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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications,  Treatments,  Therapies >> daily imitrex???

Message started by AgentOrange on Jul 16th, 2009 at 6:58pm

Title: daily imitrex???
Post by AgentOrange on Jul 16th, 2009 at 6:58pm
hey everyone im a chronic cluster headache sufferer, and currently im undercontrol pain free since 6-11 steroids and lithium verapamil

this isnt about me but a young lady i met who just started to get headaches i figure shes 20 or so

i havent asked her to many questions abput her headaches i work with her and a co owkrer mentioned something about her headaches

what i do know is this . . . they last for 45 mins to 4 hrs, everynight, about the same time

the doctor she is seeing claims she gets migraines and has her taking an imitrex pill twice a day, lowest dose available, as a preventative

im not a doctor but that doesnt seem to be a good idea for treatment, and what it kinda sounds like is she has CH

i dont know her very well the only thing i ive talked to her about was her headaches.

i know daily imitrex is bad and will cause worse more frequent headaches over long term use and become less effective.

knowing that imtrex is the life saver and the last resort to us who have o2 and well who have been properly diagnosed

i want to help this girl because well i have felt her pain and i think her med regimine is wrong and shes been mis diagnosed

any tips or helpful hint to tell someone u dont know to seek better help????

Title: Re: daily imitrex???
Post by Iddy on Jul 16th, 2009 at 8:03pm
Turn her on to our savior site!

Have her take the CH quiz and read up on all the info that is at her finger tips.

That's why it's here :)

Title: Re: daily imitrex???
Post by Linda_Howell on Jul 16th, 2009 at 8:09pm
Wish I had a first name to call you by.

First of all, I am totally impressed that you are taking the time to try to figure this condition of ours out.   way to go and a high-five to you!!!!

if she has Migraines we can't really help her here.  Can you tell her to come here and post under yours?  If she has cluster headaches and her Dr. told her she has Migraines, she  needs to find a new Dr.  Us women have been told that from day one even when what we presented with, wasn't Migraine symptoms at all.

if you are a CH sufferer then you KNOW that a low-dose Imtrex tablet isn't the most up to date treatment there is.  

Asvice?  Tell her about your headaches.  Tell her you care and send her here.


Title: Re: daily imitrex???
Post by Guiseppi on Jul 16th, 2009 at 8:28pm
Good on you for caring enough to help the poor girl. The poor female CH'ers like Linda were told for years and years that only men got CH, tall, orange peeled skin, rugged outdoorsy men with lionesque features.....I kid you not that was all part of the medical diagnosis!!!!

A knowledgeable neuro is a big first step. Do try to push her this way, have her take the cluster quiz, see if we can help her out.


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