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Message started by davidj35 on May 18th, 2010 at 4:01pm

Title: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 18th, 2010 at 4:01pm
First I want to say thank you before hand to all of the people (too many to name) who have given me advice on RC Seeds. The detox is over, 5 days no imitrex, the 02 is in place, the red bulls are in the fridge and the seeds are crushed and soaking, zero hour is 5:30pm est. I am starting with 25 seeds since I have seen so many different amounts. I figured that was a little on the bold side without getting crazy. For people thinking of trying this I will keep posting my results whether positive or not till all of my seeds are gone or I achieve remission which will then be shouted from the roof tops (first thing would be a beer). Thanks again to all who answered my posts from Australia, the UK, and the USA; what a fantastic support group we have here. I hope to have good news over the next few days/weeks.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Jimi on May 18th, 2010 at 4:19pm
So do I. Keep us posted.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 19th, 2010 at 2:22pm
A little mid day update to my experiment. Had a good night, got attacked about 7:30pm prior to drinking the mixture. I was pain free the rest of the night and through the early morning. Got an attack at 10:30am (which is an odd time for me) while driving so by the time I got to my 02 it peaked out around a 6 or a 7 and took 15 minutes at 12 lpm with a little 15 thrown in to abort. Drank a red bull at 11:30 prior to a lunch appointment, then two diet cokes during lunch praying the beast would be held at bay. So far so good at 2:15pm est, no shadows or attacks since this morning, however I am bouncing off my freakin walls from all of the caffeine. Tonight is a big test and I will be posting an update after my networking event tonight. PFD's to all reading this.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Chad on May 19th, 2010 at 3:47pm
This is a great start David.  If you continue to get hit, use that energy drinks and O2 to abort as much as possible (I know I already told you that).  Dose again in 3-5 days using a higher dosage (whatever you're comfortable with).  If your hits are out of whack, that could be a sign that the seeds are doing something.
Eventually you'll know your body and how to manage it with seeds and the rest of your arsenal.  Keep up the journal as you go.
I'm excited to hear your results.

PF wishes!


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 19th, 2010 at 10:19pm
Let me start this with the word encouraging. Just finished aborting my second hit of the day no worse than 3k and using 02 only. That was almost 12 hours between hits with no shadows and no imitrex. I had a 4pm meeting so at 3:30 I drank a red bull to be safe and hope that would hold me till after the meeting. The meeting was followed by a networking event (hard to be sober surrounded by people that aren't really sucks LOL) which went from 5:30 till 9:00 armed with nothing more than a prayer that I wouldn't have to run out to my car for 02 and many diet cokes (thought the caffeine might help as well). Made it home with no shadows or hits till getting attacked at 9:55 and aborted within 7 minutes(no red bull way to wired as it is from the 2 earlier today and the mass quantities of diet coke).  That's it for tonight I am very hopeful at this stage and I am already planning my Sunday night dose (thanks for the pepper mill idea form my other post) going to go to 40, soak for 12 hours and maybe use wine instead of water that time. I hope I am not getting to detailed in the post but I feel my success's and missteps may help others. Wishing all a PF night and we shall see what my sleep time brings.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Melissa on May 20th, 2010 at 7:31am
Just my own opinion, but maybe just soak in the water again since you're already upping the dose?  Might not want to go all gung ho soaking in wine if you don't have to, especially now that you're going from a soak time of 2.5hrs to 12 hrs.

Anyway, it seems to be doing something to the CH's for you.  I'm following this because I'll be trying the seeds again come late August.

Good luck!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 20th, 2010 at 9:23am
Thanks Melissa, I actually ended up doing a 6 hour soak after a few messages from people advising that. I am still up in the air on the whole wine thing so if anyone wants to chime in please feel free. I will be posting an update later today on my night after my last post and today.

PFD to all

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by fightguy on May 20th, 2010 at 12:26pm
Good luck! I have had amazing success with HBWR seeds, so hopefully the RC seeds work just as well for you!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 20th, 2010 at 11:18pm
Here is my latest update since my last one at 10:20pm last night. Got hit at about 11:30 just as I went to bed, it got up to about a 6k and took twenty minutes on the 02 to abort. Fell asleep after 12 and was awoken at 1:10am by another hit, however it never got over a 2k and was aborted with 02 in about 6 minutes. Now the better news, was pain free from the time I awoke till 8:30 tonight. Had a shadow at about 10:30am, thought I was getting hit and drank a red bull then waited....... nothing. Shadow went away and I went about my day. Had another event to attend in the afternoon had a red bull just in case (2 a day is my limit) drank a few diet cokes and just a shadow or two but nothing developed. Got home and got my first  hit of the day at 8:30pm, kip3 took 6 minutes to abort with 02, got hit again at ten, again 02 abort in 7 minutes. I am not sure how much the red bull and the caffeine in the cokes is helping prevent hits along with the rc seeds, but I have to say I am extremely encouraged. I get between 4 to 8 attacks a day when in cycle starting at mid-afternoon and through 3am so I am very happy to have gotten through two separate days with attacks at minimum 12 hours apart, how freakin cool is that? Wishing all many PFDs, talk to you tomorrow.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Guiseppi on May 21st, 2010 at 9:50am
That's great news! Hoping this is the beginnning of the end to the beasts reign this round!


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Chad on May 21st, 2010 at 2:19pm
David, you should post this journal on the Clusterbuster board if you haven't already.  There are some experts over there with great ideas.  Keep the journal going here though because i'm following this.  There is nothing better than reading success stories.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by 1961mom on May 21st, 2010 at 8:57pm
I'm hooked!  Keep posting and keep busting. 

This is most likely my next move...and I find your personal journal very encouraging. 


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 21st, 2010 at 11:26pm
Well I guess the best thing to do is to start with the good news first. Last night after my last post I got hit at 11:30pm, only a 2.5k and aborted in 7 minutes. Slept through the night (yea) and woke up feeling great. Went to work and stayed away from the red bull till a shadow around 2:30 which never amounted to anything. I came home early to help my wife as our daughter was getting ready for the prom and her date and his parents were coming here for pictures at 5PM. Got absolutely slammed at 4:10 7k hit that took 25 minutes at 15 lpm to abort. I had to beg off driving my beautiful daughter and her date to the rendezvous of the party bus so my wife went without me to take more pictures. Started getting shadows and twinges around 6:40 and then got hammered again at 7:10 8k with running nose, tearing eye the whole gamut, took almost a half hour of 15 lpm to abort and it felt like the peak would never end. I finally relented and had a red bull at 8pm as I only have 2 e tanks for the weekend like an idiot as my m tank is out for a refill and since I am due for my next dose soon I have to stay away from the imitrex. Since the red bull two small hits an hour apart and both were easily aborted with 02 at 12 lpm. I am afraid to go to sleep tonight to be honest with you. It has been a little over three days since the initial dose and I was hoping to do my next Sunday night. Instead I crushed 40 RCs tonight to soak for 12 hours and I will be dosing tomorrow late morning. I know a lot of people out there would be happy with only two major hits that they could abort with 02 so I am not crying over it merely chronicling (hate to use any part of the word chronic in a sentence) my experience, though I am pissed off at the dirty bastard for making me miss part of my daughters evening. I am still very encouraged by my experiment and I am looking forward to my "cocktail" tomorrow. I wish you all a pain free night and weekend and my prayers to birdman on his trip out of state today. I hope he is well. See you tomorrow night.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 22nd, 2010 at 11:59am
Quick morning update before the dose, I actually slept from 2am till 9am with only a minor 5am phantom hit (woke up felt something jumped 02 gone in seconds). The reason I was up so late....... prom night waiting for my daughter to get home, safely arrived  at 1:20am

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Brew on May 22nd, 2010 at 1:37pm
Can't your oxygen supply house just swap a full one for an empty? I'd certainly ask....

