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Message started by painfulnoodle on Aug 8th, 2010 at 11:25pm

Title: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Aug 8th, 2010 at 11:25pm
I've been out of work for a year this month and thankfully have not had CH since early this year ... but they're back ... and with vengence! I tried one of my Immitrex injections the other night, but it was the newest (expired a year ago) of those I had stock piled when I still had insurance and it was only somewhat effective. I'm sure the rest are even less.

Anyway, I have no insurance and can't get any because of other health issues, and my unemployment will run out next month and thus have $0 income.

If anyone has any ideas on how to get some assistance, i.e. state, federal, corporate ... I'm about to be very desperate! I'm facing a lot of challenges, but none scare me more than having no defense against the most debilitating condition.

Thanks in advance.


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by bonkers on Aug 9th, 2010 at 12:05am
Hi Painfulnoodle,

It might be worth your while to check out ClusterBusters (START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE). Not only might you be able to get control over this "most debilitating condition" without recourse to insurance, you'll save yourself the damage that can be done by Imitrex, Topomax et al. And I don't just mean the damage that those drugs are capable of inflicting on your wallet.


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Bob_Johnson on Aug 9th, 2010 at 9:23am
Keep trying your old Imitrex. Unless it has been storted in bad conditions , the expiration dates on meds are not of any merit.

In Atlanta, you should have a good array of free/low cost med services. Call the social service folks in your larger hospitals and ask; check with the United Way office; call the local govt Social Service organization -- all these are useful sources of information.

Melatonin can be used as both a preventive and abortive, although it doesn't rank high as an abortive. But cost is the clear advantage making it worth a try.

IF you have a doc who will work with you, ask for a sample of Zyprexa. You will know with 1-2 uses whether it works for you and it has the clear advantage of being much lower cost-per-dose than Imitrex and almost as fast working.

Headache 2001 Sep;41(8):813-6 

Olanzapine as an Abortive Agent for Cluster Headache.

Rozen TD.

Department of Neurology, Jefferson Headache Center/Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate olanzapine as a cluster headache abortive agent in an open-label trial. BACKGROUND: Cluster headache is the most painful headache syndrome known. There are very few recognized abortive therapies for cluster headache and fewer for patients who have contraindications to vasoconstrictive drugs. METHODS: Olanzapine was given as an abortive agent to five patients with cluster headache in an open-label trial. THE INITIAL OLANZAPINE DOSE WAS 5 MG, AND THE DOSE WAS INCREASED TO 10 MG IF THERE WAS NO PAIN RELIEF. THE DOSAGE WAS DECREASED TO 2.5 MG IF THE 5-MG DOSE WAS EFFECTIVE BUT CAUSED ADVERSE EFFECTS. To be included in the study, each patient had to treat at least two attacks with either an effective dose or the highest tolerated dose. RESULTS: Five patients completed the investigation (four men, one woman; four with chronic cluster, one with episodic cluster). Olanzapine reduced cluster pain by at least 80% in four of five patients, and TWO PATIENTS BECAME HEADACHE-FREE AFTER TAKING THE DRUG. Olanzapine typically alleviated pain within 20 minutes after oral dosing and treatment response was consistent across multiple treated attacks. The only adverse event was sleepiness. CONCLUSIONS: Olanzapine appears to be a good abortive agent for cluster headache. IT ALLEVIATES PAIN QUICKLY AND HAS A CONSISTENT RESPONSE ACROSS MULTIPLE TREATED ATTACKS. IT APPEARS TO WORK IN BOTH EPISODIC AND CHRONIC CLUSTER HEADACHE.

PMID 11576207 PubMed


Olanzapine has a brand name of "Zyprexa" and is a antipsychotic. Don't be put off by this primary usage. Several of the drugs used to treat CH are cross over applications, that is, drugs approved by the FDA for one purpose which are found to be effective with unrelated conditions--BJ.
Check out "tips for suffers" at the top of this section.

(And don't forget "them what's" in Congress who won't vote for an extension of unemployment benefits.)

