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Message started by kingsiren on Apr 10th, 2009 at 2:16pm

Title: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by kingsiren on Apr 10th, 2009 at 2:16pm
Hi Everyone. I posted my experience with the RC Seeds last year and luckily they worked for me, ending my cycle early. As all of you know it is a huge relief when it ends, nothing better than getting back to a normal life.

2 weeks ago today I woke up with really bad shadows. For me, it feels like electrical pulses behind my right eyeball. There isn't really any pain with the shadows, just a feeling of dread and sadness. For 15 years these early shadows & kip 1s were a harbinger of sorrow, i knew my life was going to get really bad for 4-8 weeks. Anyway, this time I had plenty of RC seeds so I put on a pot of coffee and started to grind up 40 seeds. My last cycle 2 doses at this quantity was what I needed to fully break the cycle. I allowed them to sit in water for close to 12 hours. Right before bed i drank the nasty lil concoction down with a Snapple chaser and went to bed.

Well, I am blessed because I haven't felt a twinge for 2 weeks. I had planned on taking a follow up dose this weekend and lo & behold I was woken up today by the shadows, very mild but still very much a feeling i know way too well. I have already prepared my seeds and will take my medicine again before I go to bed tonight.

On a side note, i actually have access to mushies but I made a personal choice to not use them. Luckily for me the seeds seem to do the trick. I would implore any fellow sufferers to seriously consider trying this treatment, I believe that it is the miracle for what ails me. I understand why some people have reservations and I do not want to get into a debate about the politics/legalities/moralities that inevitably comes up, I just want other sufferers to know the same relief that many of us have shared.

It's such a relief to say no to the Prednisone, no  to the Topomax and ll the other medicines that I tried. It's wonderful to be able to use a natural remedy, but most off  all it is an absolute joy not to have to suffer with this any longer. If any of you have been considering this treatment i urge you to give it a chance. If even just one other person was able to get relief that would be awesome, but based on what I have read it looks like it will help many many more than that.

God Bless You all and I wish you many many pain free years!!!



Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Guiseppi on Apr 10th, 2009 at 4:26pm
Due to my career choice this option is not available to me...but agree wholeheartedly, it's not an area for political or idealogical debate. Just thrilled you're pain free. Anyone beats the beasts a$$ we all win alittle. ;)

Here's hoping this remission stretches forever!


(we still let people in remission come to the conventions! :))

Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by midwestbeth on Apr 10th, 2009 at 5:07pm
Hi Pete,

Thank for chiming on the the success you have had with rc seeds.  I have had similar results and use 02 as an abortive.  My life is no longer controlled bye the beast.  :)

pf wishes to you,


Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Lefty on Apr 10th, 2009 at 5:43pm
Hi Pete,

Thats brilliant news...! I'm glad the seeds are doing the trick for you. ;)
I'm also getting pestered by consistent heavy shadows. They were really starting to do mess with my head so I started another small taper of predesilone to try and finally break up this cycle.
( Hate the thought of taking all these meds indefinitely..)

I have spent the last couple of days reading up on the clusterbuster site..I beginning to believe that this may be the route for me.

I Dunno much about rc seeds but I know I can get my hands on morning glory seeds (Heavenly Blue). The clusterbuster site has no info on these yet.. it just states Coming soon..!to a cinema near you.

Are the rc seeds and morning glory the same deal...!


Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Pinkfloyd on Apr 11th, 2009 at 2:20pm

Lefty wrote on Apr 10th, 2009 at 5:43pm:
Hi Pete,

morning glory seeds (Heavenly Blue). The clusterbuster site has no info on these yet.. it just states Coming soon..!to a cinema near you.

Are the rc seeds and morning glory the same deal...!


First, thanks Pete for your report. Very happy to hear the results.

The reason that there has been no updates on Morning Glory seeds is twofold.
One is that there have been very few people to try them so there isn't a lot of info available on their use for clusters.
The reason there aren't many reports is the second reason there hasn't been any updates.
They aren't the most convenient methods because you need to use so many of them. I believe recreational doses begins around 200 seeds and goes up from there. Of course we don't use recreational sized doses but the numbers needed would be much higher than with either HBWR or the Rivea Corymbosa seeds.
Because you'd need to use so many of them, you also end up getting larger quantities of the less desirable ergot related chemicals.

If you're considering the seeds, i personally would suggest the HBWR first, the RC's second and the Morning Glories a distant third.

The reason I put the HBWR first is because of how they are prepared. These are cracked open and the pulp extracted, eliminating the ergots for the most part. Crushing the entire RC seed gives you small quantities of the ergots.
Of course we're all pretty much used to using ergot derivatives and the vast majority of people will have no problems with them but in the case of the clusterbuster treatments, they aren't needed. Therefore, the Morning Glories are at the far end of the spectrum of available methods.


Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Lefty on Apr 11th, 2009 at 4:16pm
Cheers Bobw for the feedback on morning glory..!

I've read alot over the last number of days about the cluster buster treatment and the success it has had for many who have chosen this route. I think I even read all of the 297 replies to your recent post on cluster busting( Great post by the way). I totally respect all arguments for and against this line of treatment.

