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Message started by foolclip281 on Jun 7th, 2010 at 9:46am

Title: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by foolclip281 on Jun 7th, 2010 at 9:46am
I'm sure many of you know my sort of story, but I just need you to hear it so I can be sure. I'm 26 and have had headaches since I was 9 or 10... The last couple of weeks they are getting worse and worse, I’ve been to every dr. under the sun in the past few years, as I'm sure you all have but have never been "diagnosed" with cluster headaches. I basically have diagnosed myself, via online information.  It seems the last week or so I have been able to pay attention to my symptoms since I know what to look for... As I fall to sleep I can hear a "dripping" from my sinuses and know it's coming on, I will wake up out of my sleep from the pain, and it's been getting worse. I had a bad one about a year ago, I threw my back door open, took off across my backyard and dove headfirst into my garage door, my wife thought I had gone mad, but I see there are people on here that can understand where I’m coming from. I'm perfectly sane otherwise.  Last week was the worst pain though, four a.m. I was on the floor of our bedroom, until five a.m. I took a hot shower, nothing helped... it got worse and worse, I had to be at work by 7 but at 7 I was on my couch crying, sobbing like a baby... I never cry from physical pain, but this time it broke me, squeezing my jaws brought relief to my temple, squeezing my temple I found relief elsewhere, when released, it was hell in my skull... I wanted to grab my pistol grip Mossberg 12 gauge from upstairs under my bed and end it all right there. I couldn't do it, I just needed help... My wife came down thinking I was talking to myself and found me under a blanket in the fetal position, she called my mom who lives minutes away (also who happens to be my boss, family business) Said I wasn't going to come in, my mom told her to come over and get 2 of her fiorinal with codeine and a bandana for my head... Side note: both my parent’s get headaches, my dad gets migraines with vomiting etc. and my mom just chronic tension type I'd say. Nonetheless, the meds started to work and put me into some well needed sleep for about an hour. I woke around nine feeling codeine groggy, but thankfully PAIN FREE! Nothing but a small, small, radiating "thud" from my right temple region.... which was MORE than bearable considering the former pain.  I am currently on tramadol 50 mg. 3 times a day, which was working but does NOTHING to stop these bad ones, I have a prescription for verapamil for high bp I can pick up today, it was given to me by my doctor for high bp, but I see here after a quick viewing of the site that many of you guys are on it for clusters so that makes me hopeful as well. I guess I just need to know where does a guy in my shoes go from here? What meds have you guys found success? Combos of meds? What should I do??? I'm 99% Cluster are the kind I get... should I see a neurologist again and let him know I have looked at the symptoms and fit them all to a T? Any advice would be greatly appreciated... I hope to find both physical, and emotional help on this site from people with the same issue I have been plagued with my entire life. Thank you for taking time to read this, and respond if you can.

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by QnHeartMM on Jun 7th, 2010 at 10:18am
Well good day to you, glad that you have found us. It is important though to be properly diagnosed with CH. You want to find a neuro - but a headache specialist for sure.

You mentioned your doctor prescribed verapamil. It would be important to mention the dosage here as well.

If you are diagnozed with CH then please read up on all the information we have to the left on Oxygen. it will become your friend  in that you can abort CH quickly properly using oxygen.

It is good you are part of a family business in this case as your mother will be understanding of your condition. We would advise against narcotics to treat CH however. Once you have all the proper tools you won't need it anyway.

What part of the world are you in?

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by foolclip281 on Jun 7th, 2010 at 10:25am
Spring, TX  and it is Lisinopril not Verapamil you guys, I'm sorry... Is this still known to be effective?

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by QnHeartMM on Jun 7th, 2010 at 10:30am
Someone more knowledgeable will come behind me but you need to provide dosage info as well.

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by Guiseppi on Jun 7th, 2010 at 10:32am
It would be best to get treated by a neurologist.....who specializes in headaches. Those can be hard to find depending on what part of the world you live in.

