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Message started by Sarah Elizabeth on Oct 6th, 2009 at 12:08am

Title: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Sarah Elizabeth on Oct 6th, 2009 at 12:08am
First off, thank you to so many of you for supporting me and being proud of me in this endeavor.  Unfortunately, it has been cut short.  I will most likely be heading back to the states in a couple of days. 

It's not culture shock.  I wish it were, because I could deal with that.  It's not though.

The problem is the school. I came here thinking my schedule would be from 2-9 with 10-15 breaks in between each class and an hour break somewhere in there (So six classes a day.) Instead, I've come to have a schedule of 11-12, and 2-6, 7? I'm not sure anymore. It keeps changing. I'm given work books to make lesson plans from, expecting to know how to do EVERYTHING.

Example: Today, I had my adult class. There is no curriculum or text book for this class. I had NO clue what to do. If I was teaching history, sure, I could do it. That lasted from 11-12. I am also not supposed to teach adults, or that's what I understood, since the name of the school is Child U.

I was told to come back at 2. NO ONE was at the school for over 30 minutes. When they did, I got thrust into teaching first, beginners, then advanced, then intermediates. Sounds great and easy, right? No. I got no breaks in between classes. I swear my throat is raw and bleeding right about now. Me and the director (also the other teacher) switch off for thirty minutes with each class, except for the intermediate, which I am "supposedly" supposed to teach for an hour.

Also, even though my contract specifically states I am there to teach the English language, I am expected to teach math, science, and social studies. Okay, I don't mind teaching social studies, but math and science? I can barely do basic math with a calculator. I can't teach that stuff.
The curriculum is horrible for the English. My students noticed three errors within the first FIVE pages of their books. I'm not really sure how I'm going to do this when I have to spend half as much time correcting the books so my students don't get confused.

My director? At first I thought she was great, until I started hearing things like,"She ate this much pizza!" or "She got lost late at night with Dave, I wonder what they were doing." Also, if I go anywhere other than the school, I get the whole,"Where are you going, why are you going there, who are you going with, and when will you be back?"

This weekend was Chuseok. I swear UP and DOWN that she first said I'd go with her in the afternoon, then at 4 AM in the morning, and then that she said I had the afternoon free. I KNOW she said I had the afternoon free. Apparently she didn't mean it because she came by my apartment at 5 and I wasn't here. What happened because of this? I got a new not a very nice person ripped in front of my students.

So, I am sorry for those that I am disappointing by leaving/giving up, but I can't deal with this and stay sane.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Callico on Oct 6th, 2009 at 12:24am
You will disappoint no one for leaving a post that is not what you were lead to believe it was.  I'm proud that you were willing to go outside of your comfort zone and try to reach out.  Don't give up hope.  There is someplace for you to make a difference.  If not there then somewhere else.  You have held up your end of the deal and need not hang your head in defeat. 

I'll be praying the right opportunity comes along for you and you will recognize it.


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Lefty on Oct 6th, 2009 at 5:45am
So Sorry Sarah Elizabeth your dream adventure turned into a bit of a nightmare, but hey, these things happen.

I think most importantly that you must not let this misadventure put you off from availing of other teaching opportunities in different Countries. It wasn't meant to be and your dream adventure is still out there waiting on you... ;)


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by catlind on Oct 6th, 2009 at 7:25am
Sarah, knock that $hit off - you are disappointing NO ONE.  You gave this one hell of a go.  You cannot be expected to do things you yourself are not trained to do. 

I mean c'mon, you can't be expected to walk into a foreign country and know everything you are supposed to know right from the get go - especially when you aren't even shown how to get through the basics.

You jumped at an opportunity, and it turned out to not be what you expected.  Ok, time for your next opportunity.  Keep lookin forward kid.


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Brew on Oct 6th, 2009 at 7:45am
Sarah - The only one who'll be disappointed is the director - because you didn't fall for the old bait and switch. What you are doing is realizing that to stay and fulfill the terms of a faulty contract would be a waste of time and trip down insanity road.

Come home, regroup, shake it off, and start again. We're behind you.


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Melissa on Oct 6th, 2009 at 8:17am
Hello Sarah,

I am very sorry to hear of the chaos you're experiencing.  I echo what Brew has told you.  Regroup and move on.

Take care and I hope things go well from here on out!


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Oct 6th, 2009 at 10:28am
Sarah  - there is no shame in getting the heck out of that place.  Much the same thing happened to my niece, but in Australia.

I know you had such high hopes but you've give this your best shot and now it's time to come home and re-group.

