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Message started by Lottie on Oct 8th, 2009 at 12:31pm

Title: Another Imitrex question
Post by Lottie on Oct 8th, 2009 at 12:31pm
Hi all, I want to cut down on my Imitrex use. But my problem is I have to use it at least once a night (for a hit the O2 won't kill), often twice a night. And during the day I go to several places I can't take O2 along with me, not even a small tank. So I often need more than 2 shots per 24 hours.

I already use the imitrex tip DJ put on this site (although my dr and pharmacist don't approve of it, but that's easy for them to say), but it would be much more convenient if I could just get vials of the stuff and some insulin needles along with it. Now GSK in The Netherlands only imports the auto-injector and the pen refills. So the pharmacist tried, but couldn't help me.  :(

I also use energydrinks for daytime hits, to try and lessen my use of Imitrex. I'm also going to order a decent O2 mask from this site, hoping that will make the O2 more effective, especially for the nighttime hits. I already use a high flow regulator (25lpm).

My question is: does anyone from Germany or Belgium know if you can get the vials there? If so, I hope I can work something out with my ins. co.

I've also tried melatonin before bed (several weeks) and it doesn't work for me.  >:(


Title: Re: Another Imitrex question
Post by bejeeber on Oct 8th, 2009 at 2:42pm
Not from Germany or Belgium so I probably have no business posting here :P, but I relate to your post Lottie, as I've routinely had the wake up hits that O2 won't kill, and melatonin doesn't do jack for me either.  :P

At least it sounds like energy drinks do something for you - I'll still chug a Red Bull upon the suspected onset of a daytime hit, but at this point it's just kinda wishful thinking (and I can use the energy!), because I don't think I've ever actually had one abort a hit.

How about preventative meds or taurine/kudzu Lottie? Ya on any of them?

Title: Re: Another Imitrex question
Post by Lottie on Oct 9th, 2009 at 6:21am
I'm currently on lithium and methysergide. Lithium is fairly new to me, so I'll have to wait and see if it's going to work.

Title: Re: Another Imitrex question
Post by ClusterChris on Oct 10th, 2009 at 9:31am
I was injecting 6 times a day untill I started on the Verapamil. Now i haven't had a ch in over a week! (other then some small shadows every other day or so) but those dont count :)


Title: Re: Another Imitrex question
Post by Marc on Oct 10th, 2009 at 11:02am

ClusterChris wrote on Oct 10th, 2009 at 9:31am:
I was injecting 6 times a day untill I started on the Verapamil. Now i haven't had a ch in over a week! (other then some small shadows every other day or so) but those dont count :)

That's good news Chris. Verapamil works well for many, but not all.

Title: Re: Another Imitrex question
Post by Guiseppi on Oct 10th, 2009 at 11:29am
From the US so can't help with that question. Lithium has been my silver bullet for many years. Takes 10-14 days to start working for me, I do a pred taper to get me through that. Blocks up to 70% of my attacks once it's bult up in my system. Hoping it proves as effective for you.


Title: Re: Another Imitrex question
Post by MattyAA on Oct 10th, 2009 at 7:29pm
Have you tried Clusterbusting method aswell Lottie? Or checking that Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Title: Re: Another Imitrex question
Post by Lefty on Oct 11th, 2009 at 7:12am

Hello again fellow cluster heads.  Well into my cycle now with the beast hitting me 5.20pm, 9.20pm and an hour after I go to sleep ( usually the BIG one ) The two early hits are easily soon as I get the burn behind my eye, it's straight to the O2 and BINGO 5 - 10 min later I've kicked his ass.  The later one was a problem I think due to he fact that the beast had already got a hold of me.  While the O2 worked, it took a damn sight longer with kip 8 not uncommon.  My wife ( God bless her ) suggested a couple of nights ago that I sit on my O2 for 10 min BEFORE I WENT TO SLEEP!!!!!
Gave it a try........went to bed........woke up at 6am.  OH man..... a FULL NIGHTS SLEEP       While I'm not holding my breathe, I've done this the last two nights with the same result, so I thought it may be worth passing on in the hope that others may at least experience a pain free night or two.  Give it a nothin to lose but a headache.
Best of luck comrades

Lottie, I just copied and pasted Aussie6330 post here as his little method offered him some relief from those nasty night time hits. I'm sure he won't mind..

How long were you on the melatonin..? some people have stated that it takes a little while to begin showing results.


Title: Re: Another Imitrex question
Post by Mauro149 on Oct 11th, 2009 at 8:30am
2-3mg of Imitrex are more than enough even for a very strong hit in my case, as for most people from what I've read so far. Vials do not exist in my country either (Italy). The mystery of the sole availability of 6mg doses thickens, above all when very few people have as few as 2 hits per day, also knowing that injecting all that Imitrex during clusters - for years - is quite dangerous for your heart, too.
When necessary, try to endure the extra hits using O2.

I'll also quote Matty, adding that the Clusterbuster method has proven to be effective on most people without having to wait the usual 14 days, like sertraline, lithium therapies and such; it also implies avoiding injections. I recently went from a complicated and tiring sertraline, di-hydroergotamine therapy and Imitrex (average of 4 hits a day nonetheless) to an innocuous average of 1 hit every 1-3 days, using 0.2-0.4g of Psilocybe Cubensis every 2-3 days (for me, this is not even close to a psychoactive effect). So far, I have not had the need for Imitrex or other expensive drugs anymore.

Plus, I wouldn't disdain the fact that your country is the only one on Earth where applying this method doesn't get you in jail. And therapy sources are always trustworthy.

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