For the actual attacks, not much beats the oxygen route. It's cheap, no side effects, and will abort for me in about 6-10 minutes. Read the oxygen info tab on the left as it must be used correctly or its worthless. Your lungs need to get pure oxygen, no outside air, no exhaled air. Best accomplished using a high flow regulator at least 15 LPM, and a Non Re Breather Mask. There is info on the link you can print out and take to your doc as some are really hesitant to prescribe oxygen.....they prefer to fill your pockets with narcotics which do almost nothing for CH and cause far more problems then they solve.

Verapamil is a common firstl line prevent med for CH. But we tend to use it at levels higher then what is prescribed for BP issues. Some go as high as 960 mg a day. Not a med to play fast and loose with as dangerously low BP can occur at too high a dose so work with your doctor on this one.

Get some energy drinks to keep on hand. My favorite is sugar free Red Bull but any that contain caffeine and Taurine will work. Chug one down at the first sign of an attack. Many can abort or at least really reduce the inntensity of an attack that way.

Welcome to the board, knowledge is your ally with CH, educate yourself and help your doc help you.


PS check out      an alternative treatment site.

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by Bob_Johnson on Jun 7th, 2010 at 12:43pm
No to Lisinopril.

Cluster headache.
From: START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE (Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases)
[Easy to read; one of the better overview articles I've seen. Suggest printing the full length article--link, line above--if you are serious about keeping a good medical library on the subject.]

Leroux E, Ducros A.

ABSTRACT: Cluster headache (CH) is a primary headache disease characterized by recurrent short-lasting attacks (15 to 180 minutes) of excruciating unilateral periorbital pain accompanied by ipsilateral autonomic signs (lacrimation, nasal congestion, ptosis, miosis, lid edema, redness of the eye). It affects young adults, predominantly males. Prevalence is estimated at 0.5-1.0/1,000. CH has a circannual and circadian periodicity, attacks being clustered (hence the name) in bouts that can occur during specific months of the year. ALCOHOL IS THE ONLY DIETARY TRIGGER OF CH, STRONG ODORS (MAINLY SOLVENTS AND CIGARETTE SMOKE) AND NAPPING MAY ALSO TRIGGER CH ATTACKS. During bouts, attacks may happen at precise hours, especially during the night. During the attacks, patients tend to be restless. CH may be episodic or chronic, depending on the presence of remission periods. CH IS ASSOCIATED WITH TRIGEMINOVASCULAR ACTIVATION AND NEUROENDOCRINE AND VEGETATIVE DISTURBANCES, HOWEVER, THE PRECISE CAUSATIVE MECHANISMS REMAIN UNKNOWN. Involvement of the hypothalamus (a structure regulating endocrine function and sleep-wake rhythms) has been confirmed, explaining, at least in part, the cyclic aspects of CH. The disease is familial in about 10% of cases. Genetic factors play a role in CH susceptibility, and a causative role has been suggested for the hypocretin receptor gene. Diagnosis is clinical. Differential diagnoses include other primary headache diseases such as migraine, paroxysmal hemicrania and SUNCT syndrome. At present, there is no curative treatment. There are efficient treatments to shorten the painful attacks (acute treatments) and to reduce the number of daily attacks (prophylactic treatments). Acute treatment is based on subcutaneous administration of sumatriptan and high-flow oxygen. Verapamil, lithium, methysergide, prednisone, greater occipital nerve blocks and topiramate may be used for prophylaxis. In refractory cases, deep-brain stimulation of the hypothalamus and greater occipital nerve stimulators have been tried in experimental settings.THE DISEASE COURSE OVER A LIFETIME IS UNPREDICTABLE. Some patients have only one period of attacks, while in others the disease evolves from episodic to chronic form.

PMID: 18651939 [PubMed]

1. Search the OUCH site (button on left) for a list of recommended M.D.s.

2. Yellow Pages phone book: look for "Headache Clinics" in the M.D. section and look under "neurologist" where some docs will list speciality areas of practice.