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 22nd, 2010 at 2:11pm
They had none, all were out with patients. I will get my M back on Tursday and I have 1 and 3/4 full Es and 1 full D so I think I should be okay till I can get some more Es on Monday. Thanks

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on May 22nd, 2010 at 4:44pm
Thanks for the well wishes!  Things are actully better then I thought.  Only two zomig nasal sprays so far.  Red bulls for everything else.  Hope your cocktail has some great results for you.  Sadly, I cant wait to get home as the o2 was delivered in my absence.  Let us know how everything goes!  Even out of state I am thinking and praying for all of us.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 22nd, 2010 at 11:16pm
Well here is my Saturday wrap up ,and it has had some good and not so good  so far. Had a good morning and drank my "cocktail" at around 11am after an overnight soak of about 14 hours. Some reaction to it, kinda of giddy and some words came out funny. Those effects wore off after a few hours and had a normal (or abnormal since no hits all afternoon) afternoon and dinner. Had my first hit at 6:30 no worse than 2.5k and 02 for about 8 minutes did the trick at 15lpm, same at 7:50 then 9:03 came, though the hit only got to a 4k it took 15 minutes at 15lpm to abort. To finish off the evening before my post I just finished a lovely 8k hit that took over 25 minutes to abort and my night is not over. I would like to know if maybe I dosed too soon (today is day 4) or soaked them too long. Any opinions of those who have come before me down this road are greatly appreciated. Wishing you all a pain free Sunday and to birdman a safe and pain free trip home to his 02 .


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 24th, 2010 at 12:08am
Warning to any one reading this. it may be a little long. To paraphrase the Grateful Dead "what a long strange trip today has been". If you have been reading this journal you know I did my second dose yesterday and had some issues. Well one thing I am learning fast is that dosing changes your attack times and sometimes the strength for both the good and bad. I  usually get my attacks starting in the afternoon through the night so when a friend invited me to play golf at 7:15 this morning I guessed I should be fine. Normally when I know I can't get to my 02 for awhile I will take a 50mg imitrex pill as a preventive and I KNOW I am good for a few hours and that I can take another if I am going to be away from the 02 a little longer. Of course I got an attack on the 18th hole on the golf course ( had a chance at a 39 on the back 9 for any golfers out there) and by the time I got to my car and my tank it was already a kip 4, needless to say I blew through an entire E tank, maxing out at around a kip 9 for a lovely 30 minutes or so. Being as I only had 1 E tank left at home I called the emergency # for my 02 company and they sent somebody to their facility to meet me where I was able to pick up 3 E tanks (God bless them). I continued to have small hits throughout the early afternoon till 2:00 when again I got hammered. This one I got to the tank quickly but it still ramped up and would not abort. I got as close to a 10 as I have been since using 02 with the moaning and rocking etc, you know the drill. It aborted after blowing through most of another E tank at about 2:35. I got another hit at 3:15 , but not horrible and it continued that way till 6:30 every hour on the hour at about kip 5 and a 15 minute abort. At this point I want to insert a quote my wife gave me after watching me go through this all day. "Suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope and hope does not dissapoint us". Now I think that anyone who has suffered through what we do has had enough of suffering that we have character by the boat load. However the final line is really my point. Since 6:30 pretty much nothing, a twinge here a shadow there. So while I was in the middle of this day questioning my decision to try this and give up my imitrex etc I now have hope again. Well tomorrow is another day as my adventure in cluster-busting continues. Hope everyone has a pain free week and I will talk to you tomorrow night.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by neuropath on May 24th, 2010 at 9:20am
Dear David,

Am going through precisely the same situation. Took my second shrooms dose 2 days ago to bust a chronic CH and things are out of control and very rough. Am being hit all over the place and completely random.

O2 doesn't seem to work right now and I am consuming more oxygen than most commercial greenhouses produce, to little avail.

The temptation of popping a triptan for a few hours peace is enormous but I am hanging in there, knowing that what is happening to us may be a good sign.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope that you have seen the worst of it.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 25th, 2010 at 12:17am
Well here we go with my before bed nightly post. I had to wait till my daughter finished her chemistry homework to get on the computer, kinda of ironic that it was chemistry keeping me from posting. Similar to my first go round with dosing the second full day has been encouraging. My hits went back to their normal times but were mostly mild and easily aborted with 02. I never touched a red bull today since I have been having trouble sleeping with all of those wonderful ingredients coursing through my veins. The only hit of any significance was a kip 4 at 6:23 that took 17 minutes to abort but after yesterdays merry go round I will take it. Just out of curiosity does anyone else get a feeling of wellness and joy about 20 seconds before the pain snaps shut? I find this happens at times and I know before the pain ends that I am only moments away. When this occurs the pain just snaps off like shutting off a light (this happened on the 6:23 hit and has happened before). Other times the pain subsides slowly and lingers for a few minutes before ebbing away. Though that has nothing to do with my adventure in cluster-busting I was just curious. My hope is I get a few days like today and I can hold off till Thursday night before doing round 3. I haven't decided on a dose yet but again any one who has gone before me please chime in with your opinion. So far I have done 25, hand crushed with a rolling pin, and 40 ground up in my coffee grinder. For round 3 I have invested in a an electric seed mill for flax and sesame seeds (if they only knew) which has to be better than the other two ways. I had also purchased a pepper mill but when I saw this I HAD TO HAVE IT. As to the advise to try shrooms (post from I would love to and we certainly have plenty of cow pastures where I live but I would not know what the heck to pick and would probably poison myself which would definitely end my cycle but the stopping breathing side effect forever would kind of suck LOL. That's it for tonight, I hope everyone has a great nights sleep and and great day tomorrow.  :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by George on May 25th, 2010 at 12:30am

davidj35 wrote on May 25th, 2010 at 12:17am:
I would love to and we certainly have plenty of cow pastures where I live but I would not know what the heck to pick and would probably poison myself which would definitely end my cycle but the stopping breathing side effect forever would kind of suck LOL.

