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Message started by Redd on Mar 9th, 2009 at 5:08pm

Title: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 9th, 2009 at 5:08pm
Early March and it's back right on time, even with a pre-emptive dose just one week ago.  Possibly old stock, not sure. Had been having the usual insomnia recursers for a few weeks as well.

2:02 am this morning same start time just as all the years past...damn wake up call.  Not high kip, about a 5.  

Found my lidocaine and even though the script is over 4 years old it kicked in in 15 minutes to take the worst of the edge off, and the stuffed numb sinus feeling as well as the anxiety kept me from sleeping again until 5.  Been shadowing on and off all day.

Remedicating again tonight.  Hope that it will set the stage for a re-caging of this beast.  

So if you see me logged in late nights...well you'll know why.  

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Kevin_M on Mar 9th, 2009 at 5:16pm

Redd wrote on Mar 9th, 2009 at 5:08pm:
Remedicating again tonight.  Hope that it will set the stage for a re-caging of this beast.

Best of hopes, Pegg.      :)

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Brew on Mar 9th, 2009 at 5:24pm
Sux, Pegg. But if anyone knows how to slay this beast, it's you. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Marc on Mar 9th, 2009 at 5:49pm
To say that I'm hoping you beat it would be an understatement. Wishing you 100% success.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by barry_sword on Mar 9th, 2009 at 6:07pm
Sorry Pegg, hate it for you. :'(

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Ray on Mar 9th, 2009 at 6:24pm
Sorry that, on top of everything else, the beast is a bother...


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Guiseppi on Mar 9th, 2009 at 7:49pm
Sux Pegg...his ability to retain home addresses always astounds me. :'( Hang in there.


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 9th, 2009 at 7:56pm
Might be a good thing I'm still unemployed at this point, but it would sure suck to get called for a job interview right now.  Gotta get slay this bastage quick.

Thanks for all the well wishes my friends.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Sean C on Mar 9th, 2009 at 10:33pm
You can do it Pegg. Hang tight.  [smiley=hug.gif]

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Melissa on Mar 9th, 2009 at 10:46pm
Sorry to hear Pegg, PFDAN vibage heading your way!!

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by DennisM1045 on Mar 10th, 2009 at 9:00am
Loads of beast killing vibes headed your way Pegg.  Kick his ass...



Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Jeannie on Mar 10th, 2009 at 9:29am

Pain free vibes and wishes to you.  Hang in there! [smiley=hug.gif]


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by midwestbeth on Mar 10th, 2009 at 9:37am
Sorry to hear that Pegg.  Mega pf vibes going out to you.


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 10th, 2009 at 11:12am
So I doubled my usual dose from ~32 RC seeds to ~60+.  Consumed at 5:30 PM.

After about an hour, I could feel the burning and tingling subside, yet there was still the familiar pressure behind the eye and throughout the left side of my face to just behind the ear.

I couldn't bring myself to crawl into bed until after the 2:02 time frame came and went with nothing more than a slightincrease in the pressure and a return of a mild burning sensation that left after about 20 minutes.  

Went to bed, but still had a very difficult time falling asleep.  

Woke at 8:20 this AM.  Very minimal pressure, some transiant tingling in the left front quadrent, and quite still and sore muscles in the neck and shoulders, but nothing more.  Need to keep an eye on what developes (or doesn't) over the course of the few days.  

In my experience, the after hits were routine on day 3 post dose during the high cycles, and no post dose hits if I had dosed at first warning signs and kept the beast caged.

Planning another 60+ dose in 5 days as a fail safe measure, and then drop back to 30+ every 7 days for 2 weeks.  This is, of course, if things continue to progress well.  

If not, then I'll be "mixing it up" with a more potent beast slayer.  Adjust the method and timing of the maintanance as needed after that.

This f#cker is not going to get a chance to bind me down again, and I'll fight that with all I got in me.

I'll keep you posted with the results as they happen.

Love you all!!!