Hang in there kiddo.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Charlie on Oct 6th, 2009 at 10:38am

Come on home.

Brew said it best.


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 6th, 2009 at 1:29pm
Fuck em.  It's their loss.


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Sarah Elizabeth on Oct 7th, 2009 at 6:14am
Thank you so much, everyone, because of a part of me is screaming that I'm a failure.

I actually talked to another recruiter and it was great until I said,"I'm not paying the flight back to this school because I haven't gotten paid and I'm not giving 60 days notice."  They violated the bloody contract, so am I.

To add to the insanity, I got ripped a new one for not teaching the adults class "properly", my director REFUSED to give me my diploma until I lied through my teeth.    I got told that I was "damaging the school's reputation" by checking the clock on my phone because there's no clock in the classroom.  I was made to work today despite being sick and having a fever, even though I am supposed to have sick days.  I was told to teach a class where the kid doesn't understand a word of English...without a book...they chose a children's book for a 15 year old kid.

Maybe I will just apply to Teach for America, or say screw it and go into law school so that I can focus on international law and helping people who get in my situation because there HAS to be a way for people to get out of this without running and never being allowed to get back in the country that they ran from.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Brew on Oct 7th, 2009 at 6:59am
You've got the right attitude, girl.

And don't for a second think that because "they violated the bloody contract, so am I." They violated the contract - that makes it null and void from the point they violated it. Therefore you no longer have a contract to violate. Don't miss the distinction.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by deltadarlin on Oct 7th, 2009 at 8:29am
From the frying pan into the fire.  Trying to get her out of the country now.  Just got to get the logistics worked out.  Needless to say, mama's not going to make it to work today (frickin' chest pains/stress negate that).  I really don't think I could *think clearly* enough to get where I need to go and then get my job done.  Boss lady already knows and told me to do what I need to do.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Brew on Oct 7th, 2009 at 10:15am

deltadarlin wrote on Oct 7th, 2009 at 8:29am:
Boss lady already knows and told me to do what I need to do.

I have a boss like that, too. They are rare. God love 'em.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by deltadarlin on Oct 7th, 2009 at 10:30am
Thank goodness, Jimbo can still get on Yahoo at work.  He talked to Sarah and he's off to the travel agency to get her ticket.  Should have her back home sometime Friday afternoon.

To each and every one of you who has responded to Sarah, you have my heartfelt thanks.  If I weren't so damned tired, I'd pm each one of you personally.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Peppermint on Oct 7th, 2009 at 12:38pm
Hey Sara,
Just read about bait & switch!  I'm sorry that you're in this situation, but you should NOT feel like a failure my dear, these people clearly knew what they were doing and don't appear to have the resources for a program like the one they sold you on.

Just know this - whether it's abroad, or here in the States, things like this happen, and when they do, you do what you are doing - MOVE ON!  It's one thing to adapt, and another completely to be taken advantage of and be left with no resources.

I'll be giving your mom a call soon - in the meantime, keep your stance firm, you will be home in no time.  You have something out there better and bigger waiting for you, I'm sure.

Pepp  8-)

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Louise Barham on Oct 7th, 2009 at 12:42pm
I just have to agree with everyone.  You have done nothing to be asshamed of.  You have legal rights behind you and you should look for an avenue to sue the bastards.  When you get home, look for someone in foreign law.  If you can't find anyone, let me know.  I was in the legal "business" for 30 years.  I will find someone for you if need be, and happy to do it.  Someone needs to take these people to task.  Let's be that someone and protect other people who only want to help.

Safe travels,

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by deltadarlin on Oct 7th, 2009 at 2:13pm
Ticket is bought, she has the information now.  She will be home tomorrow night about 8:30.  She flies out of Seoul to LA, arrives in LA 9:50 am, leaves there at 12:35, flies to Houston, has a short layover there and then will be home.

Again, I can't thank-you enough for the support you have shown Sarah (and me).  Keep your fingers crossed!


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Oct 7th, 2009 at 2:39pm
Carolyn - when you get that little gal home - please give her a huge hug for me.  I can only imagine your stress levels with all of this.

Take care

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Jackie on Oct 7th, 2009 at 2:53pm
I'm so sorry, Sweetie.  I know you must be terribly disappointed.  What was to be a grand adventure for you has turned out to be a total nightmare.

Keep your chin up, Sarah, and know we love you.

