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Message started by Chris Morrow on Jan 9th, 2009 at 12:26am

Title: 10 days too long....
Post by Chris Morrow on Jan 9th, 2009 at 12:26am
Well, the good news is I got an appointment ith a good Doc. The bad news is got to wait 10 more days....

This week has been a killer. Just came out of a K10 2 hour ride. That is the 3rd K10 this week alone. I've been getting 3-6 a day, and none of the natural remidies are even able to take the edge off. I've been hammered.  I get to look forward to another 10 hour day at work tomorrow, bringing me to 50 hours....My normal week....and I could barely keep my head up yesterday.

My wife has been a saint through all of this, too. She is 5 months pregnant, and needs her sleep. I feel so guilty keeping her up through all of this, and I can usually keep relatively quiet throughout the attacks. Not this week! I can't scream into a pillow quiet enough. I have woke all 4 of my children this week as well. They never knew...they never knew. I have terrified each of them, now.

I've been wanting to give up, but the cluster demon doesn't care. There is no way to give up. Have you ever considered beating yourself with a hammer? 1. Just to see if it would hurt as much as what the demon gives you, and 2. to find out if the pain might stop for just a minute. I'll never do it, but have thought about it this week.

Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Guiseppi on Jan 9th, 2009 at 12:36am
Have you tried slamming the energy drinks, the ones containing both caffeine and taurine? Some can back an attack down with those. Hang in there, sounds like you're on a tough roll.


Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Chris Morrow on Jan 9th, 2009 at 12:42am
Thanks for tha advice Joe. I've tried them, and they were helping last week. I just can't find any relief at all this week.....

Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Chris Morrow on Jan 9th, 2009 at 3:27am
I'm getting pounced on tonight. I knew I shouldn't have gone back to sleep after the last one, I mean, DAMN, sleep is so over rated anyways! I'm exhaused now, and know that there are 2 more appointments coming. 4:30 AM, I never miss this one, and don't forget about 6:50 the real azzkicker (this one always wants me to be late to work or just possibly make a real azz of myself there). [smiley=hammer.gif]

Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Rolomatic on Jan 9th, 2009 at 3:56am
Get some O2 bro!


Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Em on Jan 9th, 2009 at 5:13am
Hey Chris,

Sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. What else are you taking? Have you tried melatonin or ice packs just to see you through til you can get some o2?

Hammers are not a good option... As tempting as it is.

You WILL get through this.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Chris Morrow on Jan 9th, 2009 at 7:54am
Rolo, I don't have any meds 'til I see the Doc on the 26th. I went thru all my meds from last year back in December. Damn, I miss the Fiorinol right now. Never tried o2 before. I'll be pushing that to the Doc, soon.....

Never had a night like last night, either. Had 2 K10s and 2 K9s. I don't know if I can keep doing this. It's driving me crazy. It is so much to endure, and knowing that the demon is coming back for me just SUX!

Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by E-Double on Jan 9th, 2009 at 8:28am
Get yourself some melatonin!!!

Many find that it is a magic bullet preventative for nightime attacks.

Look up the research done by Todd Rozen from MHNI and you will see the efficacy.

My magic number was 6-9 mg taken about 30-40 minutes prior to attempting sleep.

After a few days I slept through the night without attacks.

It is also important to stick to a consistent sleep schedule regardless of getting hit or not. You need to force yourself to get into this habit.

Also look at the section of this board that has helpful hints from us and you will see a lot of solid home remedies per se that can help ease the pain and help cope.

Good luck and PF times.


Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Bob_Johnson on Jan 9th, 2009 at 8:57am
I'm assuming your 26th appt is with a specialist. Do you have a primary care doc who  you might approach, asking for a sample of this med? It works very well for some of us as an abortive.
Headache 2001 Sep;41(8):813-6  

Olanzapine as an Abortive Agent for Cluster Headache.

Rozen TD.

Department of Neurology, Jefferson Headache Center/Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate olanzapine as a cluster headache abortive agent in an open-label trial. BACKGROUND: Cluster headache is the most painful headache syndrome known. There are very few recognized abortive therapies for cluster headache and fewer for patients who have contraindications to vasoconstrictive drugs. METHODS: Olanzapine was given as an abortive agent to five patients with cluster headache in an open-label trial. THE INITIAL OLANZAPINE DOSE WAS 5 MG, AND THE DOSE WAS INCREASED TO 10 MG IF THERE WAS NO PAIN RELIEF. THE DOSAGE WAS DECREASED TO 2.5 MG IF THE 5-MG DOSE WAS EFFECTIVE BUT CAUSED ADVERSE EFFECTS. To be included in the study, each patient had to treat at least two attacks with either an effective dose or the highest tolerated dose. RESULTS: Five patients completed the investigation (four men, one woman; four with chronic cluster, one with episodic cluster). Olanzapine reduced cluster pain by at least 80% in four of five patients, and two patients became headache-free after taking the drug. Olanzapine typically alleviated pain within 20 minutes after oral dosing and treatment response was consistent across multiple treated attacks. The only adverse event was sleepiness. CONCLUSIONS: Olanzapine appears to be a good abortive agent for cluster headache. IT ALLEVIATES PAIN QUICKLY AND HAS A CONSISTENT RESPONSE ACROSS MULTIPLE TREATED ATTACKS. IT APPEARS TO WORK IN BOTH EPISODIC AND CHRONIC CLUSTER HEADACHE.


Olanzapine has a brand name of "Zyprexa" and is a antipsychotic. Don't be put off by this primary usage. Several of the drugs used to treat CH are cross over applications, that is, drugs approved by the FDA for one purpose which are found to be effective with unrelated conditions--BJ.

Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Chris Morrow on Jan 9th, 2009 at 9:34am
Thanks, Bob. I am seeing a specialist, but don't have a GP. I was only able to get an appointment by the grace of my job. I don't have insurance, and really don't have the funds to see a GP. I barely have enough to see the Neuro, and get scripts. I'm just going to have to ride it out.

Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Chris Morrow on Jan 12th, 2009 at 11:24am
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone, and the advise given. I was able to see the Doc much earlier than scheduled appointment. Got an O2 script, Verapamil, and Zomig.

I just completed an online application from Astra Zeneca for free meds, and there is no doubt that I qualify.

I can finally start thinking about relief.


Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Guiseppi on Jan 12th, 2009 at 11:26am
That is great news, let us know how the 02 works out for you!


Title: Re: 10 days too long....
Post by Melissa on Jan 12th, 2009 at 11:32am
Congrats Chris, that's great!!  I hope they help you like they have others, especially the O2. :)

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