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Message started by billyjoe on Oct 30th, 2008 at 12:22pm

Title: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by billyjoe on Oct 30th, 2008 at 12:22pm
I just got my O2 script but the provider only has 15lpm and so far I haven't found a 25 lpm on ebay.  Last time I tried O2, I had minimal success and from my reading here, it sounds like getting a lot of pure O2 is a key part of success.  I don't want to get back on the trex train and want to see if I can get O2 to work.  Can anyone suggest where I can get a 25 LPM regulator?

p.s. I'm in a hurry for obvious reasons.

Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 30th, 2008 at 12:28pm
What size tank do you need it for?  The "E" or the "M"?

Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by billyjoe on Oct 30th, 2008 at 12:29pm
M Size.  I found this one for $85. Soes this sound reasonable?
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Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 30th, 2008 at 12:46pm
Nope!  That is for the "E" tank.  That one has a CGA870 connector.  You need a CGA540 connection.

I don't see one, on that site.

I have been watching eBay for one, as I try to keep spares on hand, for those that need them. but as of right now, none are on the site, nor do I have any.

I will keep looking for you.


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 30th, 2008 at 12:52pm
Here is one, that I just found.  I don't know of the quality of it, but it LOOKS like a good one.

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Still looking.


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by billyjoe on Oct 30th, 2008 at 1:10pm
I just bought that one.  Thanks Chuck so muck for your help!  I don't like the price, but it's cheaper than one box of Trex.  I wish I could have gotten one at a store, but I'll just have to wait for the UPS man.  Hopefully the 15 lpm will work.


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by ClusterChuck on Oct 30th, 2008 at 1:27pm
Let me know how it works out.  Maybe I can help you get better results.

Are you using a non-rebreathing mask?  It is the one that fits over your mouth and nose, and has a bag to collect the supply.

The best mask to buy, is the one that Linde offers for $25.00.  The link to it is at the tab, on the left: oxygen info ... The big advantage to those masks are the seal that you get to your face, especially if you have any facial hair.

Let me know.


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by billyjoe on Oct 30th, 2008 at 2:28pm
Just placed the order for that also.  No excuses now  ;)


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by Marc on Nov 5th, 2008 at 3:30pm

ClusterChuck wrote on Oct 30th, 2008 at 12:46pm:
Nope!  That is for the "E" tank.  That one has a CGA870 connector.  You need a CGA540 connection..................................


Am I the only one who has E tanks with CGA540 fittings?


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 5th, 2008 at 10:50pm

Marc wrote on Nov 5th, 2008 at 3:30pm:
Am I the only one who has E tanks with CGA540 fittings?

I have never heard of an “E” tank with a CGA540 connector.  I am not saying you don’t have one, it is just that I never heard of one, set up that way.

Here are pictures of the connectors:
“E” tank with CGA870 connections
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“M” tankd with CGA540 connections
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Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by billyjoe on Nov 6th, 2008 at 9:59am
For my “M” tank, the CGA540 connection is correct.  25 LPM is excellent!


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by Marc on Nov 6th, 2008 at 11:09am
;D Yes I do understand the difference and what is most common. I got this all sorted out back in 1999 with Jonny's help.

Hence my question: "Am I the only one?"  These came from my local O2 supplier in Central California before I moved this summer. All of their tanks from M4 to M are CGA540 - the 4 that I have were built in 2005.

So now you have heard of 540's on E tanks (Propably a left coast thing, Chuck  ;)) FWIW, they told me that 540 is the original standard connector and the 870 style came along later.

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I kind of like the standardization - covered for M's to welding tanks.


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 6th, 2008 at 12:26pm

Marc wrote on Nov 6th, 2008 at 11:09am:
So now you have heard of 540's on E tanks (Propably a left coast thing, Chuck  ;)) FWIW, they told me that 540 is the original standard connector and the 870 style came along later.

Marc, that sure LOOKS like an "E" tank, and that is DEFINITELY a CGA540 connector!

I have mixed feelings about it, though.  It IS nice that one style regulator will fit all your tanks, BUT, I find that the CGA870 regulator is easier to find, especially in the higher flow rates.

I guess it just shows to go you that even an old fart like me can learn something new!

As to your original question, I think you just MIGHT be the only one with CGA540 "E" tanks!  

You have moved to a different location.  Do you have trouble getting those tanks filled, with your new supplier?  ALSO, do you own those tanks?  My supplier will not fill any tanks, that are not theirs.  I have several tanks, in my storage area, that I can't do anything with, because they won't fill them.

VERY interesting!


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by Marc on Nov 6th, 2008 at 1:16pm

These four E's still belong to the O2 supplier in CA. I told them that I was taking them with me to Texas, and would send them back empty. Well.......they are empty but I'm going to see if they will let me buy them for a low price.

You are of course correct that I will never get anyone to fill them, so I'm about to pick a welding T tank and a transfill rig as discussed in SharkBoy's thread. The local welding supply guy wants $65 year tank lease unless I end up buying O2 monthly.

I'm going to buy or build something like this:

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(yes, I'm very familiar with high pressure gasses)

I got my CG540 regulators from RJ a few years ago when he bought up someone's excess stock of used regulators.

Chuck, did you take the pictures above? If so, congrats on the D60!


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Nov 6th, 2008 at 4:12pm
First of all, I agree with Chuck.  He is an old fart.

Second, Marc, those tanks are from Apria, right?  Just find the Apria branch closest to you and go exchange them.  I'm not sure if they will have the E tank with the 540 reg, but they certainly have O2.

