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Message started by BryanSch on Sep 13th, 2010 at 10:16pm

Title: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by BryanSch on Sep 13th, 2010 at 10:16pm
Hello all,
I've been around this board before, usually around the time my cycles kick in. I wanted to briefly describe my success with psilocybin mushrooms, because I truly believe this can be a viable (treatment) for many CH sufferers, and I would encourage anyone who cannot manage their headaches (for monetary or medical reasons) to try the psilocybin method.

I am a father of 2, and a cluster sufferer for 10 years. I was managing my headaches (2 cycles per year for about 4-5 weeks with 5-6 headaches per week) using steroids and what ever abortives my neurologist threw at me. When the recession hit, I was effected badly, and I could no longer afford the $25 doses of sumatriptan nasals that were working for me at the time, so I starting looking for other methods. I inevitably came across the psilocybin method of taking "magic mushrooms", which I always regarded with skepticism. But this time I was looking through more desperate eyes, so I decided to give it a try.

I purchased spores legally from an online website, and spent the next 2 months growing my own mushrooms in a small tupperware container (note: it is LEGAL to purchase  spores, though ILLEGAL to harvest mushrooms that contain psilocybin). Since last august (2009), I have dosed 3 times,  taking about 1 gram of mushrooms at the beginning of my cycles. This is less than half what most "recreational" mushroom users take to get high. I had a mild "psychedelic" reaction to each dose.

Since I started this treatment last august I have had only 2 headaches. Doing the math, that means I have prevented at least 58 clusters, since I average about 20 a cycle. And all this took only $120 in materials for growing the mushrooms. I am still in awe.

Let me say this: I did an immense amount of research, and many hours of reading testimonials from others on their experiences. There is a fairly in depth methodology behind this treatment, and I suggest anyone who considers it to research it well and read what others have written. There is a lot of planning involved, especially if you are growing your own mushrooms. It is not a path for everyone, but If I can inch anyone closer to consider this path, I believe there will be a high chance of success.

Please message me with any questions on my experiences, I would be more than willing to help anyone get started. Thanks for reading!

Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 14th, 2010 at 12:10am
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  You'll like this site.


Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by Brew on Sep 14th, 2010 at 7:38am
I am ecstatic at your success. I, too, have found similar results. But I caution against your use of the word "cure."

"Cure" means never again having to take treatment.

Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by Chad on Sep 14th, 2010 at 8:14am
I will second Brew's thoughts about a "cure".

No such thing in this business because if you were cured,
you wouldn't be having anymore cycles. 

The only time you're cured is when you're 6 feet under.

Psilocybin is probably the best prevent out there though...

Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by Guiseppi on Sep 14th, 2010 at 11:57am
Do go to      it's amazing the successes they've been having with some of our members who were not responding to anything else. Danged glad you found some pain free time. ;)


Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by BryanSch on Sep 15th, 2010 at 3:01am
Yes! Cluster Busters is where I got most of my info about the psilocybin treatment. An amazing site. They seemed to have taken down a link to their FAQ page, although it is still accessible here-

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There is an immense amount of info on this page.

And yes, I concede, it is not a cure, but a treatment. Though it sure seems like a cure right now. I am convinced that  a legal and prescribable psilocybin regiment would be the most important step to date in the treatment of clusters. God bless the people at Cluster Busters for trying to build a credible case for this treatment.

Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by boski on Sep 16th, 2010 at 10:51am
Could an increase in dose eliminate those few hits.  Or less of a does more often? 

Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by BryanSch on Sep 17th, 2010 at 2:32pm
I'm not sure, but to be honest I'd rather deal with one or two hits then risk stepping into the hallucination zone. I was never a big fan of taking psychedelics recreationally, and at my dosage it basically feels like having a few beers.

Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by boski on Sep 26th, 2010 at 2:21am
Next time I'm going to try. These meds are for the Birds.

As long as I don't see the beast it's cool with me.   ;)

Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by BryanSch on Oct 1st, 2010 at 11:35pm
This is the best explanation I've ever read on what psilocybin may do to the brain to prevent clusters.

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Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by Robert on Oct 31st, 2010 at 12:27pm
I have looked everywere for the spores  cen you tell me were to look

Title: Re: Psilocybin: Success from a Skeptic
Post by Callico on Oct 31st, 2010 at 2:33pm
Might I suggest you google mushroom spores.  For us to give a source over the open net could be construed as recommending an illegal substance.


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