A person could conceivably do what the mycologists do, and use a key:

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Just sayin'.   ;)



Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 25th, 2010 at 9:02am
Quick post-script to my post last night, I forgot to mention that Sunday Night I did not have any nocturnal hits and ditto for last night.    :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 25th, 2010 at 11:05pm
Tuesday night at 10:45 and I have to say overall an extremely good day. Started getting hit at about 1:15pm but was able to abort in just 7 minutes. The day continued like that, hits every hour (you could have almost set a clock by them) but each one easily aborted except my 6:30 hit which was my fault. I had just finished cooking dinner and was sitting down with my wife and daughter to eat when I could feel the bastard creeping up. I wanted so badly to have dinner with them instead of running to the 02 I tried to tough it out and of course the beast would have none of it. Nothing horrible just a 5 but it took me 15 minutes to get rid of it, I guess I was a little spoiled by all of my 5 minute aborts all day LOL. The rest of the night was good, I got to watch my Mets thrash the Phillies and I was able to actually watch the game while using the 02 which in itself is highly encouraging. Like most everyone else I usually need to sit in a dark room with solitude and concentrate on my breathing. Not tonight, just sat there and watched the game with mask on, 02 at a nice low 12 lpm and abort in 5 minutes. At this rate I am bound and determined to not dose again till Thursday night before bed, that will give me 6 days between doses and a nice long weekend to deal with any post dose major attacks. I am hoping the streak of no nocturnal attacks continues tonight and I wish you all a pain free night and day .

David     :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on May 26th, 2010 at 1:09pm
Hey David!  So psyched that you are having success.  Thanks again for the well wishes while I was out of state.  It was interesting to say the least but nothing worse then a K4.  Came to an oxygen tank but the wrong type regulator.  Hope to be getting the right one tonight, or else I am just gonna buy one.  I cant dose till Saturday, but am following this thread closely.  Good luck!!!!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 26th, 2010 at 2:45pm

I will have an extra e tank regulator in a day or so, goes to 15 lpm. Let me know if you are still having trouble getting the right one and I will overnight it to you as soon as my new one arrives. Glad to hear you are hanging in there.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on May 26th, 2010 at 2:58pm
This is why we CH'ers rule, we care!!!  Be more then happy to save some money.  Please let me know when you receive your new one.
Thanks!!!!!! :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by QnHeartMM on May 26th, 2010 at 8:37pm
I am fascinated by this - thank you for the journal, will be watching for more.

Wishing you PF days and nights, and some peace too.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by vietvet2tours on May 26th, 2010 at 9:49pm

davidj35 wrote on May 26th, 2010 at 2:45pm:

I will have an extra e tank regulator in a day or so, goes to 15 lpm. Let me know if you are still having trouble getting the right one and I will overnight it to you as soon as my new one arrives. Glad to hear you are hanging in there.


Good on you.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 26th, 2010 at 11:47pm
As the various snake oil salesman say on our message board.....I have found the cure for cluster headaches!!! It is the Mets taking four in a row from the Yankees and the Phillies and I feel great. Okay all kidding aside the day was good and the night has been even better. A small hit around 1pm easily aborted, a little stronger hit around 2:25 a little harder to get rid of but nothing major. No hits again till a little after 5pm and then a small one again easily aborted with 02 and then the final one at 6:45 again a little 02 and gone. The rest of the night was a twinge, a shadow, etc nothing to get on the 02 about. Actually I think the most pain I have been in today is from a horribly stiff neck which I have read on other peoples posts is a common side effect from the RC seeds. You have to understand that even though I am episodic my cycles ramp up very fast and stay with me for up to 14 months, even switching sides of my face as winter approaches. This cycle began about 3 and a 1/2 weeks ago and normally I would be getting hit a least 4 times a day up to 8 or more. I don't want to get to exited yet but it has been 5 days since my last dose and the last three have been better than the one before. I am scheduled to dose tomorrow night, I am going to grind 60 and soak them about 14 hours and drink my "cocktail" just before bed (after I do my evening post, I would hate to read what I might write if I did it the other way). I am very curious to see if the 3rd dose creates the bad attacks that I had after the first two, nothing like experimenting on ones self. That's it for tonight I hope you all have a pain free night and a great day tomorrow.

David   :) :) :) :)

PS: Birdman I got my new one, I will ship you out my extra tomorrow.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on May 27th, 2010 at 8:01am
How awesome are your results?  Glad to see such positive outlook as well.  And of course, extremely grateful for the regulator.  It will be a godsend.  Keep dosing and keep posting!!!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Brew on May 27th, 2010 at 8:06am
I can tell you this much - whenever the Yankees lose, Potter's world makes a little less sense.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 27th, 2010 at 10:19am
Don't want to tick off Potter LOL

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 27th, 2010 at 10:09pm
One of these days I am going to learn not to f*&k with the devil. Started day 6 of post dose 2 with a very minor attack at 8am that was easily aborted with my trusty 02. I then proceeded to work on preparing my "cocktail" for dose 3 tonight. As I promised I am writing this prior to the dose because who the heck knows what might have come out of my typing fingers if I did this post my dose. I tried my new seed grinder and it did not work, I think these seeds are just too damn hard for it, I also had no success with the pepper mill so I used my coffee grinder again to chop 60 little guys. They have been soaking in water and lemon for over 12 hours and I am sure it is going to taste oh so good LOL. As to my opening line after my little hit this morning I attended another networking event that was to end at 1:30. I started feeling the beast lurking as the meeting was getting close to ending but I decided I could make it till the end since the last few days have gone so well. And I say again when am I going to learn. I waited to long to get to the 02 and by the time I got to my car and got on the 02 I was already ramped up to a 5 and going to a 9 fast. You know the rest, took 30 minutes and most of an e to get rid of it, is it just me or are most cluster heads stubborn? Anyway the rest of the day was okay, a few minor and medium hits, and one around 7pm that took awhile to abort but never got above a 2.5 Kip. Well, I am looking at a disgusting looking glass of brown water with things laying at the bottom of it and it is waiting for me to come drink it. If in the long run this works I don't think I will call it disgusting looking ever again. PF night to all, and I will see you tomorrow night with my post dose results.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by djphrenzy on May 27th, 2010 at 10:45pm
Good luck and godspeed, sir.   :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on May 28th, 2010 at 8:45am
Hope your cocktail was successful.  I am sending out positive vibes hoping you/we have pf days ahead.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 28th, 2010 at 10:54pm
This one will be a short post (for once). Unlike my last two post dose days of pain and suffering this day has been great. Minor attacks off and on from 2pm on but really nothing much to speak of. 02 handled everything that came at me pretty quickly. I don't want to get a ahead of myself so all I am going to say for now is I am very encouraged. Have a great and PF night.

