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Message started by leighm on Dec 7th, 2008 at 9:16pm

Title: Personality Change
Post by leighm on Dec 7th, 2008 at 9:16pm
I suffered for every year up to 3 months from 1983 until 2007 (When coincidently I was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer)
I am seeking information if there is any general knowledge that Cluster Headaches have been officially known to make a person have a change in behaviour.
I became very angry with outbursts of aggression after first getting the Clusters and it has continued since then and right up to now.
I look forward to any help on this matter.

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by Pixie-elf on Dec 7th, 2008 at 9:35pm
Well, from personal experience, my family has informed me I'm rather abrupt and aggressive at this point. I had no clue, as I cannot tell the tone of my voice, so I have no idea how I sound.

Hell, my boyfriend has even said I've been more aggressive, but his opinion was, I had enough to worry about, and that if he could get used to dealing with me like this, so could everyone else.

I've had other neurological conditions do things similar to this. So for my family, it was nothing new. Except the extent of aggression I've shown. Apparantly it's gone to a whole 'nother level with the clusters.

I wonder if the hypothalmus has anything to do with this? If it malfunctioning might be effecting other things, too?

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by DonnaH_again on Dec 7th, 2008 at 9:56pm
I have never been an agressive person, not even during the 28 years that I lived with episodic clusters.  I'm pretty steady in that I'm not moody either......although I've always been a very strong person (mostly out of need to be one).

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by mezza on Dec 7th, 2008 at 10:34pm
I personally do not know if CH themselves cause a change in personality  but for me the stress of being in cycle causes me to be more stressed and feel more overwhelmed.  When I am overwhelmed,  I tend to be more moody and anxious.

In addition,  certain medications that I take for CH like prednisone for example create a shorter fuse.


Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by Callico on Dec 7th, 2008 at 11:41pm
I find I am much shorter tempered when getting hit regularly than when things are going a bit smoother.  I blame a lot of it on stress and exhaustion.  I don't tend to be real patient anyway, but when the hits are coming hard and often it is much worse.


Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by Rolomatic on Dec 8th, 2008 at 12:34am
The best way I could explain it would be that it’s kind of like death or dying. You have to grieve your loss of control over your life. I am chronic, and so also have made it through the process. I will add that O2 has really helped the desperation at times.

You have to go through all stages of denial, anger, understanding, and finally acceptance.

You will be hard pressed to find a LT chronic that whines and moans about there condition. I don’t mean that in a negative way, I whined like a dog in a bear trap when this friend came to stay with me unannounced.

Episodic sufferers that never get treated / diagnosed properly are living in fear. Something is coming for you and you don’t know when or where. You don’t know how to fight it and the weapons you have are useless. I remember back when this first started for me like it was yesterday. Every 3-4 weeks I would get what I now know was a K9. TMJ?? Brain tumor??  I had no clue… I remember those days…

I personally don’t treat anyone different unless they show utter lack of understanding for me when I’m in pain. The rest of the time is PF and I walk away one day stronger.

Episodic sufferers (diagnosed) on the other hand are subjected to all kinds of drugs at one time. They are ill prepared understandably (doc’s med’s) to treat in time to avoid the worst of it. They are well under diagnosed and understood without the rocks (of knowledge & experience) to get a doc that can help them more understand what this creepy little thing that pops in and out of their life really is.

Just my take on it, and by no means endorsed by the party at large.

Edit to add; could it have anything to do with quitting smoking?

Roland. [smiley=twocents.gif]

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by gore2424 on Dec 8th, 2008 at 1:26am
YES: "I have"
I am chronic and been on the same anti-depression meds for over 4 years. I was informed by wifey that they were not as effective as they tend to loss their effectiveness after many years. And I have been a lot more withdrawn, always hidding, & ALONE from every day life. More and more I been so withdrawn I would sleep for 3-4 days straight not eating or drinking anything. So hopefully the new meds coming from VA will help me with that part of the problem I have from these clusters. Lucky my prevent and rescue meds for the clusters have been working for the last 4 years +. Terry

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by George_J on Dec 8th, 2008 at 1:33am
In general, I'm a pretty even-tempered guy.  I attribute that to the fact that I've had some life experiences that have made my thresholds a tad high.   ;)

Nevertheless, I tend to be more short-tempered during a cycle (I'm a long-term episodic).  I don't medicate--which is an entirely different thread--so it's not the medications I'm taking.  More than likely, it's due to the lack of sleep and the sheer toll that getting beat up takes on me.  Although I'm luckier than many here, this stuff sure takes a lot out of a person.

I suppose I'd have to say that I'm aware that my temper's a little frayed during a cycle, and as a consequence, I try to compensate for it by forcing myself to think before I react.  

