In the way I do, walking in the extreme heat at 12 am until 3 pm at noon. Are you sure, you have done it?" . It is very important that all factors should be involved to achieve the best result for your healing. I will wait for somebody's testimony, tomorrow, next week, or even next year. Thank you

Just curious. How exactly did you test the parameters of your "cure?" so that you know the "exact" measurements, which when deviated from, become less effective?

And dude, heat and exertion brings on clusters for me...and for some others. It wouldn't matter if I was in a boat, on a float, with a goat...I'd still be flustered as my eye became clustered. I do not like green eggs and ham...or heat. lance

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Lauren17 on Oct 21st, 2010 at 9:05am
PLENTY of military folks on the board. Feel it's safe to say they've marched for 3 hours, probably many mid day without:

"the signal of healing will appear, such a slow movement of fluid will go down from your head (forehead) and goes to your nasal cavity and lasted in your mouth cavity."

Sorry dude, but I distrust anyone who wants me to pay them to teach me how to walk.

Good luck to you, and all snippiness aside, if you do have CH and HAVE found something that works for you, we all celebrate your success.

And my god Potter, that is the best looking burger I've ever seen!

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 22nd, 2010 at 11:21pm

Potter wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 3:12pm:
The New York Yankees are the world series champions again in serious trouble and all is right in the world tonite.

Fixed it for ya. ;)   We gottem right where we want em.  In the immortal words of Hideki Matsui,  who's only English was  "Let's go kick their fucking asses"


Please accept my condolences.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 11:35am


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 11:38am
Since my season is over I'm goin walkin.  Walk this way.
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Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 11:39am
At least you can keep your tagline for another couple of weeks.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 11:59am

Brew wrote on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 11:39am:
At least you can keep your tagline for another couple of weeks.

Rub it in rub it in.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 12:15pm

Potter wrote on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 11:59am:
Rub it in rub it in.


Since their inception in 1970, the Milwaukee Brewers have been my home team, through thick and thin. I've earned the right to rub it in. ;)

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 12:32pm

Brew wrote on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 12:15pm:

Potter wrote on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 11:59am:
Rub it in rub it in.


Since their inception in 1970, the Milwaukee Brewers Braves have been my home team, through thick and thin. I've earned the right to rub it in. ;)

I loved the Braves.  Rotten Bastages.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 23rd, 2010 at 12:34pm
I'm too young to remember the Braves being in Milwaukee, although my mother tells me she went to a game while I was a bun in the oven.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by monty on Oct 24th, 2010 at 10:45am

Brew wrote on Oct 20th, 2010 at 9:33pm:
Then there's the little matter of extremely white boys like me needing to be anywhere but in direct sunlight for three hours at a crack.

I'm sure the basal cell carcinomas would accelerate exponentially.

I'm a big fan of people getting more sunlight. While the risk from a few types of skin cancer increases with 'sun exposure', the risk of many types of other cancer would decrease (along with reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases).

Skin cancer is the easiest type to spot and treat. The biggest danger is a sunburn with blistering (which could happen to very white people with 3 hours peak exposure at some latitutdes, for sure).  Overexposure is clearly unhealthy and is strongly linked to increased risk of skin cancers. Getting moderate exposure to sunlight actually seems to be protective for melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

But I don't think that sunlight or vitamin D is a magic bullet against cluster headaches. I am episodic with a strong tendency to get hit in summer. For me, heat and sunlight are not the answer in any way shape or form - being tan hasn't stopped the beast. In the short term, my experience is that exposure to heat and UV seem to be a trigger. When I am in cycle, I need to adjust my gardening and lawnmowing so it is done in the early morning or late afternoon, and I need to take frequent breaks to cool off and rehydrate. My bias is towards the 'water, water, water' approach to prevent cluster pain.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Brew on Oct 24th, 2010 at 11:07am
A lot has to do with skin type as well. Those of us whose northern European ancestors passed along the pinkest of pink skin with freckles are most at risk. I'm 49 and just had my third basal cell carcinoma removed.

When you think about it, we come from a generation whose parents were more concerned about keeping us out of the pool for an hour after we ate than they were about protecting our skin from the damaging effects of overexposure. Not that I'm blaming them - nobody really gave it a second thought. I'm just thankful it's never been a melanoma - so far.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Callico on Oct 24th, 2010 at 4:41pm

If you will walk three hours a day in that manner outdoors between November 1 and Feb 29 I assure you  you will have no worries about CH.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by George on Oct 24th, 2010 at 5:24pm

Callico wrote on Oct 24th, 2010 at 4:41pm:

If you will walk three hours a day in that manner outdoors between November 1 and Feb 29 I assure you  you will have no worries about CH.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure you could see the leading edge of the polar ice cap from his place--if Canada wasn't in the way.   ;)



Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 24th, 2010 at 6:10pm
Maybe the best Hijack of all time.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 24th, 2010 at 11:23pm
Sorry guys, maybe all of your reasons are right. I may not sacrifice your skin health just to heal your CH (I don't know that your white skin so easily affected by the exposing to the sunshine that can cause a skin cancer) and maybe some of you do not suitable for this treatment that uses heat from sunshine and even got worse by exposing to the sunshine. One thing I am stressing at the beginning, don't just cure one organ of your body  by letting other organs be the victim. Maybe you should use water 3x if it is suitable for you.

I think you should choose your treatment that best suitable for you, but at the same time don't give many side effect to you. Wish you luck.

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by George on Oct 26th, 2010 at 2:07pm
In all seriousness...

Thomas, you all right over there? 

Between the earthquake, and the volcano that erupted in the past couple days, I just wondered.  Let us know you're okay when you have a chance.



Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 26th, 2010 at 3:29pm
I am still ok, but many of us aren't.                        

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Callico on Oct 26th, 2010 at 9:18pm
Glad you are OK.  Hope all stays well for you.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Lee_Ann on Oct 28th, 2010 at 11:40pm
At least walking is easier than standing on your head.  Glad it works for you.  ;D

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by faith10 on Oct 29th, 2010 at 1:49am
;D ;D ;D    >:( >:( >:(     :'( :'( :'(
So sadly to hear it... "it works for me...."   :'( :'( :'(
It also means I've got the heal only for myself...  ::) ::) ::)

The world is so strange and insane...  :D :D :D   >:( >:( >:(    ;D ;D ;D 

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by wimsey1 on Oct 29th, 2010 at 8:52am
The world is a dangerous place to live..and a wonderful place, too. I remember once when lightning hit my swingset in the backyard-it was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. I've learned that some things are ugly just by nature (chs are one of them) and others because they discomfort us (hurricanes when they land ashore). A healthy dose of humility and respect helps when dealing with nature and people. Blessings. lance

Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 29th, 2010 at 9:23pm

My Experiences wrote on Oct 29th, 2010 at 1:49am:
;D ;D ;D    >:( >:( >:(     :'( :'( :'(
So sadly to hear it... "it works for me...."   :'( :'( :'(
It also means I've got the heal only for myself...  ::) ::) ::)

The world is so strange and insane...  :D :D :D   >:( >:( >:(    ;D ;D ;D 

    Just a leetle infantile.


Title: Re: A New Way to Break (End) The Cycle
Post by Lee_Ann on Oct 29th, 2010 at 11:47pm
Thomas you've shared it with everyone so if anyone wants to try it, they can.  Thank you.

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