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Message started by chris420 on Nov 13th, 2008 at 11:14am

Title: this morning
Post by chris420 on Nov 13th, 2008 at 11:14am
....the beast can for a visit to let me know he hasn't left yet. i thought with the mild hits ive had this week that it was almost over. it is raining here in norfolk, does that have anything at all to do with having a HA. like when a front drops through your area? ive been trying my whole life to try and put the two together. i just went and stood infront of the freezer and breated that cold air. about 15 min of that, i aborted. but he kicked my ass in a big way. it drained me to say the least. especially being woke up with a kip 7. im at this point just trying to let it run its course naturally. 2 yrs ago when i had a cycle i didnt have ANY meds to take and the cycle was only 3 mo long. so, i think im gonna tough it out until we get some O2. im gonna go look today since its kels' day off. thanx everybody for your help. you have all made this cycle a little bit easier. all the support and help. this web stie is a life saver!!

Title: Re: this morning
Post by Jeannie on Nov 13th, 2008 at 11:23am
I may have missed it but are you on ANY prevents?  It may be time to look into some methods that keep you from getting a hit.  I understand not wanting to use triptans as they do cause rebounds.  Of course we are all happy to hear that you are not relying on narcotics to abort.   I do hope that you find you magic bullet to end this cycle soon.  In the mean time, have you tried an energy drink at the on set of a HA?  Maybe it would speed up the time it takes for the freezer air to work.  Just a thought.

Take care,


Title: Re: this morning
Post by chris420 on Nov 13th, 2008 at 1:44pm
the energy drink think has been brought up numerous times. i am just scared to try it as i think caffine is a trigger for me. ill try it, but the thought of intensifying a hit just scares the life out of me. ill try it and let yall know. nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

Title: Re: this morning
Post by Linda_Howell on Nov 13th, 2008 at 2:21pm
Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, which is what we need when we are getting hit.  It is what Imitrex does.  Contricts the arteries.  It is also what cold from that freezer does.  

Title: Re: this morning
Post by chris420 on Nov 13th, 2008 at 2:43pm
i wll try it

Title: Re: this morning
Post by barry_sword on Nov 13th, 2008 at 6:36pm
How did you make out getting the o2 today? I hope all went well and you have it at home. Please let us know. :)

Title: Re: this morning
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 13th, 2008 at 6:47pm

barry_sword wrote on Nov 13th, 2008 at 6:36pm:
How did you make out getting the o2 today? I hope all went well and you have it at home. Please let us know. :)

   Yep, please tell us.

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Title: Re: this morning
Post by MaxPayne on Nov 14th, 2008 at 3:20am
Hi Chris, I haven't used any meds this time around and the cycle was 4 weeks shorter than usual, and the k10's has also been fewer. Think I'll stick to that path as long as I don't become chronic. I feel I can deal pretty good with the pain, even though it is a b****

All the best!

PS: When the barometer drops, my headaches always escalates, and I have also noticed that the pain intensifies at full moon (Might be som sort of tidaleffect, hell if I know).

PPS: Have you tried doing push ups when you feel a HA coming on? Helped me alot during this cycle ;D

Title: Re: this morning
Post by Just Plain Carl on Nov 14th, 2008 at 7:21am
and I have also noticed that the pain intensifies at full moon

maybe you are part werewolf  :)

Title: Re: this morning
Post by MaxPayne on Nov 14th, 2008 at 7:35am

Title: Re: this morning
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 14th, 2008 at 12:19pm

ChefChris wrote on Nov 13th, 2008 at 11:14am:
....the beast can for a visit to let me know he hasn't left yet. i thought with the mild hits ive had this week that it was almost over. it is raining here in norfolk, does that have anything at all to do with having a HA. like when a front drops through your area? ive been trying my whole life to try and put the two together. i just went and stood infront of the freezer and breated that cold air. about 15 min of that, i aborted. but he kicked my ass in a big way. it drained me to say the least. especially being woke up with a kip 7. im at this point just trying to let it run its course naturally. 2 yrs ago when i had a cycle i didnt have ANY meds to take and the cycle was only 3 mo long. so, i think im gonna tough it out until we get some O2. im gonna go look today since its kels' day off. thanx everybody for your help. you have all made this cycle a little bit easier. all the support and help. this web stie is a life saver!!