David :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Melissa on May 29th, 2010 at 12:01am
Sounds good. :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by 1961mom on May 29th, 2010 at 2:49pm
I too am so PSYCHED for you David!

It's so nice to read about your success.  The temptation to speed the process up (life without CH attacks is a blissful and imaginable truth now) is just "Proof" of the changes you "know" to be going on inside your newly "reset" hypothalamus disguising itself as "impatience"!!!!!   LOL

Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend :)

Cindy 8-)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by vietvet2tours on May 29th, 2010 at 4:23pm

davidj35 wrote on May 27th, 2010 at 10:19am:
Don't want to tick off Potter LOL

That's a M_ ts hat.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Brew on May 29th, 2010 at 4:39pm

Potter wrote on May 29th, 2010 at 4:23pm:
That's a M_ ts hat.


The very same M_ts that, after one of the best pitching duels I've seen in a long time, gave up the ghost in the 9th last night.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 29th, 2010 at 11:26pm
Yes the last two nights the Mets haven't helped my ch's, but at least they didn't blow a six run lead today. LOL

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 29th, 2010 at 11:39pm
Another short post, another encouraging day. Three attacks in all, none bad and all easily aborted with my new optimask and regulator. I don't want to jinx anything so I am not going to say anymore, we shall see what tomorrow brings. Pain free wishes to all.

David :) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 30th, 2010 at 11:43pm
Three straight good post dose days, minor hits and very little 02 needed. It isn't quite remission but it is beginning to feel like it does when I am cycling out. I am so hopeful that this is successful, not just for me but for our whole community. It could be another example of alternative "medicine" working for what ails us. Maybe if this continues to work and others are inspired to try it with good results the powers that be will take a little more notice. Have a Happy and pain free Memorial Day and remember those who have made the ultimate  sacrifice for our country.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by 1961mom on May 31st, 2010 at 1:55am

Happy to hear it feels like the downside of a cycle for you David 8-)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on May 31st, 2010 at 11:26am
First off, thanks a mil for the regulator, been a life saver this weekend already.  Secondly, happy you are getting positive reults.  Hope they continue and please keep us posted.  I must admit that I am very jealous. 

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 31st, 2010 at 11:29am

Now that you have 02 and correct regulator or you going to begin a detox and give the alt therapy a try? Hope you have a great and PF day today.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on May 31st, 2010 at 11:38am
I have fought through it the last three days,  no trex since Friday at 9:00.  Wednesday night I am gonna hit it again.  Haven't had sleep in too long.  Can't get more then two or three hours at a clip.  Melatonin not helping.  Trying to stay the fight but it is getting hard.  02 has been good but not perfect.  Had some k7-8 at least twice a day slip past the 02.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 31st, 2010 at 1:17pm

Sorry to here that, I hate when they get past the 02, it's almost like they take revenge for the other aborts. Good luck on the detox, I know it is hard in the short term but by the 3rd dose you really see a difference. I will post tonight on day 4 of post dose, and we shall see how it goes.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on May 31st, 2010 at 10:14pm
Day 4 of post dose: a little tougher but after reading birdmans post I am not complaining. A few more hits and a little harder to abort but again very manageable. I am planning my 4th and final (?) dose for Wednesday night which will be a full week in between. If anyone reading this had done this before please let me know if I should stop after 4 or if I am still getting attacks should I keep going? I hope everyone had a peaceful and pain free Memorial Day.


PS: Birdman PM me if you want to talk, I will send you my phone #.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Brew on Jun 1st, 2010 at 6:31am
If you are experiencing success between doses, and you're starting to stretch the doses out longer than 5 days apart, then by all means, I think you should continue.

Check your PM's.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 1st, 2010 at 9:51pm
Very very encouraging day. Hit at 12:30 aborted easily with 02 at 12 lpm, hit again at 3:40 again 02 at 12 lpm for a few minutes and then one more time at 6:50 same abort time and lpm. I also have not had a nocturnal hit for 10 days and I am down to 1 red bull a day and an extra cup of coffee or two to get rid of lingering shadows between hits. I will be preparing dose 4 tomorrow morning to take tomorrow night which is a week between doses. I bought a better pepper mill today as the coffee grinder tends to turn the product into dust and I lose some of it.  I will let you know how that works out tomorrow night before I drink my "cocktail". I am going to keep the dose at 60 seeds instead of increasing it since I have had good results for the week. I hope this journal of my experiment has been helpful in some way to anyone reading it and I wish everyone a pain free night.

David :) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 2nd, 2010 at 10:01pm
As promised I am writing this PRIOR to drinking my cocktail for dose #4. First I have to say I found a better pepper mill, and crushing this morning was not as easy as the coffee grinder but I lost less little babies to the dust the grinder causes. Really very interesting day, missed my usual 12:30ish attack just never happened. First of the day didn't occur till 3:50pm and it was very mild and easily aborted with a few minutes of 02. Nothing after that till another small one at 7pm same abort, for the rest of tonight no attacks however a persistent shadow and a head banging normal headache around the circumference of my head (OK so maybe normal is the wrong word but for us it is close). I am wondering if that is lack of caffeine related issue as I have avoided red bull and coffee since 2pm prepping for tonight's dose. I am once again extremely encouraged that a true cluster buster can occur but as we all know the Devil has many tricks. Hang in there Birdman and I will see everyone tomorrow night.

PFDs to all

David :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on Jun 3rd, 2010 at 9:03am
Hope your cocktail goes well.  The caffeine withdrawals can feel pretty intense.  Please let me know how it goes.  Living on 02 and trex or zomig over here

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 3rd, 2010 at 11:27pm
Pretty good day post dose 4. Two hits same times pretty much as yesterday only they both were harder to abort and the second one was accompanied by the same "normal" headbanging headache as last nights so that one was kind of hard to deal with. I went ahead and had a red bull after the hit and then did a 2 mile walk and it cleared up. If tomorrow is the same  and so on I probably won't post till I have something new to report, like hopefully a PFD ( I keep thinking as the day progress's this will be the day and then ah NO. I must say however I am overall very happy with the experiment so far, at this point normally in my cycle I would be at 8-10 a day including nocturnal hits every two hours through the night. One of the best parts is a full nights sleep and my m60 tank lasted almost all week and I only used one and half E tanks so saving some money there LOL. Wishing all many PFDs.

David :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on Jun 4th, 2010 at 8:11am
I am both extremely happy and jealous that you have found sleep filled nights.  What I woulddn't give for just one right now.  Hope that thie fourth dose gets you complete relief in a day or so.  Please let me know either way.  Tryying to send positive vibes from NYC to your next of the woods.  Not easy though, but I am trying.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Jeremy365 on Jun 4th, 2010 at 8:49pm

davidj35 wrote on May 25th, 2010 at 12:17am:
Just out of curiosity does anyone else get a feeling of wellness and joy about 20 seconds before the pain snaps shut? I find this happens at times and I know before the pain ends that I am only moments away. When this occurs the pain just snaps off like shutting off a light (this happened on the 6:23 hit and has happened before). Other times the pain subsides slowly and lingers for a few minutes before ebbing away. Though that has nothing to do with my adventure in cluster-busting I was just curious.

