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Message started by NeilB on Nov 13th, 2008 at 3:43pm

Title: Itching ear
Post by NeilB on Nov 13th, 2008 at 3:43pm
I'm pretty sure it's related, I get a maddening itch inside my ear (on the side of my headaches). And when I get an attack, the whole ear starts itching like mad.
Does anyone else get this?


Title: Re: Itching ear
Post by Pixie-elf on Nov 13th, 2008 at 11:28pm
Well, does it only happen during a cluster? A LOT of people have pain in the ear/around the ear, myself included...

Never had it itch myself... But I don't doubt the beast could do it. My ear (left only) has has tinnitius in it sometimes during attacks.

Title: Re: Itching ear
Post by Rolomatic on Nov 14th, 2008 at 12:34am
Tinnitus is ringing in the ear? No itch there! ;)

Everyone’s different when it comes to how we are affected. Anything on the trigeminal nerve is fair game for the beast.

I get the nerve twitch inside my ear and it drives me nuts when I’m getting hit .

I also notice an increased light sensitivity during these periods.

CH is a mean and diverse animal to deal with.

Rolo.. ;)

Title: Re: Itching ear
Post by NeilB on Nov 14th, 2008 at 3:29am
During shadows, the itch is deep within my ear, it feels like the eardrum is itching. But when an attack is coming, it spreads to my whole ear. I think it has just found another way to torture me.
Oh, and also my nose, often at the beginning of an attack, the left nostril itches so much it makes me sneeze. (Left is my side).
Actually, this has started happening since the neuro increased my verpamil dose to 320mg twice daily, dunno if that's relevant.
My MRI scan was clear, by the way, so it looks like you are stuck with me.


Title: Re: Itching ear
Post by BarbaraD on Nov 14th, 2008 at 5:25am
My ear gets a "cramp" but no itch.

Get the itch in left (CH side) nostril and get on a sneezing kick. Feels like a "sting" more than an itch.

Hugs BD

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