I believe my cycles are getting longer and the hits bigger( or maybe I'm just getting older) anyway I have been absent from work a lot during this cycle and as i work with autistic children attendance and rapport building is an very important aspect of my job. If I'm off one week and then back on for a few days for months on end then this Inconsistency no good for them or me.

I'm close to the end of my cycle now, just a few heavy shadows but if and when my next cycle comes along and rc seeds can break it up before it starts then I think I love my job to much to not try this method...


Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Kevin_M on Apr 11th, 2009 at 4:29pm
Nice reading, good posts.

Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by coach_bill on Apr 12th, 2009 at 11:46am
Thanks for the update king. Great news!!  I too was awaiting my short feb cycle that happens in between the every third year mega cycle. Never came!!!  

                                Coach Bill

Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Val_ on Apr 12th, 2009 at 11:51am
question - how long do the seeds remain detectable in your system?
I noticed Joe you state for your career it does not work...  I assume this is for purposes of detection in the system should the need arise to check for job purposes??

Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Lefty on Apr 12th, 2009 at 5:22pm


Val_ wrote on Apr 12th, 2009 at 11:51am:
[quote]question - how long do the seeds remain detectable in your system?

What I understand From reading through different posts and related internet sites is that once ingested, most of the psilocybin the main ingredient contained within rc seed and mushrooms is converted into psilocin within the first hour. Most of the psilocin is then excreted within the first 8 hours with some remaining in the body for weeks later.


Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Guiseppi on Apr 12th, 2009 at 9:33pm

Val_ wrote on Apr 12th, 2009 at 11:51am:
question - how long do the seeds remain detectable in your system?
I noticed Joe you state for your career it does not work...  I assume this is for purposes of detection in the system should the need arise to check for job purposes??

I'm in law enforcement so it's primarily an ethical concern. Although to be honest, if lithium was not working so well as a prevent, and oxygen wasn't such a succesful abortive.....I'd have probably taken the leap already. A dilemna each individual has to decide on based on their situation.


Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Chad on Apr 13th, 2009 at 9:35am

kingsiren wrote on Apr 10th, 2009 at 2:16pm:
It's such a relief to say no to the Prednisone, no  to the Topomax and ll the other medicines that I tried. It's wonderful to be able to use a natural remedy, but most off  all it is an absolute joy not to have to suffer with this any longer. If any of you have been considering this treatment i urge you to give it a chance. If even just one other person was able to get relief that would be awesome, but based on what I have read it looks like it will help many many more than that.
I'm glad this has worked for you Pete!

I has for me as well.  I've been taking 60-80 crushed seeds once a month as preventative maintenance.  I have been PF since last September.  

Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Sandy_C on Apr 13th, 2009 at 12:53pm
Glad to hear of your success Pete.

I've been taking a monthly dose of 12 rc seeds, and outside of four what I would call "rogue" hits in the K4 to 5 range (aborted with O2) I've been totally PF for over two years - working on year # 3!

Life is good.


Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by kingsiren on Apr 13th, 2009 at 6:11pm
Heres a little update. I have had no CH's at all and not even any shadows. What I have been experiencing can only be described as CH activity minus the paiin. Its actually pretty strange, if i had to describe it feels like very mild electrical activity in my Trigametal(?) nerve and a light pressure behind my  right eye (the normally effected side).

I have to go get my 02 refilled and i will try nd use it so see if that aborts the minor sensation that I have been having. I still plan on taking follow up doses to keep the attacks away and if  for some reason they actually hit me I will try a very small dose of mushies. I hope I dont have to but I will keep an open mind.

For what its worth it is highly unlikely that anu drug screen would ever include LSA. From what I understand the test for LSA is a seperate and rarely used unless specifically requested. The doses we use for treatment are so low anyway I  think they would be undetectable. There is plenty  of info on the internet about drug tests & screens anyone concerned about their job should definately investigate it for themselves and not take my word but that probably isn't a reason not to try the RC seeds.

As for the moral objections I dont really understand them. You are not using the seeds to get a buzz, we use very mild doses and its not really an ethical problem, no poor Mexican peasants or Afghani children were harmed to produce the seeds. Discuss it with a clergymen or an elder statesman you respect before you determine that there is anything really wrong with it. It works for so many of us & God willing it will help many many more in the years to come

Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by Pinkfloyd on Apr 13th, 2009 at 7:06pm

kingsiren wrote on Apr 13th, 2009 at 6:11pm:
Heres a little update. I have had no CH's at all and not even any shadows. What I have been experiencing can only be described as CH activity minus the paiin. Its actually pretty strange, if i had to describe it feels like very mild electrical activity in my Trigametal(?) nerve and a light pressure behind my  right eye (the normally effected side).

This is fairly common and should fade away.


Title: Re: RC Seeds to the rescue...again!!!!!
Post by kingsiren on Apr 21st, 2009 at 10:13pm
Hi Bob thanks for the support. The shadows? I was feeling have mostly gone, they seemed to be treated rather easily with Red Bull. Almost 3 weeks in since the first onset and I haven't had one that reached the kip scale yet. Amazing, I am so unbelievably grateful.

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