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Guiseppi on Aug 9th, 2010 at 10:06am
Nasty boat to find yourself in for sure. Bonkers hasa good point regarding     on a cost basis may be the cheapest route to go.

Look into welding oxygen as an abortive, also a cheap route. Good luck on the CH and the work front. :(


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by -johnny- on Aug 9th, 2010 at 12:40pm

bonkers wrote on Aug 9th, 2010 at 12:05am:
Hi Painfulnoodle,

It might be worth your while to check out ClusterBusters ( Not only might you be able to get control over this "most debilitating condition" without recourse to insurance, you'll save yourself the damage that can be done by Imitrex, Topomax et al. And I don't just mean the damage that those drugs are capable of inflicting on your wallet.


thats what i did. last cycle i didn't have insurance either.if your unemployed you may qualify for medicaid to pay for o2. if not you can rent an o2 from airgas or linde and tell them your using it for welding.

a 25 lpm or higher regulator is recommended.
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o2 is a must

as for now try redbulls or energy drinks as an abortive. caffeine and taurine are the key ingredients.

kudzo supplements can be helpful. if you cant find them in the vitamin section at the grocery store or the pharmacy you can find them at gnc.

i highly recommend clusterbusting but be sure to read up on it before you try it

keep a couple bags of frozen peas in the freezer and put them on your face or on top of your head.

use your abortives early but dont overdo them in desperation.

aspirin, ibuprofen, or tylenol is not going to help you.

stay away from nitrates (sausage, bacon, hot dogs) and chocolate.

dont drink beer and dont smoke pot 

keep us updated and post any questions you might have :)

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by QnHeartMM on Aug 9th, 2010 at 1:49pm
Wow I see you're in Atlanta and am so bummed that your cycle has started just a few weeks after the OUCH meeting we held there. It would have been awesome if you had been able to attend and visit face to face with other sufferers. PLus we had world class CH doctors there. Sigh.

I think others here have given you some excellent advice, hope it helps.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Batch on Aug 9th, 2010 at 4:39pm

Pick up some fresh lemons and make yourself some homemade lemonade and drink a couple glasses with dinner.  I use Splenda to sweeten up the lemonade and keep the Sumo recruiters away.

I know this sounds off the wall, but there's medical evidence that the citric acid in fresh lemonade acts as a buffer on stomach's gastric juice with the end result an elevated arterial pH.  An elevated arterial pH has proven to a number of us who've tried it to reduce the frequency and intensity of our cluster headaches. 

You also might want to pick up a bottle of Citracal Plus Bone Density Builder.  These tablets contain calcium citrate, vitamin D, magnesium and zinc.  When washed down with fresh lemonade, the two combine to make an even more potent buffer.

I take 3 to 4 of these tablets a half hour prior to the evening meal.

Also try to get at least a half hour direct sunlight on your arms and legs.  This should help develop 10,000 IU natural vitamin D which should also help reduce the frequency and intensity of your cluster headaches.

Take care,

V/R, Batch

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Aug 10th, 2010 at 1:46am
Check out:

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They help with Imitrex a box a month. But it's a start.
If you qualify for the program. You get your first box
at pharm as soon as they say go then 30 day later they will
send you 3 months (3 boxes 5 vials) at once. but then you
have to have them under control.  Because it will be 3
months before they send you more again.

Good luck - It's helping me a little - is better than nuttin!


As for the Exp. ones I have been using Exp. 2004
Worked - I would have to say it took a bit longer but
worked.  we'er 2010 what's that 6 years expired.  One
year is fresh.  Use it like it was new.    ;)

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Aug 21st, 2010 at 1:32pm
Thanks to all for the advice ... tough place to be in ... helps to know others have been (or are) there and willing to help!