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Marc on Mar 10th, 2009 at 11:19am
Really glad to hear the progress report. I think that bumping to 60 was a good move.  Hang tough in case the after hits decide to take a crack at you!

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by BarbaraD on Mar 10th, 2009 at 11:19am
Are you taking Melatonin? And what about O2?

Kick some CH rear.... There's a lot of vibes going out for you...

Hugs BD :-*

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 10th, 2009 at 2:39pm
I'm taking nothing that could possibly interfere with the RC process, including Melatonin.

Being without a job, no insurance, and my HA specialist no longer at the hospital, I don't have an O2 script.  Living in a small apartment complex prohibits the welding O2 suppliers from letting me rent due to being a fire hazzard to the other units in the complex.

I have a pred taper in the dark reaches of the fridge if things get too far out of hand.  I used to have a couple 5 packs of imitrex vials in there too in case of emergency, but I seem to have accidently left the last one I had at    a friends house   last time I visited.

I'll kick this.  One way or another.  

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Marc on Mar 10th, 2009 at 3:05pm
Anyone nearby enough to bring a couple of E tanks? Perhaps someone with a big welding tank and a transfill kit could keep you afloat with rotated E tanks.

Wish you were within driving distance for me - it would be so darned easy to refill my spare E tanks daily for you if needed.

I do not envy you having to tough it out without O2, but I FULLY understand the reason. Not sure I have the strength to do it anymore - must me getting soft in my old age.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Jimi on Mar 10th, 2009 at 3:18pm
Good luck to you Pegg. I hope those seeds push them completely out of your system.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 10th, 2009 at 5:43pm

Marc wrote on Mar 10th, 2009 at 3:05pm:
Anyone nearby enough to bring a couple of E tanks? Perhaps someone with a big welding tank and a transfill kit could keep you afloat with rotated E tanks.

Wish you were within driving distance for me - it would be so darned easy to refill my spare E tanks daily for you if needed.

I do not envy you having to tough it out without O2, but I FULLY understand the reason. Not sure I have the strength to do it anymore - must me getting soft in my old age.

Melly is the only one near me, and I'm so glad she's out of cycle and took hers back.  She deserves to enjoy this remission.

Jimi wrote on Mar 10th, 2009 at 3:18pm:
Good luck to you Pegg. I hope those seeds push them completely out of your system.

Me too Jimi, and thank you.  As I mentioned, I do have a little of the more potent Beast Slayer if the seeds don't do do the trick on their own.

I have plenty of frozen gel packs.  Lots of cold water, and 4 4packs of Red Bull generic from Aldi's.  

I've gone this many years without O2, though not by choice.  I'll get through this.  

Thanks folks.  

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Marc on Mar 11th, 2009 at 3:07pm
How did last night go for you?

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 11th, 2009 at 4:18pm
Weathered the night ok Marc.  Thanks for asking.  Have shadows on and off, but no full hits.  Only day 2 post dose, so I'm holding out for possible day 3 activity.

I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed, but with the shadows continueing, I'm going to put my money on having to be dilligent for a while yet.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Katie on Mar 11th, 2009 at 5:31pm
I am so sorry your having to deal with this thing.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Marc on Mar 11th, 2009 at 6:08pm

Redd wrote on Mar 11th, 2009 at 4:18pm:
Weathered the night ok Marc.  Thanks for asking.  Have shadows on and off, but no full hits.  Only day 2 post dose, so I'm holding out for possible day 3 activity.

I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed, but with the shadows continueing, I'm going to put my money on having to be dilligent for a while yet.

I'm betting on a good 3rd post-dose day! Next dose planned for the same number? I've done the "ramp each dose higher" route and didn't see any improvement, but some people have. That's why I asked.

Either way - kick some butt.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 11th, 2009 at 6:37pm
Yes the next dose is planned for the same ~60+ give or take.  I'm upping the count due to the theory that some batches of seeds may have less content of the active stuff than other batches. As well as the batch may be older and therefore loosing some potency as well.

