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Message started by Mrs Deej on Nov 6th, 2009 at 4:43pm

Title: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Mrs Deej on Nov 6th, 2009 at 4:43pm
So for those that have me on Facebook know that last week at this time we were experiencing a little bit of drama in the neighborhood.  For those that didn't hear the story, allow me to explain my crazy afternoon last Friday...

I was washing dishes after making bread and noticed a teenage kid on a bike riding REAL slow...thought it was weird, so I watched him out my window.  He stopped in front of the house behind us (we live on a corner), so I sat there wondering what in the hell was going on.  After a few minutes he started riding again so I went back to washing dishes.  It wasn't 10 seconds later I looked up out my kitchen window and saw the kid on the bike and another kid in my neighbors backyard peeking into the windows and looking around.    

Ummm...seriously, I thought I was gonna pee my pants!!  LOL My blinds were open, and the lights were on so I got away from the window so they wouldn't see me and grabbed the phone to called 911. I went into Conner's room where the blinds were closed but I could still see out. I described each one of them to a T...down to the writing on the backs of their coats!! They cut the screen on the window to the bedroom and tried to force the window open, I don't know if they got scared or couldn't get in but they ran out of the backyard, got on their bikes and went down the road. Within 5-10 mins. (seemed like a lifetime) we had about 6 cops circling our neighborhood.  About 30 minutes later the police had come back to the house and started looking at the damage.  Well, apparently my next door neighbor & her son witnessed the whole thing too.  Her and I were on the phone with 911 at the same time, she told me she saw the exact things I did.  They ended us catching the two boys down the block breaking into another home. 

Now mind you...this all happened at 12:45 IN THE AFTERNOON!!!!  I was shocked.  I immediately went over to our alarm and set it...needless to say it is set ALL THE TIME!!  LOL  I haven't had a chance to catch my neighbors at home yet to see if anything has come of the boys.

Soooo....because of my (enter sarcasm here) pristine neighborhood crime fighting skills the San Diego Sheriff's Dept. has awarded me for my due diligence!!  LOL 

Thanks Sgt. Sprecco...I WILL NOT let you down!  :-*

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Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Jimi on Nov 6th, 2009 at 4:52pm
I feel the need to be frisked.

Seriously...I Do feel the need to sing....

There's no need to fear......Stephanie is here!!

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Brew on Nov 6th, 2009 at 4:57pm
...and thus endeth all talk of hallucinogens or other Schedule I or Schedule II substances on ;D

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by midwestbeth on Nov 6th, 2009 at 5:11pm
Scary stuff, Steph. Glad you and the boys are safe.

I really hate thieves.  My house, shop, and car have been broken into too many times (I lost count).  The girls have had thier cameras, cash, etc stolen when their purses were in the next room at school and friends homes.  I have no sympathy for these kids.  I've heard the same boohoo too many times to care.  All excuses and justification.

Take care and stay safe,

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by FramCire on Nov 6th, 2009 at 6:08pm

Jimi wrote on Nov 6th, 2009 at 4:52pm:
I feel the need to be frisked.

I have a feeling I know what comes next here....... wait on it..... wait on it......

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Callico on Nov 6th, 2009 at 6:28pm
Good job Steph!  That is the way crime is stopped, by citizens calling in what they see.  Law enforcement can't be everywhere at once, and they depend on people calling in with accurate descriptions as you did.  Calling that one in may likely prevent a crime happening at your home. 


Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by seaworthy on Nov 6th, 2009 at 7:14pm
Atta girl !! You've made the Deputy Hall of Fame.

(Seriously. Nice job Steph)

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Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Charlie on Nov 6th, 2009 at 7:51pm
Way to go Steph! START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE


Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Mosaicwench on Nov 6th, 2009 at 7:51pm
Atta girl Steph!

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(Nice shoes, btw!)

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Nov 6th, 2009 at 7:59pm
Way to go Steph!!!!

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by seaworthy on Nov 6th, 2009 at 8:21pm

(Nice shoes, btw!)

Shoes? What shoes?

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Melissa on Nov 6th, 2009 at 8:21pm
omg, LMAO!!  Love it!!  You SO deserve that reward and much more for being so diligent!  WTG girlfriend!!

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by sandie99 on Nov 7th, 2009 at 11:18am
Well done, Steph. :)


Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Jackie on Nov 7th, 2009 at 12:47pm
You go girl.....GOOD JOB!!!!!  :)

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Karla on Nov 7th, 2009 at 1:33pm
I am a bit confused.  When did you guys move to San Diego?  I thought you were in Kansas.  Or is the certificate just signed that way to be funny and I am not getting it.

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Brew on Nov 7th, 2009 at 1:55pm

Karla wrote on Nov 7th, 2009 at 1:33pm:
I am a bit confused.  When did you guys move to San Diego?  I thought you were in Kansas.  Or is the certificate just signed that way to be funny and I am not getting it.

It's signed by our own Guiseppi, who IS in San Diego.

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by barry_sword on Nov 7th, 2009 at 3:59pm
Way to go Steph!  8-)

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Langa on Nov 7th, 2009 at 6:22pm
Very nice job...glad the cops caught the creeps.


Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by Weatherman on Nov 7th, 2009 at 6:44pm
Wow! Great job!

Title: Re: There's a new (Junior) Sheriff in town...
Post by lashultzwfe on Nov 8th, 2009 at 8:34am
Wow, glad everyone is o.k, a bit of a scare. Wow, pretty "brave" young men to be doing this at 12:45,but I guess it doesn't matter to thieves.....


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