This has been the weirdest cycle I've had in my 10 years of battling these things. They typically come on like a normal cycle, you deal with it and it eventually goes away. But this time, it's almost constant. I don't know if it's just a nearly constant shadow or just pain in my head from the aftermath of the major KIP 7-9's. Whatever it is, it's not left me pain free for nearly two weeks. The worst part is, I can't sleep ... virtually at all. Everytime I get pain free enough to doze off ... literally within minutes I get hit with one. I may have slept 3 hours in the past 3 days. Don't know how much sleep deprivation a body can handle, but I'm about to set a personal worst!

Thanks again ... hope to be able to return the favor someday.


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Bob_Johnson on Aug 21st, 2010 at 1:44pm
The information on this site varies by state so all you can do is take a look.

START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE; Provided by Georgetown University. "Consumer Guide for Getting and Keeping Health Insurance."  State by state guide to protections around health insurance.

Because obtaining coverage for preexisting conditions (CH) is usually difficult, impossible, and/or expensive, searching a variety of sources is often required. This is not a comprehensive list of sources but a few suggestioins copied from the Prostate Problems Mailing List (10/31/01).
1. Group coverage may be obtained through professional associations, school alumni associations, or fraternal organizations.
2. National Association for Socially Responsible Organizations, a nonprofit cooperative based in Wasington, D.C.. The group doesn't sell health insurance but it provides referrals to other groups which might be able to help find coverage. Phone, 800/638-8113;
3. Working Today, an advocacy and service group representing all types of independent workers. 212/366-6066;; START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE.
4. Women, Inc. a Los Angeles based membership group for female entrepreneurs. 800/930-3993;; START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE.
5. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1966 (HIPAA) requires insurance companies to "convert" group health plans to an individual plan which covers the preexisting conditions which was covered when the person was in a group plan. The person must have used the COBRA benefit before using HIPAA. (You may have to call your state insurance office to get information/contacts.)
6. States often have risk pool programs which allow limited coverage for preexisting problems. You might start by looking at the Georgetown University web site mentioned above and/or calling your state insurance office.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Ginger S. on Aug 21st, 2010 at 2:09pm
Hi Painfulnoodle and Welcome!

Since no one has mentioned this...
START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE is another option.  You will need to spring $ for or get access through your local Social service agency for the Doctor visit to get new prescriptions.

Here are a few other tips:

4-Way Nasal spray or Dristan 12 Hour Nasal Spray helps with the annoying congestion.

Taurine and Caffeine drinks (RedBull if you like it) to help prevent a hit when you feel one starting.

Melatonin or an Allergy pill at night before bed to help avoid night time hits.

The herb Kudzu has helped a few as a prevent.   

Deep breathing through the milder hits can help too.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Aug 21st, 2010 at 5:34pm
Oh, F I know what you mean!!  Haven't been sleeping but
cat naps last month an a half.  I just started sleeping again.
I have been sipping 5 HR energy as Ginger has mentioned,
that seems to be helping me.   The hang over pain I've had
that, try to use the Imitrex earlier.  I think you  may be
waiting to see if its really a hit and waiting too long.



Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Aug 21st, 2010 at 7:21pm
Yes ... I'm going very sparingly on the Immitrex. I had only stock piled about a half dozen kits and the newest one of those is over a year old. So I'm trying to wait until it's beyond controling with other means before I take the shot. I can't imagine having one without that as a backup. It's the only thing that's ever worked for me as a confirmed abortive when they reach KIP 8-9. But at some point, I have to get rid of the pain and sleep ... even if it's only a few hours before the rebound.


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Aug 22nd, 2010 at 1:44am
Go to sleep!  It will hit in REM it seems!  Wake shot the
Imitrex ASAP go back to sleep!  This is my night cycle.  Was
trying to wait till it hit but it would wait me out.  Just go
to sleep feeling for the first signs of the hit.  As soon as you
feel get up and shoot.  Don't wait.  That wait is why you get
that endless burning I think.  Red, you wait it gets bad you
still wait some more, why? oh it will pass, hell no it won't.
Start using less of a dose 2mg at a time and do it early.
Stop putting yourself through the pain.  There are a few
ways to do it if you only have stat injectors in stock.
Just try to shoot early and see if it kills that after burn!


