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Message started by catlind on Nov 5th, 2009 at 3:28pm

Title: Interesting headache...
Post by catlind on Nov 5th, 2009 at 3:28pm
If you guys had a headache, not cluster (for me it's very migrainous - go ahead swear away) BUT, it's accompanied by severe double vision (some things are ok to see 2 of, most are not, especially when driving) and the things that aren't in the direct double vision line are all blurred.

What's the populace's consensus - should I go in and have it checked or ride it out??

I am such a wuss with this kind of thing....


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by midwestbeth on Nov 5th, 2009 at 3:52pm
Get it checked out!  ASAP!

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Callico on Nov 5th, 2009 at 4:04pm
You aren't gone yet???  Double vision is not something you wait on.

Praying for you.


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Nov 5th, 2009 at 4:05pm
Cat - go get that checked out.  No point fooling around with something like that.  Could be somethin' - could be nuthin' - but find out!


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by catlind on Nov 5th, 2009 at 4:20pm
Get this, I called the Doctor, they put me through to the appt nurse who said she thought it should be seen possible at the ER and transferred me to the triage nurse, and get this, I got a F***ing recorded message....

I am beside myself :(


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by midwestbeth on Nov 5th, 2009 at 4:33pm
Get yourself over there and tell the triage nurse your feelings about the recorded message in person.

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by LeLimey on Nov 5th, 2009 at 5:06pm
I have spoken to Cat on the phone.
She has now got a doctors appt this evening. Clark is home with her too now so she's in good hands  :)

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Cathi_Pierce on Nov 5th, 2009 at 11:58pm
cat! i'VE SAID IT BEFORE, nothing Is SIMPLE WHERE YOU ARE CONCERNED! before some catastrophe befalls you, please, get your keeester into the ER!
Actually, by now, you should be home, so I hope you can update us......
Lord, woman, never a dull moment around your house, huh?
Sending the vibes and juju your way. Please feel.err.see.. umm... better very soon!

Helen, you're just like the guardian angel around here. between you and Linda and Jackie, things always seem to smooth out!

Bowing as I back my way out of the room........


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by catlind on Nov 6th, 2009 at 12:44pm
Not sure what to say about messed up.
Went to the Doc, who said the ER - they gave me a shot of a Haladol (sp) and plunked me in the psych holding tank for the night.

Be careful who you mention that you would take 'drastic' measures to, in order to rid yourself of pain etc.  Sheesh.  Shrink came in and he was kewl, said no you don't need to be here and sent me home.

What a healthcare system.


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by midwestbeth on Nov 6th, 2009 at 12:56pm
Geeze Cat.  Sorry to hear about the overnight stay.  Did any of the Dr's check your head and figure out why you were having the double vision?

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Jeannie on Nov 6th, 2009 at 1:14pm
GOSH, Cat.  Sorry.  Hope you are feeling better. 

I'm glad you got it checked out.  Did they determine what it was?   Have you ever had an ocular migraine?  I get them from time to time and sometimes have double vision with them.   It is definitely worth checking out though...could be something much scarier!


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by catlind on Nov 6th, 2009 at 2:24pm

midwestbeth wrote on Nov 6th, 2009 at 12:56pm:
Geeze Cat.  Sorry to hear about the overnight stay.  Did any of the Dr's check your head and figure out why you were having the double vision?

Not so much as even an eye exam!  Not sure what the haladol was for....knock me out?  Ugh.  No check on the vision double or blurred.  Blew me away.

But hey on the upside I got a really kewl blue paper outfit :-/


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by LeLimey on Nov 6th, 2009 at 2:27pm
I was about to call when I saw you post, if you want to vent let me know and I'll call ((HUG)) We lubs ya!

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Martin on Nov 6th, 2009 at 3:17pm
" Haloperidol (AKA Haldol) is an older antipsychotic used in the treatment of schizophrenia and, more acutely, in the treatment of acute psychotic states and delirium.  Haldol is cheap, fast acting, and works quickly when injected."