You can not ship those tanks, even empty.  If you must ship them, they require you to use a $300 box for each tank to protect from a blowout.  Then, the cost of the shipping for each box is some stupid amount due to the UN1072 rating on the tank.

Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by Rolomatic on Nov 6th, 2008 at 4:23pm
New, configured how you want it $135-200 plus shiping.

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Roland. ;)

Edit to add; they custom make the regulators with any fitting you want and flow up to 60 LPM . It takes 2 weeks for them to assemble one so be patient. They are FAA and medically rated so you can submit for insurance reimbursement.

Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by Marc on Nov 6th, 2008 at 7:51pm

BMoneeTheMoneeMan wrote on Nov 6th, 2008 at 4:12pm:
........Marc, those tanks are from Apria, right?  .....................

.........You can not ship those tanks, even empty.........

Nope, they belong to small, single location medical supply house.
Not being able to ship them at standard rates may be theoretically correct..................


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by Marc on Nov 6th, 2008 at 7:56pm

ClusterChuck wrote on Nov 6th, 2008 at 12:26pm:

Marc wrote on Nov 6th, 2008 at 11:09am:
So now you have heard of 540's on E tanks (Propably a left coast thing, Chuck  ;)) FWIW, they told me that 540 is the original standard connector and the 870 style came along later.

I have mixed feelings about it, though.  It IS nice that one style regulator will fit all your tanks, BUT, I find that the CGA870 regulator is easier to find, especially in the higher flow rates.........


I believe that you just pointed one out in this thread.

Having one these is also handy:
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Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by billyjoe on Nov 7th, 2008 at 7:52am
I just received my LifeGas O2PtiMask (Oxygen Info on left <--) and I had to look at the picture on this site to figure how to put it together.  Some instructions would have been nice :)  

Anyways, I noticed that when I exhale, a lot of air comes out the front of the mask, by my nose.  Some does come straight out the check value, and I seem to be re-breathing a good amount from the bag.  Is this the correct way to use this mask or are there some tricks to get the most out of this mask?  I was used to using the mask with the holes and blocking them on inhale.  I do like the comfort factor and the tight seal of this mask.


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by Skyhawk5 on Nov 7th, 2008 at 10:28am
Yes, just inhale, exhale. The bag is full of O2, so your supposed to get it from there.
The best thing about this mask to me is the 3 litrer bag (hope you got that) you don't colapse it,  making aborts way faster, therefore saving O2. You'll see what I mean.

The beast is in trouble now.  Good Luck,  Don

Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by Rolomatic on Nov 7th, 2008 at 10:49am
Hello Billyjoe.

Check the valve seal (rubber disk) to see that it is sealing when you exhale. Sometimes it gets pinched as you press the exhale valve onto the feeder valve.

And maybe give the mouthpiece a try. I find it far better than a mask and if you are a smoker it will come naturally.

Good luck and keep at it. The oxygen is the best when the bag stays full enough for you get a full breath without completely emptying the bag. If you need more flow get a high flow regulator ASAP to get the full benefit of its use. I personally would say a full grown male will need 25 LPM at onset tapered down to 15 or 10 LPM for at least 5 minuets after the pain falls back to prevent relapse.

I find that my hits will run from 30 – 45 min. and if I abort in 10 min. and don’t stay on for at least 15 min. I will get my friend back and have to start all over. It accually saves on the O2 because you will need fewer aborts.

PFW’s, ;)


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 7th, 2008 at 11:51am

billyjoe wrote on Nov 7th, 2008 at 7:52am:
Anyways, I noticed that when I exhale, a lot of air comes out the front of the mask, by my nose.  Some does come straight out the check value, and I seem to be re-breathing a good amount from the bag.  

I am glad that you have the good mask!

I am concerned that you feel so much air escaping around the mask.  I wonder if you have the green valve assembly in correctly.  This picture that I have is not of the Optimask, but of Ben's Clustermasx, but I think it is the same valve mechanism.  Make sure you have it assembled correctly.
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Make sure the arrows on the little yellow strips are pointing the way that they are shown in my picture.  Also, as was mentioned, make sure none of the check valves are pinched or deformed in any way.

Let me know if you still have questions.


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by ClusterChuck on Nov 7th, 2008 at 11:58am

Marc wrote on Nov 6th, 2008 at 1:16pm:
Chuck, did you take the pictures above? If so, congrats on the D60!

Marc, if you are referring to the pictures in my posts, yes I did take them.  How did you know that I took them with my Nikon D60?  LOL

I have two cameras that I use.  The Nikon, and my older Konica Minolta DiMAGE Z5.  A lot of the times, it depends which one is handy, as to which one I use.  OBVIOUSLY the Nikon is a MUCH better camera, so for certain pictures I search out that one.


Title: Re: Help: Can't find 25 LPM regulator
Post by Marc on Nov 7th, 2008 at 1:27pm

ClusterChuck wrote on Nov 7th, 2008 at 11:58am:

Marc wrote on Nov 6th, 2008 at 1:16pm:
Chuck, did you take the pictures above? If so, congrats on the D60!

Marc, if you are referring to the pictures in my posts, yes I did take them.  How did you know that I took them with my Nikon D60?  LOL

I have two cameras that I use.  The Nikon, and my older Konica Minolta DiMAGE Z5.  A lot of the times, it depends which one is handy, as to which one I use.  OBVIOUSLY the Nikon is a MUCH better camera, so for certain pictures I search out that one.


The Clustermasx picture above was shot with your Minolta
At 11/7/2008 at 11:19 and 53 seconds
Zoomed to 10.28mm, 1/40th of second at f7.1

If I could keep a straight face, I'd say that I'm just really good  ;D But, I have an exif file reader that shows the imbedded camera data

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