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by bejeeber on Aug 22nd, 2010 at 3:41am
Forgive me if I've missed this already being covered, but you've read the imitrex tip about how to stretch your doses by 2x to 3x I suppose?

I have a hard time imagining  a 1 year expired imitrex injection having  lost potency - 1 year old is fresh in my book too.  I bet it was other factors that made that shot less effective for you.

I'm pasting in some info here that a kind person shared in a post awhile back about the HealthTrans program for saving big $ on prescriptions:

"I may be the last uninsured person in the United States to know about this, but I just found out about it and it's awesome!  I was at CVS Pharmacy a few weeks ago waiting on my Imitrex (after they had screwed up and tried to give me the wrong thing yet again), and the pharmacist realized I didn't have insurance (and how expensive my medicine was).  She started looking for a way to save me money, and enrolled me in the HealthTrans program. It has saved me tons of money already.  I get the Imitrex (generic) refill cartridges, and then use the imitrex tip.  They usually cost around $185, and with this card, they're only $79! I was having the worst day ever, and was so thankful that I started crying right there in the pharmacy. 

I called my mom, who's been a pharmacy technician with Albertson's for about 30 years, and she said she's known about this program for a few years (Thanks for telling your uninsured daughter, Mom!).  She said her pharmacy doesn't tell people about the program because it actually causes the pharmacy to lose money... They're selling you the medicine at just above cost.  I don't really know much more than that about it, but if it makes my medicine cheaper, it works for me!  I did find a website for it though... START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE

Now that I'm enrolled in it, my next trip to the pharmacy was even better.  My generic topamax is normally $255, and I paid $127.  I'm not sure what generic Verapamil would normally be because this was my first time to get it, but I paid $31.  My birth control pills were even $10 cheaper! 

I know it sounds like I'm selling this program or something, but I promise I'm not!  It's free!  The pharmacist just enrolled me in it.  I can't believe I've gone so long without knowing about this... I could have saved thousands of dollars over the years between Imitrex and preventatives.  Just wanted to pass the info along for anybody else that might be up to their ears in pharmacy bills!"

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by QnHeartMM on Aug 22nd, 2010 at 11:48am
Excellent posts!

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Sandy_C on Aug 22nd, 2010 at 1:13pm
I'm with Bonkers.

Started CH in 1999 with no insurance at all.  Couple of years later got diagnosis.  Prescribed Imitrex - couldn't take it because of heart issues - so went cold turkey for another cycle or two.

I do have insurance now, if that is what you can call it.  I am covered ONLY if I am admitted to a hospital (ER doesn't count).  I get nothing for doctors visits (not even a co-pay), nothing for prescriptions - nothing - oh excuse me, I do get an annual mammogram.

Because of this, I went to and between that, and obtaining oxygen through my local welding supply company, I am doing phenomenally well - pain free for about 4 years.

Welders oxygen is still 100% oxygen, just like medical.  I rent a humongous tank for $56.00 per year, and my refills run less than $20.  My rc seeds are horrendously cheap.


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Guiseppi on Aug 22nd, 2010 at 1:19pm
I rent a humongous tank for $56.00 per year, and my refills run less than $20. 

I re-read the oxygen info link, and Batch's posts, can't find "humongous......I assume it's bigger then E or M??? ;D
:-* Luv ya!


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Aug 22nd, 2010 at 2:08pm
Ok ... information overload here ... trying to make sense of all these tips. BTW ... thank you all for posting!

Is Zyprexa like Topomax (a preventative that didn't work for me) or Imitrex (my God-sent abortive)?

Tried Melatonin before unsuccesfully ... but will try again.

O2 was a great help before when I had the prescription. Will try the welders version. Appears the site is out of the masks right now though.

I have tried the RX Assist and Bridges ... because I'm still recieving unemployment (and only unemployment) I don't qualify because I make too much money! Do you think they knew what the unemployment payment amounts would be when they established their guidelines??