Ya this happens almost every time for me.  I assume its my body's endorphins are kicking in.  I love the feeling because i know it's over for the time being.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 4th, 2010 at 10:26pm
I can't help myself, I have to post tonight, it is becoming a habit LOL. I could ALMOST call this a PFD, one minor hit that took 2 minutes to abort and then I thought I was getting one, shadow, twinge, sharp pain back of the head but by the time I strapped on the mask and turned on the 02 it was gone. I am so freakin stoked I might try to play golf this weekend (of course I will hide a D tank in my bag just in case). No headbanging regular headache either and The METS won so a great day. PFDAN to all and I can't wait to post a true PFD report.

David :) :)

PS: Thanks Jeremy glad to know I am not the only one.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by 1961mom on Jun 5th, 2010 at 1:27am

Jeremy365 wrote on Jun 4th, 2010 at 8:49pm:

davidj35 wrote on May 25th, 2010 at 12:17am:
Just out of curiosity does anyone else get a feeling of wellness and joy about 20 seconds before the pain snaps shut? I find this happens at times and I know before the pain ends that I am only moments away. When this occurs the pain just snaps off like shutting off a light (this happened on the 6:23 hit and has happened before). Other times the pain subsides slowly and lingers for a few minutes before ebbing away. Though that has nothing to do with my adventure in cluster-busting I was just curious.

Ya this happens almost every time for me.  I assume its my body's endorphins are kicking in.  I love the feeling because i know it's over for the time being.


I have also had a recurring "cool water" sensation that feels as tho it's trickling inside the affected side, which is now the right side.  weird, huh?

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 5th, 2010 at 11:36am

I never use the word weird with our "condition" because the whole freaking thing is so weird LOL.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by 1961mom on Jun 7th, 2010 at 2:23pm

Dose 4 still going well for you David?  Dose 3 was the same night for me as your dose 4!  I just want to reply "ditto" so many times after your journal entries! 

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 8th, 2010 at 10:20am
It has been 3 days since my last post so a quick update is in order I guess. Nothing really has changed much, I am still getting 2 to 3 minor attacks a day that are easily aborted with 02 if I get to it quick enough. I am going to do one last dose towards the end of this week which will be 10 days in between doses. If at that point I am still in this cycle I am going to have to go back to using my 50mg imitrex pills as a preventative at times in order to do my job. I haven't been able to go on evening dinner or networking events for the past few weeks for fear of an attack and leaving my clients sitting at a restaurant table by themselves for 15 to 20 minutes and consequently my sales have fallen off dramatically. This experiment has been 90% successful and I am thankful I found this site and all of the information to give it a go. If I don't break this cycle I am going to look into the HBWR seeds (sold out on the site I get the RC ones from so if anyone knows of any in stock please let me know), after getting my sales back up and start over using those. I will post again when I have anything worth talking about. PFDAN to all.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by 1961mom on Jun 8th, 2010 at 1:12pm
I really am encouraged by your 90% relief statement and wanted to tell you so?

Do you have a client that you could "test" an evening out who might be more understanding than others?  I totally understand the juxtaposition you're in being in sales.  One of my worst cycles (before becoming chronic in 2008) was in 1993.  Single mom, outside sales representative and 100% commissioned based for our income.  I went out on a limb and shared with one of my buyers (Lumberjack Building Supplies) what was going on in my life.  His brother had CH!  Blanket PO's for every Lumberjack Building Supply yard in California!  I'm just sayin........


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 8th, 2010 at 2:20pm
Thanks for the input Cindy, I have told some current clients over the years and they are okay with it. My problem is that I am with a new company (hence the no insurance yet) and they gave me a bigger territory where I have no existing clients. I know that I can turn it on in the next few weeks and get my sales back up, (I am 100% commission as well) it is just a little frustrating to not be out there selling as much as I usually do. When are you going for dose 4 and where are you on your attacks? Talk to you soon, as always it is great to hear from you.

David :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by 1961mom on Jun 8th, 2010 at 5:08pm
I've been dosing with mushroom tea (not seeds).  My attacks have been quelled substantially, but are still lurking (it feels) so I liken it to being at the 'end of a cycle when I was episodic'.  Here's my dose dates;

May 9th
May 25th
June 5th

The following day the hits were always out of character in the sense that they did not hit at my usual times (which screws with one's ability to make plans!), they were far less intense (down from kip 6-10's to kip 2-4's) and their were more of them.  What I also noticed was by day 3 of post-dosing all of this calmed way down too.  I would then have several days pain free!  No shadow!  No attacks!  I would be hopeful each time that I wouldn't have to dose again (that's why I waited so long between dose one & dose two).  MY indicators pointed toward the end of an episodic cycle and I had hoped things would trail off naturally....however they did not trail off naturally and actually began to ratchet up again in terms of kip level so I just said "this is a treatment" not "a cure".  The treatment works better than any other treatment I have used. 

Check your PM for a PS  8-)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on Jun 8th, 2010 at 9:43pm
Well said.  There is nocure, only treatment options

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 8th, 2010 at 11:23pm
Tim and Cindy I just posted this on Cluster Busters and after reading your posts here this day is my prayer for you!

Wow, didn't think I would be doing an update so soon but I am getting ready to hit the hay after a great Mets win and I just had to post my first PAIN FREE DAY in two months!!! :) :) :) I went to a networking lunch, no attack, I fixed my Mothers vacuum cleaner, no attack, I played golf, nothing, I watched a baseball game ditto. You forget that this is how the other 99% of the world lives. I am pushing off my next and hopefully final dose till this weekend. Anybody following this who has been starting the same or similar regime all I can say is be patient and maybe you will be part of the 75 to 80% that alternative therapy works for. I know I am not out of the woods yet but as I have been throughout my experiment I remain very encouraged and hopeful. I wish all a Pain free night and day.

David :) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by 1961mom on Jun 9th, 2010 at 12:52am

I'm so happy for you David!  Isn't it an amazing feeling?  Pain Free for a whole day.  Really, I am near tears of joy to read your words.

Cindy :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Chad on Jun 9th, 2010 at 7:10am
Fantastic news David.  You did the experiment as good as anybody could have.  It's a trail and error game and what suits your body.  Patience is the key and you did that.  I just dosed 40 seeds two nights ago as I am having shadows for what I think is the beginning of a cycle.  As long as i'm off everything else, i'll be dosing again on Saturday.  I'm glad your getting some relief.  Now enjoy life (as you have) on these pain free days and remember to never think of that next hit.



Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by neuropath on Jun 9th, 2010 at 11:22pm
I am delighted for you David!! Cristal is going on ice!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Guiseppi on Jun 9th, 2010 at 11:28pm
That's both great news and an incredible job of chronicling the whole journey. Thumbs up to you on both counts!