3.  Call your hospital/medical center. They often have an office to assist in finding a physician. You may have to ask for the social worker/patient advocate.

4. START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE; On-line screen to find a physician.

5. START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE Look for "Physician Finder" search box. They will send a list of M.D.s for your state.I suggest using this source for several reasons: first, we have read several messages from people who, even seeing neurologists, are unhappy with the quality of care and ATTITUDES they have encountered; second, the clinical director of the Jefferson (Philadelphia) Headache Clinic said, in late 1999, that upwards of 40%+ of U.S. doctors have poor training in treating headache and/or hold attitudes about headache ("hysterical female disorder") which block them from sympathetic and effective work with the patient; third, it's necessary to find a doctor who has experience, skill, and a set of attitudes which give hope of success. This is the best method I know of to find such a physician.

6. START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE NEW certification program for "Headache Medicine" by the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties, an independent, non-profit, professional medical organization.
        Since this is a new program, the initial listing is limited and so it should be checked each time you have an interest in locating a headache doctor.
And the PDF file, below.
Headache. 2004 Nov;44(10):1013-8.   

Individualizing treatment with verapamil for cluster headache patients.

Blau JN, Engel HO.

    Background.-Verapamil is currently the best available prophylactic drug for patients experiencing cluster headaches (CHs). Published papers usually state 240 to 480 mg taken in three divided doses give good results, ranging from 50% to 80%; others mention higher doses-720, even 1200 mg per day. In clinical practice we found we needed to adapt dosage to individual's time of attacks, in particular giving higher doses before going to bed to suppress severe nocturnal episodes. A few only required 120 mg daily. We therefore evolved a scheme for steady and progressive drug increase until satisfactory control had been achieved. Objective.-To find the minimum dose of verapamil required to prevent episodic and chronic cluster headaches by supervising each individual and adjusting the dosage accordingly. Methods.-Consecutive patients with episodic or chronic CH (satisfying International Headache Society (IHS) criteria) were started on verapamil 40 mg in the morning, 80 mg early afternoon, and 80 mg before going to bed. Patients kept a diary of all attacks, recording times of onset, duration, and severity. They were advised, verbally and in writing, to add 40 mg verapamil on alternate days, depending on their attack timing: with nocturnal episodes the first increase was the evening dose and next the afternoon one; when attacks occurred on or soon after waking, we advised setting an alarm clock 2 hours before the usual waking time and then taking the medication. Patients were followed-up at weekly intervals until attacks were controlled. They were also reviewed when a cluster period had ended, and advised to continue on the same dose for a further 2 weeks before starting systematic reduction. Chronic cluster patients were reviewed as often as necessary. Results.-Seventy consecutive patients, 52 with episodic CH during cluster periods and 18 with chronic CH, were all treated with verapamil as above. Complete relief from headaches was obtained in 49 (94%) of 52 with episodic, and 10 (55%) of 18 with chronic CH; the majority needed 200 to 480 mg, but 9 in the episodic, and 3 in the chronic group, needed 520 to 960 mg for control. Ten, 2 in the episodic and 8 in the chronic group, with incomplete relief, required additional therapy-lithium, sumatriptan, or sodium valproate. One patient withdrew because verapamil made her too tired, another developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and the drug was withdrawn. Conclusions.-Providing the dosage for each individual is adequate, preventing CH with verapamil is highly effective, taken three (occasionally with higher doses, four) times a day. In the majority (94%) with episodic CH steady dose increase under supervision, totally suppressed attacks. However in the chronic variety only 55% were completely relieved, 69% men, but only 20% women. In both groups, for those with partial attack suppression, additional prophylactic drugs or acute treatment was necessary. (Headache 2004;44:1013-1018).