I went to but I must be missing something. It's written about in here as if they offer some sort of treatment ... but all I see is more info like that offereed here on Am I missing something??

What are RC Seeds?

I know some of this probably sounds silly to those of you who are regulars here ... but as previously stated, I've been out of the loop for a while.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer some clarification on some of these items. I'm not being lazy and doing no research ... I truly am reading all I can find ... but right now I have 8 different windows open and all this information is confusing the hell outta me!


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Aug 22nd, 2010 at 2:33pm

Relax it's the lac of sleep.  The RC seeds do something like shrooms but not as strong if I read correctly. Can fix CH's.
Can't take when on meds tho. Many say that both work.

My Unemploy ran out so bingo I got some.  funny I didn't get CH's when I had unemplo.  Guess I was lucky.

Silly nah!  I'm still trying to make sense out of it and find what works it keeps changing around for me.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by bejeeber on Aug 23rd, 2010 at 1:44pm
Hey PainfulNoodle (I like that name! - your intact sense of humor tells me that you'll make it thru this very ruff, but very temporary patch).

Has anyone mentioned yet that Glaxo (makers of imitrex) has some sort of program for unemployed etc. folks where you contact them and they give you real cheap imitrex? I've read about it here before, but haven't looked into the details.

Well at least you're getting unemployment huh? I'm outa work almost 4 months now - was self employed before that, so no unemployment $ for me. That oughta teach me some kinda lesson or other.  :P

About the RC. The Rivea Corymbosa seeds are legally mail order-able online and legal to possess. Last I heard, theoretically if a law enforcement officer saw you ingesting some, somehow recognized the brew you had made as being from highly obscure RC seeds, and decided you were a horribly crimminal threat to society, you could be BUSTED though LOL. Somehow seems highly unlikely to me, and I haven't heard of it ever happening.

My preliminay impression of RC seeds is that they are basically weak compared to psilocybin. An occasional CH'er has reported success with them, but I tend to be in more of a "go for the big guns" mood.

At I did recently see a report of a new source for RC seeds that has fresher/better ones than where I ordered mine, so maybe that could make a real difference??

Speaking of, it's basically a site, and very importantly to us, a forum just like this one that focuses more on psychedelics for CH. Their message board is a great place to ask questions on the subject, and you'll find some more informed folks than me there. You'll recognize some folks that are here also being active over there.

Once you're signed up to their forum START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE, there is a "ClusterBuster Files" forum category with a lot of info to read up on.

I've tried melatonin (9mg at bed) too. Unsuccessful. It's apparently another one of those that works great for some, but nuthin' happening for others.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Aug 30th, 2010 at 7:23pm
Ok ... things looking up ... but need some help.

I have an appointment with my former Neuro (only Dr that's ever helped me at all with CH) back home in Memphis on Wed. I know he will get me some meds. He's the one who went to bat for me and got the insurance company to boost my allotted hits per month to 10 instead of the 4 they were letting me have ... how nice of them!

My sis back home has me an O2 tank waiting.

I have some insulin syringes so that I can split my Trex. This is where I'm getting a lil lost. Never done this before. Can I put the full dose of Trex in the Syringe and just clean and re-use it three time? What is the safest way to transfer Trex from injector into the syringe? Will the Trex store for long time in syringe? I keep my inectors in the car, my briefcase, etc. for months and years at a time ... why not in a syringe?

Thanks for any info!


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Ginger S. on Aug 30th, 2010 at 8:03pm
Personally I would leave the trex in the injector pack until needed more of a seal for preserving with injector pack.

As for reusing syringes, with repeated use you have a higher risk of infection (even with cleaning) and more ware and tare on the syringe could lead to it breaking on you.  (I know this because years ago I had to take shots of heparin due to a blood clot.) I wouldn't recommend reuse of syringes.
However you could ask your doctor to prescribe syringes to help make your imitrex last longer, not sure if that would be doable but couldn't hurt to ask him.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Aug 30th, 2010 at 8:41pm
Give a call and I'll explain it better.

