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Message started by rick405 on Nov 14th, 2008 at 9:35am

Title: MSG
Post by rick405 on Nov 14th, 2008 at 9:35am
Has anyone cut out the MSG in there diet?  Went to Chinese restaurant last sat night. Ate, paid, got in the car and by the time I was out of the parking lot BAM!!! It hit like a sledge hammer, so home to my new bright and shinny O2 tank I go. A friend of mine mentioned MSG so I looked it up and it has been known to trigger "extreme headaches". I have now read every food label I have and have not eaten any MSG since last Saturday. I have been pain free for almost a week now, by far the longest remission I have had in 3 years! Has anyone had a similar experience good or bad with this? I certainly don't want to give anyone false hope including myself.

Title: Re: MSG
Post by CH-HELL on Nov 14th, 2008 at 10:03am
 MSG is a trigger for me I aviod it when ever I can,  small amounts dont trigger a hit for me most of the time by why risk it.  IMO stay away from it like its the plague.
 Glad to hear your having some pf time,   Phil 8-)

Title: Re: MSG
Post by Jeannie on Nov 14th, 2008 at 10:12am
MSG is a trigger for me as well.  However, avoiding it, while in cycle, did not result in total pain free time for me.  I'm am glad that you are experiencing that effect though!  I hope it continues forever!


Title: Re: MSG
Post by midwestbeth on Nov 14th, 2008 at 10:38am
It's a trigger and also makes me swell up.  I avoid it.


Title: Re: MSG
Post by AlienSpaceGuy on Nov 14th, 2008 at 11:19am
MSG is one of the worst nerve poisons, and it's pushers should be persecuted like other drug dealers.

But there's a huge lobby behind MSG who plays down the devastating effects of their poison, with forged 'research' papers.

Not only can MSG trigger a cluster attack, but it is the main reason for all the obese people around.

Read about the facts of the poison MSG, and how it's promoters fool the public and the health authorities, at:

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Title: Re: MSG
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 15th, 2008 at 5:17am
A lot of people here stay away from MSG. I got hit ONCE after eating at a Chinese place, but never again and I eat Chinese a lot.

Same with beer - some do and some don't... Beer used to be a BIG trigger for me (stayed away from it totally for about 12-13 years) and then one night drank one and "NOTHING". Don't overdo it, but occasionally I do drink one. Never had a twinge since.

My point -- triggers are tricky.. here today - tomorrow anybody's guess????

Hugs BD

Title: Re: MSG
Post by DennisM1045 on Nov 15th, 2008 at 6:15am
When I'm in cycle MSG is a huge trigger.  No Chinese for me  ::)


Title: Re: MSG
Post by jon019 on Nov 15th, 2008 at 2:50pm
Hi Rick,

Absolutely...MSG is a trigger for me. When episodic I could eat it without worry in between cycles (same as alcohol). Now chronic and MSG will trigger a cycle or extend one...I have to avoid in ALL forms...which is the key.

It's a hidden sad truth of the food industry that MSG is contained in MANY processed foods. Research it on the web, autolyzed vegetable protein, fermented foods (think soy sauce), natural flavorings, cheese...and on and on..all contain msg. Read your food labels very carefully. The higher on the list the higher the content.

Also research glutamic acid, a natural occurring component of many foods. For myself, tomatoes are a killer (which is beyond painful for me, I can give up beer but Italian food, oh my). The body treats it like msg, and there are lots of foods (like tomatoes) with lots...

AND, aspartame (artificial sweetener) has all the same effects for me...



Title: Re: MSG
Post by Lenny on Nov 15th, 2008 at 4:31pm

wrote on Nov 14th, 2008 at 10:38am:
It's a trigger and also makes me swell up.  I avoid it.


I get hit weather i have msg or not (so i dont know if it's a trigger for me).....When i was younger i would swell up at the site of a good looking female,now that i am older (and not wiser ) it take's a good meal for me to swell ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D PFDAN to all

Title: Re: MSG
Post by KJ on Nov 15th, 2008 at 9:08pm
Yep, msg is the Bomb for me! I learned how to find it, avoid it, and it helped a ton. It's funny to see folks say they avoid Chinese food, and therefore they don't eat MSG. Lookout, it's everywhere.

Jon mentioned glutamic was a sad day when I went mushroom hunting, found a bunch of morels, cooked 'em up and got whacked. Apparently they are high in glutamic acid. Dammit!

Anyway, sounds like you are on to something....good luck!

Title: Re: MSG
Post by chris420 on Nov 16th, 2008 at 1:00am
if i eat chinese with MSG it gives me a violent HA, some of the worst pain ive ever felt, past a kip 10. so when i order it has to be no MSG.

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