Dr. Sheftell applauded the protocol for verapamil used by Dr. Goadsby and colleagues, which entailed use of short-acting verapamil in increments of 80 mg. “This method was suggested by Lee Kudrow, MD, 20 years ago as an alternative to slow-release verapamil,” Dr. Sheftell noted.

“I would agree with using short-acting verapamil, rather than the sustained-release formulation, in cluster headache,” he said. “I prefer the short-acting formulation with regard to ability to titrate more accurately and safely. My clinical experience anecdotally demonstrates improved responses when patients are switched from sustained-release verapamil to short-acting verapamil.”

Dr. Goadsby agreed that his clinical experience was similar. “There are no well-controlled, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging studies to direct treatment. This is one of those areas where clinicians who treat cluster headache have to combine what modicum of evidence is available with their own clinical experience,” Dr. Sheftell commented.

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by davidj35 on Jun 7th, 2010 at 1:08pm
Glad you found us. There  is a lot of help to be found here from the people who have already started to respond to you. I can't say how important it is to get on board the oxygen train with a regulator that goes at minimum to 15 lpm and even better you get one that goes higher. We know what you are going through as we all have been there before. Listen to these folks, check out and get an 02 script ASAP. it can literally be a lifesaver. Hang in there, help is just a click away.


Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by bejeeber on Jun 7th, 2010 at 1:10pm
Hi Foolclip,

You've been getting great advice here so for - you can take it to the bank.

So I agree about a diagnosis from a headache specialist (sadly, run of the mill neurologists often have no clue about CH).

Meantime, if you want O2 immediately, there are those here who just get it from a welding supply place, and report that it is the exact same stuff as medical O2. Keep in mind that the hi flow regulator and non re-breather mask probably need to be ordered online, so you might want to jump right on that.

Like many others I use O2 as my frontline abortive, and very powerful, reliable imitrex injections as a back up.

If I had access to psilocybin last cycle, I would've certainly tried a sub hallucinogenic dose, because CH folks here and especially at have been reporting some stunning success with it, even shutting down entire cluster cycles. Psilocybin (and it's pychedelic cousins) for CH is a subject that has been covered (very favorably) recently in Newsweek, a National Geographic special, etc., and clinical trials are planned at Harvard medical, with very impressive preliminary results.

Here's a video on the subject, where you'll hear that you're not exactly the first to have thoughts of the shotgun solution:
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You came to the right place - if you have CH, it's important to know that it is very treatable for most of us. Maybe have the wife hide the pistol grip Mossberg 12 gauge just for now, and look forward to getting control over this beast.

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by bejeeber on Jun 7th, 2010 at 1:16pm
Two more quick things:

If you haven't found out the hard way already, alcohol is a major trigger for most of us. Avoid when "in cycle".

An extremely vigorous burst of exercise - or putting your nose up to the blasting/freezing car air conditioner vent and breathing deeply - can sometimes abort an attack, when you don't have anything else in your arsenal yet. You have to catch it right at the onset though.

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by Skyhawk5 on Jun 7th, 2010 at 9:37pm
If you haven't already, take the "cluster quiz" at the link below.

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Also there are many cluster like headaches so it is important to get a real diagnosis.

Good luck, Don

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by davidj35 on Jun 8th, 2010 at 10:26am
First quiz I ever took that I was sorry I "passed".

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by Headache Boy uk on Jun 9th, 2010 at 2:46pm
Yo dude

As Joe said energy drinks can really help and are very straight a way too .

I never go any where without a can of red bull now .

thoughts and prayers


Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by wimsey1 on Jun 9th, 2010 at 2:57pm
You know, I've read several of your posts foolclip, and for the life of me I can't figure out what you're really asking. In one post you talk about needing to have someone monitor your meds for fear, it seems, of relapsing into a dependency. Good for you. But then in subsequent posts you talk about taking codeine which almost never works on clusters, and is a bad idea in general. Then you ask for more med advice while apparently ignoring advice to seek out a headache specialist. Not trying to be hard assed here, but wassup dude? What do you really need? If it's just a place to vent, you got it! Otherwise, take the advice and seek a specialist; and maybe a counselor, too. You seem a bit confused. Blessings!