You can take it from your stat ejector and shoot it in to an empty
imitrex vial with a q-tip or other object. Then you would draw
it up in the insulin needle as needed.   I too wouldn't reuse
cause you can't really clean them, harder to clean with left
over imitrex in it.  So, box of 100 $25 or so and worth not
loosing a limb.   This is better than reusing the stat injector
needle with the q-tip as mentioned in the tip to the left.
Then make sure no air, stick it in 1/4" and squeeze it in
slowly or quickly up to you. I go slow as it can hurt going in.
And I'm a wimp!  ;)

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Peter B on Aug 31st, 2010 at 10:33pm
for what its worth - methysergide worked well for me in my last cycle and you can get it from a Canadian pharmacy relatively cheaply....not a good med if you are chronic (can't be on it for more than 6 mo) but perhaps something to discuss w/ your doc....

curious about others experiences - what is the lowest cost preventative out there? (legal, that is)

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Sep 1st, 2010 at 12:25pm
Generic Topomax is about $16 a month for me
"      "   Verapamil is about $12  "            "

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Brew on Sep 1st, 2010 at 12:56pm

Peter B wrote on Aug 31st, 2010 at 10:33pm:
for what its worth - methysergide worked well for me in my last cycle and you can get it from a Canadian pharmacy relatively cheaply....not a good med if you are chronic (can't be on it for more than 6 mo) but perhaps something to discuss w/ your doc....

curious about others experiences - what is the lowest cost preventative out there? (legal, that is)

You can get methysergide maleate from any compounding pharmacy in the US with a prescription. Cost may be another matter entirely.

And since you're interested only in preventatives that are both cheap AND legal, I won't tell you what works for me.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by QnHeartMM on Sep 1st, 2010 at 3:41pm
Joe's lithium runs us about $4 a month (insurance copay)

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Sep 2nd, 2010 at 12:59am

QnHeartMM wrote on Sep 1st, 2010 at 3:41pm:
Joe's lithium runs us about $4 a month (insurance copay)

What about with no insurance?  How bad is Lithium?
Doc. is thinking of a switch for me since still having hits everyday after 4 months of meds.  She seem to take it more
serious than I do. Is there something I'm missing?  I just
learn to live with it and still 3 is better than 7 or 8.
switching now could be messy, no?

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Brew on Sep 2nd, 2010 at 7:40am

boski wrote on Sep 2nd, 2010 at 12:59am:
What about with no insurance?  How bad is Lithium?
Doc. is thinking of a switch for me since still having hits everyday after 4 months of meds.  She seem to take it more
serious than I do. Is there something I'm missing?  I just
learn to live with it and still 3 is better than 7 or 8.
switching now could be messy, no?

Not if you're adding it to the verapamil instead of merely replacing it. Verapamil + lithium is known as the "chronic cocktail" for a reason. It worked very well for me.

Even at retail price, lithium carbonate is very cheap. I think a one-month supply might run you $15 or $20.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Sep 4th, 2010 at 12:39am
Can you run Lithium, Verap & Topomax? Or would the Topomax have to go? Thanks for your answer Brew.


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Sep 6th, 2010 at 9:48am
Update ... went to my Neuro last week ... he refilled all my scripts and started me on Depakote ... has anyone got any tips about this drug? Thus far, I had two hits the first night and only a few shadows since ... seems to be working. Said he'd order me some more O2 if the Depakote didn't work. Keeping fingers crossed.


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Brew on Sep 6th, 2010 at 9:56am

boski wrote on Sep 4th, 2010 at 12:39am:
Can you run Lithium, Verap & Topomax? Or would the Topomax have to go? Thanks for your answer Brew.


Don't know. I never took topomax.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by his wife on Sep 6th, 2010 at 11:52am
Depakote didn't work for my husband.  You might want to have O2 on hand all the time regardless of what meds you're on.  We keep his filled year round, never know when you'll need it.