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on Jun 10th, 2010 at 7:54pm
great news!!!!!! SO so so so happy!  I too am joing the buster regime tonight.  Watching the evil empire Yankees and just finished my dose.  Wish me luck!
After this is all over, we gotta catch a game!!!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 10th, 2010 at 10:02pm

I am so rooting for you, just remember don't get discouraged it got worse for me before it got better. I just watched the Met rookie Niese pitch a one hitter so nice end of the day. I am going to post my last two days in a little bit, more positive news.


PS: Absolutely yes to a game as soon as we feel comfortable not trying to lug a couple of E Tanks into the Ballpark LOL.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 10th, 2010 at 10:24pm
Two days since my last update so here we go. Since my PFD on Tuesday things have been close to that. Two minor attacks yesterday easily aborted with 02 and quite frankly I could have waited them out and let them abort on their own but why should I. Today one minor one at 4:30pm which was kind of weird, I was driving and the pain never got above a 1.5 but it was coming and going every 45 seconds for about 20 minutes. I just went ahead and aborted it when I got home in about two minutes with my trusty 02. I am going for dose 5 tomorrow night and I am hoping that is the knockout dose, I would really like to crack that Cristal. That's it for tonight, as always I remain encouraged, hopeful and eternally grateful to the two sites, and all who have helped me with this experiment.


PS: If you know anybody who has been posting lately about having ONSI before trying alt therapy please let them know of the success of this experiment and the others who have gone before me. I am not saying not to have it, I am just saying to really check out alternatives before having such an invasive procedure.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on Jun 11th, 2010 at 6:09pm
I feel like me are traveling this highway together and glad to see that we are both having positive results.  Let's hope for the best and keep going.  Go Yankees, Mets, and USA soccer!!!!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 11th, 2010 at 10:30pm
Two down, Mets and Stankees, now time for team USA to step up.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Chad on Jun 12th, 2010 at 8:14am
I'm ready for the US vs. England game. 
Soccer/football is my top sport.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by bcsanders on Jun 12th, 2010 at 10:38am

Glad to see you are getting some relief.  I hope it lasts.  Keep up the fight.

Brett C.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 12th, 2010 at 10:40am

Gee I couldn't have guessed that from your Man U logo LOL. Hopefully a good match today, a tie would be just fine by me.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 13th, 2010 at 11:41pm
Post dose 5 update and then I will be quiet for a little while. Friday was my second pain free day that week, it was so perfect I went and played golf again while my "cocktail" was home soaking waiting for our 10pm rendezvous. Pretty much the same reaction to the cocktail as the previous 4 times, some lightheadedness and a little tingling but no visions or visits from guides like other therapies I have read about  . I got hit three times on Saturday, all 1 to 3s and all 3 took awhile with 02 to abort. This seems to be kind of standard that the day after the dose I get more attacks and they are harder to abort but if you look back to my first day after dose #1 what a difference in kip level, frequency and duration. Today has been great, one minor attack this afternoon that I decided to try powdered ginger as an abortive because I love experimenting on myself so much LOL. I followed the directions on the Ginger post on this site and I have to say that it worked just fine for a low level attack. I still prefer 02 but to know this is out there for those times you can't get to 02 and you are not in mid-cycle was worth the experiment, the more bullets we have the better. I am going to make up a little in a water bottle and carry it in my car with me and I also bought some ginger cookies, why the hell not. I am done dosing, I am going to let this run it's course and see if the cycle gets completely broken. If nothing else I have greatly reduced both frequency and pain level of the attacks as well as enhancing the viability of 02 (and using a hell of a lot less of it). Thank you to all who have been reading this and especially thank you to all that have posted words of encouragement and advise. I am not going to post daily results again for a little bit, as I said I am going to let it run it's course and see what is what in a week or so. This past month has been an amazing experience, I have never met a more caring, selfless, and dedicated group of people, it has almost made it worthwhile to be dealing with these things (again almost). Pain Free Days and Nights to all.

David       :) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Chad on Jun 14th, 2010 at 7:21am
All good news David.  Well the US did the best I could expect as well, a 1-1 tie against the English.  You're results with the seeds are dead on.  I took my second dose Friday night and got hit several times (3x) on Saturday which was easily aborted with my O2.  I guzzled a Monster after the O2  to seal it only during the morning hit.  Yesterday (Sunday) I had one week hit around 6:30 am easily aborted again with O2 for about 3 minutes, but stayed on the tank addition 7 to make it 10 minutes.  I'm sure it would have developed to a K6 or higher, but the sooner you get on O2, the better.  I had no more hits for the rest of the day and none through the night.  This cycle has been bizarre, but very week and I give credit to the rc seeds without a doubt.  You got to take a couple dandy hits after dosing to get success.
I'm getting more O2 today as back-up.  I will dose again tomorrow night to hopefully end this very short cycle.  Luckily, my cycles have been getting shorter and shorter after using this alternative therapy. 

Wish you all PF days!!!



Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on Jun 14th, 2010 at 8:06am
Best of luck to you and wishes for many pain free days ahead!!!!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by 1961mom on Jun 16th, 2010 at 12:56am
My husband is at Wrigley Field tonight trying to watch a near rained out game in 83 degree weather & 90% humidity!

Just thought I'd chime in on the baseball chat too!

Thinking about you all tonight (and hoping your dosing is going well Tim)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 18th, 2010 at 11:39am
I really don't know what to say at this point other than this really works!!!! I have been pain free all week, a little twinge, a little shadow here and there and I have not had to touch my 02 all week. The BIG test was passed with flying colors Wednesday night, red wine with dinner, 14 year old Oban single Malt Scotch after dinner. Since I haven't had a drink in almost two months it hit me like a ton of bricks, but NO CLUSTER ATTACK! No post night out attacks, went to a networking event last night and had a couple of rum and diets (didn't want a repeat of the previous night so I took it easy) and again NO CLUSTERS!!!! I truly believe I am in remission but as we all know the beast can do many strange things and attack when we least expect it. I will post once in awhile here just to keep this updated. I am going to begin maintenance dosing in a few weeks so any input on timing and how much would be greatly appreciated. This wasn't easy but I will tell anyone considering it, it was worth it. My cycles normally last up to 18 MONTHS with 4 to 8 full blown attacks a day and my experiment started only a little over 4 weeks ago, so I figure I cut out 16 months of my cycle and averaging 6 attacks a day that translates into about 3000 attacks I won't get, not to mention the money I am saving on oxygen, Imitrex, and energy drinks.Thank you again to all for your support and advice, you folks and this site have helped give me a large portion of my life back and hope for the future.

David ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Chad on Jun 18th, 2010 at 12:18pm
Abosolutely fantastic news David!  I am SOOOOO happy for you :)

Now, get on with your life and enjoy it to the fullest.  Maybe your Mets will land Cliff Lee, a pitcher I wish the Phillies would have kept :(

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by vietvet2tours on Jun 18th, 2010 at 6:53pm
It's that damned M_ts hat. Try wearin a Yankees hat for awhile.  I'm bettin yer head would appreciate it.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by bcsanders on Jun 18th, 2010 at 9:42pm
Good luck David.

I hope the pain free days stay with you. 

Brett C.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by chwife on Jun 20th, 2010 at 9:24pm
David, This is such good news.  I will be watching very closely to see how you are doing.  I am overjoyed that you have found something that works for you!!!  My hope is that soon everyone will find something that works this well.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by birdman on Jun 21st, 2010 at 8:57am
Love a good success story.  Congrats David and keep up the positive vibes!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 25th, 2010 at 1:49pm
It has been a week since my last post so I figured an update was in order. Great week overall, still getting twinges and shadows but I did not have to use any 02............... till last night. I had my first full attack in two weeks at about 7:30 last night up to a 4Kip aborted with 02. Today has been better however, no shadows and only a twinge or two here and there. Since I haven't dosed in two weeks I figure a maintenance dose is in order so I ground up some little guys (around 40) this morning and they have been home soaking away till I see them tonight. I am a little concerned about post dose hits and also that maybe the "remission" hasn't fully taken. I will post over the weekend with my results. Wishing all PF Days and nights.


PS: Changed my picture for you Potter, I hope you like the new one LOL

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 28th, 2010 at 12:00pm
Friday night dose update. Very interesting weekend, after my attack Thursday night. I decided to dose again after two weeks Friday night, because of that attack as well as a Friday evening one. I had very similar results following the dose as my previous ones, a Saturday afternoon full blown attack which I aborted with 02 as well as my usual post dose "normal" slamming headache all day. Sunday dawned bright and clear with no shadows or twinges so I decided to play some golf in the late afternoon and I stayed attack free through out. At the end of the round I decided to continue to experiment on myself and try to see if a beer or two would trigger an attack (#1 trigger for me). No attack at all just a minor shadow that came and went, so I feel I am heading back in the right direction. These last two weeks however are making me rethink my Cluster status, am I borderline chronic? I have extremely long cycles (up to 18 months) with 8 to 10 attacks a day that will switch sides of my face 8-9 months in before I go into remission for the next 18 months. What makes me question episodic vs chronic the most however is that during my remission times I am never completely PF, I get low level shadows and twinges pretty much daily but never a full blown attack. So now I am wonder if like Bonkers son Michael (only not to his extreme) do I need to keep dosing every two weeks or so to keep the beast at bay, am I chronic? If any one else has similar experiences or thoughts please let me know, all advice other than doing head stands is appreciated. Wish all PF Days and Nights.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by vietvet2tours on Jun 28th, 2010 at 12:15pm
I like the hat better. Wouldn't you just kill for a subway series?


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 28th, 2010 at 12:31pm


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Chronic on Jun 28th, 2010 at 4:40pm

davidj35 wrote on Jun 28th, 2010 at 12:00pm:
Friday night dose update. Very interesting weekend, after my attack Thursday night. I decided to dose again after two weeks Friday night, because of that attack as well as a Friday evening one. I had very similar results following the dose as my previous ones, a Saturday afternoon full blown attack which I aborted with 02 as well as my usual post dose "normal" slamming headache all day. Sunday dawned bright and clear with no shadows or twinges so I decided to play some golf in the late afternoon and I stayed attack free through out. At the end of the round I decided to continue to experiment on myself and try to see if a beer or two would trigger an attack (#1 trigger for me). No attack at all just a minor shadow that came and went, so I feel I am heading back in the right direction. These last two weeks however are making me rethink my Cluster status, am I borderline chronic? I have extremely long cycles (up to 18 months) with 8 to 10 attacks a day that will switch sides of my face 8-9 months in before I go into remission for the next 18 months. What makes me question episodic vs chronic the most however is that during my remission times I am never completely PF, I get low level shadows and twinges pretty much daily but never a full blown attack. So now I am wonder if like Bonkers son Michael (only not to his extreme) do I need to keep dosing every two weeks or so to keep the beast at bay, am I chronic? If any one else has similar experiences or thoughts please let me know, all advice other than doing head stands is appreciated. Wish all PF Days and Nights.


My cycles are similar.  I'm 40 now, but I first started getting CHs when I was 18.  I was typical episodic, but over the years, my cycles got longer and longer.  My last cycle was for about 24 months, then I went in remission for about 16 months, now I'm back in for 7.

I also usually switch sides at a point during the cycle.  During the 24 month one, it was about half-way through...however, for this one, I switched about 3 months in.

My attacks can come as frequently as yours, but I have had some varying success with Verapamil, Nerve Blocks and IV DHE.

I'm not sure if I can answer your question, but if you are never truly pain free, it does sound like you are at least progressing towards chronic.  Even though technically they state if you have CHs for 12 months straight w/o remission you are, I currently don't consider myself chronic (even though when I created this account I thought I was).  I do go into remission.

I've been reading up on your posts and following your experiences,  I just ordered RC seeds and am going to give them a try...thanks for keeping us updated.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by jayhedges on Jun 28th, 2010 at 5:42pm
Chronic, I'm planning on dosing with Shrooms this weekend after detoxing all week. Have my regiment ready and planned out. O2 is aborting now but I'm trying bust the cycle. I understand seeds are legal. Where can I read about them and where do you buy them.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by wimsey1 on Jun 28th, 2010 at 7:26pm
David, this has been an amazing read-kinda like a Ludlum or Clancy thriller. OK, maybe not that edge of the seat, but I mean it-fan*****tastic! Like you, I've found some relief for the past 5 weeks. They're not gone, but I do sleep (sleep so rocks!) and easily controlled with Monster and O2. My prayers are with you, man...and for everyone who is still dancin'.  lance

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 28th, 2010 at 10:30pm
[quote author=3F21253B2D3179480 link=1274212863/95#95 date=1277767591]David, this has been an amazing read-kinda like a Ludlum or Clancy thriller.

LMAO Lance
;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jun 30th, 2010 at 12:11am

Thanks for your response, let me know how the seeds work for you and PM me if you have any questions.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jul 1st, 2010 at 4:08pm
Well I have to say I am a bit discouraged today. Three days in a row with single hits of 4k plus at varying times of day (just finished getting off the 02 5 minutes ago). My last (6th) dose was Friday June 25th. I haven't read any threads about this many doses with seeds before the bust takes full force so I feel like I am in uncharted territory (please chime in if it has taken this many for someone reading this). I am going to go ahead and prepare a dose tomorrow morning and see what happens  during the day and evening before making a decision on when or if to take it. Trying to locate some Fun Guy (pun intended Bob and Bobb) to see if that does the trick if necessary. PF days and nights to all.