Fortunately, my wife and daughter are aware that I'm not myself during a cycle, and they're more apt to tiptoe around.   ;)



Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Dec 8th, 2008 at 2:40am

George wrote on Dec 8th, 2008 at 1:33am:
In general, I'm a pretty even-tempered guy.  I attribute that to the fact that I've had some life experiences that have made my thresholds a tad high.   ;)

Nevertheless, I tend to be more short-tempered during a cycle (I'm a long-term episodic).  I don't medicate--which is an entirely different thread--so it's not the medications I'm taking.  More than likely, it's due to the lack of sleep and the sheer toll that getting beat up takes on me.  Although I'm luckier than many here, this stuff sure takes a lot out of a person.

I suppose I'd have to say that I'm aware that my temper's a little frayed during a cycle, and as a consequence, I try to compensate for it by forcing myself to think before I react.  

Fortunately, my wife and daughter are aware that I'm not myself during a cycle, and they're more apt to tiptoe around.   ;)





Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by AussieBrian on Dec 8th, 2008 at 4:28am
Personality change because of a little headache?

I'll have you know I remain the epitome of sweetness and light whether I'm PF or being slaughtered nightly by K10s. My moods never change, I continue doing the dishes happily and singing while taking out the garbage.

To me, mood change or personality swing have never been a part of it. I simply deal with CH as it happens and get on with life.

Of course, there are some who may disagree with my assessment but they are liars. You hear me?  Liars!!!  Nasty, sinful rumour-mongers who couldn't lie straight in their graves.

They pervert the course of justice, eat babies in their spare time, and I'll happily drag this pain-ridden body through the high-voltage network just to go poo-poos on their 'post' buttons.

The worst and most unforgiveable crime among these horrible nay-sayers, these traducers of an otherwise perfect personality, is they'd even suggest a CHead might get just little tired, frustrated or annoyed!!!

Personality change?  Pshaw!!  Would never happen to me.

Cheers and beers,

Brian down under.

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by seasonalboomer on Dec 8th, 2008 at 6:34am
I withdraw some. I try to overcompensate but it becomes a bit of a seesaw between the blues and fake "just fine" smiles.

Over time CH has forged a slightly altered "personality" from that which I believe I would have been otherwise.

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 8th, 2008 at 6:40am
Yeah, what Brian said... I'm always sweet and loveable and I've been chronic since 97...

It's just those crappy people who come around me that should be banned from the earth!!!!

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by starlight on Dec 8th, 2008 at 12:56pm
Hi Leighm,

Most of the time I have had CH I have not had personality change (amazingly).  Last time I had an episode, however, there was co-occurring mood disorder.  My neuro said it was depression but it felt too me more like a "manic" type thing--right before the cycle started I was only sleeping a few hours a night, wired at 3 in the morning, did not want to eat (food seemed disgusting) and still had energy in the day but felt extremely irritable and like I wanted to be alone.  My neuro said that these mood changes and sleep/eating changes was b/c of the hypothalamus not working right at that time.  So anyway, long story short, maybe in my younger days I was more resilient to hypothalamus malfunctioning?  Don't know--but mood changes can occur with CH and not only as a result of the pain-- the hypothtalamus controls a lot of stuff.

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by Jackie on Dec 8th, 2008 at 4:03pm
Blake, my husband, displayed these tendencies when he was in high cycles.  I marked it up to being a  by-product of depression.  Depression can produce some of the same mood swings.

Who can blame you all....I'd probably be mean as a hog angry and short tempered too.  :(

Wishing you well,

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by ANNSIE on Dec 8th, 2008 at 5:26pm
CH has a lot to do with neurotransmitters in the brain mainly serotonin, which does affect moods and emotions, so it is possible even at the biological level to experience changes in ones mood and perception, let alone other aspects of severe chronic pain, which in turn may affect personality. However, one would speculate that this is temporary and self limiting for those episodic, once the cycle is over, things slowly return to normal. In chronics, the body and mind will most likely learn to adapt in some ways and therefore will not react to the changes as much.

There are professional help available from counselling to various therapies that can be useful if you feel this aspect of the condition is significantly impacting on your life and on who you are. Do not hesitate to seek help, have a chat to your doctors, or even your chaplain if you are a religious person.

Other conditions associated with severe or chronic pain have also been noted to affect mood and personality. Its not just CH that can do so.

Sending you painfree wishes and prayers.

Edited to add: As with anything, these changes affect different people differently, discover what it is like for you and find what works for you. We are all unique in how our bodies respond and how we cope.

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by barry_sword on Dec 8th, 2008 at 6:15pm
During cycle, I am more moody, depressed, a little more "snappy", get frustrated by my short term memory loss due to the Verapamil, ( but a good trade off for sure ;)) more tired due to less sleep, and so on.

