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Message started by Callico on Oct 7th, 2009 at 12:22am

Title: Need your help/advice
Post by Callico on Oct 7th, 2009 at 12:22am
I have posted previously and have responded to a couple of others about a temporary paralysis or hemiparesis on my right (cluster) side following a bad hit.  It didn't happen often, and usually lasted for about an hour or so and all went away and everything was fine.  That was until about three weeks ago.  For about two weeks I had been getting it a couple of times a week, then after one attack I noticed the next day weakness in my right arm.  I tried to get hold of my Dr, but had to leave a message with a nurse.  (Have you ever played telephone?)

I explained the situation, my CH, a bit of my history etc. and told her I was concerned about the weakness in my arm.  Would she please have the Dr give me a call?  The next day I had not received a call back yet.  The Dr had been out of town and was swamped.  I just assumed she was not concerned, but I still was, so I called back again.  About 3 hrs later I got a call back saying the Dr said if my CH was hitting really badly to go to ER for Nasal Lidocaine and or Imitrex.  My Dr knows what I use, so I couldn't understand the answer.  My wife is the one who got the call. (They called the house, not my cell as I had directed)  She told the nurse who called that the issue was NOT my CH, but an almost paralysed arm.  Finally as they were closing for the day she got another call back saying to go to the ER for a CT scan as it was to late to go into the Drs office.  Friday night, right?

Went in and several hours later had a CT scan that was negative, but they wanted to keep me overnight for observation.  Next day they ordered an MRI.  It was negative, as was the EKG, and the chest Xray.  Sent me home. 

Sunday afternoon I took a nap following church and dinner. When I woke up my right arm was hanging limp and I had no function in it at all.  I could feel everything, but it just hung limp.  Back to the ER.  Same thing, except they didn't keep me.  After about 6 hours I started getting some movement in two of my fingers, and gradually over the next three hours had movement in the rest of my arm.  Had another MRI with MRA and with contrast.  Negative.  Had EchoCardiogram.  Found nothing wrong.  They told me my arteries are clear of all plaque, in fact were in better shape than most 20 yr olds.

At present I have full use of the arm, except I can't lift 10 pounds with it over my waist.

Thurs evening I'm having a nerve conductivity test done.  I'm not looking forward to having needles stuck in my nerves and jumper cables hooked up to see if my muscles move!

I know there is a vast amount of experience here.  Is there anyone who can shed any light or ideas on this?  Right now they are just pulling at straws.  Thank God I finally have insurance, cause I've spent over $50,000 just on tests and ER, and I'm not done yet!

Sorry it is so long.  Brevity is not my strong point.


Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by jon019 on Oct 7th, 2009 at 2:17am

Have experienced same....they found NOTHING (which, I know, can sometimes be scarier than something!)

Don't sweat the nerve test....small electric shocks...not even kip 1-2's...just a weird feeling....could tell a lot...but bet there's nothin'.



Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by Lefty on Oct 7th, 2009 at 6:47am
Jerry, I know this must be a worrying development for you so I had a browse through some medical journals and I found this little piece for you. I hope it helps you a little. I'm off to work at the moment but I will have a proper look when I get back.

Unfortunately the attachment is to large so I've emailed it to you.


Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by catlind on Oct 7th, 2009 at 7:35am
Have gone through something similar with having my arm suddenly go limp and useless.  Ended up being called radial nerve palsy.  Not sure if that's any help to you, but it might be the radial nerve in your arm.  Either way, if your arm goes numb, DON'T wait - you never know when it might be a stroke.


Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by Mosaicwench on Oct 7th, 2009 at 8:44am
I'll catch some flames, but a chiropractor might help.  Now that you've ruled out most other sinister things a chiro might get your arm function back.

Best of luck.

Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by Bob P on Oct 7th, 2009 at 9:03am
Our founding cluster nut, DeeJ, was experiencing numbness in his arm/hand.  That's how they found his MoyaMoya.

Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by Redd on Oct 7th, 2009 at 9:03am

Mosaicwench wrote on Oct 7th, 2009 at 8:44am:
I'll catch some flames, but a chiropractor might help.  Now that you've ruled out most other sinister things a chiro might get your arm function back.

Best of luck.

What Pat said!  I'd had a similar happening with my right arm years back, and the orthopedists couldn't do anything about it.

So I went to a Chiropractor, as like you I could feel every thing, but for some reason the signals my brain were sending the arm to move, wouldn't go through.  Just trying to to manually move it hurt.

Just try the Chiro and see what he/she says.

Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Oct 7th, 2009 at 10:44am
Oh, Dang, Bro.  Sorry to hear this.
I don't know medical stuff at all, but maybe along the lines of a chiropractor, you can see a physical therapist or something?

Peace be with you, my Brother

Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by Marc on Oct 7th, 2009 at 11:55am

Any improvement, or is still doing it?

Hoping it clears itself.


Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by Callico on Oct 7th, 2009 at 1:29pm
I have use of the arm again, but have lost most of the strength.  It doesn't hurt.  Stroke has been ruled out, although that is what it looks like.

Chiropractors are good for some things, and this may be one of them.  Just wish they worked for CH.


Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by Brew on Oct 7th, 2009 at 1:44pm

Callico wrote on Oct 7th, 2009 at 1:29pm:
Chiropractors are good for some things, and this may be one of them.  Just wish they worked for CH.

Wouldn't that be special?

Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by [joHnny]w_ an_h on Oct 7th, 2009 at 11:20pm
jerry is this the same arm that you pulled out of socket?

Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by Callico on Oct 8th, 2009 at 12:50am

No.  I pulled the left arm out of socket trying to hold my head down.  This is my right side.  The whole side has been going paralized, but the arm is where I have lost the strength.


Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by Jackie on Oct 8th, 2009 at 6:15am
How are you doing?  I'm hoping this is one of those weird things that just happens and then goes problems.

Positive thoughts and prayers....


Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by QnHeartMM on Oct 8th, 2009 at 9:00am
Jerry - good luck with your tests tonight. Will be thinking about you and keeping my prayers.


Title: Re: Need your help/advice (update)
Post by Callico on Oct 8th, 2009 at 10:07pm
Thanks for the input and the concern.  Just got back from the Neuro's office and the test.  He found a couple of muscles that were not responding correctly, but no nerve probs.  We took another look at the MRI of the Cervical Spine and there are a couple of small bulges that are slightly squeezing the nerves at C5 and between C6-7.  He feels that I aggravated the nerves a few weeks ago when I dove out of the bed to try and get my O2.  (It's what I get for taking a nap)

Long story short, I'm to do some therapy and an anti-inflammatory for the next three weeks and go back to see him.  He thinks things will settle down and return to normal (as if I ever was!) in a couple of weeks.  Hope he's right!


Title: Re: Need your help/advice
Post by Brew on Oct 8th, 2009 at 10:39pm
A good chiro will get you relief from that set of conditions in a week or less. Most likely.

Operative word: good.

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