David     :( :(

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jul 1st, 2010 at 10:28pm
Well the verdict is in, even though it has only been a week since dose 6 I am doing another tomorrow night. I just got off the 02 with my first multiple hit day in weeks. I am still very very much behind this therapy as my normal day would be 8 to 10 hard hits while in mid-cycle so this is working. I guess I got kind of spoiled having those wonderful Pain Free Two weeks. As I have preached now to many others starting this treatment, Patience and Persistence is the key time for me to start practicing what I preach. Happy Independence Day weekend (kinda ironic for us if you get my drift) and wishing PFDANs to all.


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jul 6th, 2010 at 11:35am
Sorry that I haven't updated since my evening of magic but I was away for part of the weekend and I wanted to see how I was after a few full days. Friday night my first time with the fungi was interesting to say the least. I had two great conversations with mad6string and 1961mom helping me along with recipes and support. I ended up combining two different tea recipes and the effect was interesting to say the least. I brought 1 cup of water to s simmer and then threw the fungi in for a few minutes while it was still on the heat, I then added a good amount of lemon juice, removed the whole thing from the stove and poured it straight into a coffee cup, cover that with aluminum foil and let it seep for 15 minutes. I drank the tea and ate the fungi, which with the lemon juice was not bad at all. The effect was less than recreational but Definitely stronger than the seeds, but no guided needed. My balance was way off, and things looked a little brighter and I was a "bit" giggly, but no "tripping". Overall not a bad experience. One minor post dose hit about 2am, then another at 4pm on Saturday. Sunday was completely Pain free   till 2am again with a minor hit easily aborted. The only attack of significance happened around 5pm yesterday and I think part of the reason it was fairly strong is I fell asleep (naps are big triggers for me) and when it woke me up it was at a 4k before I could get to my 02 but it stayed there till I knocked it out. I am going to try to stretch the time out between doses and see where that leads. I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend (at least  us living in the States) and I will post again in a few days. Thanks Donnie, Denny, Tim, and Cindy for your help on Friday I can't tell you how much your support means and Cindy you are strong, hang in there and don't beat yourself up you had no choice. You are in my prayers,


Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jul 9th, 2010 at 1:19pm
Quick update before the weekend as I take another step. The week has been a 90% success, very minor hits every other day aborted easily with 02 and my normal shadows and twinges which I can live with. I have gotten two differing opinions from multiple people on when to dose again. My last dose and first with fungi was last Friday night. I have stretched my doses out as long as two weeks plus but I am going to go for the knockout punch tonight. I feel the switch from seeds to the magic has been effective and I want to see if I can end it here and now as I have been busting for two months or so . I am going with the same recipe and timing and we shall see what we shall see (double meaning LOL). I have additional medicine on the way in case I need to continue, but with the way I have felt this week I think the end of this cycle is very near. I will probably post Sunday night or so with some results. Pain free weekend to all.

David :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Jimi on Jul 9th, 2010 at 3:44pm
Great news David. Keep us posted. :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by alleyoop on Jul 9th, 2010 at 8:34pm
Good luck David!!!

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jul 11th, 2010 at 11:11pm
So here we go and nothing earth shattering as far as the dose effects Friday night. I made tea out of about 1.5 grams, same recipe as before, a hybrid of two of them. The effect was pretty mild, no Jim Morrison sightings and no guide needed. Light headed and rubbery legged and definitely below the recreational stage, but very pleasant. I had a post dose hit at 2am and then another at 6am, both were fairly hard hits due to the fact I was sleeping and didn't get to the 02 till the pain was enough to wake me, however the 02 aborted it fairly quickly. I got hit again at about 3pm Saturday, again aborted pretty quick with the 02, and that was it for 24 hours, no more hits, slept through the night and woke up shadow free. I had a mild hit today around 4pm, 02 kicked it's butt and that has been it. Some shadows and twinges but no other attacks. I have had a strange sharp pain off and on all day on the OTHER side of my face and eye area, no clue what that could mean. I am not really sure what my next step is going to be, the fact I am not completley pain free after 7 doses poses the question if this is as good as it is going to get until I cycle out? I am not complaining, this is a huge positive as I am usually an 8-10 attacks a day kind of guy and my cycles go for a year or longer, and 1 a day is pretty damn cool and I can live with it. Or do I keep at the dosing for a while longer and see if I can get a complete bust out of this? I should be resupplied next week so any of you long timers please chime in, your advice would be greatly appreciated as always. Oh and the Mets won today so that was a positive as well, all you Georgia folk you still got 2 out off 3 :). PFD and Nights to all.


:) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jul 14th, 2010 at 4:08pm
Pain free days are gone, I got hit a 11pm last night, not to bad and just came off a bitching kip 6 hit. I keep reading how people have busted after 2 or 3 doses and I have done 7 so I am starting to think that this may be as good as it gets. Don't get me wrong, if that is the case I am still way better off than I was when I started this 2 months ago, I am just resigning myself to the fact that in MY case this may be only 85% effective. Since my cycles last linger than most people I may fall under the chronic category at least for the difficulty in busting. I am going to try to hold off on dosing again till I start getting multiple hit days and see where that gets me.

David :-/

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Jul 23rd, 2010 at 11:56am
Quick update. Did a small RC seed dose on the 14th, had a small afternoon hit on the 15th and have been PF since!!!! I hope it holds this time. Wishimg all PF dats and nights.

David :) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by bejeeber on Jul 23rd, 2010 at 5:46pm
That's about 7 days PF - awesome!  [smiley=clap2.gif] [smiley=clap2.gif]

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by bonkers on Jul 23rd, 2010 at 9:43pm
Good for you David! 7 days PF is a milestone along the way to hopefully longer and longer periods as the beast weakens. Michael has yet to extend his PF time past 3 or 4 days and he's been at it for several months now. Don't be disappointed that it's taking longer than you had hoped. Look where you were 3 months ago.

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Aug 1st, 2010 at 3:41pm
Still pf and loving my new life, thanks Cluster Busters.

:) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by davidj35 on Aug 4th, 2010 at 2:36pm
Another milestone, passed my beer test after golf (went easy on it however) no shadows no twinges. :) :) :) :) I am now 3 weeks completely pain free, no drugs, no surgery. My normal cycle can go for 16 to 18 months so I figure I just saved myself about 13 months of hits at around 8 a day which works out to 3120 attacks prevented if my remission holds. For those of you willing to try it, Alt therapy can be a godsend.

David :) :) :)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Chad on Aug 4th, 2010 at 2:47pm
FANTASTIC news David!  You did everything by the book and doing a journal should help others coordinate
their busting plan.  I wish you many, many months/years of PF time.  Now, if only your Mets could get their act together ;)

Title: Re: And so the experiment begins
Post by Guiseppi on Aug 4th, 2010 at 2:49pm
WOW!!!!!! Lord knows we love our success stories around here. Enjoy the hell outta all your pain free time! ;)


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