See, no real change here with me, just my same ole' self. :D

I am a much easier going guy out of cycle than in, for sure.
I guess that the pain we suffer just simply wears us down, as we try and lead normal lives.

Yes, personality change for me during a cycle. :(

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by mathieulives on Dec 8th, 2008 at 8:38pm
Its like Jekyl and Hyde, and I really honestly don't give a damn when I'm in a cycle. I have to be extra extra careful with my loved ones when I'm in a cycle. That's the best I can do and when they listen to what I'm going through, or see it; and when they visit this site, then they understand. If they don't listen or don't go to this site, well then good luck to them.

To me the question isn't is your personality different, of course it is when we're all in pain, good or bad. The question is, do they make an effort to try to understand why your personality is different? - As I'm sure we all try to do for others in pain now that we have felt hell on earth.

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by coach_bill on Dec 8th, 2008 at 8:54pm
There has been more than 1 time that i've had to say im sorry after an attack. But my wife now knows just leave me be, and check on me every so often, when a hit came on i would run to the torture chamber and she always stood guard. I would be finshed without my wife Barb. Thanks Coach Bill.

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by DonnaH_again on Dec 8th, 2008 at 9:30pm
Deleted due to personal nature of post.  Always think twice before posting. ::)

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by Artonio on Dec 8th, 2008 at 10:38pm
Mood swings? Always. I go from hysterical laughter to the black hole of despair in no time flat. Then I linger for long periods in depression.

But... that was way before I developed CH... I'm Bi-Polar.

Now that I'm a Chronic CHer... the lack of sleep whilst in high cycle tends to make me less cheerful. But... why whine? I can't expect anyone to understand that although I'm a nice person... I really don't have the resources to be cuddly when all I can manage is the effort it takes to keep myself from blowing my brains out.

I kind of look at the world as a giant nursing home when I'm like this... I'm the old person in bed, suffering , drooling and wetting myself... and the rest of the world is the staff of, uncaring... over worked, sadistic orderlies who begrudge you even a few drops of water... let alone compassion.

So... instead of inflicting myself on anyone when the moods get too bad... I generally withdraw or look for some form of comfort here.

If everyone here has their panties in a wad... then I generally just withdraw.

I've been through this shit enough times to know that eventually it will pass... and being mean to someone else while I'm going through it... won't make it better... and it won't make it pass any faster. ...and guess what? my moods are neither mine nor anyone else's fault.

with warm regards,

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 8th, 2008 at 10:53pm

Personality change because of a little headache?

I'll have you know I remain the epitome of sweetness and light whether I'm PF or being slaughtered nightly by K10s. My moods never change, I continue doing the dishes happily and singing while taking out the garbage.

To me, mood change or personality swing have never been a part of it. I simply deal with CH as it happens and get on with life.

Of course, there are some who may disagree with my assessment but they are liars. You hear me?  Liars!!!  Nasty, sinful rumour-mongers who couldn't lie straight in their graves.

They pervert the course of justice, eat babies in their spare time, and I'll happily drag this pain-ridden body through the high-voltage network just to go poo-poos on their 'post' buttons.

The worst and most unforgiveable crime among these horrible nay-sayers, these traducers of an otherwise perfect personality, is they'd even suggest a CHead might get just little tired, frustrated or annoyed!!!

Personality change?  Pshaw!!  Would never happen to me.

Cheers and beers,

Brian down under.

Brian, that was soo fucking funny...and I thank you for the laugh mate.

Title: Re: Personality Change
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Dec 9th, 2008 at 12:10am

Linda_Howell wrote on Dec 8th, 2008 at 10:53pm:

Personality change because of a little headache?

I'll have you know I remain the epitome of sweetness and light whether I'm PF or being slaughtered nightly by K10s. My moods never change, I continue doing the dishes happily and singing while taking out the garbage.

To me, mood change or personality swing have never been a part of it. I simply deal with CH as it happens and get on with life.

Of course, there are some who may disagree with my assessment but they are liars. You hear me?  Liars!!!  Nasty, sinful rumour-mongers who couldn't lie straight in their graves.

They pervert the course of justice, eat babies in their spare time, and I'll happily drag this pain-ridden body through the high-voltage network just to go poo-poos on their 'post' buttons.

The worst and most unforgiveable crime among these horrible nay-sayers, these traducers of an otherwise perfect personality, is they'd even suggest a CHead might get just little tired, frustrated or annoyed!!!

Personality change?  Pshaw!!  Would never happen to me.

Cheers and beers,

Brian down under.

Brian, that was soo fucking funny...and I thank you for the laugh mate.

Funny? I thought the old basket was being serious for a change. ;)

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