They just thought you were crazy, and gave you some chill pills.  Doesn't seem they even checked into your vision/head problem.  Dumb.

Hope your head and vision is all better.  Never had double vision myself; I'd be pretty concerned.

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by midwestbeth on Nov 6th, 2009 at 3:26pm
Yes, it does sound like they blew you off as a hysterical female and drugged you as such.  So sorry you had that expereince, Cat.

This is the reason I avoid Dr's and medicine as much as humanly possible.  I know there are good Dr's out there, I just don't have the time, money, or patience to weed through them all.  If I'm not dying or seriously scared, I play wait and see.

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by catlind on Nov 6th, 2009 at 3:36pm
Clark and I researched the drug to see if there is any indication it can be used for headache/double/blurred vision.

None I could find, but what I found scared me.  I'm hypotensive, 90/60, and I have coronary artery spasms.  BOTH are contraindicated in the use of haldol.


Someone tell me I"m not crazy??  At least not THAT crazy....depressed yes, head pain does that to a person when it's chronic, but certainly not certifiable according to the mental cases.


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Chris Morrow on Nov 6th, 2009 at 3:40pm

Sarah commonly has migraines with either partial vision loss or double vision. During one of her attacks, we were already in the ER with one of our children. Neither the ER docs or her neuro found anything abnormal with it.


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Martin on Nov 6th, 2009 at 3:41pm
An ER doctor gave you crazy pills ---> yes, you are crazy.

lol, jk.  damn triage nurses and e.r. doctors just dont have the time, knowledge, will to solve real problems.  i only see them when I need to be sewed, stapled, or glued back together.  Staples are grossssssss

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Karla on Nov 6th, 2009 at 3:42pm
I am so sorry that you had to go through this.  It had to have sucked big time.  I hope you can find some courage to go back and find out some answers about your double vision etc but of course not to the same place or quack that put you in the phyc ward.

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by catlind on Nov 6th, 2009 at 4:14pm
Seeing the world in two's is not an uncommon thing for me, although the last time it happened was a few years back when the pressure in the CSF in the pituitary region was causing it.  I got a clean bill from the neuro opthamologist before leaving Omaha, but of course the TBI's suffered after the move may have caused probs.

Either way, there is only one of everything today, although I feel like I could sleep for a week.  They dosed me, then every hour were in trying to ask me questions and it was all I could do to tell them my damn name - geez.  I think at this point, I will hold off on any docs til I see the specialist next week that has come with the utmost highest recommendation to me.

Just thought I'd let everyone know, if they ship you to an ER for a headache with vision changes, find out you have clusters and would do anything to stop the pain, it can be misinterpreted.


eta:  Glad I didn't look in a mirror....2 of me? YIKES

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Charlie on Nov 6th, 2009 at 4:18pm
One more reason that patients should be allowed to squeeze doctors' balls until they are satisfied with treatment.

Forget politics. Our system is a horror story. Keep after them Cat.


Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by just-squiggles on Nov 6th, 2009 at 4:23pm

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Kilowatt3 on Nov 7th, 2009 at 10:35am

catlind wrote on Nov 6th, 2009 at 4:14pm:
Glad I didn't look in a mirror....2 of me? YIKES

Isn't that what you meant when you said you were beside yourself???

Title: Re: Interesting headache...
Post by Jackie on Nov 7th, 2009 at 4:03pm

catlind wrote on Nov 6th, 2009 at 12:44pm:
Not sure what to say about messed up.
Went to the Doc, who said the ER - they gave me a shot of a Haladol (sp) and plunked me in the psych holding tank for the night.

Be careful who you mention that you would take 'drastic' measures to, in order to rid yourself of pain etc.  Sheesh.  Shrink came in and he was kewl, said no you don't need to be here and sent me home.

What a healthcare system.


Now that's some crap!

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