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Message started by Katie on Feb 13th, 2009 at 3:25am

Title: Not a happy bunny
Post by Katie on Feb 13th, 2009 at 3:25am
I was hoping not t have to use the emergency contact number for the headache clinic until the autumn.
I am going to have to admit defeat and use it.

I was hoping the headaches around my eye from the past week were thanks to the light that was bouncing off the snow that was falling. Looks like it may have been the same shadow I pout down to reading too many text books in the autumn three days before it smacked me last time.
Weds night- happily working on a uni assignment and it roared from almost nowhere. Dropped everything as it darn well hurt grabbed ice and had to pace the bugger out.
Nearly 24 hours on it came back and smiled again - horrible.
This morning I feel like I have been punched in my eye, my eyelids still not right and slightly swollen still teary and my stupid nose is running.
So darn fed up.

I am calling the nice hospital to organize home oxygen and the other drugs as the hospital have promised NOT to send me back under my GP until they are sure they have found a way to get both headaches under some sort of control and I am asking about switching to the anti-convulscent tompirate [sp] as it might tackle both types of headache.

What a great start to the school holidays. ::)

Title: Re: Not a happy bunny
Post by Guiseppi on Feb 13th, 2009 at 3:32am
Sure drops your whole world in the tank when the bastard shows up again huh? Sorry he hasn't managed to lose your address yet. :-/

Sounds like you got your meds organized, hoping it's one of those short and sweet cycles.


Title: Re: Not a happy bunny
Post by darknight on Feb 13th, 2009 at 7:27am
Keep your spirtits up Katie, i use the home oxygen and cant imagine being without 02 now as it can help, fingers crossed you gain 02 and it helps!!!


Title: Re: Not a happy bunny
Post by on my knees on Feb 13th, 2009 at 7:45am
to heck with it if you have to dance at least show your moves.
hang tough studand dance your best. 8-)

Title: Re: Not a happy bunny
Post by Katie on Feb 13th, 2009 at 10:05am
[smiley=sad.gif] Managed to get through to the clinic. The earliest I can be seen thanks to staff off sick is Wednesday. That means five more nights of reminding myself NOT to grit my teeth as last time all that did was break teeth.

Thankfully this time its one nasty hit per day rather than the 4-6 of the autumn special which did leave me feeling wretched and unable to think but it means I know that the rizatriptian melts ain't going to kick in fast enough so until I can see the consultant weds it looks like I will have to survive on ice-packs.
I have set my husband to making hand ground and home made coffee as it gives the poor soul something to do other than look at me howling and pacing and asking if he should call an ambulance and I found the caffine helps with the zings of afterquake pain that is left after the thing scuttles back to its lair. Tried red bull it just turns me into Hammy     from Over the Hedge so I am sticking to the more sedate latte.

Trying to eat in the middle of the day as recommended by the clinic as by evening I begin to feel too ropey to want to know about food and feel too hungover to face the stuff in the morning.

I guess it is back to survival again for a bit; going to shove the freezer full of easy food for the kids; bribe my eldest to cook the occasional real meal for the others, haul out the hotpot and throw a meal together in the middle of the day on the better days and stuff the housework.

I know from past experience I will prob do okay for the first week of this then tiredness will mix with the pain and make me very crabby.

This time round thanks to them changing the preventative drugs I am noticing more pins and needles around the eye that then switch to mild   burn feelings around the same times I would get full blown smacks in the autumn. Its 'better' but I am also sure that its tied in with the flamming gnomewiththeburningsharpcutlerywhoistryingtoripmystupideyeoutwhisltdrillingthroughmyskullandusingmyopticalnerveassomekindofbungeeropeheadache.

Right now I could happily order a spare head to wear and leave this one in a dark corner by itself till its finished being a pain. :-/

This is the only dance I know you do not get asked if you want.

Title: Re: Not a happy bunny
Post by Jeannie on Feb 13th, 2009 at 11:22am
Sorry Katie......

I hope your cycle is a short one.

PF wishes!


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