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Message started by Kilowatt3 on May 10th, 2009 at 5:06pm

Title: Me Brothers Around the Globe
Post by Kilowatt3 on May 10th, 2009 at 5:06pm
An Irishman walks into a bar in New York, and orders three beers.  Thinking he's expecting friends, the bartender brings him the three beers, but instead of waiting for anyone, the Irishman drinks all three, sipping at each in turn until they're empty.  When he orders another three beers, the bartender advises him, "If you'd just order them one at a time, they'd stay colder, and not go flat as fast."

"Well you see, my friend," says the Irishman, "this is something of a family tradition.  I have two brothers; the eldest went to live in Australia, while the younger went to the Far East and I came here to the States.  Before we went our separate ways across the globe, we made a pact: Whenever we'd stop to enjoy a pint, we'd order them in 'threes', so although we're separated by thousands of miles, we're all together in spirit."

The bartender had to agree this was a nice family tradition, and so the Irishman became a regular in the bar, always ordering his beers in 'threes'.  Then one day months later, the Irishman came in and ordered two beers.  The bartender looked at him with concern, but said nothing, until the man had finished the beers, and ordered two more.

The bartender gently asks, "Is everything OK?"

"Why sure, and what would move ya to ask?", the Irishman replies.

"Well, it's just that you've always ordered your beers in 'threes', so when you only ordered two, I was concerned something might've happened to one of your brothers..."

"Ah!  No, no, no, and bless yer heart, but me brothers are both fine - It's just that I've quit drinkin', ya see..."

Title: Re: Me Brothers Around the Globe
Post by ClusterChuck on May 10th, 2009 at 10:51pm
GOOD for him!!!

I am glad to see he has quit drinking!  His drinking was going to be the death of him!

SO happy he is on the wagon now!

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