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Message started by Bob G. on Jul 5th, 2009 at 9:03am

Title: Facet Block
Post by Bob G. on Jul 5th, 2009 at 9:03am
I know....I know I ask a lot of questions ::) BUT I need to find out why this beast is ruining my quality of life.
I have a curve in my neck which is really messing with my neck. I also have 3 herniated disks in my neck. My doctor thinks a facet block will help a lot. I have had my first "test" injection and I am scheduled for my second test this Wed. The first one actually helped and I didn't have a CH that night and I'm hoping the second round will do the same.
If this second round works as good as the first did I will be having the actual block done.
What I'm wondering is has anybody else had a facet block done? And if you have, did it help get rid of clusters?

Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by Brew on Jul 5th, 2009 at 10:25am
I don't know what a facet block is, so I'm pretty sure I've never had it done.

Hope it brings you some relief, bro.

Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by Bob G. on Jul 5th, 2009 at 11:31am
Thanks Brew. I've got my fingers crossed. I'll let you all know if it works.

Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by Val_ on Jul 5th, 2009 at 2:44pm
Is the facet block different from the occipital nerve block Bob?  


Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by Bob G. on Jul 5th, 2009 at 3:32pm
Val, Occipital nerve block is a procedure where anesthetic agents (lidocaine and bupivacaine) are injected near the occipital nerve on the back of the head near the base of the skull.
The facet joints are a series of joints that allow motion between individual bones that make up the spinal column. They are on both the left and right side. Instead of injecting lidocaine and bupivacaine
into the joints they will be burning the nerves.
Mine is on the left side (same side I get my CH's). I can't turn my head to the left because of the pain and the muscles are always painfully tight. It makes sleeping hell, and sends pain into my shoulder and it also sends pains down my arm.

Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by Marc on Jul 5th, 2009 at 6:14pm
I would try a muscle relaxant first.

It's not the same thing, but you may find that it helps - other visitors have reported almost immediate relief in the past.

They never came back, so I don't know if it worked long term for them.

Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by Val_ on Jul 5th, 2009 at 7:25pm
Got the difference now - found a pic of the neck  :P
I did read before I posted about the Occipital Nerve Blocks and the Facet Blocks - they are very similar in the analgesic and steroid used in an injection, just different sites.   I believe what you are referring to is a Facet Rhizotomy, no? This is when the simple injections wear off too quickly and they will actually go in and burn the nerve...

I was interested because it was suggested that I try the Occipital and I'm not too in favor of the idea after I got NO relief from steroids previously.  Just bad side effects.  Don't know if this would be any different in an injection, but I don't think I want to find out.   :o

Good Luck!!


Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by wildhaus on Jul 6th, 2009 at 4:49am
I have posted extensively about Occipital nerve block (Suboccipital injection)... as well
as about Occipital nerve stimulation......

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I have not done facet block, as the docs, in the pain clinic didn’t see the point in
doing it for CH...... so I cant say I know what effect it might have on CH......

The ONB (Occipital nerve block) works fine, as long as one dose it on continual basis
and is under very close observation for adverse effects..... it is a very good way, non invasive.... and painless..... but it has to be controlled and monitored.... I did develop
an adverse reaction due to my sensitivity to long acting salt of betamethasone (dipropionate)… but that was me!  most peple that use it have no advers effect as far as I know…….
Sorry I can not help much about facet block....


Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by Bob G. on Jul 6th, 2009 at 7:19am

Marc wrote on Jul 5th, 2009 at 6:14pm:
I would try a muscle relaxant first.

It's not the same thing, but you may find that it helps - other visitors have reported almost immediate relief in the past.

They never came back, so I don't know if it worked long term for them.

I tried that Marc. Unfortunately it didn't work.

Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by Karla on Jul 6th, 2009 at 1:40pm
I am in the same process as you, I think.  Only on my lower back.  I was told for the first procedure all they do is inject lidocaine into your nerves around the facet(s).  In my case L3/L4 and L4/L5.  I have a meeting in 1 1/2 weeks to discuss the results of this which have been great and outstanding by the way.  I have had no back pain or muscle spasms.  YEH!!  Then if they decide to proceed with this they will cut/burn to sever the nerves around the facet part of the spine in those areas.  It is my opinion that I see nothing being done that should effect our ch in any way shape or form.   What is it that you had done that you think would effect the ch.  I mean what medicine, injection, etc.  

Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by Bob G. on Jul 6th, 2009 at 2:50pm
What is it that you had done that you think would effect the ch.  I mean what medicine, injection, etc.

The only thing I've had done was the first round. The muscles in my neck stopped hurting and I didn't have any signs of a CH until it wore off.
That was what had me wondering. The doctor said it might, or it might not help with the CH's. It all depended what my trigger is. And after waking up with my head in a strange position this morning and having a REALLY bad CH, I'm hoping it will help.

Title: Re: Facet Block
Post by Pixie-elf on Jul 12th, 2009 at 6:33pm

Bob Greenwood wrote on Jul 6th, 2009 at 2:50pm:
What is it that you had done that you think would effect the ch.  I mean what medicine, injection, etc.

The only thing I've had done was the first round. The muscles in my neck stopped hurting and I didn't have any signs of a CH until it wore off.
That was what had me wondering. The doctor said it might, or it might not help with the CH's. It all depended what my trigger is. And after waking up with my head in a strange position this morning and having a REALLY bad CH, I'm hoping it will help.

I can see how it might help. If your muscles are all screwed up and tight in your back, and it effects you all the way up to your neck... I would assume it could put pressure on some of the nerves around the occipital.

If your occipital nerve being irritated was a trigger then I'd assume removing what was irritating it would help the CH's.

((Good God, I hope this made sense. >_< ))

Hope you continue to get relief!

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