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Message started by newagejedi on Jun 26th, 2009 at 12:07am

Title: Imitrex Question
Post by newagejedi on Jun 26th, 2009 at 12:07am
Ok this question will probably sound a little insane but I thought I would ask it anyway.

My insurance will only pay for 4 injections a month and with 5+ attacks a day at k6 to k10, i much prefer the rapid relief the injection provides. However my insurance will cover 18 pills a month which I know I can break in half (quarters doesn't work well for me) which will make 36 doses which still isn't enough.

The Injections are 6mg. The pills are 100mg.

Has anyone out there every melted down/diluted a pill and drawn up injections (much similar to the way I know people do other pain meds like oxyconton etc)?

It would make sense that one could dilute one pill into nearly 17 shots at 6mg a shot (and many more if a smaller dose works for you).

Just a thought. Anyone every tried it?

Title: Re: Imitrex Question
Post by jon019 on Jun 26th, 2009 at 12:43am
THAT sounds too scary to even think about...DON'T DO IT!

Get thee some the links...



Title: Re: Imitrex Question
Post by Sophia on Jun 26th, 2009 at 3:22am
Uh No I have never tried that. It sounds super scary! For example what if you screw up and have a heart attack or something? I know for me the Imitrex makes my chest and throat tight so I feel like I am having a heart attack and then I have to take a nausea tablet and go lay down no matter how bad the CH is or the nausea tablet wont work.

I have heard of people snorting pain medication. But I agree about the oxygen. I would definately try that first.


Title: Re: Imitrex Question
Post by Bob_Johnson on Jun 26th, 2009 at 8:56am
If you promise to not move beyond your first sentence we can all relax........

Title: Re: Imitrex Question
Post by miCHel on Jun 26th, 2009 at 9:28am
Hi Jedi,

That does sound way too scary. Only four shots a month really sucks!!!Two tips for you:

If you haven't read the Imitrex tip on the left menu, try it.  Worked great for me.

But mostly, read everything about O2.  On the left menu + I know ClusterChuck and Batch have got some great threads on the subject.  Very effective, cheap and with no secondary effects for most.  It will definitely be added to my arsenal next cycle.

Take care!


Title: Re: Imitrex Question
Post by Marc on Jun 26th, 2009 at 8:26pm
I'm big on trying weird stuff, going off-label and experimenting, but:

That would be flat-ass stupid.

I don't generally say things like that, but stop and think before proceeding.

What has been your experience with O2 so far?

Title: Re: Imitrex Question
Post by haubels on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 2:31pm
I wouldn't play pharmacist but there is hope for you. I have similar problems with CHs that you do ( 3-5 a day) for periods of time.You can call your medical insurance and explain the problem and they may have your Doctor submit information on why you need more than four doses of the Imitrex injections. It would be a good idea to arm your Doctor with a calendar showing the frequency of your attacks. In my case we requested 9 boxes a month or 18 injections and I pay the same $100.00 copay that I paid for 4 boxes.
Once you have accomplished this follow the "Imitrex tip" you see off to the left of your screen and you will have approx. 36 doses per month if you need them. I have used this system for over 5 years without any problems and under the care of two top neurologist at UCLA.  I'm actually considered high risk due to two stints in my heart but again I have had no ill effects and keep close contact with my cardiologist and neurologist.
Good luck!

Title: Re: Imitrex Question
Post by Emjay on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 9:30pm
My neurologist asked for the insurance override of 4 injections a month and surprised my pharmacist with the approval.  However, I save the injections for nighttime hits when all I want to do is sleep.  During the day, when home, I use 02; it works great even though it takes about 15 minutes.  When on the road, I use Maxalt-MLT and an energy drink.  I learned about the energy drinks from this site and boy, that was a great tip!

During my flare times, I take Verapamil after I get the prednisone taper and I take 9 mg Melatonin (at night; also from here).  Once I am stabilized with the Verapamil, I might only need the acute interventions once a week.  In peak, I get 3 CH a day and they last for 3 hours...  However, after I am out of my flare period, I keep the acute interventions around...still take the melatonin at night, lower dose, 6mg.  So far, this has been an effective straqtegy.  

Good luck and PLEASE take care to be careful.

Title: Re: Imitrex Question
Post by Ginger S. on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 9:02am

newagejedi wrote on Jun 26th, 2009 at 12:07am:
Ok this question will probably sound a little insane but I thought I would ask it anyway.

My insurance will only pay for 4 injections a month and with 5+ attacks a day at k6 to k10, i much prefer the rapid relief the injection provides. However my insurance will cover 18 pills a month which I know I can break in half (quarters doesn't work well for me) which will make 36 doses which still isn't enough.

The Injections are 6mg. The pills are 100mg.

Has anyone out there every melted down/diluted a pill and drawn up injections (much similar to the way I know people do other pain meds like oxyconton etc)?

It would make sense that one could dilute one pill into nearly 17 shots at 6mg a shot (and many more if a smaller dose works for you).

Just a thought. Anyone every tried it?


I can empathize with you since I am in the same boat with the ins. co. only approving 4 Imitrex shots per month.  Myself and my Dr requested that they up the limit due to my CH situation but they declined saying they as an ins co. had to follow the FDA regulations on the drug.  So... My Dr came up with another way to "Fool" the ins. co. as he put it.  He also wrote me a prescription for the nasal imitrex, A Large BOX  ;D      It doesn't work as well or as fast as the shots but if I take it before I have too much nasal swelling and at the 1st twinges of a CH attack it does the job.  It generally takes about 20-30 min. to work but that still beats an hour of torture in my book.  

See if you can get the O2 and try the nasal if nothing else and I do mean Nothing else given your post... SCARY !!!    :-/

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