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Message started by bodieboy1234 on May 1st, 2009 at 1:02am

Title: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by bodieboy1234 on May 1st, 2009 at 1:02am
i used to party back in the day i uses to eat L alot and mushrooms but then i stopped tripping about 6years ago. i started getting CH about 3 years ago . i get them every single day they are awfull you all know im sure. so i had been reading about how mushrooms and LSD might just be the answer. so i got some mushrooms went for my first journey in 6 years. next day had a headache. so my CH continued for another month until i went on vacation i decided to try some pure LSD 25 1 hit. wow now this journey provided me with 3 months of not 1 single headache . so i will vouge for LSD being a cure somewhat for CH. better than any thing else a doctor has ever prescribed me . they did come back but if you get CH you know 3months without them is priceless. so let them do some research with LSD so they can figure out what part of the medication helps with CH

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by [joHnny]w_ an_h on May 1st, 2009 at 9:54am
i've had the same success. its gotton really hard to find these days. i'm out of the circle.

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by coach_bill on May 1st, 2009 at 9:49pm
Yep, Me too.. the circle is all squared up

                                   Coach Bill                

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by MattyAA on May 2nd, 2009 at 6:23am
And how about shrooms and seeds? Did you try them and could compare efficience (dosage in approximate numbers of mg/quantity of shroms/seeds)

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by Growly on May 4th, 2009 at 9:56am
be aware with shrooms and LSD the risk of permanent tripping / Hallucinogenic Persistent Perceptual Disorder and other neurological damage. despite doing these in my younger days, there's no way I'd risk the possible side effects of these drugs, having friends still in psychiatric institutions from a single trip.

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by MattyAA on May 4th, 2009 at 12:46pm
Thank you for warning Growly.

Although I wonder what is better.. to suffer from pains.. that are unbearable or getting constant tripping : /

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by bodieboy1234 on May 4th, 2009 at 2:23pm
growly your freinds must of been licking crystals of L if there perminutly tripping . aslong as you dont over dose yourself you will be perfectly fine. ive eatn way to much at once back in the day quite a few times . im still fine . function in life fine except for those damn CH. which were pretty much cured by LSD. if you have CH growly u realy might wont to give it a shot 1 more time. not telling to tell you what to do. just an idea

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by [joHnny]w_ an_h on May 4th, 2009 at 4:39pm
you really don't need to dose enough to "trip" just enough to keep the beast away.

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by Pinkfloyd on May 5th, 2009 at 12:22am

Growly wrote on May 4th, 2009 at 9:56am:
having friends still in psychiatric institutions from a single trip.

Really? How many friends do you have still hospitalized from one trip?
Did they all use the dose batch? Maybe it was laced with meth.

I'm not going to minimize the dangers. People need to be careful as they do with any medication.
But as was already said, the doses used to treat clusters are not recreational doses.

Did you know that 9 people died from Imitrex, the first year it was on the market? Now thats a side effect.
Did you know that imitrex is now known for causing more attacks. If someone has usually 4 attacks a day, they may end up with 6 a day, from the imitrex? I guess you could call those extra two attacks, Imitrex Persistent Attack Disorder.

HPPD is not "permanent tripping". They are called flashbacks. Most are rare.

There are people that should not use Imitrex. For others, its a godsend.

There are plenty of people that should not use psychedelics. If you look on the clusterbuster website, there are BIG warnings, telling people who should definately not use them. Perhaps your friends would have fallen into these catagories.
I am sorry that your friends were hurt by the recreational use of LSD.
IMHO, it really doesn't apply here. Although the warnings apply everywhere. As i said, I 'm not minimizing the dangers.

OTOH, there are now millions of people with major problems with oxycontin. Used properly, by prescription, and to treat pain, it works wonders and has allowed people to regain their lives.
Others though, feel the need to crush them and snort them and make it a problem for themselves. This is the sort of thing that makes it difficult or damn near impossible for people that need the drug, to get it. Its easier to get a gun in Tennessee than it is to get oxycontin to treat chronic pain.

It's also easier in Illinois to get a gun than it is to get LSD. ;-(

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by groovyladyaz on May 5th, 2009 at 8:01pm
[size=12]I need some advice please. Long story short, my cycles came and went every 18 months like clockwork for many yrs. Then all of a sudden nothing for 2-1/2 yrs!! Hallelujah!! I seriously thought I had beaten the beast!! Then out of the blue, 4 weeks ago, I was hit. I made my tea and shroomed that day. Unfortunately it didn't help. My cycle ran for 3 very long, exhausting weeks. Sucked but I thanked God for helping get thru it and got back to being me again.