Title: Re: this morning
Post by chris420 on Nov 19th, 2008 at 10:18am
potter, please refrain reading the post i put up because yoy are a pessimistic person. i dont care to ever recivve your help. so jst leave me alolne. you arethe most negative person on this sith. LEAVE ME ALONE!!! im sick of you being the only smart ass around there and ive had ENOUGH of your abuse. im not a troll so until you know me , find someone else to throw your shiit on.
you are a negative, mean person. so keep i to yourself.

Title: Re: this morning
Post by sandie99 on Nov 19th, 2008 at 10:42am

you mentioned that you're bit scared to try them. You said that you will and I hope that you will give them a go in some point.

I was bit scared to try them myself, but then I did and they've been a huge help to me ever since. In fact, I keep a can or two at home at all times!

I do hope that you'll be PF soon, with the help of energy drinks or otherwise.

PF days your way,

Title: Re: this morning
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 19th, 2008 at 1:03pm

ChefChris wrote on Nov 19th, 2008 at 10:18am:
potter, please refrain reading the post i put up because yoy are a pessimistic person. i dont care to ever recivve your help. so jst leave me alolne. you arethe most negative person on this sith. LEAVE ME ALONE!!! im sick of you being the only smart ass around there and ive had ENOUGH of your abuse. im not a troll so until you know me , find someone else to throw your shiit on.
you are a negative, mean person. so keep i to yourself.

Title: Re: this morning
Post by maalstroom on Nov 19th, 2008 at 5:03pm

Potter wrote on Nov 14th, 2008 at 12:19pm:

ChefChris wrote on Nov 13th, 2008 at 11:14am:
....the beast can for a visit to let me know he hasn't left yet. i thought with the mild hits ive had this week that it was almost over. it is raining here in norfolk, does that have anything at all to do with having a HA. like when a front drops through your area? ive been trying my whole life to try and put the two together. i just went and stood infront of the freezer and breated that cold air. about 15 min of that, i aborted. but he kicked my ass in a big way. it drained me to say the least. especially being woke up with a kip 7. im at this point just trying to let it run its course naturally. 2 yrs ago when i had a cycle i didnt have ANY meds to take and the cycle was only 3 mo long. so, i think im gonna tough it out until we get some O2. im gonna go look today since its kels' day off. thanx everybody for your help. you have all made this cycle a little bit easier. all the support and help. this web stie is a life saver!!


What is in this post that makes you think we're dealing with a troll, Potter?
Am I missing something?

Or is it just people jumping to conclusion too quickly?

Pascal, puzzled.

Title: Re: this morning
Post by chris420 on Nov 19th, 2008 at 5:07pm
potter just has a shitty attitude towards me, dont know why, but he does.

Title: Re: this morning
Post by Linda_Howell on Nov 19th, 2008 at 10:26pm
I'm not trying to be mean at all here Chris...I've even sent you a package that somehow got lost and cost me money, but I have to ask you this.

How can you be afraid of trying a  silly energy drink when you've been using MORPHINE  for the hits in the past.   That makes no sense to me at all.   Caffeine isn't a trigger for any of us that I know of.  Morphine...well go read Svenns well-thought out post on the locked topic on the General board.  

This is a serious question I am asking you.

Title: Re: this morning
Post by chris420 on Nov 19th, 2008 at 10:30pm
caffine HAS triggered in the past then i way ounger. MT.Dew. im scared it i do drink it, and get an instant kip 10, im fucked not to mentionthe pain. i said i WILL try i oncer and soo what it does. dorsnt that stuff make ou hyper?ccc

Title: Re: this morning
Post by chris420 on Nov 19th, 2008 at 11:42pm
and im not takijng the morphine anymore,

Title: Re: this morning
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 20th, 2008 at 9:04am

ChefChris wrote on Nov 19th, 2008 at 11:42pm:
and im not takijng the morphine anymore,

          Your story(lie) changes more often than I change socks.

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Title: Re: this morning
Post by Jeannie on Nov 20th, 2008 at 9:35am
Chris tells me that he is out of cycle now.   Hopefully with the knowledge he has gotten here, he will be better informed to make better choices for aborting / preventing  his CH next time around.