Jackie (who will be glad when Sarah is home safe and sound)

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Marc on Oct 7th, 2009 at 3:19pm

deltadarlin wrote on Oct 7th, 2009 at 2:13pm:
......She will be home tomorrow night about 8:30. 

I like the sound of them words!


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by deltadarlin on Oct 7th, 2009 at 3:38pm
I think I'm going to take a nap.  I've had enough excitement for one day.  Let's keep the *power of positive* going and get her back on US soil.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by LadyLuv on Oct 7th, 2009 at 3:46pm

Sarah Elizabeth wrote on Oct 7th, 2009 at 6:14am:
Thank you so much, everyone, because of a part of me is screaming that I'm a failure.

Sarah, by no means are you a failure... A failure is someone that don't try. Even though you was mislead, you still gave it your all. Come home Sweetie with your head held high..

I have a friend that has been teaching English in   Prague Czech Republic for 3 years... and that's all Ray teaches is English..

Sarah, I wish things had of turned out different for you; as I'm sure you do also.. but it is what it is.

Luv & Hugs
Peace & Blessings

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Brew on Oct 7th, 2009 at 4:17pm

deltadarlin wrote on Oct 7th, 2009 at 2:13pm:
Ticket is bought, she has the information now.  She will be home tomorrow night about 8:30.  She flies out of Seoul to LA, arrives in LA 9:50 am, leaves there at 12:35, flies to Houston, has a short layover there and then will be home.

Again, I can't thank-you enough for the support you have shown Sarah (and me).  Keep your fingers crossed!


Based on the flight time and a little bit of 'cipherin' on my part, I think that would mean she leaves just after midnight tonight, CDT. Prayers up for safe journey.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by deltadarlin on Oct 7th, 2009 at 5:44pm
Real close Brew, they are 14 hours ahead of us, so she'll be flying out about 3 am CDT.

Nap is not in the equation right how.  Just hoping sleep is tonight.

I just talked to her on Yahoo.  They're leaving, taking the local bus to Cheongju and from there, she'll take the limousine bus to Incheon (I think).  She will send me an e-mail before she boards the plane.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by cash5542 on Oct 7th, 2009 at 6:23pm
I am so sorry this didn't work out. I can't add much else that hasn't been said, just to let you know another person is praying for a safe return.


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by deltadarlin on Oct 7th, 2009 at 10:19pm
Sorry, but you were right.  I think I left my brain somewhere.  She will fly out at 1:00 AM. 

Phone just rang and it never rings at night.  Sarah is at the airport, there was a little confusion about the flight, but it's all sorted out now.  She can't get her ticket right yet, but she knows where to go and what to do.  We're supposed to call her back in an hour to make sure that everything's okay.  Once she gets past the gates, she's home free. 

Mrs. Lily, the director keeps calling her cell.  Told her to ignore it. 

Not too much longer now and hopefully Jimbo and I both will be able to get some sleep.  When I called him earlier, I told him that I wish he could make my imagination leave me alone.  He said he'd do it, if I did the same for him.

FWIW, she is NOT going overseas again for a very long damned time.  She's going to be lucky if I let her go out of state by herself ;)  (just a bit of levity, folks).

Again, we appreciate all the support.

Carolyn and family

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Brew on Oct 7th, 2009 at 10:23pm
It just comes with the territory - working for an airline for 21 years. ;D

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by catlind on Oct 8th, 2009 at 7:16am
Ok, tell me she's on that plane and on the way home!


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by deltadarlin on Oct 8th, 2009 at 7:33am

catlind wrote on Oct 8th, 2009 at 7:16am:
Ok, tell me she's on that plane and on the way home!


She is on the plane and on her way home.  Got two e-mails this morning.  One from her and one from Adam (some of you met him in Dallas). 

She said that Mrs. Tracey, the recruiter, called her, begging her to stay, telling her that they would do something.  Well, if you had done that in the beginning, it wouldn't have gotten this bad, would it?

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Brew on Oct 8th, 2009 at 7:44am
Sounds like Mrs. Tracey might be better at the "recruitment" portion of her job than she is at the "retention" part.

Continued prayers for safe travels. Bet you can't wait to hug that girl's neck real tight.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by QnHeartMM on Oct 8th, 2009 at 8:51am
Sarah - I'm sure you're terriblly disapointed (let down) over this but I'm sure there is something more fantastic waiting for you here. There are many ESL programs here to help people that are struggling once they're here - I'm sure you'll do well and make a difference in someone's life over here.

Safe travels, and welcome home!