Well, I was free for a week, then last night they came back with a vengeance! NOOOO!!! Should I try to shroom again? I only have one more dose left.  :-[

Please help!  :'(

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by groovyladyaz on May 5th, 2009 at 8:03pm
[size=12]I need some advice please. Long story short, my cycles came and went every 18 months like clockwork for many yrs. Then all of a sudden nothing for 2-1/2 yrs!! Hallelujah!! I seriously thought I had beaten the beast!! Then out of the blue, 4 weeks ago, I was hit. I made my tea and shroomed that day. Unfortunately it didn't help. My cycle ran for 3 very long, exhausting weeks. Sucked but I thanked God for helping get thru it and got back to being me again.

Well, I was free for a week, then last night they came back with a vengeance! NOOOO!!! Should I try to shroom again? I only have one more dose left.  :-[

Please help!
Thank you!

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by Pinkfloyd on May 6th, 2009 at 1:05am

groovyladyaz wrote on May 5th, 2009 at 8:03pm:

Please help!
Thank you!

Its tough to know exactly what happened or what didn't happen or help. Not knowing the dose size, anything at all about your cycles, your medications, past and present etc etc etc.
Maybe the one dose was partially responsible for that week break you got. Thats not typical in a cluster cycle, to get a break like that. How long are your cycles typically?

That said, its usually necessary to take two doses (sometimes more). The 2nd dose, taken 5 days after the first.

Depending on how much you have, it might still be advisable to break what you have into two doses. It doesn't take much.
One way or the other (one dose or two) I'd probably dose again asap.

Please read all the info and warnings at, if you haven't already.

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by ClusterChris on May 6th, 2009 at 11:53pm
I now swear by shrooms.

Title: Re: Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose
Post by duggo on May 18th, 2009 at 3:07pm
After thirty years of suffering with CH, during the height of my latest attack, I ordered some Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose seeds and treated myself twice, one week apart. The first time, I actually got a headache while under treatment and the headaches continued throughout the week. The second treatment was two weeks ago and my headaches are gone completely. It's enough to take your breath away. The seeds are legal to order and clusterbusters has the instructions. For anyone who has "tripped" this will be a mild experience. Note that you should soak these seeds to soften them up, something the clusterbuster site does not mention. I have sprouted my own plant and will grow my own future supply ;)

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by Callico on May 18th, 2009 at 6:05pm

Pinkfloyd wrote on May 5th, 2009 at 12:22am:

Growly wrote on May 4th, 2009 at 9:56am:
having friends still in psychiatric institutions from a single trip.

Really? How many friends do you have still hospitalized from one trip?
Did they all use the dose batch? Maybe it was laced with meth.

I'm not going to minimize the dangers. People need to be careful as they do with any medication.
But as was already said, the doses used to treat clusters are not recreational doses.

Did you know that 9 people died from Imitrex, the first year it was on the market? Now thats a side effect.
Did you know that imitrex is now known for causing more attacks. If someone has usually 4 attacks a day, they may end up with 6 a day, from the imitrex? I guess you could call those extra two attacks, Imitrex Persistent Attack Disorder.

HPPD is not "permanent tripping". They are called flashbacks. Most are rare.

There are people that should not use Imitrex. For others, its a godsend.

There are plenty of people that should not use psychedelics. If you look on the clusterbuster website, there are BIG warnings, telling people who should definately not use them. Perhaps your friends would have fallen into these catagories.
I am sorry that your friends were hurt by the recreational use of LSD.
IMHO, it really doesn't apply here. Although the warnings apply everywhere. As i said, I 'm not minimizing the dangers.

OTOH, there are now millions of people with major problems with oxycontin. Used properly, by prescription, and to treat pain, it works wonders and has allowed people to regain their lives.
Others though, feel the need to crush them and snort them and make it a problem for themselves. This is the sort of thing that makes it difficult or damn near impossible for people that need the drug, to get it. Its easier to get a gun in Tennessee than it is to get oxycontin to treat chronic pain.

It's also easier in Illinois to get a gun than it is to get LSD. ;-(

Bob, excellent post, as usual.  I'm one who cannot use phychedelics due to family situations.  (Law enforcement.  I won't compromise their integrity.)  I have read extensively about them, and wish that I could try it.  Thank you for all the work you do on it.  Hopefully there will be an approved medical trial soon.  I'll be jumping up and down in line to participate.


Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by Pinkfloyd on May 20th, 2009 at 1:21am

Callico wrote on May 18th, 2009 at 6:05pm:
 Hopefully there will be an approved medical trial soon.  I'll be jumping up and down in line to participate.


Thanks Jerry, I hope so too.

I also hope you'll be planning on coming to the CB conference in Sept.


Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by MattyAA on May 20th, 2009 at 4:24am
I might be from Poland... Europe but I sign for it too... just I need a cure... these constant 1-3kip shadows are killing me... they switch sides now... right both left none then again pinching electrocution-like pain... pressure like pain and cluster headache like kip1 pain and repeat until I will cut my veins someday, tried redbulls/coffee/ketonal(antiflammatory) and other stuff, tried oxygen none works for shadows at least or small nerve pain at least, only thing I noticed that helps but for short time... is work... if I start chopping wood in my garden pain lessens or stops or if I lets say sit somewhere and then stand I suddenly feel lessen pain but as I keep standing the pain will again increase, then If I  sit it may lessen again but it may not, its weird... tried also chocolate, smoked fish, lemon, mustard, spicy food like chicken etc, nothing blown up big hit, I think also it doesnt make big shadows, they are random, because one day I only drank water and perhaps ate nothing from fear and still got heavy shadows.

Still need to try alcohol and other stuff but so far nothing creates big hits that I used to have.

also the big pain I had last week for the last time started slowly unlike classic cluster headache, (notice that I used to have sudden sharp big kip6 pain lasting for hour) now pattern changed to smaller smaller pain but starting so slowly and lasting even whole day, thats fucking me up (sorry for language) but it is so annoying, making my muscles tighten, i have constant runny nose, but not very runny, although I think out of episode I have that runny nose too and I always had felt small electrocution and pressuring behind eyebrows area where sinus of the forehead is located.

Getting Computer tomography on thursday fuck fuck fuck I need to fix this fucking pain soon, need to get something working or seriously I will remain wreck of human... need shrooms... or other stuff although it might not work either...

Also if I sit down on my bed with my legs beneath me and I bend forward a bit I seem to have the shadows gone too, it is kind of weird how it works... sometimes even thinking of pain makes it come

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by ras on May 20th, 2009 at 11:06pm
I am very worried when I see people registering just to post how miraculous the use of illegal drugs is for curing CH...

...I know my post count is not exactly great but I would treat any such post as suspicious. Afterall a whole lot of illegal substance dealers would just love to diversify their business.

Also, when a post that is supposed to reassure me that using LSD has no lasting effects is a real grammatical and syntactical mess that does not really make any sense, then I have a real reason to worry!

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by Pinkfloyd on May 23rd, 2009 at 1:14am

ras wrote on May 20th, 2009 at 11:06pm:
I am very worried when I see people registering just to post how miraculous the use of illegal drugs is for curing CH...

I understand your points, but;

I have over 1500 posts on the new site alone and they've been a miraculous treatment for me also. It's not a cure and he made that point. There are hundreds of people that have never posted on this site and have had similar results.

ras wrote on May 20th, 2009 at 11:06pm:
Also, when a post that is supposed to reassure me that using LSD has no lasting effects is a real grammatical and syntactical mess that does not really make any sense, then I have a real reason to worry!

During a symposium held for centenarian Albert Hofmann, "Hofmann revealed that he was told by Nobel-prize-winning chemist Kary Mullis that LSD had helped him develop the polymerase chain reaction that helps amplify specific DNA sequences."

Do you feel better now? ;-)

If you're only willing to learn some of life's lessons from people that can properly conjugate verbs and spell polymerase without spellcheck, you'll miss out on a lot of what the world has to offer.

just sayin,
P.S. My life was a syntactical mess before psychedelics ;-)

Title: Re: LSD best decesion of my life
Post by Chad on May 26th, 2009 at 8:36am

ras wrote on May 20th, 2009 at 11:06pm:
I am very worried when I see people registering just to post how miraculous the use of illegal drugs is for curing CH...
Hey there my friend!
If you experience this kind of pain and the neuros just try to feed you
Vera, Top or imitrex, you'll be begging to try something else that actually works.  Everybodies system is different, but seeds alone is as natural
as it gets and it is legal to buy, just not to consume.  Shrooms and LSD is illegal, but again, to fight the pain it's totally worth it.  I just dosed
last week when feeling minor shadows and the 40 seeds I consumed appeared to work or break a possible starting cycle.  I swear by them and also keep shrooms in the freezer as back up.  Do as you wish, but the pharmaceutical drugs are far worse on the body.

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