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Message started by MPMIII on Sep 17th, 2009 at 12:14pm

Title: Welding O2
Post by MPMIII on Sep 17th, 2009 at 12:14pm
I am using tanks from a medical supply house right now but they are small and my reg. only goes up to 15 lpm.  I am going to pick up some welders O2 today.  For those of you who use welders O2, what is the best kind of regulator use?  Thanks.



Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 17th, 2009 at 12:27pm
I used a welders reg.


Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by Chad on Sep 17th, 2009 at 3:11pm
Thanks for that link Marc.  I'm getting closer to getting this rolling.  I'm looking into an "M" tank or welders tank.
I just need to get the hardware that you're showing here.
'll keep the sucker in my garage and disappear there when the beast visits.

Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by Chad on Sep 17th, 2009 at 3:20pm

Marc wrote on Sep 17th, 2009 at 3:15pm:

I keep a "T" tank in my garage that I can use directly when needed, but also to fill smaller tanks for portability.

I'll have to search around, but I think I still have 2 of those CGA-870 to CGA-540 adapters floating around somewhere. I tried to give them away here, several months ago, but had no takers.

I'll dig around the garage tonight.
Marc, that would be great and I really appreciate all your advice and help.  I asked the one welder downstairs where I can get an "M" tank and he said it would be expensive to buy it.  He wasn't any help or clear about it.  I'm assuming you rent the tank and constantly refill it?  The hardware isn't my concern, it's the actual O2.  Insurance doesn't cover it, but i'm willing to buy it out of my pocket. 

Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by Chad on Sep 17th, 2009 at 3:54pm

I'm in the process of changing neuros at the moment because my current one is a very closed minded donkey, however he did give me a script for O2, but it's over year old.  I'm concerned that the supplier won't give me O2 with a new script.  My new neuro isn't seeing me till December which will be too late because my cycle will be over by then (so I hope).  Do you use a script for the O2?


Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by Chad on Sep 17th, 2009 at 4:10pm

I just got off the phone with a supplier and they were nice and hopefully they'll get back to me good news with my old script.  Otherwise i'll have to check into welders O2.
I'm looking to purchase my regulator and mask (mouthpiece since i'm growing a beard, lol) tonight.
Thanks for all your help.


Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by MPMIII on Sep 17th, 2009 at 6:54pm
Thanks for the info.  I should be up and running tomm.



Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by Marc on Sep 18th, 2009 at 6:38pm
I was reminded that suggesting welding oxygen for human consumption on this site may be a bad idea, for legal reasons.

So: "Keep in mind that welding O2 is not certified for human consumption. Any comments about made by me were theoretical only. I am not suggesting that you actually breathe the stuff like I do. Do so at your own risk."


Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by MPMIII on Sep 18th, 2009 at 10:08pm
I'm in at less than 40 bucks. Got a huge tank, rigged up the regulator, strapped the tank to the wall and gave it a test run.   Before I would have to wait for my bag to refill and now I can't keep up.   Hope I never have to use it, but the night is young.

Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by Smknsmly on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 9:30pm
How does the welding o2 compare with the medical grade? I was going to get one but the person at the shop tried to talk me into getting medical grade. That has turned into a huge hassle and all I can get is multiple small E tanks. Is there any danger with the welding tanks? Not as clean? It sure it a lot cheaper if its ok to use. 

Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 9:38pm

Smknsmly wrote on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 9:30pm:
How does the welding o2 compare with the medical grade? I was going to get one but the person at the shop tried to talk me into getting medical grade. That has turned into a huge hassle and all I can get is multiple small E tanks. Is there any danger with the welding tanks? Not as clean? It sure it a lot cheaper if its ok to use. 



Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by Smknsmly on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 11:18pm
They told me the medical grade was filtered better and may not be safe..?

So its 100% safe? Any links to some other sources? Thanks, I just want to be sure.

Title: Re: Welding O2
Post by TO2TKA on Sep 27th, 2009 at 10:11am
I used to visit Linde Gas Hungary Co. because of my work.
Only one pipe goes to the workshop from the liquid O2 tank. They fill industrial and medical tanks from this pipe on two separated places (without extra filtering). The only difference is that they clean (vacuum) medical tanks before every refilling. (They clean industrial tanks only at hydro test.)

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