I'm confident that the batch has some potency because there hasn't been any full hits since Sunday.  Just going to be dilligent and take this a it comes.

If needed, I will hit it with the "big guns" after the next dose if I don't see more substantial improvement.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by barry_sword on Mar 11th, 2009 at 6:42pm
Here's praying you kick this cycle Pegg, that would be so sweet!  [smiley=thumb.gif]

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Marc on Mar 12th, 2009 at 11:04am
How you holding up? Another halfway decent night?

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 12th, 2009 at 1:06pm
Hit with a low kip at about 11pm and another at 3 am.  Low, a solid 4.  Cold packs and drinking ice water.  

Saturday is the plan...this time taking it earlier in the day.  

Pressure in the head and around the eye socket. With the flesh feeling sort of "heavy".  I don't get the super noticable droopy eye.  

Anyway, Dyl is home with a temp. of 101.5 to 102 even with Ibuprophin and a lingering headache and sore throat.  I'm taking him to the walk in for a strep swab.  Just in case.  Least he's still under his Dad's insurance.  But his fever not dropping much even with meds has me a bit concerned.

Chat with you guys later.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Jeannie on Mar 12th, 2009 at 4:58pm
Hey Pegg,

How's  Dyl doing?

I hope you catch a break soon!


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 12th, 2009 at 5:18pm
There is a virus going around right now that starts just this way, and then moves on to a cough and then turns to laryngitis.  They took the quick strap swab, and it was negative, but they will run a 24 hour culture just in case.

As long as he's running the fever, Doc said to stay ut of school.  Only tomorrow left before Spring Break, so at least he'll have next week to recover.

He's sleeping alot, in fact just woke from another nap.  His fever is staying down right now.  

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Jeannie on Mar 12th, 2009 at 5:27pm
It is almost better when it IS Strep.  That way they can give him the antibiotic and get him better.  Now you'll have to wait it out.  NOT a fun way to start Spring Break....Poor kid.  If you have any more trouble keeping his fever down, you might ask the doc about piggybacking the ibuprofen with Tylenol.  We've had to do that with Morgan when her kidneys get infected.   I hope he feels better soon.

How are you?


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 12th, 2009 at 7:02pm
I did buy both for just that reason, as well as for his headache.  One or the other doesn't work alone, but, (as I was instructed after my double root canal)  Taking them at the same time is beneficial for BOTH moderate pain, as well fever.  

It's odd, that my 18 year old who just yesterday was out and about with all his personal errands and "I'll be home when I'm done" was the sick little boy I remember snuggling up and sleeping in my lap.

Boy oh boy those grown up eyes, when ill, turn back into the eyes of a child.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by sandie99 on Mar 13th, 2009 at 2:55pm

I'm so sorry to hear that you're in cycle. I hope it will end very, very soon! [smiley=hug.gif]

And "get well soon" wished to Dylan as well.


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 15th, 2009 at 11:57pm
Well I did another dose yeaterday,  and all is well so far.  Scalp is tender, as if my hair had been pulled hard for a few hours, (what little there is, I've cut quite short).

Then there is the sting in the  left sinus if I try to breath in too deep.  Guess the nerve is tender.  Luckily, the only thing it's triggered today is sneezing fits, however those are uncomforatable in their own right, with the spinal arthritis, but that's another animal altogether.

I won't presume to say I have the high cycle licked yet, but things are looking good that I'll not have to break out the big guns.  Yeah, I'm being optimistic, but, better that than hold no faith at all.

More as things develop, or don't..... ;)

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Jeannie on Mar 16th, 2009 at 9:36am
Good news so far.. right?!

I'll be thinking of you and sending out forever PF vibes!


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by DennisM1045 on Mar 16th, 2009 at 12:42pm
Hey Pegg,

You're not alone sister.  My March cycle kicked in over the weekend.


Glad to hear your 'treatment' seems to be having a positive effect.

