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Message started by Steve2012 on Apr 26th, 2010 at 5:42pm

Title: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Steve2012 on Apr 26th, 2010 at 5:42pm
Hi all fellow sufferers, I just wanted to bring to your attention a possible relief from attacks without the need of medication, this program I found seemed to give me relief when I wasn't really using it for the pain, just to try and sleep the attack off but I have tried it a few times now and I'm convinced it does seem to work.

The program is called hemi-sync and it uses two flat tones, one in each ear, this creates a third tone called a beat virbrado, a kind of wavering of the two tones. The beauty of this is that the third tone is not on the recording and is only heard within the brain. This creates hemispheral synchronisation. This means that both sides of the brain are working in unison and at the frequency of the tone your brain is hearing.
There is a pain management program that I'm ye to try but I used one through my iPhone called power nap on an app called Brain Wave. So if any of you are interested please give me a shout and I'll give you some sites to find the audio programs to try for yourself, and if sucessfull or not pleas let me know of your experiences with this as I'll be letting you all know more as I use this with my attacks. Tale care people and have a happy head! =D 

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Batch on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:00pm
Hmmm...   Off hand I could see where this could lead to hallucinations or possibly seizures...  But then if people want to believe in all the other magic claims the inventor at the Monroe institute makes...  perhaps they should buy stock in companies that make nothing, but instead trade flatulence and other carbon gasses to relieve people of their wealth...

I'll stick with proven methods of controlling cluster headaches like oxygen therapy...

Take care,

V/R, Batch

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Headache Boy uk on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:21pm
If it hasn't already been tried then shourly its worth a go.
If I had an i-phone then I might give it a go my self, but Nokia's apps aren't that good.  :(

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by AlienSpaceGuy on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:32pm
Does this mean the brain runs with a fixed clock rate, like a computer?

If so, that would be a quite low rate of a few kHz. My rather aged PC would be 1000 times faster at 2.6 Ghz. No wonder some people are so easy to hornswoggle and fall for any scam.

From what have you been cured? A fat wallet?


Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Steve2012 on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:40pm
Hey headache boy, if your interested in giving it a go, go onto and you can download it free. Just type in hemi sync and go onto one of the compilations and find a file called pain management. Don't listen to batch, you don't and won't get seizures! It is clinicly prooven and all it does is change the brain frequencies to what the sound produces. I use it for various diffrent things and it does work I just never thought to try it in ch's. If ya want more help with downloads just give me a shout and I'll keep ya updated on my progress with it.
Take care, steve =)

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by monty on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:40pm

binaural entrainment is not mumbo jumbo - it is a real biological phenomenon and might be useful for anxiety and other conditions ... I would put it on par with other forms of meditation or biofeedback.

On the other hand, the original post has all the hallmarks of a shill: first post, no diagnosis, promotion of a proprietary 'solution', vague promises of improvement, etc. etc. 

I'm not sure it would help with cluster headaches, and the technology to create these is pretty simple - there is free software out there to use the sound card on any computer to create binaural beats ... a no-cost option for people who are interested in the subject.

AlienSpaceGuy wrote on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:32pm:
Does this mean the brain runs with a fixed clock rate, like a computer?

If so, that would be a quite low rate of a few kHz. My rather aged PC would be 1000 times faster at 2.6 Ghz. No wonder some people are so easy to hornswoggle and fall for any scam.

No, but different brain states do correspond to different frequencies ... alpha, beta, delta, theta, etc. These states can be modified by various practices.  Your metaphor comparing your brain to a computer doesn't hold water, as a brain is massive parallel processor, while silicon chips of today linearize things, creating a massive bottleneck... its like confusing voltage with power, or pressure with flow rate.

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by George on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:44pm
Boy, the cures around here lately have been proliferating like bunnies on Red Bull. 

