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Message started by Marc on Aug 21st, 2009 at 9:52am

Title: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Marc on Aug 21st, 2009 at 9:52am
I was working with a tree/brush clearing crew when one of the climbers quickly came down from a tree and staggered to his truck.

As I stood there watching, one of the other workers explained in broken English that the first guy would be OK in a little while – “He get very bad headaches” so I was to just leave him alone.

Watching him holding his head, rocking, moaning and trembling gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. I grabbed one of the better English speakers and explained that I get the same headaches and that I could help him with the E tank in my truck. 

It only took about 15 seconds of rapid fire Spanish from my interpreter before the sufferer started sucking O2 at 25 lpm. At first he couldn’t keep up, but once he sat up straight he was flattening the bag.

You never, ever forget the expression on someone’s face when O2 opens the drain and the pain flows away for the first time.

He is now successfully using a welding O2/regulator setup with the hose duct taped to a big baggie that he breathes from. His rig isn't pretty to most people, but it's about the most beautiful thing he's seen.

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Redd on Aug 21st, 2009 at 10:09am
Great job Marc....

You done good my friend.

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Marc on Aug 21st, 2009 at 10:28am
You know the "sick" feeling I'm talking about when you see another person get hit. No CH'er can just stand there and watch when you know you can help.

Unfortunately the guy is really a jerk, but CH's tend to bridge gaps....... At least he doesn't give me shit for being old and slow now.

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Cathi_Pierce on Aug 21st, 2009 at 11:24am
Well, you certainly weren't "old and slow" when he really needed you!
I admire your 'pay it forward' attitude, Marc. You KNOW, firsthand, the exquisite pain, and cannot stand the idea of anyone.....including jerks-suffering at the hands of the beast.
Perhaps this jerk will remember your kindness and quit being such a jerk.

Now, how's the biz going??


Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Linda_Howell on Aug 21st, 2009 at 12:09pm

   The story gave me goosde-bumps Marc..and I know exactly the sick feeling you're talking about.  :'(

  Ya done good my friend. :-*

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Jimi on Aug 21st, 2009 at 12:28pm
Yep Marc, you did what you had to. I know the feeling. You can't watch someone being attacked by the beast when you have the gun in your car. Even if he is a jerk.

Good job!

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Brew on Aug 21st, 2009 at 12:37pm
Good on ya, Marcus Welby.

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Cathi_Pierce on Aug 21st, 2009 at 4:44pm

Brew wrote on Aug 21st, 2009 at 12:37pm:
Good on ya, Marcus Welby.

ROTFLOL!!!  He's not THAT old!!!!  Close, but not quite!!!
[smiley=slowlaugh.gif] [smiley=slowlaugh.gif] [smiley=slowlaugh.gif] [smiley=slowlaugh.gif] [smiley=yikes.gif] [smiley=yikes.gif] [smiley=yikes.gif]
Thanks for the chuckle, Brew!

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by ClusterChuck on Aug 21st, 2009 at 5:53pm
WOOHOO!!!  How kewl is that?

I have passed the info about oxygen on to a few clusterheads that I have discovered, but never saw one with an attack.

That is SO awesome to pass the info on, and SEE it work its wonders!

The only thing close to that, that I have experienced, is when I had Linda and Barb try my demand valve, and watch them each drop their drawers jaws in shock at how quick and effective the demand valve worked.

Ya done goot, laddie!


Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Marc on Aug 21st, 2009 at 8:47pm
Any one of us with an E tank nearby couldn't stop themselves from trying to help when we see a big hit in progress.

My point is to keep an eye out. I'll bet there are many more of us out there suffering needlessly.

I won't even try to count the number of people this site has helped to see the light, but many don't make it here.

Years ago, I was on a flight and got hit (one of many times). The flight attendant brought me a bunch of ice wrapped up in paper towels and asked if I was having a CH!  Turns out that her brother is a CH'er.

Pay it forward.

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Melissa on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 9:54am

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Sandy_C on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 10:50am

Brew wrote on Aug 21st, 2009 at 12:37pm:
Good on ya, Marcus Welby.

[smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif] [smiley=crackup.gif]

Dr. Welby, you have my utmost admiration!  Good job.

When I went to my first OUCH convention in Milwaukee, I saw several people abruptly leave the room we were in, knowing they were getting hit, and running for privacy to do whatever it was they needed to do to abort it.

But, I did see my first ever clusterhead getting hit, too far away from her room to make the run.  It gave me that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.  But know what, within seconds, there were other clusterheads bringing oxygen, ice packs, water, trex, the whole nine yards to help her. 

Seeing that, made me realize what a great family this is.


Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by sandie99 on Aug 24th, 2009 at 1:26pm
that is amazing story. I'm so glad that you got the chance to help another clusterhead and did just that. I'm very fond of these "pay it forward" - examples and stories. :)


Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Callico on Aug 27th, 2009 at 8:12pm
Bueno Amigo!

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Ginger S. on Aug 27th, 2009 at 9:34pm
Major Kudo's Marc !!!

It warms the heart to read and hear stories like this one.

If I could hug you I would!!  I wish more people in the world were like you!   [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Satbir on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 4:00am
Great Job Marc...Even Jerks do not deserve CH

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Martin on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 2:43pm
Great Job Mark.  Makes me happy to know you're the CH superhero out there, E-tanks ready to go with high flow regulators!! Need to get you an Ecto-1 and have you set up a 1-800 number!

I can't describe how thankful I'd be if someone with 02 came by ME during a hit!

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Lottie on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 5:01pm
Really great story! I've never even seen another clusterhead (that I know of), let alone one getting hit, but I can imagine how I would feel if I did... just awful.
But the chance to help someone in such agony must be just awesome!

[smiley=thumbsup.gif]  Lottie

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by DennisM1045 on Sep 25th, 2009 at 8:39am
Well done Marc.  There is nothing quite like being in the right place at the right time.


Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Lefty on Sep 25th, 2009 at 8:52am
Great catch Marc...That guy will probably name his next kid after you, even if it's a girl...!


Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Jackie on Sep 25th, 2009 at 8:59am
How good is that!!!!!! [smiley=sayyes.gif]

Way to go, Marc..... [smiley=bow.gif]

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Weatherman on Sep 25th, 2009 at 5:59pm

Satbir wrote on Sep 23rd, 2009 at 4:00am:
Great Job Marc...Even Jerks do not deserve CH

Very true!

Great job Marc!

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by Marc on Sep 25th, 2009 at 9:25pm
I'm uncomfortable with the comments here because I didn't do anything heroic or special. My point was that we need to be aware. There are CH'ers out there who just don't know about us. I happened to see a person acting in a way that affected me at a very base level, and I reacted. That's all, nothing more.

ANY real Clusterhead would do the same thing. In fact I know many, many who have done soooo much more that I'm now embarrassed for posting this.
In case some of you haven't noticed, I'm kinda fond of O2.  ;)

Based on my personal experience, there  are many, many people who are suffering needlessly because they just don't have the information.

Pay it forward.

Title: Re: Found a Clusterhead
Post by arcticspirals on Sep 27th, 2009 at 3:10am
Don't be uncomfortable. You are doing what we all I am sure, expect a person to do~ help. We don't ask for drugs just to trip, just to fly~ but ask to be out of pain. And to be Believed. Its not just a headache, its an attack. You provided a blessing. That is worth commending. Take it in honor.

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