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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications,  Treatments,  Therapies >> i hear..

Message started by chris420 on Nov 9th, 2008 at 10:14am

Title: i hear..
Post by chris420 on Nov 9th, 2008 at 10:14am
all this talk of prednisone, has anyone ever tried decadron? ive had luck with it on and off over the past years.

Title: Re: i hear..
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 9th, 2008 at 10:17am
I got ya figgered out.  You just want a magic pill.  Get the oxygen...........or not.


Title: Re: i hear..
Post by chris420 on Nov 9th, 2008 at 10:19am
no i dont. ive been told you have to break the cycle and then you can work on the rest of it. is that true?

Title: Re: i hear..
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 9th, 2008 at 10:24am

ChefChris wrote on Nov 9th, 2008 at 10:19am:
no i dont. ive been told you have to break the cycle and then you can work on the rest of it. is that true?

What a crock of shit.  You need to abort every headache.  Cycles may or may not be broken by drugs.  I think not.


Title: Re: i hear..
Post by wildhaus on Nov 9th, 2008 at 11:07am

I have read your variues threads, and It makes me wonder, do you try
and listen to the help extended to you by many, and try to absorber just
some of the vast know how aqumelated on and some of the links
that are offered....

Take a chair and read, try to learn, as I see it you don't know it all, if at all
ask, yes! but don't come with dictum's you have no idea about!

Be some what more humble, I believe you try to get help........  but you don't
go around (like a cucumber) trying to tech the gardener how to grow cucumbers,
it just dose not work......

And O2 is not only a good way to get a CH episode under control, it is the first step
one should try to abort an episode! and not resort to heavy medication....

But like I say, seems you know it better...... and have all the know how....... so why
do you still ask for help.......


Title: Re: i hear..
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 9th, 2008 at 11:14am

wildhaus wrote on Nov 9th, 2008 at 11:07am:

I have read your variues threads, and It makes me wonder, do you try
and listen to the help extended to you by many, and try to absorber just
some of the vast know how aqumelated on and some of the links
that are offered....

Take a chair and read, try to learn, as I see it you don't know it all, if at all
ask, yes! but don't come with dictum's you have no idea about!

Be some what more humble, I believe you try to get help........  but you don't
go around (like a cucumber) trying to tech the gardener how to grow cucumbers,
it just dose not work......

And O2 is not only a good way to get a CH episode under control, it is the first step
one should try to abort an episode! and not resort to heavy medication....

But like I say, seems you know it better...... and have all the know how....... so why
do you still ask for help.......


  Perfectly said.


Title: Re: i hear..
Post by chris420 on Nov 9th, 2008 at 11:19am
wow.....if i didn't want help, i wouldn't be here. im asking questions as i remember thinks ive heard from docs over the past 20 years. no i don't know it all. thats why i ask questions. i want to learn how to beat this. and if you have been keeping up with me, you'd know i want to be taking 0 pills. i never WANT to take/look at another pill as long as i live. but i know thats not an option. i resort to the other shit as a LAST resort. but after we get O2 i won't need that shit anymore, right?

Title: Re: i hear..
Post by mezza on Nov 9th, 2008 at 11:28am

Some people take prednisone as a transition drug while a preventative builds in their system.  People usually stock their arsenol with abortives with O2 being the first line.  Others use triptans ( immitrex, frova, zomig)  while others chug coffee and red bull at first sign of a hit.  Some people take melatonin at night 6-12 mg to avoid the night time hit and get some much needed rest.  Some swear by magnesium etc etc.   There is no magic bullet that works for everyone.  Also some will say that meds extend cycles etc etc.  Some use the clusterbuster method .  

Has someone posted that 'plainboard' link for you?  It lists treatment options.  I'll look in a minute and see.


Title: Re: i hear..
Post by mezza on Nov 9th, 2008 at 11:34am
see dennis' reply to you in the 'advice' thread you started- it lists lots of links

the specific one I was referring to above and which was already posted by Dennis is

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Title: Re: i hear..
Post by barry_sword on Nov 9th, 2008 at 11:48am
Chris, good morning. My last two cycles I took a Prednisone taper to abort the CH and it stopped it in it's track. This kept the beast at bay until my Verapamil absorbed into my system. (almost two weeks) I did not like how the Pred. made my body feel, I needed to try something else.

When I started this new cycle I took the advise of some of the vets here and asked my neuro for o2 to abort the CH's instead of the Pred. WOW!!!!Miracle in a bottle! The Verap keeps the CH's at bay for the most part. The odd one sneaks through my barrier but that is better than all the hits every night.