Gotta love the internet.  O brave new world, that has such widgets in it.   ::)

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Steve2012 on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:47pm
Alienspace guy, I have only one thing I can tell you because you clearly don't want to be positive about this. I don't pay for anything, everything I'm telling you I haven't paid a penny for and when it comes to things like this which is one of the most painful things going I don't wish to do anything other than tell people how to do the same and try for them selves! One headache trying this for free is nothing when half the time spent in life is being in pain. So please be constructive try it or don't it's your choice. If not that's your problem!

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Linda_Howell on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:00pm

Boy, the cures around here lately have been proliferating like bunnies on Red Bull. 

Haven't they though George.  The only thing different from 12 yrs. ago when DJ started this the creativity.  ::)

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by LeLimey on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:06pm

Linda_Howell wrote on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:00pm:

Boy, the cures around here lately have been proliferating like bunnies on Red Bull. 

Haven't they though George.  The only thing different from 12 yrs. ago when DJ started this the creativity.  ::)

I'd kind of disagree with you there Linda. Doesn't Ali's magic hairband fix your headaches as well as making you look pretty?

Pretty silly agreed but Pretty non the less!

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Headache Boy uk on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:10pm
thanks Steve Ill have a look at that.

and just to let you know the "c" word is not very well received round here - may be a better header would have been Hemi sync helped me how about you.
just a suggestion.

how about letting us know a little moor about your self ?


Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by FramCire on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:20pm

Steve2012 wrote on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:47pm:
Alienspace guy, I have only one thing I can tell you because you clearly don't want to be positive about this. I don't pay for anything, everything I'm telling you I haven't paid a penny for and when it comes to things like this which is one of the most painful things going I don't wish to do anything other than tell people how to do the same and try for them selves! One headache trying this for free is nothing when half the time spent in life is being in pain. So please be constructive try it or don't it's your choice. If not that's your problem!

He says he hasn't paid for anything but doesn't say he isn't trying TO MAKE MONEY with his post.

Just a thought.

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by George on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:26pm

wrote on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:06pm:
Doesn't Ali's magic hairband fix your headaches as well as making you look pretty?

Yeah, I liked the headband even better than the hyper-oxygenated water and the homeopathic salt solution.  That was a good one.  Wish I had a pic of it for the new folks to see.



Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Headache Boy uk on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:31pm
Just had a look at the hemi sync stuff is very new age .
But I have to say there is absolutely no way I could listen to that stuff whilst getting hit by the beast. Hard rock maybe, but that is just noise I've got two kids who can do that for me.   :-?

well that's my opinion but if it works for you carry on.


Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Steve2012 on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:34pm
hey Headache boy thanks for that, thinking about it cure probably was a bad way to describe it. Nut amyway, as far as my self goes I'm a 28 yr guy from the uk, I have huge interests in science, technology, quantum physics, antiquities, ufology, astronomy and various other things within those realms, I always try to validate things and I guess try and get others involved in my endeavours like what I've posted on here. As far as my clusters go I've had em since about 10 or 11 but shockinglyy dr only diagnosed it as clusters last year, so I'm new to all this really. Thanks for taking an interest and again if you need help with the downloads just give me a shout. You'll want a program that's also free called utorrent. Happy hunting. Steve

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Steve2012 on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:43pm

FramCire wrote on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:20pm:

Steve2012 wrote on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:47pm:
Alienspace guy, I have only one thing I can tell you because you clearly don't want to be positive about this. I don't pay for anything, everything I'm telling you I haven't paid a penny for and when it comes to things like this which is one of the most painful things going I don't wish to do anything other than tell people how to do the same and try for them selves! One headache trying this for free is nothing when half the time spent in life is being in pain. So please be constructive try it or don't it's your choice. If not that's your problem!

He says he hasn't paid for anything but doesn't say he isn't trying TO MAKE MONEY with his post.

