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Message started by MrsT on Oct 26th, 2008 at 6:59am

Title: Imitrex hell..........
Post by MrsT on Oct 26th, 2008 at 6:59am
For some reason, I developed Imitrex intolerance/sensitivity after I used injections in one episode when it first came out (15 years ago?).  It does work like a magic, but any more than 1/3 a shot makes me throw up in no time (but aborts the CH).  Yes, I'd rather throw up than put up with the pain.  But exhaustion from the pain AND vomiting is something I want to avoid if all possible.

Since then I've found out 100mg tablets cut in quarters can abort the HA in less than half an hour, while O2 is suppressing the pain.  About a week ago, I jacked it up to two 1/4 pieces, about 40-60mg.  I thought, oh crap, now 1/4 a pill doesn't work too well.  My stomach got upset a couple of days ago, and I had a baaaad feeling about it.

Tonight while I was typing a different post which I never finished, I felt one coming on.  Got up, nuked coffee, took two 1/4 Imitrex, and started O2 in the kitchen.  Less than 10 minutes later, I threw up everything I had for dinner.  Needless to say, I had to leave the O2 while throwing up into the kitchen sink.  Crap again.  My E tank is almost empty.  Yelled at DH who was blasting the movie volume in his room.  He eventually heard me to change the tank for me.  I felt like rolling around on the kitchen floor.

Moved to the bedroom, DH followed me with O2.  NOT WORKING.  Afraid to take anymore Imitrex.  After half an hour, I stopped my last tank of O2 to conserve it until Monday.  Took another 1/4 Imitrex.  Was I having attacks back-to-back??  I went through freezing and sweating repeatedly (I'm not menopausal!).  Now it's been almost 7 hours since the first onset, and I still have a low-grade pain lingering.  Took a small bite of ice cream.  Thinking about another 1/4 pill.

I'm miserable.

We're between insurance until December.  DH checked with the airgas place and found out that the E tank refill is $75 (what a joke).  Purchasing a 50 CF welder's O2 tank is $130 (comes full), with $30 to refill.  I'd need a different regulator, but it sounds like that's the way to go.

Usually after the CH takes its "course", my head is clear as if nothing happened, and I get to sleep like a baby from exhaustion.  I can't get rid of this pressure in my skull this time........actually this is the second time in this episode.  Very very depressing.

Just venting.....

Title: Re: Imitrex hell..........
Post by Batch on Oct 26th, 2008 at 7:19am

Check your PM.  There are some excellent options that will help make your oxygen therapy very effective.

Take Care,

V/R, Batch

Title: Re: Imitrex hell..........
Post by BarbaraD on Oct 26th, 2008 at 8:21am
That's WAAAY too much for a REFIL on an E-tank. Call around for a different supplier....

Pay attention to Batch... He knows his O2.

Hope you're better soon.

Hugs BD

P.S. Might try chugging some Red Bull at onset.

Title: Re: Imitrex hell..........
Post by Bob_Johnson on Oct 26th, 2008 at 8:37am
Such significant side effects demands contact with your physician.

Suggest you print out the first of these links and use it as a tool to discuss options with your doc.

Several of us have had excellent results with Zyprexa (olanzapine) and it works quickly plus has the advantage of pill form and a per dose cost which is less than Imitrex, et al. (Mentioned in the first link.)

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Here is a link to read and print and take to your doctor.  It describes preventive, transitional, abortive and surgical treatments for CH. Written by one of the better headache docs in the U.S.  (2002)
Michigan Headache & Neurological Institute for another list of treatments and other articles:

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Title: Re: Imitrex hell..........
Post by MaxPayne on Oct 27th, 2008 at 8:58am
Imitrex can cause rebound headaches, have you tried just laying off it for a coupple of days? It might help. I quit Imitrex all together because of the rebounds and because I believe it prolongs my cycle. I'd rather grit my teeth and do the dance than touch the stuff. The Imitrex pills are a bad idea anyway, you get more of the stuff in you than with nasalspray or injection, and it doesn't really help much for the ongoing attack because it works to slow. Instead it might be rebounding when you really should be painfree. The o2 might be what really aborts your attack while you are waiting for the pill to kick in?