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Brew on Oct 8th, 2009 at 12:34pm
Well, if Sarah's flight is on time, she should have just touched down at LAX. Back on American soil.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Val_ on Oct 8th, 2009 at 2:16pm
I've heard some GReaT things from friends who have worked for Teach For America if that ends up being something you end up really considering once things settle down Sarah.   :)  Still a way to see a different part of this country, help under-privileged kids, teach English, etc.  Let me know if you'd like to talk to someone who is in the program one day!   8-) 
I was considering joining the program before I was blessed with CH and since then I have had enough of a struggle just working F/T.  :)  I have to finish my Bachelors degree first. 4 classes to go   ;)  THEN I still may look into it!   :P  Looks like a cool program!!!


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by QnHeartMM on Oct 9th, 2009 at 9:24am
Just checking in - are you home Sarah?

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Jackie on Oct 9th, 2009 at 3:13pm
Got a message from Carolyn....Sarah is home!!!!! :)

I'm sure they will fill us in......anxious to hear the details myself.

Let's hope they are getting some rest....don't think Mom or Dad have gotten much sleep since she left.

Welcome Home, Sarah!

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on Oct 9th, 2009 at 3:51pm
Glad to hear she's home and safe in the arms of family.


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Callico on Oct 9th, 2009 at 4:17pm
If need be I have a friend who is an attorney for a Swiss bank.  I believe he could refer you all to a good international attorney. 

Which ever way you decide to go, understand this, that you cannot control what another does.  You can only control yourself and your thoughts.  You can hold your head up knowing you did all within your power to do right, and that is all one can hope to do. 


(Maybe I could hire you to teach me English.  Goodness knows I need it! :D)

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by cash5542 on Oct 9th, 2009 at 7:34pm
Yay!!!!(and a big sigh of relief) So glad you're home!


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by deltadarlin on Oct 10th, 2009 at 10:01am
Sorry about not posting before now, but I had a really intense day at work yesterday and I'm still a bit wiped out from all the excitement of the past week.  Last night was the first night that I actually slept worth a damn.  Sarah slept most of the day yesterday and was still wiped out.  It didn't help that it was cloudy and she couldn't get any sun.  She's at the boyfriends right now.

Everything/body is okay.  I really don't think they will try to sue her.  I can't see where it would be cost effective on their part.  They can't file it on US soil because the contract actually originates from South Korea.

She's already looking at jobs, in fact, she was on her computer Thursday night after we got back from the airport.


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Brew on Oct 11th, 2009 at 9:50am
Thank goodness. Not much in this world sucks worse than being in a no-win situation at the same time that you're isolated from any support network.

Welcome home, Sarah.

Maybe you can find a job teaching history (which is my not-so-secret-anymore dream job).

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by cash5542 on Oct 12th, 2009 at 8:04pm
I am hesitant in saying this because I am sure the wounds are still wide open but there are other abroad programs that are good. My niece did a year in Korea teaching English and my other niece did 3 months in Africa and is dying to go back. One of my friends son went to Hungry over 15 years ago and is still there teaching. The Dept. Of Defense Schools are another safer way to teach out of the country.  I grew up in these. Give yourself time to heal and look again. The world deserves teachers like you Sarah. Don't let one bad experience knock you down. Teach Abroad is also good if you want to stay States side. My daughter Lisa is teaching History in a very poor rural school. This is a challenege in itself that she didn't need to leave the country for! Good luck!!


Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Sarah Elizabeth on Oct 13th, 2009 at 10:14am
To everyone:  Thank you so much~

(I'd meant to reply sooner, but well, jet lag plus the fourteen hour time difference plus the flu...well, I'm barely functioning at the moment.)

I don't think I've ever been so nerve-wracked/scared/petrified in my life, as I was when I was sitting in Incheon Airport waiting to see if immigration would come.

Now I'm playing the waiting game for jobs.  I've applied to Teach for America before, but they have a tendency to go for Ivy League graduates, but we'll see. 

I'm actually not sure if I want to even teach anymore.  I would be much happier sitting in a room doing research, but no one wants a historian with no experience so...

Once again, though, thank you all!

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Brew on Oct 13th, 2009 at 10:19am
One day at a time, young lady. Get yourself well first.

You can do whatever you want to. The world is your oyster.

Title: Re: About Korea (deltadarlin's daughter)
Post by Marc on Oct 13th, 2009 at 10:23am

Brew wrote on Oct 13th, 2009 at 10:19am:
One day at a time, young lady. Get yourself well first.

You can do whatever you want to. The world is your oyster.

Now that there is good advice!

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