Contact your local community action agency.  You can find one in your area by going to START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE;

There are over 1,000 across the US that provided social services such as rent/mortgage assistance, utility payments, food, some have Rx programs and federal programs like weatherization and HEAP (home heating assistance).  If they can't help you with meds they may be able to help with something else that will free up money for meds.

Good Luck

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Sep 7th, 2010 at 3:53pm
Thanks Brew!

She is just upping me on everything! 

Just keep feeding the beast more!  As it is I sit I sleep, not good on the subway.  Missed a few stops that way.  ;)

Red, Hope your doing well!

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by chbob04 on Sep 9th, 2010 at 9:17pm

This may be slightly off topic. You might want to check and see if your former employer is on the list of companies who terminated workers due to foreign competition. I did not know it, but mine was (EDS). If so, you would be able to apply for TAA and TRA

Those who qualify may be entitled to weekly TRA (income) after their unemployment compensation is exhausted.

What happened in my case was that the work that used to be done here was "Best Shored" to cheaper labor in India, Mexico, and elsewhere.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Sep 10th, 2010 at 1:00am
May be worth a shot ... my company was based in Montreal, CA. I'll check into it.



Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Sep 10th, 2010 at 2:20pm
Hey Red:

How the Head?

Just had a hit and I tried taking even less imitrex.  Not the
the best hit to try cause I waited too long to shoot the beast
Well, in my pain and ready to say I missed with that shot and
try again I started to feel it lighten a little, and then ever
so little more, ok it's working I think.  Yeah, baby it issss,
wow, it worked!  Ok, on the insulin needle i only drew up if
that's the term 5 to 6 units on a 100 unit syringe, that's not
much!  It worked!  Ok, it was only one test, I will repeat
test next few hits and report back.  This is great news for
me as I am running to the critically low level on my Imitrex.



Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by Chad on Sep 10th, 2010 at 2:38pm
Clusterbusters + Oxygen = success for me & many more!

Not to mention, the cheapest way to go when uninsured.  It's kind of sad that natural remedies like these work better than the pharmaceutical stuff.
It all comes down to money.  End of my babble!

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Sep 10th, 2010 at 7:05pm
Yes, Chad: 

I will try the maintenance magic tour cycles in the future.

But, for those unwilling to go that route for what ever the
reason. I put up the info about imitrex dose.  Dam, if
eating some dam plants will stop this from coming I'll eat
my Arse off....

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Sep 10th, 2010 at 9:04pm

Depakote not working like I had hoped.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Sep 12th, 2010 at 6:49pm
Ok ... this may sound like a silly question, as I've been using Imitrex for 10 years .. but I'm trying the insulin syringes and hating that I waited so long to do so ... duh!

My question is this, since I have no directions for use with all of my outdated injector packs ... do you have to shoot into a muscle or is it just as effective in fatty tissue?

My sis helped with my first syringe injection last night and said "this is going to hurt like hell in a muscle" ... to which I told her "that's where I always do it" ... it was hardly even a prick compared to the injector. Just wondering if it's even less painful but still effective in the stomach .. as I have plenty of "fatty tissue there"! That's where she takes her insulin.



Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by bejeeber on Sep 13th, 2010 at 1:03am
Go for the belly fat! Absolutely. Practically painless there and very easy to manage injecting yourself.

Many of us inject this way - I found out about it here myself.

It's just supposed to be sub cutaneous.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Sep 13th, 2010 at 2:25am
You just want to shoot it under the skin 1/4" needle
If you shoot muscle 1" it will hurt later, I did that no fun!
Leg got very sensitive to the touch of  pants not good.

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Sep 16th, 2010 at 11:19am

You hanging in??

Hope you doing ok!



Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Sep 16th, 2010 at 10:00pm
Had a weird few days ... seemed to be easing up ... then I got three hits yesterday and one today. I don't think the Depakote is working, but they gave me 6 boxes (120 pills) for free to try, so giving it a chance.

I'm really hoping I've peeked in this cycle and I'm just tapering off. I am sleeping at least.

