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Message started by FrankF on Jun 6th, 2009 at 11:08pm

Title: KFC
Post by FrankF on Jun 6th, 2009 at 11:08pm
I was sitting at dinner tonight and the family was talking about the grocery list because tomrrow is shopping day. My 11 year-old said we should have KFC some night this week.
Me: Let's don't have KFC this week.
Son: Why not?
Me: Because it isn't chicken.
Son: What do you mean it isn't chicken?
Me: What I said... it isn't chicken. Years ago it was called Kentucky Fried Chicken, but the Government made them change the name, so now it's KFC.
Son: So if it isn't chicken, what is it?
Me: I don't know, it could be anything.
Son: Well it looks like chicken. Does it at least have chicken in it?
Me: I don't know that either....

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