Just a thought.

haha! Think about it, how could I make a penny when I've just told you exactly how and where to do it for free, if you want step by step instructions I'll post them, not sure you'll follow em but to be quite frank I don't care, your head isn't mine. The whole reason I put this post up is unlike me who can get all the medication I want mostly sumatriptan for next to nothing, I know there's a lot of people on here that haven't got access to the kinds of health care I have and they have to put up with a lot of pain because of it. So because of that I'm offering only the knowlege I know that can give them access to FREE relief from these ch's. Don't judge till you know the facts my friend.

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Linda_Howell on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:44pm

I'd kind of disagree with you there Linda. Doesn't Ali's magic hairband fix your headaches as well as making you look pretty?

Uh......NO.   on either account  Helen.  Ali and his magic cure,  which is surgery... would only make me look fat.   LOL

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by seaworthy on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:50pm

Yeah, I liked the headband even better than the hyper-oxygenated water and the homeopathic salt solution.  That was a good one.  Wish I had a pic of it for the new folks to see.

Plus you could get into the Star Trek convention for free!

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by FramCire on Apr 26th, 2010 at 8:48pm

Steve2012 wrote on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:43pm:

FramCire wrote on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:20pm:

Steve2012 wrote on Apr 26th, 2010 at 6:47pm:
Alienspace guy, I have only one thing I can tell you because you clearly don't want to be positive about this. I don't pay for anything, everything I'm telling you I haven't paid a penny for and when it comes to things like this which is one of the most painful things going I don't wish to do anything other than tell people how to do the same and try for them selves! One headache trying this for free is nothing when half the time spent in life is being in pain. So please be constructive try it or don't it's your choice. If not that's your problem!

He says he hasn't paid for anything but doesn't say he isn't trying TO MAKE MONEY with his post.

Just a thought.

haha! Think about it, how could I make a penny when I've just told you exactly how and where to do it for free, if you want step by step instructions I'll post them, not sure you'll follow em but to be quite frank I don't care, your head isn't mine. The whole reason I put this post up is unlike me who can get all the medication I want mostly sumatriptan for next to nothing, I know there's a lot of people on here that haven't got access to the kinds of health care I have and they have to put up with a lot of pain because of it. So because of that I'm offering only the knowlege I know that can give them access to FREE relief from these ch's. Don't judge till you know the facts my friend.

1.  People who create apps are ALWAYS trying to get more people to use them.  I don't know how it works, but it makes them money somehow.

2.  I have been around here for a long time.  I didn't accuse you of anything, but I made a simple observation.

3.  Show me ANY info that backs up your claim and I'll be happy to explore it.  Otherwise, I am skeptical.  BTW, you and I disagree with this comment you made 

"One headache trying this for free is nothing" 

If someone comes on here and ANYONE goes through ANY headaches trying a FAKE remedy, it would be too much.  Yes, 1 headache IS TOO MUCH TO ASK.

So, if you are full of it, whether to make money or just to screw around, 1 headache IS too much to ask.  If you are legit and honest, I am sorry, but it just isn;t passing my sniff test.

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Steve2012 on Apr 26th, 2010 at 9:36pm
Well I'm sorry if i over reacted, just wanna help make life easier for people that's all. I guess I got a lol defencive so I'm sorry for the way I came across. Hope there's no offence taken. I'll keep using it myself, do a bit of my own research and maybe just keep a blog on the length of time it takes for relief, what audio program it was etc. Then if you wanna give it a go you can keep me informed? Take it easy and thanks =)

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Brew on Apr 26th, 2010 at 9:58pm
If you have to keep using it over and over, it's not a cure.

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by Chad on Apr 27th, 2010 at 1:33pm

Headache Boy uk wrote on Apr 26th, 2010 at 7:10pm:
and just to let you know the "c" word is not very well received round here
You nailed that one

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by AussieBrian on Apr 27th, 2010 at 7:06pm
Being cured is fine if you're a people, just not so good if you're a pig.

Title: Re: Hemi sync, cure for me how about you?
Post by seasonalboomer on Apr 27th, 2010 at 10:01pm
steve speaks in that funny dialect that is very recognizable.

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