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Message started by colemonster on Sep 28th, 2010 at 10:17am

Title: on preventative ... wanting to exercise...
Post by colemonster on Sep 28th, 2010 at 10:17am
I have been on the Verapamil for 3 days know and only had 1 small hit treated with o2.  No hits the last 2 days, barely even a shadow (very happy!)  Exercise is a guaranteed trigger for me 5 minutes after I stop.  Wanting to go hit the singletracks (biking), scared it will cause a big CH.  Does anyone find that they can do known triggers when on a preventative that seems to be working?  This is my first cycle that I have taken a preventative not sure what to expect...Also thinking of taking my small O2 tank to the trails with me to huff right after just in case.  Thanks for everyones help!

Title: Re: on preventative ... wanting to exercise...
Post by Guiseppi on Sep 28th, 2010 at 6:24pm
When I've been on my prevent, lithium, for about 2 weeks, I can get away with risking triggers, sustained stress, sleep cycle disruptions, and alcohol. But even after 2 weeks, it;s risky and I'll sometimes get hit. Have an E-Tank at the finish of your ride and see how it goes! ;)


Title: Re: on preventative ... wanting to exercise...
Post by Bob_Johnson on Sep 29th, 2010 at 8:34am
You haven't been on Verap long enough for it to take effect and you may have to adjust dosing one or more times before you can make any judgments about its effectiveness.
Lancet. 1999 Sep 18;354(9183):1001-2.
Comment in:
Lancet. 2000 Jan 8;355(9198):147.

A new cluster headache precipitant: increased body heat.

Blau JN, Engel HO.

Exercise, a hot bath, or elevated environmental temperature provoked cluster headaches, within 1 h, in 75 out of 200 patients. This new observation accords with recognised precipitants--alcohol, histamine, and gyceryl trinitrate--perhaps via generalised vasodilatation or hypothalamic activation.

Publication Types:

PMID: 10501368 [PubMed]
Ask your pharmacist if ergotamne, 2mg SL, is available. It's a old time med which, taken before heat generating activities, will often prevent the development of an attack.

Title: Re: on preventative ... wanting to exercise...
Post by colemonster on Sep 29th, 2010 at 3:31pm
Thank you for the replys.  I guess I am just hoping for a cure all when I know in my heart it won't happen.  I see my Dr again in 2 weeks but really wanting to ride my bike.  Think I will just bite the bullet and see how it goes. Bike and alcohol free times 3 weeks kinda sucks! Amazing how these cycles can turn your life around!  Good luck to everyone! 

Title: Re: on preventative ... wanting to exercise...
Post by Bob_Johnson on Sep 30th, 2010 at 6:45am
Don't give up yet! You've just started on what, to be sure, can be a frustrating trip to find a good mix of meds which will help you. But the overall track record for gaining control of your CH is good.

Title: Re: on preventative ... wanting to exercise...
Post by wimsey1 on Sep 30th, 2010 at 8:50am
Some have found vigorous exercise actually helps. Me? I'l like you. It's a trigger. Still, take Bob's advice and wait, but when you're ready do what Joe said: have an e-tank waiting. I never travel without abortives, especially O2. Makes one feel like everyone's watchin' and maybe they are. So what? It lets us live in between hits. Especially knowing we can strike the beast where it lives. Good luck and God bless! lance

Title: Re: on preventative ... wanting to exercise...
Post by colemonster on Oct 2nd, 2010 at 10:56am
Just an update... went riding yesterday afternoon.  Rode about 50 minutes, cut it short hoping that would help.  Within 10 minutes after finishing felt the beast!  Had my O2 with me used it for about 10 min.  Still had pain, too 25mg of Imitrex, and used O2 again.  About 30 min later painfree.  Not so bad, have had a lot worse when I did not have O2.  Thinking next time I will just take 25mg of oral Imitrex before riding, anyone ever tried that?  I see the dr. in a couple of weeks, hoping to get some Ergotamine then....  Thanks again for all the positive posts!  Good luck to everyone!

Title: Re: on preventative ... wanting to exercise...
Post by Bob_Johnson on Oct 2nd, 2010 at 11:35am
Imitrex as a preventive has been tested without notable success.

Ask your pharmacist about the ergotamine before you see the doc. Ph. can search to see if it's available whereas the doc likely won't know. (This product has been in a fluid state--available, not available--for seveal years and so you need a source of current information.)

Title: Re: on preventative ... wanting to exercise...
Post by colemonster on Oct 2nd, 2010 at 5:59pm
Thank you so much Bob, I have learned so much from this site in such a short amount of time!!!!

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