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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications,  Treatments,  Therapies >> Imigran (nasal spray)

Message started by lhiannanshee on Nov 13th, 2009 at 1:31am

Title: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by lhiannanshee on Nov 13th, 2009 at 1:31am
Oh my dear lord I just tried Imigran nasal spray, the 10mg one.  Does that work for anyone? It didn't seem to work for me, and keep getting waves of nausea and that horrible taste though I took it over an hour ago now.  My doc said if the 10mg didn't work, they'd try me on the 20mg.  It seems to just be horrible!

p.s I'm currently reading a lot but with only a maybe-see-a-neurologist I haven't been commenting much incase it's not this.  Hope you guys don't mind fielding my medication questions :p

edited because I can't spell.

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by LeLimey on Nov 13th, 2009 at 4:56am
Your doctor is a cheapskate and is starting to make me cross.
Imigran nasal spray isn't recommended for CH, Imigran subcutaneous injections ARE.
Tell her to look in her BNF* under cluster headaches. She will see it says Imigran INJECTIONS not nasal sprays or tablets. They don't work fast enough to be effective. She is trying to withold the medication you need on grounds of cost and thats not acceptable.
"Injections" sound scary but they're not really. Its a pen type thing, kind of like a diabetic pin prick. It literally goes just under the skin so it's not like an injection at all. Once she prescribes those for you come back and we'll give you some tips on how to use them.

You might prefer to ask her about Oxygen. That is a lot cheaper, a lot more effective in my personal view and is centrally funded so it wont come directly out of her surgeries budget which is quite obviously a cause of concern to her (which is laziness to as surgeries with high cost patients CAN get extra money, they just need to fill in forms and that means work  ::) )

Oxygen will be delivered right to your house. When filling in a HOOF (home oxygen order form) she will need to tick a box for "Ambulatory" so you get cylinders you can carry about. You need high flow at 15litres per minute and non rebreather masks. This will all be supplied by the O2 company when they deliver but they need to know all this. She should also write "cluster headaches" in the comments box. We'll help again with all sorts of tips when you have got that in place/ on order!

I hope it helps! Let us know how you're doing, I've been thinking about you and how you were getting on

BNF = British National Formulary. AKA Doctors prescribing bible!

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by Kevin_M on Nov 13th, 2009 at 5:45am
Haven't heard of a n/s Imitrex(gran) of 10mg and not aware if it's adequate for clusters.  Certainly isn't cherry flavored, but don't kinda snort it, just breathe in normally if used.  The 20mg is pretty standard.  First times can be unfriendly, especially if it doesn't work.

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by lhiannanshee on Nov 13th, 2009 at 6:18am
My doc is a cost-concerned one.  :(  Got a neurologist appointment for end of January and she said they would prescribe oxygen/injections if I get actually diagnosed seen as she doesn't have the expertise to diagnose anything apart from migranes (I swear to god she didn't go to medical school for 5 years to learn 'this is a migrane and students, NEVER LOOK AT A MEDICAL BOOK AGAIN!').  It just all seems to take so long!  I suppose that is the drawback of not having to pay upfront though.  Money free but slow.
I'll go back and bully her some more lol.  She should realise though, the sooner she gives me something effective, the sooner I'll go away  ::) lol.
Thanks for your advice, and just letting me whine too :p


Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by Kevin_M on Nov 13th, 2009 at 6:44am

lhiannanshee wrote on Nov 13th, 2009 at 6:18am:
My doc is a cost-concerned one.  :(  Got a neurologist appointment for end of January and she said they would prescribe oxygen/injections if I get actually diagnosed seen as she doesn't have the expertise to diagnose anything apart from migranes

Not sure if it's a cost concern or if she's treating for migraines as she can, to not overextend her reach in this area.  Same with my first appointment with a doc long time ago.

January is a long in cluster time to wait for more effective treatment with diagnosis.  It may even occur that if episodic, things may have settled somewhat by then.  This is the meantime.  If by need the 20mg Imigran is requested, even so, the next inadequate finding may be quantity. 

Not sure of attaining oxygen with migraine treatment, it would be great if needed, somehow.

  I'm currently reading a lot but with only a maybe-see-a-neurologist I haven't been commenting much incase it's not this.

Diagnosis is really important here though, if with clusters, a priority sooner than presently scheduled.  It is left to wonder whether some effect might have been achieved with 10mg if clusters. 

There is a cluster quiz on the menu list to the left. 