Good luck... to both of us  ;D


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Ray on Mar 16th, 2009 at 1:58pm
Still wishing you high cyclers the best,


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Guiseppi on Mar 16th, 2009 at 3:30pm
You'll beat it Pegg, attitude is everything! [smiley=hug.gif]


Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 16th, 2009 at 9:07pm
Another near 24 hours has passed, and the sinus sting/burn is much less annoying, however it does come back from time to time to cause sneezing fits, but not as bad as yesterday.  

Scalp is less tender as well, and the 'buzzing" tingle around my left eye and face is almost completely gone.  

Eye tears up from time to time, nothing major.  Keeping a close watch on all the little "tells" to see what is (or isn't) happening.

Still all in all good results for 48 hours after the last dose.  Another 24 hours to know if the 3 day rule is broken.   ;D

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Marc on Mar 16th, 2009 at 9:16pm
I've got faith that you are there and that's waaaay cool. Don't know what your normal high/low patterns look like but I'd sure do a follow up or two or three, or.......

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 16th, 2009 at 10:24pm

Marc wrote on Mar 16th, 2009 at 9:16pm:
I've got faith that you are there and that's waaaay cool. Don't know what your normal high/low patterns look like but I'd sure do a follow up or two or three, or.......

Thanks for the vote of confidence Marc.  I'm learning to read my body's signals much more closely.  

Having been (and I still consider myself to be) chronic for some 20+ years, I'm also human, and when PF time lasts for a while I tend to get lax and just enjoy rather than stay "on top" of things.

I'm taking things one day at a time, and listening to what my body tells me is the right thing to do and when.

Precarious balancing act, but I won't allow it to get under my skin, but I also need to stay tuned in.  Not sure if that makes sense to anyone else but it does to me.

Love you all, and thanks for your support.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Redd on Mar 16th, 2009 at 11:14pm
Oh Marc, as to the high low patterns.  

For 20 some years, I would get 3-4 days of a single hit a night with 4-6 days off, with spring and autumn adding one or two daytime hits daily in a 3-4 week span along with the night time ones.

March 2004 the beast morphed on me, and I started to get hit harder, and built from 3 to up to 8 hits a day, lasting 18 weeks, then back to the 3-4 days on and 4-5 days off.

Fall, not as bad as spring, but still increased activity, usually mid September.  

After I think 2 years of conventional meds (dopymax has blurred some of that time frame, and I'm still waiting for the return of the rest of my IQ points) I desided to begin the quest of the uninsured and had to get my life back by whatever means.  

I would have happy if the clock had simply turned back to the days when I was convinced it was all just severe allergy attacks from everything from dust, to pollin, to mold to the paper mill emissions.  Swallowing sudafed and tylenol by the palm full and "waiting for it to kick in".  

Trying to yank my own teeth out in the still of the night with floss and a needle nose pliars: cursing the dentist who said it was TMJ and braces would stop all the pain, only to brake the brakets off in fits during an attack.  Oh the broken teeth, the caps, the root canals I have to show for all that nonsense from the bands and the pressure of clenching my jaws and cracking them beyond repair and them falling apart with age and time.

Ohhh so much have I learned since those dark years.  And the relief of having something to fight back with and WIN.  

I don't have the time nor energy to fight the petty things in life, but this is a fight I can't afford to lose.  My life, future if there is to be one...depends on me having control over this beast.  And my aim is to do just that by the means I have available to me.

Joe,  additude is all I got.  And I'm not giving in.  

Sorry I guess I had a rant inside me there. Back to your regularly scheduled programing.

Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by DennisM1045 on Mar 17th, 2009 at 1:07pm
Now that was a good rant  ;)

Don't you feel better now  8-)



Title: Re: High cycle has returned...right on time.
Post by Marc on Mar 17th, 2009 at 3:11pm

Redd wrote on Mar 16th, 2009 at 11:14pm:
................Ohhh so much have I learned since those dark years.  And the relief of having something to fight back with and WIN.  

I don't have the time nor energy to fight the petty things in life, but this is a fight I can't afford to lose.

All of it was well said and not just a simple rant. I want to thank for the reminders above.


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