There are other meds and options available, keep reading. Best of luck tomorrow getting your o2, remember:
15 LPM with a non-rebreather mask and get on it at the very first sign of an on-coming hit. Let us know how you make out.

  Barry :)

Title: Re: i hear..
Post by chris420 on Nov 9th, 2008 at 11:59am
how much should all of this cost me? the tank, mask, ect.?

Title: Re: i hear..
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 9th, 2008 at 12:46pm
 Bout the same as an ounce of that there dank weed.


Title: Re: i hear..
Post by barry_sword on Nov 9th, 2008 at 12:51pm
Canadian prices are different than the U.S. Here in Canada I pay $100.00 Can. a year for the rental of my "M"tank (about 3 feet tall) with the regulator. The o2 itself is $37.00 per fill-up. The non-rebreather mask is about $7:00 each.

I also have a couple of smaller "E" tanks, (about 2 feet tall) for my car and workplace and they run us about $70.00 rental for the two for the year and $25.00 per tank to fill.

I am fortunate to have Angie's insurance cover 80% of all o2 costs. This is medical o2 I use. If I could not get it anymore for whatever reason, we sell welders o2 tanks at my workplace and I would be signed up with a contract in a second. Medical o2 is a little cheaper than welders o2 here. I hope this helps you in some way. :)

Title: Re: i hear..
Post by TarHeel-blues on Nov 9th, 2008 at 12:52pm

Potter wrote on Nov 9th, 2008 at 12:46pm:
 Bout the same as an ounce of that there dank weed.


i paid out of pocket and my cost was 75 bucks and i got=1-M tank with 15lpm reg....3-e tanks with 15 lpm reg....10 bucks to refill e-tanks and 30 to refill m


Title: Re: i hear..
Post by wildhaus on Nov 9th, 2008 at 2:26pm
Well, Just so I make my self very clear……  I do think you are seeking help,
and yes I do try and keep up with you, I have way to much time on hand, I
am still on sick leave due to the Occipital brain stimulators (OBS) surgery!
[See post on Cluster Headache Help and Support, Medications, Treatments, Therapies,
Occipital brain stimulators (OBS)]
So, as on some (if not most) of the answers to your questions you have been given direction
to some links, where you would, if you take the time and read, try to educate your self, try to
explore the know how “hidden” on the links, you would find most of the answers, and if the
answers there are not satisfactory, then do ask for clarification, with reference to the link you are
talking about!
I believe some good (very good) people acuminated on the various links quit a bit of comprehensive
answers, directions, treatment alternatives, be it abortive or combination of various preventive alternatives.
With all that information you can start and make educated decision, and long term treatment alternatives
which with you can go to a Neuro. and seek help…… professional help…. we are not Dr’s we can only
provide you with, on one hand understanding and support on the other with directing to the various
alternatives for treatments that work for us!

To the O2, Ask some of our good O2 angels Pete or Chuck or Jonny (and many more) we call them pushers…
they can, not only provide you with direction of how to use, they can (and will) help you with finding out
how to get O2, be it medical grade or other alternatives……
Just as I said in my previous post be humble, you don’t know much and what you think you know,
is not much…. from what I read!

(Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional)

Title: Re: i hear..
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Nov 9th, 2008 at 3:28pm
I have not taken either of those steriods.  Those are taken to bridge you into your preventative medication.  

I understand you are broke.  I think we all are.  If you can get a script for O2 from your doc and can get O2 from an O2 supplier, I dont imagine it will cost you more than $75 per month.  I don't have insurance and it costs me $30 per month for unlimited tanks of O2 and several regulators for both M and E tanks.  Back when I had insurance, it cost me $6 per month.

We are trying to help you get immediate relief.  Being that you are broke, oxygen, melatonin, benadryl and coffee are about your best options.  You need to be able to abort a hit.

Title: Re: i hear..
Post by MPMIII on Nov 10th, 2008 at 8:37am

I was on decadron for a month.  Not a single hit in that month,  but....

Threw up constantly.
Gained 12 pounds.
Slept no more than 2.5 hours a night.
Too many other side effects to list.

Basically it sucked and as soon as I came off they were back.  All for nothing.  Stay away from it.

If you are looking for a magic pill, it is not there.  I was looking for a magic pill at one time and never found it.  What I did find years of experience on this site.  These folks know what works and does not. They have run the gauntlet and survived.  Listen to them.  I am a chronic and have found relief through verapamil, O2 and imitrex.  This website got me there.

You will need to make sacrifices.  Bypass the that bag of weed and get an O2 tank. It works.  No booze when in cycle.   Personal responsibility and the ability to listen and learn from these guys  will get you some pain free time.  Best of luck.



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