Title: Re: this morning
Post by George_J on Nov 20th, 2008 at 9:47am

ChefChris wrote on Nov 19th, 2008 at 11:42pm:
and im not takijng the morphine anymore,

You...just up and quit using morphine?  Where's your doctor in all this?  

I'm getting a little lost here, Chris.  I haven't been following too closely, but I recall a whole laundry list of prescription meds you listed as things you've tried--powerful medications with significant side effects--but you won't drink a Mountain Dew?

Are you still taking any of these medications?  

Are you still smoking weed?  (I'm presuming that the "420" comes from somewhere.)

Then there's the weird stuff about the neighbors.

We've seen a few (very fine) folks here whose postings at times were affected by the chemicals they were taking.  Sometimes the things they wrote didn't make any sense.  Which I understand.  

Is that what's going on here?  Because some of this isn't making any sense to me.

I'm not out to "get" you, despite what you or anyone else might think.  Some good people here have actually talked to you, and vouched for you.  I'd just like to know whether I'm talking to Chris, or to the chemicals.

Best wishes, (and I truly mean that)


Title: Re: this morning
Post by chris420 on Nov 20th, 2008 at 9:56am
now it is day 4 and no HA. i think its safe to say that the fucking beast has gone on vacation. I feeel better than i have in months. they ALL told me how much better i look. these are people that have see me go through hits and been there for me with water and tissues. they are the few people that are close enough to me that i dont mind them seeing me go through a hit. these people are my friends that care about me. it feels like fearing that if i leave the househas given me my life back. I am so thankful. God i am soooooooooo thankful. this is life, waking up at 8, be daddy to my son, be a boyfriend to kels, and the other joys of life not looking over myy shoulder to see if the beast is coming. WOW!! what a great feeling. until next time, and he doesnt stand a chance next time, sorry to say for him.

Title: Re: this morning
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 20th, 2008 at 10:03am

ChefChris wrote on Nov 20th, 2008 at 9:56am:
now it is day 4 and no HA. i think its safe to say that the fucking beast has gone on vacation. I feeel better than i have in months. they ALL told me how much better i look. these are people that have see me go through hits and been there for me with water and tissues. they are the few people that are close enough to me that i dont mind them seeing me go through a hit. these people are my friends that care about me. it feels like fearing that if i leave the househas given me my life back. I am so thankful. God i am soooooooooo thankful. this is life, waking up at 8, be daddy to my son, be a boyfriend to kels, and the other joys of life not looking over myy shoulder to see if the beast is coming. WOW!! what a great feeling. until next time, and he doesnt stand a chance next time, sorry to say for him.

  See George It's all good.


Title: Re: this morning
Post by chris420 on Nov 20th, 2008 at 10:08am
i took morhine for 3 weeks. and have stopped. no withdraw, nothing. if i were on it for months, i could see a doctors help, but i have will power. arter being an addict in my earlier 20's i learned about the opiates. 3 weeks is hardly enough time to get addicted to the shit. your boy potter calls me a liar, he doesnt know shit about me. he doesnt know how strong of a person i am, so until he does he needs to keep his fucked up opinions to himself.
potter just because youre a junkie doesnt mean the others here are to. grow up. 8-)

Title: Re: this morning
Post by maalstroom on Nov 20th, 2008 at 10:25am
Would be nice to see the namecalling stop.
One is calling the other a liar, the latter calls the first a junkie.

I come here to see if there are people who're in need of help or advice, not to hear people bitch about eachother.


Title: Re: this morning
Post by chris420 on Nov 20th, 2008 at 10:28am
pottre has  dogger me from day 1. i was asking for help. he labled me a "troll"

Title: Re: this morning
Post by Ray on Nov 20th, 2008 at 7:35pm

maalstroom wrote on Nov 20th, 2008 at 10:25am:
Would be nice to see the namecalling stop.
One is calling the other a liar, the latter calls the first a junkie.

I come here to see if there are people who're in need of help or advice, not to hear people bitch about eachother.


Pascal has stated my opinion well.

Tot Ziens,


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