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Message started by anthony g on Jan 19th, 2010 at 8:27am

Title: green tea
Post by anthony g on Jan 19th, 2010 at 8:27am
hey all
I went to a new neuro the other day and he told me to totally stay away fron green tea? He was pretty convincing that it was a total trigger! anyone hear this?

Title: Re: green tea
Post by monty on Jan 19th, 2010 at 9:27am
No real research I am aware of, except for a Japanese study that found that migraneurs consumed more green tea than the average person, and that the high caffeine intake might make them more susceptible to neurovascular headaches.

Title: Re: green tea
Post by Grinner62 on Jan 19th, 2010 at 9:30am


Hey, someone has to be the smart ass. Why not me?

Title: Re: green tea
Post by Iddy on Jan 19th, 2010 at 12:06pm
Last Thursday I was at my MD's appointment. He carries a Palm pilot/BlackBerry whatever? and it is used strictly for drug interactions. The information on it is based out of the United States and when we were looking up Verapamil it said one of the things to avoid while on Verapamil was Green Tea!!

Go figure?

Title: Re: green tea
Post by bejeeber on Jan 19th, 2010 at 2:45pm
So Anthony g, I wonder if your doc said that because you're on Verapamil?

I wasn't on the Verap during my last cycle. Drank green tea daily. Not a trrigger for me.

Title: Re: green tea
Post by anthony g on Jan 19th, 2010 at 3:01pm
i dunno why really, but didnt like him so much honestly! been on the search for a new one! have an app next tues with a new one so we will see!

Title: Re: green tea
Post by Callico on Jan 21st, 2010 at 5:28pm
Green Tea, Black Tea, Oolong tea, Mixed teas, makes no difference to me.  Sometimes I use it instead of coffee, but the caffeine content is lower so it doesn't work as well, but is easier on the stomach.  Wish it was a trigger so I could get rid of the stupid things.


Title: Re: green tea
Post by Joni on Jan 21st, 2010 at 5:35pm
Any tea is a trigger for me while I am in cycle.

Title: Re: green tea
Post by shaggyparasol on Jan 23rd, 2010 at 1:30am
green tea seemed to trigger one a few weeks back for me, and held one today at a low roar.  it hasn't felt very good to drink it for most of my cycle this time.  just a feeling.  i am normally a tea drinker, but coffee feels way better in my cycle lately and so does coca cola.

my general rule on triggers and foods is if it makes you feel good eat it or drink it.  on the other end, even though i usually enjoy a few beers i don't even want one during my cycle, it doesn't even sound good.  cravings can guide me through the food and drink choices.  can't stop eating oranges, but an apple got me the other day.


Title: Re: green tea
Post by dianesheadaches on Feb 5th, 2010 at 10:40am
I'm trying to give up caffeine which has had me hooked for 30 years or more! I started a blog after day 6 has me thinking maybe ..just maybe this is the answer.
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Title: Re: green tea
Post by vietvet2tours on Feb 5th, 2010 at 10:56am

dianesheadaches wrote on Feb 5th, 2010 at 10:40am:
I'm trying to give up caffeine which has had me hooked for 30 years or more! I started a blog after day 6 has me thinking maybe ..just maybe this is the answer.
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  We aren't meegrainers.


Title: Re: green tea
Post by Brew on Feb 5th, 2010 at 12:02pm
Caffeine, like opium, psilocybin, LSA, and a host of other substances, is a gift from God. We can use it for good, or we can choose to abuse it.

Title: Re: green tea
Post by NancyB on Feb 5th, 2010 at 12:48pm
Gotta' say about the only time I drink caffeine is when I have a headache - whether it's a ch or not. Does bad things to me the rest of the time.

Title: Re: green tea
Post by sandie99 on Feb 6th, 2010 at 8:24am
Well, when I drink something warm, it's tea. Green tea is my fave and ch wise it has only helped - when I had green tea with ginger in it. But we're all different. Green tea with ginger helps me with shadows.


Title: Re: green tea
Post by kidfam on Apr 28th, 2010 at 4:15pm
Well the wife gave me a glass last night and I had a really worse night than others lately.  Perhaps the green tea?

Title: Re: green tea
Post by JHK07 on Apr 29th, 2010 at 10:17am
About the caffeine,  my Doc insisted i quit.   I used drank a lot of coffee
in the morning, along with pop during day and evening.  That was last June. I quit altogether.
    The last  month I have drank some caffeinated drinks and I have shadows.   I've posted it before, I'm curious if energy drinks,  coffee are just adding fuel to the fire in The Long Term....

Title: Re: green tea
Post by Brew on Apr 29th, 2010 at 10:24am

JHK07 wrote on Apr 29th, 2010 at 10:17am:
I've posted it before, I'm curious if energy drinks,  coffee are just adding fuel to the fire in The Long Term....

In a word, no.

If you have CH and your doctor told you to quit caffeine, your doctor is a schmuck.

Title: Re: green tea
Post by black on Apr 29th, 2010 at 2:03pm
One doctor say stay away from tea
the other stay away from coffee

i say they should both stay away from coffee and tea.
cheesus cake! these things are coming in waves all these years from our friends,relatives etc but they are not doctors and they are at least trying to help out
of love.But they are Doctors can't they do something better than that?!

wait i now suddenly understand
they love us too :D

Title: Re: green tea
Post by JHK07 on Apr 29th, 2010 at 2:43pm

Brew wrote on Apr 29th, 2010 at 10:24am:

JHK07 wrote on Apr 29th, 2010 at 10:17am:
I've posted it before, I'm curious if energy drinks,  coffee are just adding fuel to the fire in The Long Term....

In a word, no.

If you have CH and your doctor told you to quit caffeine, your doctor is a schmuck.

Schmuck?  I have had 1 CH since That visit last June.  I visit this site often.....   How about another thread about an energy drink? coffee? tea?
   I don"t understand the VASCO whatever it is that caffeine has on our blood vessels.  Yes I have read it may help abort relieve an attack......

   Is it possible that an attack could be a  withdrawl or lack of caffeine our body has.... hence we suck down a energy drink, strong coffee; thus creating Fuel For The Fire.

I realize this does not apply to all.

Title: Re: green tea
Post by Brew on Apr 29th, 2010 at 3:10pm

JHK07 wrote on Apr 29th, 2010 at 2:43pm:
In a word, no.

If you have CH and your doctor told you to quit caffeine, your doctor is a schmuck.Schmuck?  I have had 1 CH since That visit last June.  I visit this site often.....   How about another thread about an energy drink? coffee? tea?
   I don"t understand the VASCO whatever it is that caffeine has on our blood vessels.  Yes I have read it may help abort relieve an attack......

   Is it possible that an attack could be a  withdrawl or lack of caffeine our body has.... hence we suck down a energy drink, strong coffee; thus creating Fuel For The Fire.

I realize this does not apply to all.

I'm very happy that you have only experienced one attack since last June.

Very simply, in a CH attack, one of the arteries in our head dilates and puts tremendous pressure on the trigeminal nerve. It is an occurrence of vasodilation (expansion). Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor (as is blood which is super saturated with O2).

For a doctor to suggest eliminating a vasoconstrictor from someone who suffers an affliction caused by vasodilation puts him in the schmuck category.

Title: Re: green tea
Post by cgrill on May 1st, 2010 at 3:34am
i drink green tea all the time and it has never seemed to affect me.

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