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by foolclip281 on Jun 9th, 2010 at 4:34pm
To tell the truth I don't know what I need, I guess I just came to this sight seeking others who "felt my pain" to use a popular cliché.  It seems maybe I just needed to vent, but I still value the advice.  I've received more advice in 2 days than the last 2 years in regards to headaches in general.  Maybe I tried to spill to much of who I am at once, to maximize my feedback results, and you view it as me being arrogant, ignorant, unable to focus, or unable set a goal to get working toward a pain free lifestyle.  I don't know, I could care less. I have found many people so far on this site willing to listen, and give loving words of encouragement... Then again I have already been crossed by many of these "online experts" that have a virtual chip on their shoulder because they have been members since 2000 b.c. and have ten billion posts to their names. They ridicule, they judge, they post like editors, and talk like doctors.  They may not mock outright, but undercover out the side of their mouths.  I know their types; I just read their replies and keep it moving.  I don't know why you say I refuse to see a headache specialist; I have in the past, and plan to again.  Did it occur to you I was gathering all the info. I could prior to making an appointment? Again, I don't know why people get so agitated so easily.  About the codeine thing, well I’m sorry but it did take away the pain.  I don't care how against it some may be, what works for one may not work for others, do I plan/seek/desire to use that as a way to treat my pain?  No... but I was in a desperate situation at the time on the frontline of a battle I am just beginning so I chose to go that route, for now.  I have an addictive nature and avoid narcotics like the plague now, but as an apparent “sufferer” yourself I’d expect a bit more understanding from someone in my own shoes, as opposed to an average joe who doesn’t know the pain of these things.  I hope that clears it up for you, good luck with your endeavors and God bless.

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by vietvet2tours on Jun 9th, 2010 at 5:39pm

foolclip281 wrote on Jun 9th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
To tell the truth I don't know what I need, I guess I just came to this sight seeking others who "felt my pain" to use a popular cliché.  It seems maybe I just needed to vent, but I still value the advice.  I've received more advice in 2 days than the last 2 years in regards to headaches in general.  Maybe I tried to spill to much of who I am at once, to maximize my feedback results, and you view it as me being arrogant, ignorant, unable to focus, or unable set a goal to get working toward a pain free lifestyle.  I don't know, I could care less. I have found many people so far on this site willing to listen, and give loving words of encouragement... Then again I have already been crossed by many of these "online experts" that have a virtual chip on their shoulder because they have been members since 2000 b.c. and have ten billion posts to their names. They ridicule, they judge, they post like editors, and talk like doctors.  They may not mock outright, but undercover out the side of their mouths.  I know their types; I just read their replies and keep it moving.  I don't know why you say I refuse to see a headache specialist; I have in the past, and plan to again.  Did it occur to you I was gathering all the info. I could prior to making an appointment? Again, I don't know why people get so agitated so easily.  About the codeine thing, well I’m sorry but it did take away the pain.  I don't care how against it some may be, what works for one may not work for others, do I plan/seek/desire to use that as a way to treat my pain?  No... but I was in a desperate situation at the time on the frontline of a battle I am just beginning so I chose to go that route, for now.  I have an addictive nature and avoid narcotics like the plague now, but as an apparent “sufferer” yourself I’d expect a bit more understanding from someone in my own shoes, as opposed to an average joe who doesn’t know the pain of these things.  I hope that clears it up for you, good luck with your endeavors and God bless.

Sounds like this ain't your first rodeo.  I've read all of your fifteen posts and no one has even remotely sounded arrogant nor has one of us oldtimers given anything but good advice.  Get over yourself.


Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by Linda_Howell on Jun 9th, 2010 at 10:24pm

Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Reply #12 - Today at 1:57pm      You know, I've read several of your posts foolclip, and for the life of me I can't figure out what you're really asking. In one post you talk about needing to have someone monitor your meds for fear, it seems, of relapsing into a dependency. Good for you. But then in subsequent posts you talk about taking codeine which almost never works on clusters, and is a bad idea in general. Then you ask for more med advice while apparently ignoring advice to seek out a headache specialist. Not trying to be hard assed here, but wassup dude? What do you really need? If it's just a place to vent, you got it! Otherwise, take the advice and seek a specialist; and maybe a counselor, too. You seem a bit confused. Blessings!

For someone very new to this've got it pegged.   ;)

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by wimsey1 on Jun 11th, 2010 at 8:11am
Thanks. Yeah, new to the site but not to CHs. Still, I thought I was the only one who could understand what I was going through (for years and years) and when I found, I couldn't read the posts without crying. Not sure why I had, and have, such an emotional reaction but I do. I guess it's not having to explain myself and the incredibly helpful advice. Also, I liked very much that no one sugar coated a damn thing, or heistated to offer correction. Good stuff. Empathy yes, sympathy-it's for the birds and the well meaning.

I get you're frustrated foolclip, but you are definitely trying too hard. No one means you harm. And thanks for the "God Bless" back!

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by anthony g on Jun 11th, 2010 at 8:37am
very nicely said wimsley1! This place is a GODSEND for ALL!!
So glad to be part of it!!! thanks all!!!

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by Brew on Jun 11th, 2010 at 2:06pm

wimsey1 wrote on Jun 11th, 2010 at 8:11am:
Empathy yes, sympathy-it's for the birds and the well meaning.

A wise man once told me that if I was looking for sympathy, I could find it in the dictionary - between "shit" and "syphilis."

Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by bonkers on Jun 11th, 2010 at 3:25pm
Hi foolclip281,

Welcome. Folks here are mostly just like you; looking to find their way in this weird world while suffering these awful headaches. I don't have much to offer save saying my son pretty much used up the effectiveness of the common CH drugs and ended up with a dependency on Methadone. It was the only thing that finally brought him just a bit of relief. Psychedelics will, we believe, be our saving grace but the addiction is proving to be much more difficult to conquer than we expected it to be. Just so you're aware of how exceptionally slippery a slope you're on. The psychological dependency is very, very tricky and may for us require professional help. If you can avoid it at the outset, you'll be better off. Good luck.


Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by Guiseppi on Jun 11th, 2010 at 3:32pm

bonkers wrote on Jun 11th, 2010 at 3:25pm:
Hi foolclip281,

Welcome. Folks here are mostly just like you; looking to find their way in this weird world while suffering these awful headaches. I don't have much to offer save saying my son pretty much used up the effectiveness of the common CH drugs and ended up with a dependency on Methadone. It was the only thing that finally brought him just a bit of relief. Psychedelics will, we believe, be our saving grace but the addiction is proving to be much more difficult to conquer than we expected it to be. Just so you're aware of how exceptionally slippery a slope you're on. The psychological dependency is very, very tricky and may for us require professional help. If you can avoid it at the outset, you'll be better off. Good luck.


DO NOT ignore that voice of experience.


Title: Re: My First Post Ever, I NEED HELP!!!
Post by George on Jun 11th, 2010 at 7:45pm

foolclip281 wrote on Jun 9th, 2010 at 4:34pm:
About the codeine thing, well I’m sorry but it did take away the pain.  I don't care how against it some may be, what works for one may not work for others, do I plan/seek/desire to use that as a way to treat my pain?  No... but I was in a desperate situation at the time on the frontline of a battle I am just beginning so I chose to go that route, for now.  I have an addictive nature and avoid narcotics like the plague now, but as an apparent “sufferer” yourself I’d expect a bit more understanding from someone in my own shoes, as opposed to an average joe who doesn’t know the pain of these things.

If you haven't already done so, I'll encourage you (and anyone else in similar circumstances) to read this post.

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I can't say it any better than that, so I'll say nothing more.



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