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Message started by Cathi_Pierce on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 8:26am

Post by Cathi_Pierce on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 8:26am
I can't even remember how long I've been around now...must be oldtimers' disease, but, as I was arriving, so was Cal OUCH, the chapter that was formed in CA. I recall a day when a small handfull of Clusterheads met at a fairly local restaurant, and, amidst the laughter and the story sharing, Cal OUCH became an entity.Not sure about all the Board positions, but Linda was ever the prez....I mean, she was ALWAYS the prez..and if there's any money to be distributed, call Marc. he was the Treasurer. BobP followed that up with a website, specifically for sufferers in CA...why, I was only allowed in because I still had smog in my lungs!
As they say, build it and they will come.......Paul Farr, Lenny, Kathy, Linda(of course!),Frank F,these people were regulars over there, then, we had  visits from The Madd Viking, Cathy from England, and so many others who have come and gone, each leaving their own special mark.  We shared, we learned- but we never grew really big! LOL! There were days when Linda H and I would think the site resembled more like a bowling alley- or a ghost town, rather than a viable website-then there were times when it was just hopping!
I don't know how the yacht stories began, but I do know, we got a lot of laughter out of that!Boys, I think the jig is up...... time to find it and return it to where it belongs!
Suffice it to say, Cal OUCH was a great place to hang out-quiet, supportive, humorous, and, for me, quite educational as well.
Recently,Linda reminded me that it was just about time for the website to go down. When I went over there to post this, I found I couldn't recall my login info. Bob will tell yo0u that is typical! I trust that when I ask my puter to remember something, it will do just that..until it crashes or glitches!
THAT is why I'm sharing all of this here in, that, and the fact that it seems fitting for all here  to share in this tear-down.
BobP, thank you for the gift of Cal YOU kept it going for the gang, never asking for anything, always ready with some words there as well. As you begin your new life in retirement, I want to wish you the very best life has to offer. I want to thank you, once again, for your efforts on behalf of Cal OUCH- from the Orefornian, the 2 Kentuckafornians and the well as all the garden variety Californians!
Now, one more request..whatever my login was, would you please retire it along with Cal I don't think I will be needing it any longer! One last login for me to lose!! ;)
Painfree wishes to all ....
and, Bob, you've done good, thank you, sincerely.
Cathi ;)

Title: Re: BobP, Cal OUCH AND THE yACHT
Post by Linda_Howell on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 11:34am

That was a wonderful obituary Cathi.  Thank you and thank you you too Bob.  :-*


Title: Re: BobP, Cal OUCH AND THE yACHT
Post by Cathi_Pierce on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 3:50pm
LOL>..Know how the Eskimos put their old and infirm on an ice floe, and send them off, gently, to join the 'other world'....that's more how I thought of this, Linda.
Cal OUCH deserves a great sendoff.........but all I have here are some ice cubes!!!

Cathi :D

Title: Re: BobP, Cal OUCH AND THE yACHT
Post by thebbz on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 3:57pm
I am friggin bummed Mr. Bigglesworth. :'(
cal-ouch rip
the bb
thanks to all that participated.

Title: Re: BobP, Cal OUCH AND THE yACHT
Post by Cathi_Pierce on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 7:32pm
OMG! I forgot our dear Monkeyman, BBZ, and his lovely wife...........also, that dancing copper we called Guiseppi, not to mention his loverly wife........
just shows to go just how many people have been touched by your website, Mr P!!

Title: Re: BobP, Cal OUCH AND THE yACHT
Post by Bob P on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 10:00pm
Got the e-mail this mornig that the provider had pulled the plug (2 days ahead of schedule).  Oh well.  The site is gone but the Kalifornya clusterheads go on.

Title: Re: BobP, Cal OUCH AND THE yACHT
Post by Guiseppi on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 10:54pm
RIP.  :-/


Title: Re: BobP, Cal OUCH AND THE yACHT
Post by Melissa on Nov 3rd, 2009 at 7:42pm
You all have my deepest sympathies! :(

Title: Re: BobP, Cal OUCH AND THE yACHT
Post by Lenny on Nov 3rd, 2009 at 11:41pm
A sad day indeed.....It may be gone but will not be forgotten..... thanks to all that supported Calouch esp. Bob P.

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