Title: Re: Imitrex hell..........
Post by trevor6606 on Oct 27th, 2008 at 12:53pm
ok so i dont suffer from these headaches but my husband dose and we cannot seem to find a doctor that understands what he goes through.  they keep telling us something like migranies or sinus but we know it is clusters i read some of the posts made by people and i didnt think that anyone else was dealing with this to be honest i thought that he was being a "baby" about a little head ache and now that i read i realize somewhat what he is going through!!! and i feel so helpless when he has the "attacks" my 2year old cant understand why daddy cant play and i dont know what to do or say to him his starts every year around the end of sept begining of oct. and he will deal with this off and on for about 2-3 months. he finds little to no releif in that time with 3-5 eppisodes a day now they have been coming on in the middle of the day while he works (on a roof) they used to be only in the evening and middle of the night.  sometimes he can take something and it works for a few days then it is like he becomes immune to whatever med he takes.  the point to this is we live in a very small city out in the middle of no where in ohio what we need is a doctor that knows and understands this condition can anyone help because the small time country doctor cannot!! please help my email address is public and feel free if anyone can help to drop me a line i am not sure how much more he can handle! :'(

Title: Re: Imitrex hell..........
Post by thebbz on Oct 27th, 2008 at 1:05pm
He can handle it. So can you. You are not helpless and he needs you to be there. If you can find some 02, welders 02 will work. 100% 02 at 15lpm for 15 min should do.You can suck it right out of the hose if you have to. Caffeine and energy drinks can work as well.
Here are some common treatments for CH. START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE
You will need to get referral to a neuro and get the proper diagnosis and treatment.
Check your PMs
all the best

Title: Re: Imitrex hell..........
Post by MrsT on Oct 27th, 2008 at 4:59pm

MaxPayne wrote on Oct 27th, 2008 at 8:58am:
Instead it might be rebounding when you really should be painfree. The o2 might be what really aborts your attack while you are waiting for the pill to kick in?

This bad reaction to Imitrex is not the first time; it's the first time from the pill.  I've never used the nasal spray, but injections always gave me the same nausea except for the very first episode with injections.  Seems like I'm getting more and more sensitive to Imitrex.  I myself would rather throw up than put up with the pain though ::).

I threw up shortly after I took the pill, so I doubt much got into my system to cause rebound.  Batch has been helping me with the O2, and DH is working on getting me a better regulator/flowmeter.   If the higher flow rate works to abort the CH, I would LOVE to get rid of Imitrex altogether too.  And you're right that we really should be pain-free without prolonging the pain for so many hours.

My theory for this long-lasting pain is that the 8L flow wasn't enough to abort the attack without enough Imitrex.  If O2 alone doesn't completely get me pain-free, it's always been my experience that the low-grade pain prolongs or the beast revives to finish its course.

It'll probably be tomorrow to get the new O2 tank and the regulator.  Can't wait!

Title: Re: Imitrex hell..........
Post by TarHeel-blues on Oct 27th, 2008 at 8:30pm
my insurance wouldnt cover my o2 and i just got from medical supplier

1-M tank with 1 15lpm regulator
3-E tanks with 1 15lpm  regulator
all tanks were full
total price $75
i have been chronic for 10 years and have used imitrex inj for all of them but im tired of fighting insurance to be pain free,,so i decided to try o2 because of this place,,i followed the strict guidelines and made sure the supplier gave me what i needed (15lpm) so it would work and not be a waste..well i just used it for the first time and it worked great..i think you should look for a different supplier and keep trying,,and definatly listen to these guys they got me on the right road and i am very greatful for it

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