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Message started by Lawmandave on Nov 18th, 2009 at 11:09am

Title: blurred vision!
Post by Lawmandave on Nov 18th, 2009 at 11:09am
Ive been an eposidic sufferer but this year been fightin a bout since july!  nuero has me on verapamil 02 and injection and on nov 6 started me on topamax!  2 nights ago my vision became extemely blurry!  i contacted my nuero who sent me to an eye doc!  i was given a full exam there and advised it wasnt an eye problem and nuero says not a med problem either!  family doc did full exam and cant find a problem either!  i am taking myself off of topamax myself because have read it can cause vision problems!  does anyone have any input? 

Title: Re: blurred vision!
Post by Martin on Nov 18th, 2009 at 1:26pm
Good luck.  Hope they stop sometime soon, and you can see normal again.

Title: Re: blurred vision!
Post by Redd on Nov 18th, 2009 at 1:40pm
My brain is still trying to chew on your Neuro saying that it can't be a issue with the topomax, when it's known to have this side effect in some people.

What dosage are you on, and for how long have you taken it?  You really should wean off dopymax.  Depending how long and how high the dosage, suddenly stopping it has caused siezures in some people.  Not a risk I would want to take.

Title: Re: blurred vision!
Post by Lawmandave on Nov 18th, 2009 at 1:52pm
My point exactly!  i have been on it since nov 6th and currently taking 3 25mg tabs 2x a day! once in the morning and once at night!  well that is to say until the vision thing started!  i have already started tapering myself off it!

Title: Re: blurred vision!
Post by chrisw on Nov 18th, 2009 at 10:00pm
Its amazing to me that these doctors are allowed to practice medicine!!!!!!What an idiot!!

How many stories are posted on this site about idiot doctors?  I can almost understand a doctor not knowing much about CH, considering they are a rare problem.  But for Gods sake,  at least admit that you dont know much about it and recommend you to someone who does.  Dont pretend to know what you are doing, and mess with someones life and health.

Do greedy bastards really need your measly copay or office visit charge enough to possibly harm you that much??

(sorry,  does that sound bitter?  can you tell I have a slight problem with doctors?  It also doesnt help that I work for one, and he is the biggest greedy thief I ever knew)

Sorry for ranting,

Title: Re: blurred vision!
Post by bejeeber on Nov 18th, 2009 at 10:29pm

chrisw wrote on Nov 18th, 2009 at 10:00pm:
How many stories are posted on this site about idiot doctors? 

Last time I counted it was exactly 3.79 bazillion.

You and I certainly are on the same ranting page regarding MD bozos and their ignorant, harmful ways. Ahhhh, my favorite rant. :D

Title: Re: blurred vision!
Post by Pinkfloyd on Nov 19th, 2009 at 12:50am

Lawmandave wrote on Nov 18th, 2009 at 11:09am:
i contacted my nuero who sent me to an eye doc!  

Send your Doc here:
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Tell him the side trip won't cost as much as your's did.

Then if he clicks on side effects, he'll see the word Diplopia

The incidences of Diplopia would probably be even higher if the people on Topamax could remember all the side effects they had while on it.  :(

I'd send him a copy of the bill from the eye doc.

Title: Re: blurred vision!
Post by Marc on Nov 19th, 2009 at 9:23am

Pinkfloyd wrote on Nov 19th, 2009 at 12:50am:
The incidences of Diplopia would probably be even higher if the people on Topamax could remember all the side effects they had while on it.  :(


I started to laugh, then realized that it really isn't funny when you think of the ramifications........

I spent all of 10 days on it, many years ago. Didn't like it one bit, but I was desperate - still had to quit taking it.


Title: Re: blurred vision!
Post by Lawmandave on Nov 19th, 2009 at 11:56am
Thank you all so much for the comments and more importantly the info i was really terrified and getting no answers!   im really happy to report that im weaning myself off of topamax and my vision has returned almost 100% already but unfortunately so did the beast!  id much rather see and deal with the monster!  i got to say it! test after test doctor after doctor nuero after nuero toss in a er visit got me noooo where but the folks at CH.COM came thru!  thanks again!

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