How are you? Trex stretching?


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Sep 17th, 2010 at 2:24am
Hey Red:

Glad to see your doing.  Sorry to hear your taking hits still!
It has been so long since I had tried Depokote I don't
remember how they did it for me, but I think they used it
together with something else. 
Yes, I am using 1/2 of what I did before and it's still kills
the beasterd!!!!! Hahaha May take a bit longer so I try and take
the shot as early as  I can otherwise I just  wait it out
hoping no one hears me.....   

I have 7 vials and I can get 15 more on the 29 I think I'll
make it.  Each vial is killing 6 or 7 so not bad, then ad a few
more with O2.

Have you figured it all out with the needle and all?  Never
called so I assumed you figured it  out or got help some
where.  If not feel free to jingle me Red offer still on table.

Hang in there hope it will all end soon and we will get a
vacation from this again!



Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by painfulnoodle on Sep 20th, 2010 at 8:04am
Hey Bo ... sorry I never called. I got to Memphis and things sort of went south. I have a sis battling Lukemia and she ended up back in the hospital while I was there visiting, so I stayed over for a bit to help my Mother out. Back in GA now.

Sis helped me set up my syringes and gave me a shot ... piece of cake. Now I just have to do one myself! Hopefully I don't get a bad enough hit to merit one. I really think I'm coming off the backside of my cycle. It's been almost two months now, so I should be if this thing holds true to a normal pattern ... like there's anything normal about any of this!

Sorry you're still getting hits. Are you using the generic Trex? My Dr had no samples of any kind of sumatriptan, injections or pills, but did give me a lot of Depakote samples. Don't know if it's working or now, but I'm giving it a chance.

Ok, going to go try and be productive. Have a great day!


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by jeffh on Sep 23rd, 2010 at 8:06am
I too have no insurance. Once upon a time when I did have insurance many tests, medications, and therapies were tried.I have had success at preventing and, or lessening the frequency and severity of my cluster headaches with the use of the herb feverfew. My headaches usually come in cooler weather, winter months. I take feverfew everyday during this time and take extra doses when I begin to feel one coming on. It is a harmless herb with no side effects that I have experienced except the relief and prevention of custer headaches. I would like to hope I never have another one, but get that knowing, unbearable onset of pain from time to time.

Good luck,

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by CHsupporter on Sep 27th, 2010 at 8:54pm
Hi, sorry about the new cycle.  My boyfriend has suffered for twenty-some years.  I am a new member to the site but have been reading the board for several years. 

I am a nurse and have signed several patients up with different patient assistance programs.  go to START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE for info about getting free supplies of imitrex. 

Hope this helps

Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by boski on Oct 7th, 2010 at 5:34am

boski wrote on Aug 10th, 2010 at 1:46am:
Check out:

START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE

They help with Imitrex a box a month. But it's a start.
If you qualify for the program. You get your first box
at pharm as soon as they say go then 30 day later they will
send you 3 months (3 boxes 5 vials) at once. but then you
have to have them under control.  Because it will be 3
months before they send you more again.

Good luck - It's helping me a little - is better than nuttin!


As for the Exp. ones I have been using Exp. 2004
Worked - I would have to say it took a bit longer but
worked.  we'er 2010 what's that 6 years expired.  One
year is fresh.  Use it like it was new.    ;)

Hey  CHsupporter:  Didn't read page one by chance? 
Just curious, cause you mention reading the board for years.  No harm, just my silly humor.  ;) 


Title: Re: Help, out of work, no insur and the beast returned
Post by dstazer on Oct 11th, 2010 at 7:25am
I get a bout of cluster migraines about every year or so. I stopped using the imitrex years ago due to the rebound headaches. I believe the imitrex also prolonged the duration of the bouts in my experience. I have found a relatively cheap solution to lessen the severity and duration. I get the bronkaid tablets usually found at convenience stores. These contain ephedrine which is a vasoconstrictor. I have had much better luck using these to lessen the duration of the CH and severity.

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