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by LeLimey on Nov 13th, 2009 at 7:23am
Emily, ring your neuro's secretary and explain you have an appt but you're in a great deal of pain and need help now. Can they consider you for any cancellations? It will help alot and I can almost guarantee you'll get seen a lot sooner too.

Let me know if I can help in any way at all, I will, even if it's just to talk!

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by Brew on Nov 13th, 2009 at 7:45am

BNF = British National Formulary. AKA Doctors prescribing bible!

Probably the Anglo equivalent of what is known in the States as the PDR, or Physician's Desk Reference.

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by jon019 on Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:36am
Zomig NS (5 mg) is my last resort salvation (after O2 and energy drink)....has only failed me once in 5 yrs (please God, let that not be a jinx)...very little of the bad taste and fewer side effects than I hear about re Imitrex...everyones different, but might be worth a try...ask the doc for samples, as it is damned expensive.



Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by LeLimey on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:08pm
Jon my sweet lovely bonedome - we don't have samples here in the UK, different system. The doc will just dish out a prescription and that is it.

I thank you for helping though cos it gives me the chance to smooch you!  [smiley=inlove.gif]

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by bejeeber on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:19pm
Yep for most of us injections are the preferred form of Imitrex for CH. And they REALLY work. No barfing.

They're expensive as all heck, but taking half doses is as effective as taking full doses. the "imitrex tip" button on the left of the forum view (if it shows up for you) details how to do the halfsies.

Meantime if your typically lazy/ignorant doctor doesn't want to prescribe O2, there's always the work around of getting it toot sweet from a welding supply place. Well at least in the US....not sure if that whole thing applies or need apply there.

In any case, ya wanna proceed directly to the "oxygen info" link on the left here to get the real skinny on how to use the stuff. Doctors don't know. (trying to cram some American colloquialisms in here, in hopes it'll seem boorish or charming or something out of the ordinary). ;D

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by bejeeber on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:20pm

wrote on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:08pm:
Jon my sweet lovely bonedome

I hope Jon laughs as much about that one as I did.  ;D

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by lhiannanshee on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:34pm
Hehe, bejeeber, bless your Americanism :p and lol bonedome.
I am probably harsh on my doctor, she's probably trying her best but it really hurts! lol.  Doesn't make me ever so kind to her.  I don't handle pain and tiredness very well, lol.
I'll ring the secretary in the morning and cross fingers, hopefully that'll bump me forward.  Thanks for all your advice, I've done the quiz to the left and my symtpoms seem fairly consistent but I haven't had any form of MRI or anything get to check out the sinister stuff or even benign oddities so I'm hesitant to say its this, incase it's something else.


Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by LeLimey on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:46pm

bejeeber wrote on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:20pm:

wrote on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:08pm:
Jon my sweet lovely bonedome

I hope Jon laughs as much about that one as I did.  ;D

Heh heh heh, it wouldn't stop me anyhow 'cos I'm evil! He's known me too long to take much notice of me (which is actually a good thing!)

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by jon019 on Nov 13th, 2009 at 3:49pm

wrote on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:08pm:
Jon my sweet lovely bonedome - we don't have samples here in the UK, different system. The doc will just dish out a prescription and that is it.

You mean to tell me your poor stinkin sawbones don't have 20 something walking pulchritudeettes with legs (and skirts) up to here and cleavage down to there pimpin (and layin out the samples) the latest massively expensive chemical 2 x 4 to they will prescribe (through the drool) for their unwary supplicants??? wonder OUR medical system is SO SUPERIOR...welll, what can you expect from a nation that drinks its beer warm!

Smoooches back...... :-*

jon bone

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by jon019 on Nov 13th, 2009 at 4:07pm

bejeeber wrote on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:20pm:

wrote on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:08pm:
Jon my sweet lovely bonedome

I hope Jon laughs as much about that one as I did.  ;D

Ya know that crazy aunt or uncle that every family has? The one they keep locked in the back bedroom
and only let out at Christmas? THAT'S our Bean...crazy as a loon, nutty as a squirrel, never knowing boot from bonnet, bangers all mixed up with her mash, mad as a box of frogs....a right cheeky monkey :o :D ::)

Title: Re: Imigran (nasal spray)
Post by LeLimey on Nov 15th, 2009 at 4:23pm
Yeah Jon you know how it is - it's only "there" that "the first one is free" LOL  :P

Our medical system is completely different. I've got no complaints I can assure you and you can only complain because, thanks to our NHS, I'm still here and not face down in the dirt!

I'm not picking on you too much though because of all those lovely compliments you just paid me - I've gone all warm and mushy and teary now *sniff*  ;D

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